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This code defines two classes, Car and CarRentalSystem, along with a main function to

create a simple car rental system. Here's a brief explanation:

1. Car class:
o Represents a car in the car rental system.
o Attributes:
 car_id: Unique ID of the car.
 make: Make of the car (e.g., Toyota, Honda, etc.).
 model: Model of the car (e.g., Corolla, Civic, etc.).
 year: Year of the car's manufacture.
 is_available: Indicates whether the car is available for rent (default is
2. CarRentalSystem class:
o Represents the car rental system.
o Attributes:
 cars: A list containing instances of the Car class, representing
available cars for rent.
 rented_cars: A dictionary to keep track of rented cars and their
respective customers.
3. display_available_cars method:
o Displays the available cars for rent from the CarRentalSystem instance.
o Prints the details of each available car, including car_id, make, model, and
4. rent_car method:
o Allows a customer to rent a car from the rental system.
o Checks if the requested car is available (is_available == True) and marks it as
rented (is_available = False).
o Records the customer's name and the rented car's ID in the rented_cars
5. return_car method:
o Handles the return of a rented car.
o Verifies if the provided car_id is associated with a rented car in the
rented_cars dictionary.
o If the car is found, marks it as available again (is_available = True) and
removes the rental record from rented_cars.
6. main function:
o Creates an instance of the CarRentalSystem class.
o Displays a menu of options for users to interact with the car rental system:
 Option 1: Display available cars.
 Option 2: Rent a car (asks for the car ID and customer name).
 Option 3: Return a car (asks for the car ID).
 Option 4: Exit the program.
o The program continues running until the user chooses to exit.
7. if __name__ == "__main__":
o This checks if the script is being executed as the main program (not imported
as a module).
o If true, it calls the main function, initiating the car rental system interaction.

Overall, this code provides a basic car rental system with options to display available cars,
rent a car, and return a rented car. However, it lacks features such as user authentication,
handling rental duration or pricing, and persistent data storage, which are essential for a full-
fledged car rental system.

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