TunellingUndergrSpacTechn-V13n2-1998-Strategic Study On The Utilization of Space-Edelenbos Et Al

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Strategic Study on the Utilization of

Underground Space in the Netherlands

J. Edelenbos, R. Monnikhof, J. Haasnoot, F. van der Hoeven,

E. Horvat and R. van der Krogt

Abstract--In the Netherlands, interest in utilization of underground space has been increasing over the
past decade. T• examine the p•tential f•r subsurface space use• a nati•nal "Strategic Study •n the Utilizati•n
of Underground Space" was carried out by the Centre for Underground Construction (Centrum Ondergronds
Bouwen, COB) and Delft University of Technology (TUD), on the initiative of the National Physical Planning
Service (Rijksplanologische Dienst, RPD) of the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment.
The paper describes the objectives of the study, the characteristics of underground space use in the
Netherlands, positive and negative influences on the potential use of such space, and conclusions of the
Strategic Study, including likely prospective applications of subsurface space in the Netherlands.
© 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Increasing Interest in Utilization of tal resources in the Netherlands, while at the same time
Underground Space increasing the functionality of the country's spatial devel-
opment and infrastructure.
otwithstanding the adverse conditions for utiliza-

N tion of under{~ound space in Holland, interest in

the possibilit:ies for underground space use is in-
creasing in the Netherlands. This is partly a result of the
These developments were the reasons for performing a
study with a time horizon to 2030, the "Strategic Study on
the Utilization of Underground Space". It was carried out by
the Centre for Underground Construction (Centrum
growing c o m p l e x i t y and t h e i n c r e a s i n g n u m b e r of Ondergronds Bouwen, COB) and Delft University of Tech-
infrastructural and spatial planning problems, which are nology (TUD), on the initiative of the National Physical
moreover compounded by an ever-increasing awareness of Planning Service (Rijksplanologische Dienst, RPD) of the
"quality" aspects, such as the environment, nature and Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environ-
liveability. This interest is not confined to underground ment. The summary of the study was personally offered to
alternatives in major projects (generally infrastructural) the Dutch minister of Housing, Spatial Planning and the
currently in preparati.on, but is also directed at the question Environment.
of what benefits unde:rground construction could contribute The objective of the study was to develop a strategic
in general to the future development of the Netherlands. vision of utilization of underground space in the Nether-
In that context, it was recognized t h a t a need existed for lands in support of sustainable and functional spatial devel-
a more comprehensive and in-depth vision of uses of the opment. In this respect, "strategic" means aimed at develop-
underground domain. This "strategic vision" would have to ing a policy for the (very) long term. The word "strategic"
indicate the extent to which underground construction also carries the connotation "multidisciplinary", because
could offer structural solutions able to absorb part of the underground construction has interfaces with a range of
future pressure to co:aserve scarce space and environmen- different areas of policy, such as spatial planning, environ-
ment, traffic and transport, safety and the economy.
In this study, the year 2030 is applied as the planning
horizon partly in view of the fact that the lead time required
Present addresses: J. Edelenbos and R. Monnikhof, Research for strategic, physical planning and the technical develop-
Assistants, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management, Delft ment and optimization of (future-oriented and novel) con-
University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, P.O. Box 5015, 2600 GA cepts, followed by the procedural and technical project
Delft, The Netherlands; J. Haasnoot, TauwMabeg Civil Engineering preparation and execution stage, is roughly 30 years. An-
and Construction, P.O. Box 2817, 3000 CV Rotterdam; F. van der other relevant factor is that underground structures may
Hoeven, Faculty of ArchitectureDelft University of Technology; E. have a structure-defining effect extending over a very long
Horvat, Chair of Underground Construction, Delft University of term. For that reason, it is essential to obtain a realistic
Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Stevinweg 1, P.O. Box picture of the function that an underground structure could
5048, 2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands; and R. van der Krogt, DI-I'V
Environment and Infrastructure, P.O. Box 1076, 3800 BB perform, not only in the initial years following its comple-
Amersfoort, The Netherlands. tion but for decades afterwards as well.

Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology,Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 159-165, 1998
0886-7798/98/S--see front matter C 1998Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved.
Table 1. Primary functions and function types The impediments mentioned are indicated here aspoten-
tial impediments because in many cases measures are
conceivable that would (at least in part) reduce the impedi-
functions Function types ment. The potential impediments and possible measures
are summarized in Table 2.
The principal impediment beyond doubt is the cost as-
Residential - urban residential pect, illustrated by the following "Delft Case" example
- rural/suburban residential (SOVI 1993). This case study involves the comparative
Work - business and services assessment of the underground and aboveground options
- industrial manufacturing and utilities for enlargement of an extremely busy railway track passing
- retailing straight through the city, the results of which are shown in
- small-scale manufacturing and Table 3.
research The good news that viaducts and tunnels are virtually
identical in costs if the nuisance costs are included is
Leisure - "indoor" sports and recreation clouded by the u n c e r t a i n t y a b o u t f u n d s r e q u i r e d to
- culture p a y for t h e r e d u c t i o n in n u i s a n c e . The government
- entertainment facilities (e.g. bars, might be expected to provide such financial compensation in
discos etc.) the light of the public interest aspect of such projects.
Transport - passenger transport
Another possibility could be t h e p o t e n t i a l for m u l t i p l e
- vehicular goods transport l a n d u s e in t h e b r o a d sense; siting the railway track
- non-vehicular transport (substances,
underground generates highly attractive (long-term) devel-
bulk cargo, waste, electricity, digital opment opportunities for the city, to such an extent indeed
data, etc. by cabling, piping and tubing) that t h e a d d i t i o n a l c o s t s o f t h e u n d e r g r o u n d o p t i o n s
c o u l d be m o r e t h a n c o m p e n s a t e d .
Storage - goods Furthermore, it is essential to realize that the (geo-)
- (hazardous) waste conditions, the selected construction method, and the con-
- oil, gas and chemicals cept have a very strong impact on the costs. The price per
square metre for a basement structure may vary by up to a
factor of two (often contrary to all expectations) due to local
conditions. Another relevant factor is the very strong influ-
2. Characteristics of Utilization of Underground ence of bored tunnel diameter on costs (see Table 4).
Space in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, underground construction has to 5. Impediments Relating to Enabling Factors
cope with soft soil conditions, w i t h - - a t certain locations In addition to the above-mentioned potential impedi-
(notably in the western Netherlands)---poor to very poor ments, impediments relating to enabling factors can also be
ground conditions, often in combination with high ground- distinguished. These are factors concerning anything that
water levels. In spite of these adverse conditions, there are is societally and institutionally defined as being relevant to
no obstacles in engineering terms for construction below the execution of underground projects and the use of under-
ground level. However, in urban areas the adverse condi- ground space. These impediments are connected with legal
tions with regard to ground and groundwater are increased aspects, spatial planning aspects and zoning plans, the lack
by the presence of a wide variety of objects in the under- of a (dynamic) integrated assessment framework, inte-
ground domain, such as wooden foundation piles, cables grated decision-making processes, and unfamiliarity with
and sewers. This situation has a major impact on the costs the possibilities of underground construction among plan-
of underground construction, which is of great importance ners and administrators. In this context, too, measures are
as feasibility is determined largely by affordability. conceivable that can (in part) reduce the impediment (see
Table 5).
3. Relevant Functions and Facilities for
Underground Construction 6. Motive F o r c e s for U n d e r g r o u n d C o n s t r u c t i o n
When analysing the role which underground construc- As mentioned above, there are no technological limita-
tion may have for the development of the built environment, tions on underground construction, hut in most cases the
it is necessary to differentiate certain functions therein. aboveground option is the easiest way to execute a project,
Table i lists the primary functions and function types that technically, financially and administratively alike. There
were considered relevant to the strategic study. must, therefore, be clear motives for choosing the under-
ground option on the basis of its specific advantages. In
that respect, various actors or groupings will have various
4. Potential Impediments to the Utilization of motives.
Underground Space In an underground project, generally speaking, the fol-
When comparing underground with "ordinary" above- lowing societal groupings can be differentiated: users, in-
ground constructions, a number of potential impediments vestors and operators; nearby residents and nearby work-
to the realization and utilization of underground construc- ers; and the community or the public as a whole. Table 6
tions can be identified. These impediments relate, first, to outlines in a broad sense what motives are most relevant to
the relatively high costs of underground construction and which groupings.
the fact that societal and policy aspects are difficult to Many of the motives for underground construction are
quantify (e.g, monetarize) when making a comparative related to the q u a l i t y of the physical environment. This is
assessment between underground or aboveground. Addi- a very important factor because quality aspects receive
tionally, impediments are concerned with aspects of percep- more and more attention as society and the economy con-
tion connected with the use of underground facilities, uncer- tinue to develop. In the Netherlands, for some considerable
tainties regarding the application of certain technologies, time we have clearly seen a process of progressive aware-
safety and service aspects, possible nuisance and damage ness about quality aspects such as the environment, the
during and after the construction process, and lastly, the landscape and liveability. In recent years, a number of
often unfavourable geo-conditions. different groupings have moreover focused growing atten-


