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● Inability of heart to pump
sufficient blood to meet metabolic
demands of body resulting in
decreased tissue perfusion
● Most heart failure begins with left
ventricular failure and progresses
to failure of both ventricles.
● Compensatory mechanisms
include increased heart rate,
improved stroke volume, arterial
vasoconstriction, sodium and
water retention, and myocardial

Left-Sided Heart Failure (Forward

● Congestion occurs mainly in the
lungs from blood backing up into
pulmonary veins and capillaries.
- Shortness of breath,
dyspnea on exertion
paroxysmal nocturnal
dyspnea (due to
reabsorption of dependent
edema that has developed
during day), orthopnea,
pulmonary edema
- Cough - may be dry,
unproductive; usually
occurs at night
- Fatigability - from low CO,
nocturia, insomnia,
dyspnea, catabolic effect Right-Sided Heart Failure (Backward
of chronic failure. Failure)
- Insomnia, restlessness. ● Edema of ankles; unexplained
- Tachycardia - S3 weight gain (pitting edema is
ventricular gallop. obvious only after retention of at
least 10 lb [4.5 kg] of fluid)
● Liver congestion - may produce

upper abdominal pain Drug Classes

● Distended jugular veins ● Diuretics
● Abnormal fluid in body cavities - To decrease cardiac workload by
(pleural space, abdominal cavity) reducing circulating volume,
● Anorexia and nausea - from reducing preload- (electrolyte
hepatic and visceral imbalance?)
engorgement - A low-sodium diet and fluid
● Nocturia - diuresis occurs at night restriction complement this
with rest and improved CO therapy.
● Weakness - Loop diuretics: Give potassium
supplement and potassium rich-
AW HEAD food
● A: Anorexia and nausea - Potassium-sparing
Results from venous - Thiazides
engorgement and venous stasis
within the abd. Organs ● Positive inotropic agents -
● W: Weight gain increase the heart's ability to
Due to retention of fluid pump more effectively by
● H: Hepatomegaly improving the contractile force of
Results from venous the muscle.
engorgement of the liver; - Dopamine (Intropin) improves
increased pressure may interfere renal blood flow in low dose
with the liver’s ability to function. range.
● E: Edema (Bipedal) - Dobutamine (Dobutrex).
Edema usually affects the feet
and ankles worsens when the pt. ● Digitalis Glycosides digoxin
Stands or sits for a long period. (Lanoxin)
● A: Ascites - Increases force/strength of
Is the accumulation of fluid in the myocardial contraction when
peritoneal cavity; increased diminished contractility is the
pressure within the portal vessels cause of HF, and slows heart rate
forces fluid into the abd. cavity by decreasing conduction
● D: Distended Neck Vein through the atrioventricular (AV)
Increased venous pressure leads node to decrease the heart rate
to distended neck veins and reduces oxygen consumption
- Improved cardiac output
improves renal perfusion,
decreasing renin secretion.

● Monitor serum potassium level Management of Heart Failure:

hypokalemia enhances digitalis "DAD BOND CLASH"
toxicity because it potentates the D: Digitalis
effect of the drug. - Increases the force of myocardial
● Report manifestations of digitalis contraction and slows conduction
toxicity: anorexia, nausea, through the atrioventricular node;
vomiting, abdominal pain, - Improves contractility, increasing
weakness, vision changes left ventricular output, and
(diplopia, blurred vision, yellow- enhances diuresis.
green or white halos seen around A: ACE Inhibitors
objects), and new-onset - Promotes vasodilation and
dysrhythmias. diuresis by decreasing afterload
and preload, ultimately
1 PPT MISSING BEFORE NEXT SLIDE decreasing the workload of the
D: Dobutamine
- IV medication administered to
patients with significant left
ventricular dysfunction and
hypoperfusion; stimulates the
beta-1-adrenergic receptors.
B: Beta-blockers
- Reduces mortality and morbidity
in HF by reducing the adverse
effects from constant stimulation
of the sympathetic nervous
O: Oxygen
- Oxygen may be necessary as HF
progresses; need is based on the
degree of pulmonary congestion
and resulting hypoxia.
N: Nitrates
- Causes venous dilation, which
reduces the amount of blood
return to the heart and lowers
D: Diuretics
- To remove excess extracellular
fluid by

