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Welding Skills needed by SMAW students.
Review of Related Literature

Welding is a critical skill in the construction and manufacturing industries, and requires a
combination of technical and practical knowledge. Students who wish to become skilled
welders need to have a thorough understanding of welding processes, materials, and
equipment. Additionally, they must possess strong mechanical, geometric, and spatial skills,
as well as a solid foundation in mathematics.

Welding processes: Students should have a good understanding of different welding

processes such as MMA, MIG, TIG, and stick welding. Each process has its own challenges
and requirements, and students must be able to identify which process to use for different
types of welding. They must also become proficient in applying the proper welding
techniques, such as bead placement, heat control, and metal preparation.

Materials: Students must be familiar with different types of welding materials such as
steel, aluminium, and magnesium. They must also understand the properties of the materials
and how they affect the welding process. For example, some metals require preheating or
special fillers to ensure a successful weld.

Geometry and spatial skills: Good spatial skills and an understanding of geometry are
essential for welding. Students must be able to read, interpret, and create engineering
blueprints, as well as accurately measure and mark cutting lines. They must also have a solid
understanding of welding symbols and terminology.

Mathematics: Welding requires a strong foundation in mathematics. Students should be

proficient in geometry, trigonometry, and algebra, as well as basic calculus. These skills are
necessary for calculating material lengths, angles, and volumes, as well as for creating weld

In addition to these technical skills, students must also have good communication skills,
teamwork skills, and an excellent work ethic. They must be willing to learn from experienced
welders and take feedback from them. They must also be able to use welding equipment
safely and follow proper safety protocols on the job site.

In conclusion, welding is a complex and challenging skill that requires a combination of

technical abilities, practical knowledge, and a solid work ethic. Students who wish to become
skilled welders must develop a comprehensive understanding of welding processes, materials,
geometry, spatial skills, mathematics, and other essential skills, and must be willing to 2
continuously learn and improve their abilities.

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