Update Y1 Lesson Plan Week 9

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Week Class 1 GENIUS Time

Day Attendance
Date Lesson 21 Focus Language Art
Theme Topic

World of Self, Family and Friends At School

Classroom objects
Language/ Grammar focus
It’s a… (pencil)
Main Content Standard 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts
Com. Content Standard  5.3 Express an imaginative response to literary texts
5.2.1 Name people, things or places of interest in illustrations
Main Learning Standard
accompanying texts
5.3.1 Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple
Com. Learning Standard
art and craft products
CROSS CURRICULAR ELEMENT : Creativity and Innovation
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1.ask and answer about classroom objects 2. to play a game with the class.
3.present and practise What’s this? It’s a (ruler), Is it a (ruler)? Yes, it is, No, it isn’t
21st Century Activities Resources i-THINK Map
 . worksheets/flashcards  .
 Gallery Walk  realia .
Learning Outline

1.Teacher plays finger-writing activity to practise spelling of topic vocabulary .

2.Revision: Pupils do the school objects chant from p.10.

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1.Teacher tells pupils to draw some classroom objects. 1.Teacher plays word ladder.
2. Elicit their predictions of target language. 2. Elicit pupils previous knowledge.
3. Give a picture dictation of 3 or 4 objects, pausing in 3 Divide the class into 4 or 5 teams .
between each object. Include classroom objects, colours and 4. Ask each team to stand in a line facing the board. Give
each pupil at the front of the line some chalk or a board
numbers (e.g. Draw a red pencil case… Now draw 2 blue
5. The pupil at the front of each line writes a word
4. Pupils compare and name objects. connected to the topic at the bottom of the ladder.
5. In pairs pupils take turns to do a picture dictation of 3 6.. Each team gets one point for a word which is related to
objects with each other the topic and correctly spelled

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :

___: Meeting ___: Course ___: CRK ___: Sick leave other:_________
AIM: to practise spelling of topic vocabulary AIM: to review topic vocabulary, to practise
MATERIALS: Board spelling
1. Choose some words the pupils will need for the 1. Divide the class into 4 or 5 teams, depending on
lesson. These should be words the pupils already your class size. There should be about 4 or 5 pupils
know, so are reviewing. in each team.
2. Divide pupils into pairs. 2. Ask each team to stand in a line facing the
3. Tell one pupil in the pair to look at the board, board. Give each pupil at the front of the line
and the other pupil to cover their eyes or put their some chalk or a board pen.
head down on the desk so that they can’t see the 3. Write the lesson topic on the board (e.g.
board. school), and draw a ladder of at least 4 to 5 spaces
4. Write a topic word on the board, give pupils 5 for each team (at least one for each pupil in a
seconds or so to remember it, and then rub the team).
word off the board. If you want to review word- 4. The pupil at the front of each line writes a word
spelling, then you could use a picture. connected to the topic at the bottom of the
5. Tell pupils who did not see the board to stand ladder. They then pass on the chalk or pen to the
with their back to their partner while the partner second pupil, who writes a word in the next space
writes the word on their back by using their finger. on the ladder. Pupils can help each other with
6. Each pupil works out what word his/her partner spellings if need be.
is writing. 5. You can either continue until each pupil has had
7. Reverse the roles so that each pupil gets the a turn to write a word or you can continue for a
chance to write. fixed time, e.g. 3 minutes, if you have more time
8. Repeat for other topic words. available.
NB: When pupils know this activity, they can 6. Each team gets one point for a word which is
choose their own words. related to the topic and correctly spelled. If a team
has a word which no other team has, they get an
extra point. Alternatively, you can avoid giving
points for these kinds of game, but offer praise
yourself and from the other students when teams
do well.

Teacher’s reference
Week Class 1 GENIUS Time
Day Attendance
Date Lesson 22 Focus Language Art
Theme Topic

World of Self, Family and Friends At School

How are you? / I’m fine, thanks / Good

Language/ Grammar focus
Recycled language from lessons 16 – 20 numbers 1 - 10
Main Content Standard 2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
Com. Content Standard  1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
2.1.4 Greet, say goodbye, and express thanks using suitable fixed
Main Learning Standard
1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of
Com. Learning Standard
very simple phrases and sentences
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1.ask and answer questions 2. to role play with friends.

