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Midterm Post-test 3 Which statement by the patient

indicates they understood your

1. Hypercapnia has what effect on teaching about this condition?
pulmonary blood vessels? - “Complications from this condition
- Pulmonary Vasconstriction can lead to pulmonary
2. Prolonged expiration is manifested by hypertension and right-sided heart
clients with COPD for what purpose? failure."
- Expiration of retained CO2 and to 10. The term “bloater” in clients with
prevent collapse airways Chronic Bronchitis is derived from
3. The term “blue bloaters” is used to - The client’s edema formation
describe clients with? 11. A patient is presenting with chronic
- Chronic Bronchitis obstructive pulmonary disease. The
4. The body compensates when there is patient has a chronic productive
hypoxemia. In what manner does it cough with dyspnea on excretion.
compensate? Arterial blood gases show a low
- Increasing RBC production oxygen level and high carbon dioxide
5. Alpha 1-antitrypson has a protective level in the blood. On assessment, the
role in the physiology of our bodies as patient has cyanosis in the lips and
it edema in the abdomen and legs.
- Protects the lungs from damage by Based on your nursing knowledge and
elastase the patient's symptoms, you suspect
6. A nurse plans care for a client with the patient suffers from what type of
chronic obstructive pulmonary COPD?
disease, knowing that the client is - Chronic Bronchitis
most likely to experience what type of 12. The nurse assessing the CBC of a
acid-base imbalance? patient with chronic bronchitis
- Respiratory Acidosis identifies a typical feature of this
7. The term ‘blue” of “blue bloaters” in disease, which is
clients with Chronic bronchitis is - Increased RBC count
derived from 13. Smoking is a salient cause of COOPD as
- The client retaining carbon dioxide it does the ff, except
than oxygen, which causes - Increases the amount of O2 in the
deprivation of tissues with terminal alveoli
oxygenated blood 14. Clients with Emphysema are also
8. A pt with emphysema may present called ‘pink puffers”. The term “pink”
with all of the ff symptoms, EXCEPT? is derived from
- Hypoventilation - Adequate inhalation of O2 early in
9. A patient is newly diagnosed with the dse process
COPD due to chronic bronchitis. 15. Upon auscultation for heart sounds,
You're providing education to the the nurse informed the physician of
patient about this disease process.
*double check basin naay mga sayop 
the presence of S3 heart sounds. This - Anorexia, and nausea, flickering
implies lights
- Rapid ventricular filling 24. A client with pulmonary edema has
16. Which assessment would be most been on diuretic therapy. The client
appropriate for a patient who is has an order for additional furosemide
receiving a loop diuretic for heart (Lasix) in the amount of 40 mg IV push.
failure? Knowing that the client also will be
- Monitor for hypotension started on digoxin (Lanoxin), a nurse
17. Chronic Bronchitis is defined as checks the client’s most recent:
- Under COPD where clients - Potassium Level
manifest productive cough for at 25. The nurse conscientiously monitors
least 3 months a year for 2 the potassium level of a client
consecutive years. receiving digoxin because she knows
18. Clients with Emphysema are also that if there is hypokalemia, the serum
called “puffers” because they level of digoxin will
- Are trying to exhale the retained - Increase
CO2 26. In normal ventilation, the diaphragm
19. Elevating the edematous extremities moves ________________ during
is contraindicated in clients with inhalation.
congestive heart failure who are - Downward as it contracts
already 27. In the respiratory system, gas
- Dyspneic exchange occurs in
20. In Emphysema, destruction of the - Pulmonary-capillary bed
alveolar walls causes the following, 28. The nurse is assessing a client
except diagnosed with emphysema. Clinical
- Air trapping on inhalation resulting manifestations include the following,
to O2 retention. except
21. The following conditions occur in the - Hypocapnia
pathophysiology of Chronic 29. Weight loss in COPD, particularly in
Bronchitis, except clients with Emphysema, is most likely
- Loss if elastic recoil of the related to
lungs/alveoli - Dyspnea interfering with eating
22. A hypercapneic client may manifest and causing energy depletion
acidosis because 30. The morning weight for a client with
- Excess CO2 binds with water to emphysema indicates that the client
form carbonic acid has gained 5 pounds in less than a
23. A client is receiving digoxin (Lanoxin) week, even though his oral intake has
in the treatment of heart failure. The been modest. The client's weight gain
nurse would particularly assess the may reflect which associated
client for signs of digitalis toxicity, complication of COPD?
namely - Cor Pulmonale
*double check basin naay mga sayop 
Midterm Post-test 2 pain associated with myocardial
infarction (MI) is that:
1. During cardioversion, electrical shock - Angina is relieved with
delivery is is synchronized with the nitroglycerin and rest.