increasing the rate of urine produced in client receives diuretic therapy,

patients with fluid overload. an increase in output is expected.
C: Calcium Channel Blockers
- Causes vasodilation, reducing ● Maintain chair or bed rest in the
systemic vascular resistance. semi- fowler's position.
L: Lifestyle Changes - This position promotes diuresis
- Restriction of dietary sodium, by recumbency-induced
avoidance of excess fluid intake, increased GFR and reduced ADH
weight reduction, and regular production.
A: Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers ● Weigh daily. Weight loss should
- ARBs block the effects of not exceed 1 to 2 lb (0.5 to 1
angiotensin II at its receptor; kg)/day.
have similar hemodynamic - Body weight is a sensitive
effects as of ACE inhibitors. indicator of fluid balance.
Serves as alternative for patients Daily weights can show
who cannot tolerate ACE the increase or decrease
inhibitors. in congestion and edema
S: Sodium restriction in response to therapy. A
- A low-sodium diet (2 to 3 g/day) gain of 5 pounds
diet and avoidance of drinking represents about 2L of
excess amounts of fluid is fluid.
recommended. ● Assess for jugular neck vein
H: Hydralazine distention, hepatomegaly,
- Lowers systemic vascular abdominal pain, edema,
resistance and left ventricular peripheral pulses and presence
afterload. of anasarca.
- Elevated volumes in the
Nursing management vena cava occur from
Fluid Volume Excess related to inadequate emptying of
impaired contractility and increased the right atrium. The
preload and afterload excess fluid is transmitted
to the jugular vein, liver
● Monitor I and O (especially note and abdomen and
color, specific gravity and manifests as distention.
amount) every 2-4 hours and as
needed and 24 hour totals. ● Auscultate breath sounds. Note
- Intake greater than output may adventitious sounds, increased
indicate fluid volume excess. If vascular volume and pulmonary

hypertension or worsening of incidence of thrombus or

heart failure. embolus formation.
- These are manifestations of NOTE: Do not elevate legs if the client is
pulmonary congestion. dyspneic.

● Monitor sudden extreme ● Auscultate heart sounds

shortness of breath and feelings frequently and monitor cardiac
of panic. rhythm.
- These are manifestations of > Note presence of S3 - heard during
pulmonary edema. rapid ventricular filling and failure of the
ventricles to eject blood
● Note complaints of right uoper > Note presence of S4 - heard during
quadrant pain or tenderness. atrial contractions and often associated
- Advancing heart failure leads to with ventricular hypertrophy
venous congestion, which results >Monitor for premature ventricular
in liver engorgement and altered beats.
liver function.
● Observe for signs and symptoms
● Evaluate the effectiveness of of reduced peripheral tissue
diuretics and potassium. perfusion: cool temperature of
- Fluid shifts and use of diuretics skin, facial pallor, poor capillary
can alter electrolytes, especially refill of nail beds.
potassium and chloride ● Monitor clinical response of
supplements, which affects patient with respect to relief of
cardiac rhythm and contractility. symptoms (lessening dyspnea
and orthopnea, decrease in
● Note increased lethargy, crackles, relief of peripheral
hypotension and muscle edema).
- These are manifestations of Impaired Gas Exchange related to
hypokalemia and hyponatremia alveolar edema due to elevated
that may occur because of fluid ventricular pressures
shifts and diuretic therapy.
● Raise head of bed 8 to 10 inches
● Elevate legs, avoiding pressure (20 to 30 cm) - reduces venous
under knee. Encourage active return to heart and lungs;
and passive exercises. Increase alleviates pulmonary congestion.
activity as tolerated. Decreases - Support lower arms with pillows - to
venous stasis, and may reduce eliminate pull of their weight on
shoulder muscles.