21st Century Activities Resources i-THINK Map

 . worksheets/flashcards  .
 Gallery Walk  realia .
Learning Outline

Pre-lesson 1.Teacher introduce and teach How are you? I’m fine thanks, Good.

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1. Give 1 card to each pupil in the class and they write 4 1.Teacher plays word ladder.
numbers. 2. Elicit pupils previous knowledge.
2. Teacher asks and pupils answer related to the number. 3 Divide the class into 4 or 5 teams .
3. Divide pupils into pairs. Practice the dialogue. 4. Ask each team to stand in a line facing the board. Give
each pupil at the front of the line some chalk or a board
4. Tell them to ask and answer What’s your number?
5. They ask and tell each other their numbers, and phone
5. The pupil at the front of each line writes a word
each other, as the example dialogue. connected to the topic at the bottom of the ladder.
6. Change pairs and repeat. 6.. Each team gets one point for a word which is related to
the topic and correctly spelled

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :

___: Meeting ___: Course ___: CRK ___: Sick leave other:_________

Practice the dialogue in pair.

Pupil: Hi, ___ here
Teacher: Hi ___,
(your name) here
Pupil: How are you?
Teacher: I’m fine, thanks.
How are you, _____?
Pupil: I’m fine thanks
Teacher: OK, bye, ____!
Pupil: Bye!

Lesson delivery
POST-LESSON : WHISPER AND WRITE 1. Pupils sit or stand in a large circle.
AIM: to review topic language and spelling
Arrange the objects from the pre-lesson
task on a table or on the floor in the middle
1. Draw 4 columns on the board.
of the circle. Give each pupil a word card.
2. Divide the class into 4 teams. Ask each team
to stand in a line facing the board. Ask them to try to read it silently.
3. Give each pupil at the front of the line some 2. Sound out the words (e.g. p-e-n-s-l, b-u-k)
chalk or a board pen. on the word cards. As pupils hear their
4. Go to the back of the line and ask the 4 pupils word, they should put the card by the
at the back of each line to come to you. Whisper object in the circle.
a topic word (e.g. coconut) or instruction (e.g. 3. Feedback by showing the word card for
Draw a triangle and a square). each item and ask pupils to read and sound
5. The pupils go back to their lines and whisper
out the words together.
the topic language to the next pupil in the line.
4. If pupils need more practice in this area,
This continues until it reaches the pupil at the
you could play a game where they sound out
front of the line, who writes down the word, or
follows the instruction. the word on the card and pass it to their
6. Each team gets one point for a correct neighbour, who sounds it out and passes it
answer. The team who finishes first gets an to theirs, and so on around the circle.
extra point if their answer is correct. 5. Pupils sit back in their places. Show pupils
7. Continue with new words or instructions. your completed wordsearch example and
Change the order in the line each time (e.g. pupil elicit what it is (if you think pupils are
at the front goes to the back, so that there is a familiar with wordsearches). If not, work
new pupil at the front).
through an example wordsearch with the
whole class.
6. Pupils now create their own wordsearches
on the computer in pairs. They use words
from the unit so far. Allow pupils to check
the spelling of the words in the textbook.
7. Pairs print and exchange wordsearches to
complete each other’s.


Week Class 1 GENIUS Time

Day Attendance
Date Lesson 23 Focus Reading
Theme Topic
World of Self, Family and Friends At School

Classroom objects
Language/ Grammar focus
Recycled language from lessons 16 – 20 numbers 1 - 10
3.1 Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using
Main Content Standard
knowledge of sounds of letters
 4.3 Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a
Com. Content Standard
range of purposes in print and digital media
Main Learning Standard 3.1.3 Blend phonemes (CVC, CCVC)
Com. Learning Standard 4.3.2 Spell familiar high frequency words accurately
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1.ask and answer questions 2. to role play with friends.

