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Integrated Writing Practice 1

-Thesis: Roman empire dead because of too many citizens. Poisoning
-Contaminated food and water

-Thesis: Not a poisoning. Misunderstanding. Not accurate
-Not that much widespread. Not like pollution that factory caused. Factory have been
-Water. Pipeline. Some Roman, but actually aware of poisoning in food and water.

There are many speculations why Roman empire have collapsed. About it, author claimed
that the collapse of Roman empire was because of the rapid increase of citizens led to
Poisoning. However, the speaker contradicted that Poisoning is not an accurate assumption.
The author provided that the part of Roman industry, many factories have made city airs
smoky. However, speaker countered that the pollution was not that much widely spread
around the cities because the Roman government have already moved the factory away from
the city knowing the dirtiness of pollution.
Secondly, author argued that contaminated food and water have poisoned thousands of
Roman citizens. However, speaker casted doubts that actually Romans were aware of
poisoning in food and water even though water pipelines are obsolete.

Integrated Writing Practice 2

-Thesis: Anasazi culture’s decline was because of severe drought.
-Tree ring records. Climate changes. Irrigation system  useless. X enough water supply.
-Preceding boom in Anasazi culture. When they had favorable culture  Increas pop
When they have great drought  pop starve

-Other more devastating factors.
-Not great after all. Lack water X problem. Still enough to survive.
-War. California area, invading territory.

The author claims that Anasazi culture’s decline was because of severe drought. However,
speaker counters that there were actually other devastating factors that made Anasazi’s
The author firstly provides that the tree ring records shows that the based irrigation system
was useless in Great Drought and it led to not enough water supply. The speaker contradicts
to that claim that lack of water was not a big problem. They actually was able to hunt and
farm enough to survive.
Author secondly argues that Anasazi culture was unable to handle the past preceding boom
period’s increased population in great drought. However, speaker casts a doubt that actually
the War with Californian was the problem. Because Californians have invaded the territory of
Anasazi culture, they were unable to take care of enough food supply.

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