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I chose the company amazon which

Amazon has a management structure that combines elements of both vertical and horizontal.

On the one hand, the company has a clear hierarchy of leadership and decision-making, with Jeff
Bezos as CEO and other senior executives leading different divisions and business areas.

On the other hand, Amazon also encourages collaboration and innovation throughout the
organization, with multidisciplinary and decentralized work teams that have some autonomy to
make decisions and experiment with new ideas.

In addition, the company uses an "open door" structure that allows any employee to present an
idea or concern directly to a senior executive without having to go through a formal chain of

Some influential leaders are:

Jeff Bezos: He is the founder of Amazon and has been its CEO since its creation. He established the
company's vision and culture, driving its growth into one of the most valuable companies in the

Andy Jassy: He is currently the CEO of Amazon. He has been a key leader in the growth and
expansion of this company.

Werner Vogels: He is the CTO of Amazon and has led the company's technology strategy. He has
been a key advocate for the cloud and has led the evolution of Amazon's cloud services.

Sheryl Sandberg: Although not an Amazon leader, Sandberg is a member of the company's board
of directors and has been an influential adviser to Jeff Bezos. Sandberg is the COO of Facebook and
is known for her experience leading and managing technology companies.

The Controls the leader’s actions

The CEO of Amazon, the leader of the company, has great autonomy in decision-making and in
the strategic direction of the company.

First, the Amazon leader is accountable to the company's board of directors. The board of
directors is made up of a group of independent directors and representatives of the company's
shareholders, and is responsible for supervising the CEO's management and looking out for the
interests of shareholders.

Ultimately, it is Amazon's shareholders who have the ability to control the management of the
company's leader. Shareholders can influence the decisions of the company through their vote
at the annual meeting of shareholders and through the exercise of their ownership rights, such
as the right to submit proposals and to appoint directors to the board of directors.

Some Lesser-known leaders are:

Charlie Bell: He was one of Amazon's first employees and led the creation of Amazon Web
Services, the company's cloud services business.

Dave Clark: He is the current CEO of Amazon's logistics division and has led the growth and
expansion of the company's delivery services.

Jay Carney: Carney played an important role in managing the company's image and reputation and
helped establish Amazon's narrative as a customer-centric company.

Maria Renz: She was the CEO of Amazon's device division and was instrumental in expanding
Amazon's hardware platform and establishing the Amazon brand in the smart device market.

Would the Amazon benefit from a restructuring in management?

Yes, there is always room for improvement and evolution, a restructuring in the management of
Amazon could be beneficial if it is done strategically and carefully.

For example, if the company decides to diversify its lines of business or expand into new
markets, changes to the management structure may be necessary to ensure that operations are
efficient and growth opportunities are taken advantage of.

There may also be specific areas where the company could benefit from a management
shakeup, such as improving coordination between different Amazon divisions or improving
organizational culture and employee engagement.

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