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MKTG 755 Winter 2023 In-Class Assignment #5


Write your answers, in bold, directly beneath the question.

 Be concise…include all of the required information, in a brief format.
 I am looking for your perspective, not something that has been Googled.
 Be specific as possible in your answer. Feel free to quote from the
podcast to support your argument.
 The assignment is worth 5% of the semester.
 When completed, save as “In-Class Assignment #5.
 Deposit your document in dropbox under “In-Class Assignment #5.
 It is due, in dropbox, by the end of day (1159pm) on the assigned class day.
 No late submissions accepted.

1. In the podcast, Mark Davis discusses “cultural intelligence”. He states that

“culture pervades everything that we do”. As a negotiator, how would your own
national and personal culture effect you, and your conduct, in a meeting where
there was a difference of opinion or a conflict that needed to be solved? Be

My cultural background and upbringing would significantly influence my

behaviour as an Indian negotiator during meetings where disagreements or
conflicts may arise. In the context of India's social beliefs, collective values
are held in higher esteem than individualistic beliefs. Therefore, it is my duty
to build a strong rapport with the representative while also developing a
climate of mutual trust and understanding. Furthermore, hierarchical
structures are predominant in our society, so I might demonstrate respect
towards higher-ranking members of their negotiating team who could also be
senior to me. Indians tend to communicate indirectly using nonverbal cues;
therefore, rather than being overtly direct when conveying thoughts and
ideas about negotiation aspects such as offers or counteroffers etc. I will rely
on subtle hints using gestures combined along complex adjective-adverb
constructs which accurately portray my message without explicitly saying
what needs changing.
2. Cultural intelligence can mean an “adaptation of perspective”. What does that
mean, for you, when negotiating with a partner of a different nationality and/or
cultural background?

As an Indian negotiator, I will exhibit "perspective adjustment." Therefore,

demonstrating an understanding and admiration for the opposite party's
cultural heritage. It demands a willingness on my part to relinquish
preconceived notions or biases towards them; instead, I will be trying to
empathize with and comprehend their outlook. If I were dealing with
Western counterparts who advocate direct communication, valuing
individualism above collectiveness - then clarity in dialogue while balancing
group interests would be necessary. On the other hand, when negotiating
against opponents from hierarchical societies that emphasize status over
equality, showing respect rather than confrontation would be dominant. To
achieve our goal of mutually beneficial outcomes, adapting perspectives
becomes essential since this can help build a better rapport between parties
involved in negotiations.

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