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1. How did Rev Peter Newman Anim of the ‘FAITH TABERNACLE CHURCH’ get baptized in
the Holy Spirit?
Ans: When he was reading and studying the book, ‘THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT’
2. Which traditional ruler offered land to Rev Anim and Armah to build the church at
Ans: Nana Kwaku Amoah
3. In which year did the Faith Tabernacle Church changed its name to APOSTOLIC FAITH?
Ans: 1930
4. Who were the founding fathers of the Apostolic Faith Church?
Ans: J S Gyimah, S R Asomaning, S W Dufour, S H Ankamah, and Brifo
5. Who was the first pastor of the Apostolic Faith, UK to visit the Apostolic Faith of the
Gold Coast?
Ans: Ps George Perfect
6. Which pastor of the UK Apostolic Church Advised the Apostolic Faith to apply to the UK
for a resident missionary?
Ans: Ps Wellington
7. On which date did Rev James McKeown arrive in the Gold Coast?
Ans: 4th March 1937
8. Who became the first missionary of the Apostolic Faith, Gold Coast?
Ans: Rev James McKeown
9. At what point in time did the Apostolic Faith, Gold Coast change its name to THE
Ans: Upon the arrival of McKeown in Asamankese
10. When did McKeown get attacked with malaria?
Ans: June 1937
11. Who informed the DC at Kibi of McKeown’s sickness when he was denied medication?
Ans: Mr Turkson of Asamankese
12. To which hospital did the DC of Kibi take McKeown to?
Ans: The European Hospital, now Ridge Hospital
13. For how long did McKeown stay at the hospital where the DC of Kibi took him to?
Ans: Two weeks
14. For what was McKeown condemned of when he sought for medication?
Ans: Lack of faith in prayers for healing
15. Which group was most critical of McKeown for seeking medical attention?
Ans: The Asamankese Local Officers
16. To what did the Asamankese officers change the name of the church to?
Ans: Christ Apostolic Church
17. Who sent people to convey McKeown and his belongings from Asamankese during the
turmoil of 1938?
Ans: Ps James Gyimah
18. How many people were sent to fetch McKeown and his belongings from Asamankese in
Ans: 5
19. To where was McKeown taken to when fetched from Asamankese in 1938?
Ans: Akroso
20. How come the headquarters of the Gold Coast Apostolic Church move to Winneba?
Ans: When McKeown got accommodated there after he was taken out of Asamankese
21. When was the headquarters of the Gold Coast Apostolic Church moved to Cape Coast?
Ans: 1942
22. When was the headquarters of the Gold Coast Apostolic Church moved to Accra?
Ans: between 1946 and 1947
COAST, which was loyal to McKeown?
Ans: The Gold Coast Apostolic Church
24. Who tried to wrestle the Chairmanship of the Gold Coast Apostolic Church from
McKeown in 1960?
Ans: Rev J A C Anaman
25. On what date did the Ghana Apostolic Church change its name to THE CHURCH OF
Ans: 1st August 1962
26. What necessitated the 1962 change of name to The Church of Pentecost?
Ans: It was a directive from the president, Nkrumah, to avoid the conflicting name with
The Apostolic Church of Ghana
27. In which year did God covenant with COP, content of which was decided in 1999 at the
6th Extraordinary Council Meeting to be taught to all members?
Ans: 1931
28. Mention any three of ‘the God’s part’ of God’s covenant with COP
a. He God will raise a nation out of Africa that would be a spearhead and light to the
world, heralding the second coming of Christ.
b. The Gold Coast had been chosen to fulfill this eternal will and purpose of God
c. He God will accomplish this by sending a white European
d. The church will make disciples of Christ while He will out men according to His own
choice from time to time
e. God will ensure that no weapon fashioned against the church shall prosper
f. He will meet the church’s financial needs in season and out of season
g. He will pour abundant Spiritual Gifts on both men and women
h. He will from time to time prune and purge the church of parasites, pests, personality
cults, false doctrine, social and religious evils to make her holy.
29. Mention any three of ‘the Church’s part’ of God’s covenant with COP
a. Know and understand His ways and obey his voice and commandments
b. Not to learn or love the things of the world nor its ways.
c. Should not be covetous, money minded, selfish, proud, arrogant, stubborn, in its
d. Holiness should be its watchword throughout its entire life.
e. Should not owe any man, borrow or seek financial aid, loan or grant from anywhere
f. Gifts must be controlled so that Satan will not use them to his advantage
g. Not to harbor sins, evil deeds and evil people among its membership but to rebuke,
discipline and restore backsliders in Love, Compassion and Patience.
30. What is the birthdate of Rev James McKeown?
Ans: 12th September 1900
31. What are the names of McKeown’s hometown and home-country?
Ans: Ballymena and Scotland
32. What are the names of McKeown’s parents?
Ans: William John McKeown and Elizabeth Thompson
