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Nursing Leadership Theory Paper

DeJana Rodriguez

Delaware Technical Community College

NUR 400: Nursing Leadership

Tammy Brown, RN MSN NEA-BC OCN

July 30, 2023


Nursing Leadership Theory Paper

Transformational leadership theory is a leadership style that embraces change, rewards

and guides staff in their role development, provides a positive work environment and develops a

self-aware staff (Finkelman, 2020). This theory is said to incorporate aspects from other

leadership styles combined into one. In this current day transformational leadership styles are

favored as these types of leaders tend to motivate their staff and help them achieve their goals by

providing guidance and support. This paper will dive into this leadership style by discussing the

aspects of the theory. I will then discuss my plan to implement this theory in my practice as a

leader. Transformational leaders’ effect on lifelong learning, communication, and collaboration

will then be discussed. This paper will conclude with

Transformational Leadership Theory

The transformational leadership theory was conceptualized in the 1970s by James

Burns (Moon et al., 2019). A transformational leader acts with integrity while also building trust

with their team. As the theory of this leadership style continued to develop it was broken down

into four categories: idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and

individualized consideration (Moon et al., 2019). Idealized influence is exemplified by the

transformational leader by providing an example for what is expected of the team. These leaders

are viewed as authentic, transparent, and trustworthy individuals and by exemplifying these

characteristics the team is influenced and will embody the same. A transformational leader uses

inspirational motivation to encourage their team to reach the set goal. This gives the staff a sense

of purpose and allows them to feel more involved rather than just being told what to do.

Intellectual stimulation is used by a transformational leader to encourage staff to be creative and

innovative while using problem solving and critical thinking skills. Stimulating the minds of the

staff encourages the staff to grow and keeps them inspired. A transformational leader utilizes

individual consideration by mentoring and coaching their staff based on their individual needs.

This helps the staff to reach both their individual and team goals. This leadership style has had

positive effects in many work settings as it is received well by employees. Improved staff

performance, increased employee effort and work engagements, psychological empowerment

and identification with leaders are a few benefits of this theory (Deng et al., 2022). Employees

with a transformational leader have expressed improved overall well-being and commitment to

their work organization.

My Transformational Leadership Plan

Identifying the task at hand and having the vision to reach all goals is something all

leaders should have in mind when they are the head of a team. As a transformational leader I

would adopt the four categorized aspects from the transformational leadership theory. First

incorporating the idealized influence by leading by example. I would exemplify great character

by being honest, transparent, and having integrity and enthusiasm. Being the role model for my

team will allow them to relate to me and build trust so they know I have their best interest in

mind. This has been proven to both inspire the employees and come together to work on a shared

vision (Khan et al., 2020). Next, I would use inspirational motivation to provide a clear vision of

what we’re working toward while always keeping a positive outlook. This will promote

productivity and inclusion by keeping everyone on the same page. I would then incorporate

intellectual stimulation using creative and innovative solutions to reach the set goals. While

working toward the set goals I would challenge and encourage my team to do the same and work

together to complete all goals ahead of the set deadlines. Finally, I would implement

individualized consideration for my entire team by leading with empathy and purposeful

instruction. By offering mentorship and maximizing everyone’s strengths and skills I would be

able to help each individual grow and obtain their goals. Helping each staff member reach their

personal goals leads to everyone’s needs being met, which leads to improved productivity.

Studies have shown that transformational leaders motivate their employees to identify with their

organization, increasing their level of engagement at their place of employment (Alessa, 2021).

Lifelong Learning

Incorporating the framework of the transformational leadership style will help me be a

positive role model for the team I am leading. While having that framework set there will always

be changes to incorporate to make things better. Lifelong learning is just that, life long, and

change in inevitable as time goes on. As an individual I always look forward to improving and

evolving with the most recent changes. Incorporating the most up to date best practices is an

aspect that will always be relevant and important to include. Transformational leadership

encompasses patient advocacy by providing employees with an exceptional working

environment that improves employee morale and work ethic. This then leads to improved patient

care and better overall patient outcomes. Transformational leadership practice in nursing has

been proven to lead to higher qualities of care (Asif et al., 2019).