tion on spatial quality, with specialregard to aspects such 7. Strategic Aspects of the Utilization of
as efficientuse of space, functionality (function improve- Underground Space
ment, etc.),town planning, and architecture. In view of the
increasing demand for quality, underground construction The possibilitiesand preference for underground alter-
therefore has an important potential role to play. natives have been assessed for the relevant function types
with reference to a broad set of criteria for underground
construction. These criteria are costs, external safety,

Table 2. Summary of potential impediments to underground construction


Impediments Nuances/PossibleSolutions

I. Costs
• Underground construction is relatively expensive An objective cost comparison of aboveground and un-
derground options must include not only the "standard"
construction costs but also those costs and benefits that
are less easily expressed in monetary terms (e.g., mul-
tiple land use, forms of nuisance, physical lifetime);
these must be assessed in relation to the financial

In underground construction procedures, specific cost

optimization is possible (e.g., with regard to tunnel
diameters and multidisciplinary and integrated design)

II. Perception aspects

• Negative associations with underground spaces in • Measures relating to layout, design, safety and ventila-
general tion can exert a positive effect on perceptions.
• Realistic senses of lack of safety and orientation • The functionality of the underground location of a facility
must be clear to the user.

II1. Uncertainties with regard to application of technology,

safety and use aspects
• Unfamiliarity with certain construction methods (e.g., Hands-on experience can improve familiarity with new
tunnel boring) ms~y lead to overestimation of risks and techniques
costs, or precisely the underestimation of risks.
• There is uncertainty as to safety standards to be im- • Development of a clear-cut safeguarding vision has
posed for underground spaces. been initiated with regard to safety standards
• An underground space is inflexible; enlargement in- • A long-term vision can increase the economic and soci-
volves engineering problems etal value of an underground facility
• Maintenance and management of underground facilities • Specific inspection techniques are available for under-
is more difficult. ground facilities

IV. Nuisance and damage during and after construction

• Noise and vibrations are potential sources of nuisance • Technical measures (insulation, damping, etc.) can re-
during construction duce vibration
• The realization of underground constructions can easily • Engineering measures can be taken where subsidence
cause settlement and subsidence of the ground level is unacceptable
• Construction work can create a traffic nuisance and • Application of trenchless techniques and tunnel boring
reduce the accessibility of buildings and areas methods enables substantial reduction of nuisance ef-
fects at ground level.
• Damage to underground facilities caused by other exca-
vation or construction operations can be partly pre-
vented by means of appropriate records in the land

V. Geo-conditions The soil survey should be performed in an optimized way

Good preparation enables rapid and effective action to
• The soil survey does not generally give a totally reliable be taken if unexpected soil conditions and objects are
picture of the physical geo-conditions. encountered.

