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Friendly Fire Both the Move and the attack are optional, but you
cannot change their order—if you decide to Move, you
Units with Friendly Fire are treated as friendly for the must do it before you resolve the attack.
purposes of all game effects (e.g. Move or Push Back).

Cerberus FAQ
When Cerberus is Taken Over, it is still removed after it Due to the amount of available armies and their
is moved away from the Beast HQ. unique rules, we are unable to fit all the correla-
tions between them in the rulebook. In case of any
Agony doubts about the rules, check the FAQ on our website
Agony is not affected by bonuses or penalties that
change Initiative values. BACKGROUND STORY NEW RULES
If a unit with Agony has already performed its attack
during their Initiative phase, and then its Initiative is
What used to be called natural wonder is gone. Only the Friendly fire
individuals who learned to adapt were able to survive the
decreased to the Initiative phase in which it was Most of the units in the Beasts Faction have a special
torments of famine and nuclear winter. The reckless ex-
removed, Agony still activates. Friendly Fire attack. Warriors with the Friendly Fire fea-
periments of Moloch’s Laboratories led to the increased
ture hit adjacent units as if it were a standard Melee
mutations and the birth of beasts. These vicious creatures
Vulture roamed the leftovers of civilization, and claimed territory
attack. The only difference is that a unit with Friendly
Fire attacks both enemies and friendly units. Units with
Vulture can be Taken Over by Agitator (Vegas) as normal. with unspeakable brutality. And now that they have the
Friendly Fire are not treated as enemy units.
Shadow (Mississippi) does not Wound the Vulture. territory, the beasts rend and tear everyone who comes
near it—friend or foe.
The Attack reflected by the Judge (Steel Police) does
not Wound the Vulture. AGONY
Scavenger is resolved after the Hole (Sharrash), but DECK DESCRIPTION Agony is a special Initiative that is resolved when a War-
before the Sandstorm tile (Sand Runners) is removed. The Beast are a very aggressive army, focused on con- rior gets enough Wounds that it would be removed. If
trolling many spaces of the board—but this is a dou- Agony is activated during the same Initiative in which
Treat Foundation tiles as empty spaces.
ble-edged sword because they will attack their own the Warrior normally attacks, it only attacks once (The
units. You must be even more cautious than normal Initiatives do not stack and the Agony Initiative is ig-
when placing your units because if they become too nored). The Agony Initiative only activates if the Warrior
crowded, the Beasts will begin to attack each other. The is removed in Battle, during an Initiative phase. It does
Beasts also have the highest Initiative among all other not activate before or after an Initiative phase. If re-
Factions—4 Initiative Warriors and a 1 Initiative HQ. moved outside of Battle by an Instant or Foundation tile,
Another important part of the Beasts are the Modules it does not activate. There is a chance that one Agony
that allow them to adapt when fighting fast or tough units. Initiative will activate the Agony Initiative of a different
Warrior, causing a chain of Agony Initiatives to resolve.

During setup, if you place your HQ in a corner and
Components: Our games are assembled with the greatest care. However, if Cerberus nearby, it only leaves 2 sides of your HQ
36 Beasts tiles, 2 Beasts markers, 13 Wound markers, your copy lacks anything, we apologize. Please, let us know
through the Customer Service form on our website: unguarded. If you place your HQ second, you can do
3 Net markers, rulebook. so in a way that allows you to place Cerberus so that it
attacks the enemy’s HQ from the start. The Friendly Fire
Army designer: Joanna Kijanka Portal Games Sp. z o.o. feature allows you to make a chain with units that have
Army developper: Michał Walczak ul H. Sienkiewicza 13
Rulebook: Joanna Kijanka, Michał Walczak, 44-190 Knurów, Poland
Agony in order to eliminate distant targets quickly.
Tyler Brown, Grzegorz Lewiński tel./fax. +48 32 334 85 38
Illustrations: Mateusz Bielski, Hanna Kuik
Graphic design: Rafał Szyma, Maciej Mutwil,
Michał Oracz
The Beasts deck consists of 36 tiles (it does not contain Example: The attack of the Guard during Initiative 2 acti-
a blank, spare tile). During setup, place aside both vates the Agony of the adjacent Bug, and their attack,
Testers: Marcin Zapart, Basia Wolińska, Grzegorz Szeląg, Marta and Wojciech Kozok, Michał Gamrat, Arkadiusz double-sided tiles, the HQ and Cerberus, then shuffle with Friendly Fire, activates the second Bug. At the end
Raczyński, Marcin Pałys, Aleksandra Walczak of Initiative 2, both of the Bugs are removed from the
the remaining tiles to form the deck.
board, and Guard remains with 1 Wound.

4 1
Special feature — Lair. Melee attack with Friendly Fire. Melee attack. Start a Battle. After Battle,
During setup, after you Rotation. player’s turn ends. This tile
Flying: this unit cannot be used to start
place the HQ, also place the
cannot be Wounded by a Battle if any player drew
Cerberus tile adjacent to it.
Melee attacks, unless it is their last tile.
Note: Notice that the HQ of Netted.
Beasts has Initiative 1!
Scavenger: after
HIVE 2 a Battle, you may move the
Vulture to any empty space
CERBERUS 1 Melee attack
with Friendly Fire.
on the board. HUNT 1
During setup, Cerberus
is placed adjacent to the ARACHNID 1 Choose 1 of your units.
You may Move it, and then
Beasts HQ. may attack with one of its
Spider’s Web:
Lair: If at any moment Nets both enemy and edges.
— due to any effect —
Cerberus is not adjacent
THE RAM 4 friendly units.

to the Beasts HQ, it is Melee attack

immediately removed from with Friendly Fire.
the board.
Melee attack with Friendly
Toughness. MOVE 2 GRAB 3
Fire. Move a unit to an adjacent, Allows any friendly unit
Toughness. Mobility. unoccupied hex and/or turn (HQ included) to Grab an
it in any direction desired. enemy unit that is
ACID-SPIT 2 1 space away to the
Grabbing unit, and move
RANGER 3 Ranged attack.
it to a hex adjacent to the
Grabbing unit. The Grabbed
Connected unit gains unit may only move exactly
+1 Initiative. 1 space. If there is more
Toughness. Rotation. than one available space
Rotation: once per turn adjacent to the Grabbing
unit, the enemy chooses
a unit with Rotation may
be rotated in any direction.
BUG 2 where the Grabbed unit is
Melee attack moved. The player of the
with Friendly Fire. Grabbed unit may rotate it
during this move.
OFFICER I 2 Netted units cannot Grab
enemy units.
Connected unit gains +1
Netted units cannot be
Strength in Melee combat.
Rotation. URCHIN 2
Melee attack.
Connected unit gains the
Grab feature — once each
turn it may Grab an enemy
unit (see Grab description
on the same page).
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X - the amount of tiles

2 3

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