- R wave 8. After an anterior wall myocardial
2. A client with no history of heart infarction, which of the following
disease has experienced acute problems is indicated by auscultation
myocardial infarction and has been of crackles in the lungs?
given thrombolytic therapy with tissue - Left side of the heart
plasminogen activator. What 9. The following are contraindications of
assessment finding should the nurse thrombolytic agents, except
identify as the most likely indicator - Surgery within the last 30 days
that the client is experiencing 10. Streptokinase is the least preferred
complications of this therapy? thrombolytic agent over tPAs because
- Tarry stools - It poses an allergic risk
3. Which of the following blood tests is 11. A client is admitted to the ER with
most indicative of cardiac damage? crushing chest pain. A diagnosis of
- Troponin I acute coronary syndrome is
4. Anticoagulants and anti-platelet suspected. The nurse expects that the
agents will be given to a client post client's initial treatment will include
PTCA and stenting. These are given which medication?
primarily to - Aspirin
- Prevent thrombus formation on 12. Which of the following EKG changes
the stent on the patient with chest pain
5. When administered a thrombolytic indicates the highest level of damage?
drug to the client experiencing an MI, - Q wave widening
the nurse explains to him that the 13. You recommend to your client post MI
purpose of this drug is to: to eat small, easily digested meals.
- Dissolve clots he may have The rationale for this is to
6. A patient with ST-segment elevation is - Prevent increase in the workload of
admitted to the emergency the heart.
department (ED) and diagnosed as 14. Range-of-motion exercises following
having an ST-segment-elevation acute episodes of Myocardial
myocardial infarction (STEMI). Which Infarction is instituted to
question should the nurse ask to - Prevent clot formation
determine whether the patient is a 15. Aspirin is administered to the client
candidate for thrombolytic therapy? experiencing an MI because of its:
- “what time did your chest pain - Antiplatelet action
begin?” 16. A nurse is caring for a client with a
7. The nurse teaches the client that the diagnosis of myocardial infarction
major difference between angina and (MI). The client calls the nurse
*double check basin naay mga sayop 
because the client is experiencing 22. 12-lead ECG is a diagnostic tool used
chest pain. The nurse administers a to evaluate the electrical activity of
sublingual nitroglycerin tablet as the heart. Which of the following ECG
prescribed. The chest pain is results would reveal that there is
unrelieved by the nitroglycerin. The myocardial ischemia?
next nursing action is which of the - ST segment depression and
following? inverted T wave
- Contact the physician 23. Passive and active Range-of-motion
17. A patient who is being admitted to the exercises are most desired post MI.
emergency department with However, isometric exercises are
intermittent chest pain gives the mostly contraindicated because they
following list of medications to the cause
nurse. Which medication has the most - Increase in the heart’s workload
immediate implications for the 24. For clients manifesting cardiogenic
patient's care? shock with severely diminishing
- Sildenafil (Viagra) cardiac output, dobutamine and
18. As it decreases mortality in most cases dopamine may be given. In this
in the emergent management of acute specific case, dopamine will be given
MI, oxygen administration is often at low dose. What therapeutic effect
followed by the administration of would this result to?
- Aspirin - Renal arterial dilation
19. A patient who has had a myocardial 25. What is the primary reason for
infarction (MI) states that he is prone administering morphine to a client
to constipation. The nurse advises him with an MI?
to establish a regular bowel regimen - To decrease O2 demand on the
because straining or bearing down to client’s heart
have a bowel movement may 26. What is the most common
- Trigger a vagal response complication of MI?
20. Forty minutes after arrival to the - Arrhythmias
emergency room, a patient suffering 27. When ventricular fibrillation occurs in
an MI is to have emergent a CCU, the first person reaching the
percutaneous transluminal coronary client should
angioplasty (PTCA) to - Defibrillate the client
- Reperfuse the area of myocardium 28. Offering of bedpan to clients suffering
deprived of oxygen from MI is often contraindicated
21. More than 6 premature ventricular because
contractions would cause to nurse to - It causes the client to strain causing
implement which intervention? bradycardia
- Administer lidocaine or 29. Thrombolytic therapy is administered
amniodarone, an anti-arrhythmic, in less than 30 minutes from the onset
as prescribed. of manifestations, with an
*double check basin naay mga sayop 
effectiveness at highest if given within
the first 2 hours of onset of symptoms. Midterm Post-test 1
After 12 hours after symptom 1. Mr. Pedro got hold of his prescribed
manifestation, its administration is nitroglycerin (NTG) tablets. The
not anymore advisable as it, following are the proper ways of using
- Puts the client at risk of Intracranial nitroglycerin tablets except:
bleeding - Discard nitroglycerin tablets if it
30. A patient who is recovering from an causes burning sensation when
acute myocardial infarction (AMI) asks placed under the tongue
the nurse about when sexual 2. Myocardial oxygen consumption
intercourse can be resumed. Which increases as which of the following
response by the nurse is best? parameters increase?