33. Who baptized McKeown and Sophia?
Ans: Rev George Jeffreys of the Elim Four Square Gospel Alliance in Ballymena
34. What was the profession of Sophia McKeown?
Ans: Dressmaking
35. What was Sophia’s maiden name?
Ans: Sophia Kennock
36. In which year did James and Sophia get married?
Ans: 1927
37. How did James and Sophia come to West Africa as missionaries?
Ans: As a result of s prophecy at a large Apostolic convention in England
38. What excuse did McKeown give in his refusal to be a missionary when he was told of the
Ans: His inadequate formal education
39. How long did it take McKeown to accept the call as a missionary?
Ans: 15 months
40. When did McKeown set off from the UK to Africa as a missionary?
Ans: February 1937
41. In which year did McKeown decide to hand the leadership of the church to an African?
Ans: 1982
42. When was the successor of McKeown inducted into office as chairman of the church
Ans: October 1982
43. Who later succeeded McKeown as chairman of the church?
Ans: Rev F S Sarfo
44. When did Rev James McKeown die?
Ans: 4th May 1989
45. Who was chairman of the Church of Pentecost when the death of McKeown was
communicated from the UK?
Ans: Prophet M K Yeboah
46. Who is known to be the first ordained apostle of the Apostolic Church, Gold Coast?
Ans: Apostle S R Asomani
47. What is the relationship between Eunice Addison and Christiana Obu?
Ans: Daughter and Mother
48. Due to her commitment, faithfulness and sacrificial spirit, she was likened to Mary
Magdalene, Debora, and Dorcas. Who was she?
Ans: Mrs Esme Siriboe
49. Who was the first ordained prophet of the church of Pentecost?
Ans: Prophet Josiah Coffie Quaye
50. For lack of transport and for his desire to preach the word, he was tied with luggage on
top of a vehicle from Asesewa to Dede Sewiraso. Who is he?
Ans: Ps Emmanuel Odebi Ofori
51. Before Prophet M K Yeboah was elected chairman of the church after the dearth of
Chairman F S Safo, who served as the Acting Chairman?
Ans: Apostle David Yaw A. Owusu
52. At what age did chairman Safo become a minister of the church?
Ans: 20 years
53. He is known as the longest serving minister in the history of the church, who is he and
for long did he serve as a full time minister?
Ans: Prophet M K Yeboah, 47 years
54. What is the name of the current secretary of the Teshie Nungua Area?
Ans: Ps Kwofie
55. What is the official name of the Teshie Nugua Area Office building
Ans: Pentecost House
56. What is the current official name of the former Peniel Assembly?
Ans: E K Kyei
57. What is the current official name of the former Beulah Assembly?
Ans: Thomas Nyarko Temple
58. What is the full name of the current IMD?
Ans: Apostle Emmanuel Gyesi-Addo
59. What is the website of the church?
60. Mention the names of four members of the current Executive Council of the church
Apostle Prof. Opoku Onyinah Alexander Nana Yaw Kumi-Larbi
Emmanuel Gyesi-Addo Dr. Alfred Koduah
Ekow Badu Wood Ousmane Zabre
Eric Nyamekye Joseph Asabil
David Tekper Nii Kotei Djani
Mark Obeng Andoh Dr. Emmanuel Anthony Owusu
Anthony Owusu Samuel Osei Asante
Yaw Adjei Kwarteng Pof. J O Amaniampong
61. How many members has the current Executive Council of the Church?
Ans: 16
62. What is the main responsibility of the Executive Council?
a. Executes policies and decisions of the General Council.
b. Responsible for the callings, transfers, appointments, etc., of ministers and other
high level officials of the Church, with the approval of the General Council.
63. Which is highest policy making body of the church?
Ans: The General Council
64. Mention three functions of the General Council
a. The highest policy making body of the Church

b. The final appellate body in all disciplinary matters affecting members of the General
c. It is responsible for electing the Chairman, the General Secretary, the International
Missions Director and the members of the Executive Council.
d. Where necessary, it has the duty of impeaching members the General Council
accused of misconduct, should the Executive Council fail to do so.
e. It again approves reports submitted by the various organs of the Church.

65. Who is the current Head of the Walewale Area?

Ans: Evangelist Francis Adu

66. What do you know about the Community Based Church Building (CBCB)?

Ans: A national project where simple single floor church buildings are put up for districts
in rural areas.

67. What do you know about the ONE MEMBER ONE DISCIPLED SOUL Project?
68. The vision 2018 has two main objectives, can you please state them?

a. Raise committed and Spirit-filled disciples to impact generations

b. Adequately prepare and hand over the leadership of the church to a generation that
did not have direct contact with the founding leaders of the church.

69. When was the Pentecost Fire founded?

Ans: In the 1950s

70. How often is the Pentecost Fire published?

Ans: Quarterly

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