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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of quirino
Diffun 1 district
Diffun central school-integrated sped center


Date: November 15, 2023
Name: Reina G. Romano
Position: Teacher I
Designation: Moderator/Member
Sex: Female
Age: 32
TOPIC: Enhancement of Knowledge on Table of Specification and Test Question Construction
Individual Actionable Agreements Reflection
from LAC Session
a. Key Takeaways

Assessment is one of the major

determinants of one’s learning. It is very
important that assessment is aligned with
learning competency because this is where
we based our next step as a teacher as to
whether we are going to proceed to the next
lesson or reteach to fully equip our learners.
A good assessment in the form of test must
be valid, reliable, and useful. For
instructional validity, a teacher must craft a
Table of Specification which will be his/her
basis in constructing a good test.

b. Challenges

Determining the actual learning or our dear

learners became a challenge today. Creating
a good test is indeed, a challenge, but
become more challenging because we need
to consider also the ability of our learners
specially that they are adjusting to the face-
to-face classes.

c. Suggestions for improvement

The teachers could perhaps, share some

effective strategies in assessing their
learners so that other teachers could adapt.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of quirino
Diffun 1 district
Diffun central school-integrated sped center

Overall Impression:

This LAC Session was very helpful and timely. It reminded us on how
important it is to construct a good test for us to assess the learning of our pupils.
Given the fact that we are in the new normal education, developing professionally is
still encouraged to us teachers for us to better equip our learners.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of quirino
Diffun 1 district
Diffun central school-integrated sped center


Date: March 19, 2023
Name: Reina G. Romano
Position: Teacher I
Designation: Moderator/Member
Sex: Female
Age: 32
TOPIC: ICT-Based Instructional Strategies (Inter-active Apps)
Individual Actionable Agreements Reflection
from LAC Session
a. Key Takeaways

As a classroom teacher, ICT integration is

essential in my everyday lessons. The learners
today are technologically inclined and we
cannot deny the fact that most of them can
easily grasp the concepts with the help of the
activities that are creatively planned and
crafted by the teachers. The strategies learned
in this LAC session are essential in every
lesson in all learning areas. ICT Based lessons
helped my learners improve their academic
performance. It also lightened my burden of
preparing printed instructional materials. My
learners enjoyed the different ICT based
lessons most especially the interactive games
or activities.
b. Challenges

ICT has become increasingly important in

teaching and learning due to its ability to
enhance the quality of education, increase
access to educational resources, and improve
communication between educators and
learners but not all learners do have access to
internet connection and gadgets.
c. Suggestions for improvement

Teachers should provide and develop

lessons with ICT integration that do not
require internet and students to have their
own gadgets.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of quirino
Diffun 1 district
Diffun central school-integrated sped center

Overall Impression:

Information and Communication Technology has been a part of the

teaching-learning process especially now that we are in the 21st Century and we are
facing a pandemic. In this connection, the objectives of the INSET were all attained.
The teacher participants were able to enhance their skills in ICT based lessons and
produced their own instructional materials using video clips and other applications,
power point presentations, E-Games like Wheel of Fortune, Who Wants To Be A
Millionaire, and using LUMI Application. We all enjoyed the activities that were given
and discussed by the speaker and facilitator.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of quirino
Diffun 1 district
Diffun central school-integrated sped center


Date: October 21, 2022
Name: Reina G. Romano
Position: Teacher I
Designation: Moderator/Member
Sex: Female
Age: 32
TOPIC: Teaching Reading, Language Learning and Numeracy to Enhance Teachers’ Performance through
Pedagogical Approaches Necessary for Learners’ Development
Individual Actionable Agreements Reflection
from LAC Session
a. Key Takeaways