- Sit orthopneic patient on side of bed (especially in edematous

with feet supported by a chair, head patients), phlebothrombosis,
and arms resting on an over-the-bed pulmonary embolism.
table, and lumbosacral area supported
with pillows.
● Auscultate lung fields at least
every 4 hours for crackles and
wheezes in dependent lung fields
(fluid accumulates in areas
affected by gravity) and monitor
for frothy sputum production.
- Mark, with ink that does not
easily rub off, the level on the
patient's back where adventitious
breath sounds are heard.
- Use markings for comparative
assessment over time and
among different care providers.
- Observe for increased rate of
respirations (could be indicative
of falling arterial pH)

● Encourage the patient to turn and

cough every 2 hours - to help
prevent atelectasis and
● Encourage deep-breathing
exercises every 1 to 2 hours - to
avoid atelectasis.
● Offer small, frequent feedings - to
avoid excessive gastric filling and
abdominal distention
● Administer oxygen as directed.
● Administer IV. fluids carefully
through an intermittent access
device to prevent fluid overload.
● Monitor for pitting edema of lower
extremities and sacral area.
● Observe for the complications of
Bed rest - pressure ulcers

parenchyma from
- Refers to a dse allergens
characterized by airflow - Viral, bacterial, and
limitation that is not fully mycoplasmal
reversible , normally infections.
associated with an CHRONIC BRONCHITIS
inflammatory response of - Defined as the presence of cough
the lungs d/t irritants, w/c and sputum production for at
restricts airflow, damages least 3 months in each of 2
the airways & limits lung consecutive years.
capacity. - Chronic bronchitis is also termed
- Smoking: - Irritation of airways results in
Depresses the inflammation and hypersecretion
activity of of mucus —> Mucus-secreting
scavenger cells and glands and goblet cells increase
affects the in number —> Ciliary function is
respiratory tract’s reduced, bronchial walls thicken,
ciliary cleansing bronchial airways narrow, and
mechanism. mucus may plug airways —>
- Occupational Alveoli become damaged and
exposure: fibrose, and alveolar macrophage
Prolonged & function diminishes —> the pt is
intense exposure to more susceptible to respiratory
occupational dust & infections
chemicals, indoor
- air pollution, and
outdoor air
- Genetic
deficiency of
(synthesized by the
liver), an enzyme
inhibitor that
protects the lung

- (Cont.) alveolar hypoxia —> - Hemoptysis

Pulmonary vasoconstriction —> - Mild dyspnea
pulmonary hypertension —> RHF initially
(Cor Pulmonale) - Cyanosis (d/t
- Peripheral edema
(d/t cor pulmonale)
- Crackles, wheezes
- Prolonged
- Obese
- Complications:
- Secondary
polycythemia vera
d/t hypoxemia
- Pulmonary
hypertension d/t
from hypoxemia
- Cor pulmonale from
chronic pulmonary

- A pathological term that
describes an abnormal distention
of the air spaces beyond the
terminal bronchioles, w/
destruction of the walls of the
- Symptoms:
- Dyspnea
- “BLUE BLOATER” - CHRONIC - Minimal cough
BRONCHITIS - Increased minute
- Symptoms: ventilation
- Chronic, productive - Pink skin, pursed-lip
cough breathing
- Purulent sputum

- Accessory muscle
- Cachexia
- Hyperinflation,
barrel chest
- Decreased breath
- Tachypnea
- Complications:
- Pneumothorax d/t
- Wt loss d/t work of
- Pathophysiology
- Alpha1-antitrypsin
deficiency —> increase
neutrophil elastase —>
unopposed breakdown of
elastin fib

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