Table 3. Case study of underground options for construction of an extremely busy railway track passing straight through
the city of Delft.

Viaduct Tunnel Tunnel

(open trench) (TBM method)

Construction costs 308 494 536

Land/demolition/damage 122 146 37

Sub-item 1: Direct costs 430 640 573

(100%) (148%) (133%)
Maintenance and operation 31 64 47

Sub-item 2: life-cycle costs 461 704 620

(100%) (152%) (134%)
Nuisance (monetarised) 133 168 5

Sub-item 3: Total costs incl. nuisance 594 872 625

(100%) 147%) 105%)

liveability for neighbourhood residents, i n t e r n a l neering possibilities for use of the underground do-
safety, user aspects (perception aspects, functionality, main, and enables the resultant experience and inno-
etc.), spatial utilization, and environmental impact. vations to have a cost-reducing effect;
Because the possibilities for underground construction de- 6 An active government: a strict policy on spatial,
pend not only on the function but also on the location, a environmental and safety matters, a spearhead tech-
number of relevant location types have been formulated, nology policy, selective investments in infrastructure,
each with their own characteristic features in relation to and increasing "underground" experience and educa-
inter alia population, traffic and urban development. tion of administrators will result in increased utiliza-
By applying the above-mentioned criteria and location tion of underground space.
types, a strategic analysis was performed in order to gain
insight into future uses of underground space. This analysis 9. Conclusions of the Strategic Analysis
was performed as objectively and systematically as possible
for four different scenarios. The methodological aspects of On the basis of the characteristics of the individual
the analysis are elaborated upon in the following article in function types, it can be concluded that goods transport,
this issue (Monnikhof et al. 1998). non.vehicular transport and storage of oil, gas, water, waste
and hazardous materials (industrial, radioactive, chemical)
appear a priori to be the best candidates to assign to the
8. What Trends Tend to Increase Demand for underground domain. The only function types that ap-
Underground Space Utilization? peared to be a priori non-candidates were residential (both
In the four scenarios, different developments have been urban and rural/suburban) and business and services.
assumed for a number of factors considered relevant. The Criteria that generally disfavour underground construc-
strategic analysis has revealed that, as a result, the (ex- tion are: costs, internal safety and user aspects. Criteria
pected) demand for underground space utilization also that generally favour underground construction of a func-
works out differently for each scenario, that demand vary- tion type are: external safety, living conditions for
ing according to location type and function type. One general neighbourhood residents, and space utilization. The "envi-
conclusion of this scenario-based analysis is that demand ronmental impact" criterion yields mixed recommenda-
for the utilization of underground space will rise (strongly) tions, but nevertheless it more often favours underground
if the following developments occur (Nos. 1-3 are demand- than aboveground construction of a function type.
defining, Nos. 4-6 stimulating): The strategic analysis of the utilization of underground
1 An increasing quality consciousness, largely as- space for various function types at the specific location types
s0ciatod with higher standards being generally set on yielded the following results:
external safety, the physical living conditions, and the
environment in general;
2 An increasing pressure on the space available, Table 4. The influence of diameter on the cost of bored
resulting in increasing importance of efficient space tunnels (indicative). source: K1VI-report 1993 (see
utilization and compaction. Even at the current rate references)
of increase of demand for space, the utilization of
underground space in populated areas will become
more and more necessary in the coming decades; Dla. of tunnel
3 R i s i n g m o b i l i t y , resulting in increased nuisance, cross-section (m) Percentage cost
space occupancy by infrastructure and environmen- 12.0 114%
tal pollution caused in particular by road traffic; 10.0 100%
4 Strong economic g r o w t h , because this will create
more financial room but also because it will lead to 7.5 63%
increases in both mobility and quality consciousness; 6.0 50%
5 T e c h n o l o g i c a l p r o g r e s s , which creates more engi- 4.5 38%


Table 5. Summary of impediments relating to enabling factors.