 Reading is often considered one of the

most challenging subjects in school.
But despite its reputation, it plays a
crucial role in the modern world. From
the technology we use today to the
complex systems that govern our
society, Reading is essential to
understanding and solving the
problems we face today. Teachers as
facilitators of learning need to be
equipped with the best teaching
strategies, approaches, methods, and
techniques in order to produce 21st
century lifelong learners.
 As a classroom Teacher, I will be able
to use the different approaches and
strategies in teaching my learners
how to easily read. For me, the proper
execution of the different strategies
matter. No matter how good the
strategies are, if they are not properly
executed, it will create confusion
among the learners causing them of
having difficulties in grasping what
needs to be learned.
 Different strategies in Mathematics
should be use in designing quality
lessons. The learners should be able
to enjoy learning Mathematics
concepts because of the varied
teaching strategies that were used in
every lesson.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of quirino
Diffun 1 district
Diffun central school-integrated sped center

b. Challenges
 It is a challenge to teach learners to
read because of their different reading
 It is a challenge to find teaching
strategies that we could use in
teaching mathematics that would
cater learners with disabilities.

c. Suggestions for improvement

Teachers should identify and craft reading
innovations, materials and strategies that
would cater the learners different reading
levels and numeracy skills and learning
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of quirino
Diffun 1 district
Diffun central school-integrated sped center

Overall Impression:

Diffun Central School- Integrated SPED Center conducted the LAC Session on October 21, 2022, to
all grade 5 and 6 teachers to enhance teachers’ competence on appropriate pedagogical skills in Reading and
Language Teaching. The LAC was made possible through the able leadership of Mrs. Lorna M. Deocaris,
the proponent and with the support of the School Head and the public schools district supervisor. Through
this endeavor the teachers were equipped with these pedagogical approaches during classroom instructions,
remediation, and intervention. It’s implementation will be a great help to teachers to provide quality
instructions to the learners. Teachers were trained on the different strategies and techniques in teaching
reading. Marungko Approach and Fuller Method and the new trends in teaching numeracy and mathematics
were introduced so that teachers can execute the proper way of using them. Teachers were challenged to
embrace the new trends in teaching which deepen their knowledge and understanding on multitude teaching
strategies and in designing activities and lessons. Through these, learners find meaningful learning which
they can also apply in their daily lives.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of quirino
Diffun 1 district
Diffun central school-integrated sped center

Date: March 30, 2023

Name: Reina G. Romano
Position: Teacher I
Designation: Moderator/Member
Sex: Female
Age: 32
Topic: Applying Discovery Approach in Teaching
Individual Actionable Agreements Reflection
from LAC Session
a. Key Takeaways

 Discovery learning is an inquiry-based

learning method that takes a
constructivist approach to education,
where students are encouraged to
construct their own knowledge
through a self-directed learning
process—essentially “instructionless”
 Learning through discovery enables
students to exercise higher-level
thinking skills and better retain
knowledge as they go through the
following phases to learn the
following concept:
A. Contextualization: Students get
familiar with the subject matter on a
high level by being confronted with a
business problem.

B. Exploration and analysis:

Students collect data from various
resources to analyze the details (for
example, trends, formulas, general
concepts, variables) of the business
problem and teach themselves the
relevant information to answer
questions and critically evaluate
their hypotheses. This is where they
go through a self-directed journey to
improve their business acumen.

C. Drawing conclusions: Upon

gathering new insights and refining
their understanding of the different
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of quirino
Diffun 1 district
Diffun central school-integrated sped center

variables and models involved in the

business problem, students
synthesize their discoveries and
create their own interpretation of the
best solution based on their
individual learning processes. That
solution is presented to faculty and
peers for feedback. Students can
leverage the feedback to reflect on
their work and conclusions.

b. Challenges

It is a challenge to apply discovery approach

in classes with Learner’s with Disabilities
and Difficulties.

c. Suggestions for improvement

The teachers could perhaps, share some

effective strategies in applying discovery
approach in teaching.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region II – Cagayan Valley
Schools Division of quirino
Diffun 1 district
Diffun central school-integrated sped center

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