21st Century Activities Resources i-THINK Map

 . worksheets/flashcards  Bubble Map
 .  realia .
Learning Outline
1.Teacher Put flashcards or real objects of these vocabulary items on a table.
Pre-lesson 2. Ask pupils to work in pairs or small groups and to say the words.
3. Check briefly with the whole class.
Lesson Delivery Post Lesson
1. Pupils sit or stand in a large circle. Arrange the objects from 1.Teacher plays word ladder-Reminds previous lesson.
the pre-lesson task on a table or on the floor in the middle of 2. Elicit pupils knowledge.
the circle. Give each pupil a word card. Ask them to try to 3 Divide the class into 4 or 5 teams .
read it silently. 4. Ask each team to stand in a line facing the board. Give
each pupil at the front of the line some chalk or a board
2. Sound out the words (e.g. p-e-n-s-l, b-u-k) on the word
cards. As pupils hear their word, they should put the card by
5. The pupil at the front of each line writes a word
the object in the circle. connected to the topic at the bottom of the ladder.
3. Feedback by showing the word card for each item and ask 6.. Each team gets one point for a word which is related to
pupils to read and sound out the words together. the topic and correctly spelled

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :

___: Meeting ___: Course ___: CRK ___: Sick leave other:_________



Week Class 1 GENIUS Time

Day Attendance
Date Lesson 24 Focus Writing
Theme Topic
At School
World of Self, Family and Friends
It’s a …, colours, classroom objects
Language/ Grammar focus
Recycled language from lessons 16 – 20 numbers 1 - 10
4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
Main Content Standard
purposes in print and digital media
 4.2 Communicate basic information intelligibly for a range of
Com. Content Standard
purposes in print and digital media
4.2.2 Greet, say goodbye, and express thanks using suitable fixed
Main Learning Standard
Com. Learning Standard 4.2.4 Name or describe objects using suitable words from word sets
CROSS CURRICULAR ELEMENT : Values (saying thank you)
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1. Rearrange the letters correctly 2. Write the words neatly.

21st Century Activities Resources i-THINK Map

 Numbered Head Together worksheets/flashcards  Bubble Map
 .  realia .
Learning Outline

1.Teacher distributes number cards to 10 pupils and start play I have…Who has..
2. count numbers 1 to 10.

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1. Teacher displays words with missing letters and asks 1.Teacher Use the fl ashcards to review numbers
pupils to guess. one–ten.
2. Elicits previous knowledge/lesson. 2. Show the flashcards at random and have ppls
3. Teacher divides pupils into group/pairs and distributes say the number and spell correctly.
an envelope each with jumbled letters.
4. In small groups or pairs, pupils play a jumbled letters
game, where they have to spell words correctly using the
letters given.
5. Get the pupils to copy the words into their exercise

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :

___: Meeting ___: Course ___: CRK ___: Sick leave other:_________

r e d
y e l l o w
p i n k
b l a c k
g r e e n
p u r p l e

e i g h t
s e v e n
t h r e e
f o u r

p e n c i l
b o o k
r u b b e r
r u l e r

Week Class 1 GENIUS Time

Day Attendance
Date Lesson 25 Focus Language Art
Theme Topic

World of Self, Family and Friends At School

Language/ Grammar focus It’s a (colour) (object).

Main Content Standard 5.2 Express personal responses to literary texts
Com. Content Standard  2.1 Communicate simple information intelligibly
5.2.1 Name people, things or places of interest in illustrations
Main Learning Standard
accompanying texts
Com. Learning Standard 2.1.5 Name or describe objects using suitable words from word sets
CROSS CURRICULAR ELEMENT : Values (saying thank you)
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to
1. ask and answer questions about classroom objects.

21st Century Activities Resources i-THINK Map

 . Textbook  Bubble Map
 .  realia .
Learning Outline

1.Teacher review classroom objects and questions and pupils answers

2. Flash each fl ashcard very quickly in front of the class and ask What’s this?

Lesson Delivery Post Lesson

1.Pupils look at the picture SB p12. Elicit what they can see 1.Teacher review key language from the lesson
on the desks. 2.Ppls sing the song from SB Activity 1 again.
2.Pre-teach the lyric in a mess. 3.Collect different objects and put them on the
3. Play the recording. Ppls follow the song in their desk.
Student’s Books.
4. As ppls sing the song, point to different
4. Play the recording again, pausing after each verse
for ppls to repeat.CD1 17 & 18 objects for ppls to substitute the words.
5.When ppls have learnt the song, use the karaoke
version to practise it with the whole class and then in group. Superminds book p12

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given enrichment exercise(s).

____/____ of pupils able to achieve the LO and given remedial exercise(s).

*Today's lesson will be carried forward due to :

___: Meeting ___: Course ___: CRK ___: Sick leave other:_________

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