- “Sexual activity uses about as - Preload, afterload, contractility, &
much as energy as climbing two heart rate.
flights of stairs.” 3. Which of the following heart chamber
has the thickest muscle layer?
- Left ventricle
4. A client is given heparin. After its
administration, the client manifests
severe bleeding. What should be given
to the client to counter this hazardous
- Protamine Sulfate
5. When teaching about nitrate
administration, the nurse should
instruct the client to:
- Change positions slowly
6. Atherosclerosis impedes coronary
blood flow by which of the following
- Plaques obstruct the artery
7. The “patch-free” period for nitro
patch is instituted to prevent
development of
- Tolerance of the medication
8. Sympathetic stimulation constricts
peripheral arterial blood vessels and
- Increases afterload
9. Which of the following terms
describes the force against which the
left ventricle must expel blood?
*double check basin naay mga sayop 
- Afterload should base the information on the
10. Subcutaneous heparin should be knowledge that propranolol
administered in the: hydrochloride:
- Abdominal fat - Blocks beta-adrenergic stimulation
11. Your knowledge in the anatomy of the and thus causes decreased heart
heart will tell you that acute rate, myocardial contractility, and
pulmonary edema caused by heart conduction
failure is usually a result of damage to 18. When do coronary arteries primarily
which of the following areas of the receive blood flow?
heart? - During diastole
- Left ventricle 19. Bleeding precautions are imparted to
12. If a client is taking a the client taking anti-coagulants. The
noncardioselective beta blocker like following are included, except
propranolol, what should be included - Telling the client to avoid playing
in the client’s history taking and chess
assessment and is deemed as a 20. ACE inhibitors like Captopril is given to
contraindication? a client with angina or MI for the
- A diagnosis of COPD purpose of
13. Which of the following instructions - Decreasing peripheral resistance
should be included in the discharge through peripheral vasodilation
teaching for a client discharged with a 21. Aspirin is administered to the pt
transdermal nitroglycerin patch? experiencing an MI because of its:
- "Apply the patch to a nonhairy, - Antiplatelet action
scarless area of the upper torso or 22. In teaching a patient about coronary
arms." artery disease, the nurse explains that
14. Which of the following terms is used the changes that occur in this disorder
to describe the amount of stretch on involve
the myocardium at the end of - Accumulation of lipid and fibrous
diastole? tissue within the coronary arteries.
- Preload 23. A client with angina pectoris
15. If the Purkinje system is damaged, secondary to atherosclerotic disease
conduction of the electrical impulses asks why he experiences chest pain
is impaired through the with exertion. The nurse informs him
- Ventricles that exertion
16. In clients taking Coumadine, intake of - Increases the heart’s O2 demand
green leafy vegetables is minimized 24. A client with an MI of the anterior wall
for what reason? of the left ventricle most likely has an
- Green leafy vegetables are high in occlusion of the
vitamin K - Left anterior descending artery
17. When teaching a client about 25. During the previous few months, a 56-
propranolol hydrochloride, the nurse year-old woman felt brief stabs of
*double check basin naay mga sayop 
chest pain while working in her garden 30. What effects do vasodilating
and has had frequent episodes of medications have on preload and
indigestion. She comes to the hospital afterload?
after experiencing severe anterior - Decrease the preload and decrease
chest pain while raking leaves. Her afterload
evaluation confirms a diagnosis of
stable angina pectoris. After
stabilization and treatment, the client
is discharged from the hospital. At her
follow-up appointment, she is
discouraged because she is
experiencing pain with increasing
frequency. She states that she is
visiting an invalid friend twice a week
and now cannot walk up the second
flight of steps to the friend's
apartment without pain. Which of the
following measures that the nurse
could suggest would most likely help
the client deal with this problem?
- Take a nitroglycerin tablet before
climbing the stairs
26. Beta-Adrenergic Blocking agents’
therapeutic effect is
- Reduction of heart rate
27. Which of the following is a potential
side effect of IV furosemide (lasix)?
- Hearing loss
28. The client is given heparin. Basing
from her knowledge of what heparin
is, nurse’s responsibilities should
include checking for occult bleeding.
What manifestation would alert the
- Tea or cola-colored urine
29. Which instruction should be included
in discharge teaching for Mr. Pedro
with a new prescription for
simvastatin (Zocor)?
- Liver enzyme levels should be
monitored every few months
*double check basin naay mga sayop 

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