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No one ever begins a romantic relationship Jealousy: You may experience jealousy about

with the intention of ending it in such a your partner potentially falling in love with
painful way. However, relationships may end someone else.
and almost all of us experience a break‐up.
Following the break‐up of a relationship, a Confusion: You feel different and incomplete,
highly stressful period begins, regardless of question who you are and the meaning of life
the reason for the split and whether you without your partner beside you.
wanted it or not. Even though it might seem
Hope: Initially you may fantasize that the split
scary at first, this period, which triggers all
is temporary, and that there will be a
sorts of painful feelings, facilitates the reconciliation. As you move forward and
adjustment to the break‐up, and in fact, it is
COPING an essential part of the healing process.
accept the reality of the ending, you may start
to hope for a new life.
Common reactions after a break‐up Relief: You may feel a sense of relief after your
WITH A Denial: It can be hard to believe and fully
relationship has ended because you will be
able to leave behind the problems and painful
accept that the relationship is over. feelings you have been experiencing.
BREAK-UP Anger: Anger with the partner who has All negative emotions we feel when a breakup
caused pain by contributing to the break‐up, happens are natural reactions, and no matter
is a common reaction. how strong the pain, it won't last forever; the
intensity of emotions will weaken gradually
Fear: You may fear that you will never find with the passage of time. In addition, it's
love again. important to know that the length and
intensity of emotions experienced vary from
Self‐blame & Guilt: You replay your person to person depending on the nature of
relationship over and over and blame yourself the relationship and the degree of
for what went wrong, saying “If I had not done attachment.
that, we would not have broken up!” You feel
guilty about causing suffering to your ex‐ Self‐care tips
partner, especially when you are the one who
has made the choice to end the relationship. Allow yourself to feel. Emotions that you feel
during the post‐breakup period are natural
Sadness: You feel sad because you have lost and normal. Letting yourself accept and
the dream of what could have been. confront unpleasant feelings head‐on, rather

than suppressing or ignoring them, can help through helps you feel better and more References:
ease the pain of a split. connected to others, and, consequently, not 11 Ways to Survive a Breakup. The
to feel alone.feel better University of Hong Kong.
Give yourself time to heal. When you are
coping with the pain caused by a break‐up Spend time with people who support, value,
and going through a particularly depressing and energize you. Your will probably go 1WaysSurviveBreakup.pdf
time, it is important to be patient, and give through mood swings. You may want to talk
yourself time to heal before you are ready to over the breakup, for example, and need Ayrılık ve Yalnızlık. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi.
have another relationship or make life‐ someone who truly listens to you, without
changing decisions. judgment. You may need to engage in
activities you enjoy. Surround yourself with Coping with a Breakup or Divorce.
Take care of your body. You can speed up the people who are positive and make you feel
process of healing by taking control of your comfortable.
health and well‐being through balanced ivorce_relationship_breakup.htm
nutrition, adequate rest and excercise. Evaluate the relationship and the breakup.
Otherwise, your symptoms may get worse. You can even learn from the experience and Relationship Breakup. Villanova University.
grow into a stronger, wiser person. Perhaps
Keep up daily self‐care routines. Keep up you acquired valuable kowledge during your ntlife/counselingcenter/infosheets/breakup.
doing the things you loved pre‐split even if last experience followed by a break‐up, which html
they are the last things you want to do. you will take with you into a future
Participating in activities such as yoga and relationship. Self‐Help: Coping with a Breakup. The
trekking could minimize the physical and University of Texas at Dallas.
emotional impacts of stress and boost your Get outside help if you need it. If your
mood. negative emotions increase day after day, if
you tend to consume more alcohol, or take Surviving relationship break‐up. Australian
Give yourself permission to focus on non‐prescription drugs, if you think that no National University.
yourself. Cutting ties with your ex and turning one can empathize with your experience and
attention to yourself and the rest of your life your painful feelings associated with the split, viving‐relationship‐break
will help you survive a break‐up. Try not to if you don't share your feelings and if you feel When a Relationship Ends. University of
think about your ex, who is no longer part of as though you might physically harm yourself Saskatchewan.
your life, and whether s/he has moved on; or or others, contact a psychological counselor.
dwell on the reasons for the break‐up. A professional can suggest healthy coping
mechanisms to get you over the pain of the
Don't go through it alone. When you cope split and to move on with strength. Prepared by: Nazan Tekgüç,
with a break‐up, talking with a trusted friend Psychological Counselor
or family member about what you are going
SDCC: 661 21 (85‐87‐88)

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