ImpQ~diments Nuances/Possible Solutions

I. Legal aspects
• Unclear legislation and regulation concerning Harmonization and synchronization of legal procedures
decisionmaking on (major projects) concerning decisionmaking on (major) projects is under

• Unclear public and private law provisions concerning Legislation and regulation concerning underground con-
underground construction struction should be transparently presented and if nec-
essary allowed to be amended

II. Spatial planning aspects and zoning plan

• Spatial planning schemes and planning policy are en- • Develop an integrated spatial planning vision on the use
tirely focused on aboveground activities of both aboveground and underground space
• Possible solution by amending the Spatial Planning Act

III. Lack of a (dynamic) integrated assessment framework

• Underground options are often not---or not seriously-- Development of a (dynamic) integrated assessment
incorporated in tlne decision-making process framework, to ensure that all the relevant aspects and
• Lack of a good method for comparing differing under- options are considered at each stage of the assessment
ground and aboveground options process

IV. Lack of integra~teddecision-making process

• Major projects feature an unclear and unmanageable Well-designed integrated decision-making procedures
decision-making process,yielding a frequently subopti- can improve the manageability of the assessment pro-
mal outcome wiih regard to utilization of underground cess between various options and can improve the
space outcome

V. Unfamiliarity witl~ the possibilities of underground

• .Utilization of underground space is a relataively new To ensure optimized utilization of the possibilities of
concept in the Netherlands, and many possibilities are underground construction, certain actors must possess
still unknown certain know-how; information strategies acan be formu-
lated with that objective

For each scenario t:he following conclusions can be drawn: c e n t r e s and mi~ed r e s i d e n t i a l areas, besides
(a) underground accommodation of a substantial propor- goods t r a n s p o r t underground infrastructure for
tion of g o o d s t r a n s p o r t , n o n - v e h i c t f l a r t r a n s p o r t p a s s e n g e r t r a n s p o r t will also be capable of yield-
and goods s t o r a g e in busy urban a r e a s (mixed ing major advantages, including the construction of
residential areas, historical city contres and (large- underground (railway) stations.
scale) central urban areas) will increasingly be the (b) In busy urban areas and r e s i d e n t i a l areas, it is
preferred option, because of the many positive effects probable that larger-scale underground construc-
expected with regard to the mobility problem and tion of parts of the function types "industrial manu-
quality of the physical environment; facture and utility plants", and "retailing and small-
(b) for m a i n i n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d t r a n s h i p m e n t loca- scale manufacture", "education and research ~, "in-
tions, underground construction of n e w i n t e r s e c t - door sport and recreation ~, "culture ~and "entertain-
ing i n f r a s t r u c t u r e for goods t r a n s p o r t will in- ment facilities ~ (e.g. bars, discos, etc.) will yield
creasingly bec¢,me the preferred option; major benefits; the main opportunities here lie in
(c) underground ~,torage of oil, gas, waste and haz- facilities c a u s i n g n u i s a n c e (smell, noise) and
ardous m a t e r i a l s , particularly for safety consider- s a f e t y risks and which need not n e c e s s a r i l y b e
ations and on account of the substantial benefits of located a b o v e g r o u n d (shopping arcades, labora-
dual land utilization will become more and more tories, concert halls, pop-music podiumR, gymnasi-
ums, snack bars, urban workshops, etc.). This cre-
preferred. Indvlstrial and hazardous (e.g. radioactive)
ates scope for efficient space utilization, mutually
waste must, however, remain retrievable.
enhancing functional combinations, and spatial qual-
For the "Growth" and =Quality" scenarios, the following ity. The same applies equally to facilities that ben-
additional conclusions can be drawn: efit from constant temperature and humidity levels
(a) In large-scale urban centres, historical city (storage areas, archives, etc.).