Communication & Collaboration

Employees under the direction of a transformational leader collaborate with different

members of a healthcare team to ensure the patients receive the best quality of care.

Transformational leaders can comprehend what’s being said and effectively communicate what

needs to be done. When employees have a leader that exemplifies excellent communication, they

also embody that characteristic when they feel valued as an employee. Due to transformational

leaders incorporating teamwork into their employees they are already better prepared to

communicate within a healthcare team and collaborate effectively. It is important for nurses to

effectively communicate with the team they work with as well as the patients they serve. A

leader with effective communication will not use defensive behavior allowing staff to be

receptive to constructive criticism and change (Smith, 2011). This is key when developing a

well-rounded team. As previously mentioned, a transformational leader must be able to

comprehend and communicate what’s being said. This is particularly important when

communicating with the administration. A leader in this position has the ability to advocate for

their team and because the team provides input into solutions for patient problems, they will be

the bridge to administration to see those changes through. Proper organization and presentation

can be the deciding factor in whether a suggested change is implemented in an organization or

not. Therefore, the communication skills of a transformational leader are essential between the

staff, administration, and patients.

Bedside Nursing

Bedside nursing is improved through this leadership theory by intellectual stimulation.

Asif et al. states that intellectual stimulation “promotes rational thinking and the growth of

knowledge, attitudes, and abilities” (2019). By providing the necessary assistance, resources,

and information for the employees the leaders can equip nurses to provide exceptional care for

the patients they serve. When nurses can identify potential risk and critically think to problem

solve patient safety is significantly improved. The motivation provided by a transformational

leader encourages staff to go the extra mile for their patients. Having access to the necessary

resources also allows nurses to act as a resource themselves, giving their patients access to things

they lack. The support provided by a transformational leader sets the employees up for success

which directly affects bedside nursing care in health care facilities.


My goals for becoming a future leader in healthcare include the ability to be a role model

to my team. By being trustworthy, transparent, and supportive I can exemplify my expectations

so the team will follow in my steps to do the same. Another goal I have is to be a leader that is

able to help each person develop and grow individually so that they are able to contribute to the

team to create a collaborative working environment. The ultimate goal is to build a solid team

and positive work environment that can effectively communicate. By incorporating the aspects

of a transformational leader, I will be able to maintain a productive staff that will provide

exceptional patient care. Advocating for my employees will increase engagement in the care they

provide. This will in turn make them better advocates for the patients they serve, improving

bedside care and patient safety.



Alessa, G. S. (2021). The Dimensions of Transformational Leadership and Its Organizational

Effects in Public Universities in Saudi Arabia: A Systematic Review. Frontiers in

Psychology, 12(1). frontiersin.

Asif, M., Jameel, A., Hussain, A., Hwang, J., & Sahito, N. (2019). Linking Transformational

Leadership with Nurse-Assessed Adverse Patient Outcomes and the Quality of Care:

Assessing the Role of Job Satisfaction and Structural Empowerment. International

Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(13), 2381.

Deng, C., Gulseren, D., Isola, C., Grocutt, K., & Turner, N. (2022). Transformational leadership

effectiveness: an evidence-based primer. Human Resource Development International, 1–


Finkelman, A. (2020). Leadership and management for nurses: core competencies for quality

care (4th ed.). Pearson.

Khan, H., Rehmat, M., Butt, T. H., Farooqi, S., & Asim, J. (2020). Impact of Transformational

Leadership on Work performance, Burnout and Social loafing: a Mediation Model.

Future Business Journal, 6(1), 1–13. Springeropen.


Moon, S. E., Van Dam, P. J., & Kitsos, A. (2019). Measuring Transformational Leadership in

Establishing Nursing Care Excellence. Healthcare, 7(4), 132.

Smith, M. A. (2011). Are you a transformational leader? Nursing Management (Springhouse),

42(9), 44–50.

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