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Historia y Cultura de Los Países de Habla Inglesa

1º Grado en Estudios Ingleses

Facultad de Filología, Traducción y Comunicación

Universitat de València

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No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
Jane Austen was a novelist who lived in the Gregorian times. The irony that she
uses to provide her novels with comicalness makes that Jane Austen was considered
between the classics of the English novel, at the same time that her works are being read by
a more wide public.

Her novels have been in the cinema on an amount of occasions, sometimes reproduced by
the most faithful form, like the novel that we are going to talk about, Pride and prejudice,
and, other times, making adaptations in the actual times like Clueless.

Pride and prejudice was published for the first time on the 28th of January 1813, as
an anonym work, is one of the most famous Jane Austen novels and one first romantic

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comedies in the novel history. In addition, the first phrase of the book is one of the most
famous in the English literature; “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in
possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife”.

It is a personal developing novel, in which the two principal figures, Elizabeth Bennet and
Mr. Darcy, should mature to lead some crisis, and learn about their mistakes to have a
future in common, defeating the class pride of Mr. Darcy, and beating Elizabeth’s
prejudices about him.

From my point of view, this novel is the prototype of the romantic comedy.

It talks about an ambitious mother, who tries to marry favorably their five daughters as
soon as possible. Jane, who is her oldest and most beautiful daughter, seems to have the
best opportunity with the rich and handsome single Bingley, but his friend Mr. Darcy,
dissuades him from the relationship because Jane’s family social level is not the suitable.

At the same time, Mr. Darcy falls in love with Elizabeth, Jane’s sister, but she does not
stand him and rejects his marriage offer completely.

Charlotte, Elizabeth’s friend, gets married with Mr. Collins, the crude and hypocritical
pastor, to claim her material security.

The youngest daughter, Lydia, with a romance feeling, elopes with Wickham, but Mr.
Darcy guarantees their marriage.

Finally, Jane and Bingley get married too. But the fourth wedding only took part when Mr.
Darcy defeats his pride and Elizabeth beats her prejudices.

The novel’s characters get married for different reasons, which not everyone assures a glad

There is a relation with Jane Austen and the character Jane of her novel, because
Jane Austen fall in love with a man but, as in the book, Pride and prejudice, they had to
break up with the relationship because economic problems.

It isn’t easy to make a work in a classic. Pride and prejudice is a novel that, even the
people who not have an interest in reading, have read. In another way, it treats about a
novel from de 19th century that nowadays it continues attracting many people.

The elements that make Jane Austen’s novel in a special book are that, in the England of
1813, this message that a woman should not be married for money was a too provocative
declaration. The formula about “girl meet boy, girl doesn’t stand boy, boy and girl fall in
love” still not be a cliché. In addition, Jane Austen took part in a revolution novel time, in
all the stylistics aspects.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
This novel nowadays continues to be popular, after over two centuries, because it follows
connecting with today’s readers because it treats about a really basic love story, but
certainly unique at the same time. The characters and the interactions between them are
memorable, because there are too realistic for seeming recognizable but, there have a
caricature point that makes them in literary icons. The novel treats a human issue that
definitely doesn’t go out of fashion. Everyone knows what is judging someone only basing
in our first impressions, or on what other people say, and we all know too what is making a
mistake because of these prejudices. It isn’t a Victorian problem, but a universal problem,
because of this, today we can feel as a character like Elizabeth Bennet, and interest in how
this conflict will be solved. Apart from these facts, another element that helps to make
Pride and Prejudice in an accessible work is the rhythm of the story, just as the agility of
the language. All these are literary merits that are developed in the temporary and cultural

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questions. And, I think that there are the elements that make that we continue to read this
novel over the past of the years.

The main achievement of Jane Austen is to transmit a perfect picture of the British
society in the change of century, above the appearances and prejudices. It describes in a
poetic, intelligent and ironic way, the life of the young women and the society in the
English countryside, of the 18th century through a meticulous psychological and behavioral
characterization of the characters.

The chief topic in the novel is the marriage, which is the most important decision that the
sisters Bennet have to make. The dangerous is on choosing wrong, for immaturity or fault
of affective discipline. Finally, three of the five sisters have been married after choosing
couple valuing the love, the economic security and the affinities. This interest, that since
the first page is revealed, is only accomplished at the end of being delayed by lots of plots
and misunderstandings that are because of the pride and the prejudice.

Since this novel was published, it have took part in two transcendental changes:

Thematically, in the measure in which have disappear the legal dependency and de
disadvantage of the women, that saw reduced their marriage vital perspective, without
having the possibility of doing other productive work and don’t exist the environment of
gentry worried for determined social forms.

Stylistically, it is not fashionable this point of view of the author, with her frequent external
condescending comments and the sometimes form language.

To sum up, I consider that this literary work is really recommended to read because
you can learn an amount of things by how you are reading it like the prejudices are not
good because you might have a view of one person who, when you really know him or her

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this view that you had in the first impression completely changes because is totally the
contrary that you had thought. To add, this novel teaches us that the pride that we have
can play tricks on us because we sometimes stop doing the things that we really want to do
because of it. To conclude, this book shows us how sometimes two people that are really in
love can’t be together because there are not allowed because one of them doesn’t have
suitable social level external people think that they should have.

No se permite la explotación económica ni la transformación de esta obra. Queda permitida la impresión en su totalidad.
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