Table 6. Motives for underground construction, relevance per grouping.

(Category of) motive forces Largely relevant for (groupings):

1. Underground construction as the Users, investors/ operators, community/society
only realistic alternative
2. Greater functionality Users, investors/ operators
3. Shelter from 'outside' Users, investors/ operators
4. Energy saving Investors/ operators, community/ society
5. Durability and maintenance Investors/ operators, community/ society
6. Higher building densities Investors/ operators, neighbourhood residents/ workers,
community/ society
7. Better accessibility/ reduced barrier Users, neighbourhood residents/ workers
8. Multiple/ efficient land use Investors/ operators, neighbourhood residents/ workers,
community/ society
9. Combinations with other facilities Users, investors/ operators
10. 'Ugly' things underground Investors/ operators, neighbourhood residents/ workers
11. Reduced impact on surroundings Investors/ operators, neighbourhood residents/ workers
12. Reduced environmental impact Community/society
13. Preservation of valuable functions Neighbourhoodresidents/ workers, community/ society
14. Increased external safety Neighbourhood residents/ workers, community/ society
15. Economy and exports Investors/ operators, community/ society

(c) For m a i n i n f r a s t r u c t u r e a n d t r a n s h i p m e n t lo- applications which can still be considered prospective when
cations, on large-scale industrial complexes assessed on the basis of mainly economic return are: (i)
and on business estates underground construc- underground goods transportation systems in urban areas
tion of new intersectinginfrastructure for both goods and areas featuring high levels of business activity and
and passenger transport will also be the preferred traffic density (e.g. around Schiphol Airport); (ii) under-
option in many cases. ground storage; and (iii) underground construction of a
(d) In areas of o u t s t a n d i n g landscape value, it range of functions at strategic locations with the purpose of
may realistically be expected t h a t (longer term) all creating spatial compaction. Relative to the investment
infrastructural facilities relating to goods trans- requirements, these applications moreover yield a com-
port will be (partly) constructed underground. In paratively high societal return:
these areas, p a s s e n g e r transport will also have (i) In the case of underground goods transportation
to be accommodated underground more often. systems, examples include UTP (unit transport by
pipeline), ULS (underground logistic system) and
10. Prospective Potential Applications PWT (pneumatic waste transport), which enable
goods or waste to be carried through an unmanned
The prospectiveness of underground construction appli- underground system consisting of tubes and collec-
cations is defined at the strategic level by those applications' tion points. Depending on the location and circum-
societal and economic return in the long(er) term by stances, this type of system can be developed into
comparison with a corresponding above-ground alterna- economically competitive alternatives to the existing
tive. The economic return is defined above all by the criteria aboveground systems because of its high efficiency in
"costs", "user aspects", "(efficient) space utilization", and carrying goods and materials.
the scope for larger-scale application. The societal return is The development of these systems requires a struc-
defined above all by the criteria "external and internal
tured approach, in which large-scale application is
safety", "physical living conditions for neighbourhood resi- pursued and s t a n d a r d i z a t i o n is essential in order to
dents", "space utilization (quality)", "environmental im- enable them to be matched to other systems and
pact", and the scale on which positive effects can be achieved modalities. The development of these systems can be
with regard to these aspects. The results of an assessment further promoted by means of supporting policy, for
based on economic and societal returns will vary according example, in the form of a ban on disruptive freight
to function type, location type and scenario. transport in relevant area zones and by favourable
Particularly in the weaker e c o n o m y scenarios, the funding arrangements.
importance of the e c o n o m i c return o u t w e i g h s the
societal return. Above all, under these circumstances, it (ii) Underground storage may relate to goods storage
will be necessary to set priorities because of the relatively (combined with transport), storage of waste, hazard-
high costs of underground construction. The underground ous materials, chemicals, water, oil and gas. In the
long(er) term, underground storage can also become


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