Sample AD PLAN Exercise

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Sample AD PLAN Exercise

(Simplified for the GSCS media studies class)


222 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood Hills, CA 90210

An Advertising Plan for BOBBI Anti-Mosquito Lotion I. Summary This advertising plan is for the BOBBI Anti-Mosquito Lotion, made by the Davidenko Cosmetic Company. With a working budget of $1.2 million, the ad plan will try to meet its goals by trying to introduce the product to the working class of Latin women with average income and eventually persuade them to make the purchase over the leading competitive brand OFF! Lotion. This ad plan presents a three-pronged strategy, using TV, radio, and outdoor advertisements. II. Business and Product Description The Davidenko Cosmetic Company has established itself as one of the most successful companies in the cosmetic industry in terms of sales in the budget cosmetic market. Our affordable makeup products have attracted a lot of clients over the years, especially among young Latinas and Asians. Established in 1944 by Mr. Nicholas Davidenko, a successful chemist, and Mrs. Laura Adley, the Davidenko Cosmetic Company initially produced the shine powder that became a hit during its time. Today, the Davidenko Cosmetic Company carries a series of brands ranging from budget makeup to stylized products that appeal to all women. One of the latest products of the Davidenko Cosmetic Company is the BOBBI line of cosmetic products. BOBBI was a concept of Mr. Davidenko and Sarah Bobbi Lehman, an affluent heiress of the Lehman Pharmaceutical Company. Its an exclusive line of cosmetics for the Latin woman. One of its products is the BOBBI Lotion, a smudge-fee and clear lotion that repels mosquitoes while leaving the skin soft, supple, and fragrant just like a cosmetic lotion. Unlike other mosquito repellent brands like OFF! Lotion, BOBBI Anti-Mosquito Lotion carries four different perfume scents which veer away from the traditional unappealing scent of typical mosquito repellents. III. Target Market BOBBI Lotion is made to target middle-class Latin women living in areas where mosquitoes are common. It also targets working-class women who are often outdoors where their skin is exposed to the environment. The primary market identified is the demographic of Latinas who live in the tropical areas like Southern California, Arizona, and Florida. Latinas are often seen to take up outdoor jobs and have a limited income. They are often exposed to possible mosquito bites, especially in dengue-prone zones. The secondary market is the lower middle class women who belong to families with a limited household income. Because BOBBI Lotion is slightly more affordable than the competition, the product becomes a strong option for families who are budget conscious. IV. Advertising Objectives The first main objective in this advertising plan is to raise consumer-awareness of the BOBBI AntiMosquito Lotion. Since it is a new product, it needs to have aggressive marketing and advertising strategies given that the competitor is an established brand.

The second objective is to provide knowledge about the product and the dangers of mosquito bites (aka dengue). The product is a preventive measure against mosquito-borne diseases and carries TPL 30, a Lehman Pharmaceutical exclusive ingredient proven to repel mosquitoes and reduce pain and swelling caused by mosquito bites. The third objective is to form consumer conviction within the target market towards our product and eventually gain a shift in product choice leading to product purchase. V. Advertising Strategy The target audience will also be the target market of the product. Most Latinas are exposed to all forms of media but television is seen as the medium that they are exposed to the most. It is identified that TV, radio, and billboards will be the most plausible way of advertising in order to gain maximum exposure to the target audience. TV: Most Latinas spend considerable time watching television especially soap operas and afternoon talk shows like Oprah. Commercials can be inserted during these time slots. Radio: Radio, a medium more portable than television, can be used to reach out to the target audience since they spend a lot of time outdoors or on the road. 106.3 MixFM is a Latin radio station and thus can be a vehicle for playing radio ads of the product. Billboards/Outdoor: Outdoor ads can be placed in Latin communities, groceries, or in areas like Wal-Mart. VI. Budget Allocation The company is willing to allocate $1.2 Million to fund the products advertisements. In a time frame of one year however, the profit from the product is expected to triple that of the initial budget allocation for the ad expenses. Priority is given to outdoor advertisements, followed by TV and radio. VII. Evaluation The advertising plan will be evaluated by the companys marketing team.

Student Exercise Given the sample above, try to make your own ad plan now by following the outline below. Read the guide questions carefully and answer as concisely as possible on a blank sheet of paper. Company Name

An Advertising Plan for _______________________ I. Summary This is the last part that you will do. In the summary you will provide the important points of the ad plan, namely your budget, advertising objectives and advertising strategy. II. Business and Product Description Provide a brief history of your company. How did it start? Whos the proprietor? What kind of business are you running? When was it established? What products or brands are carried or produced by your company or business? Present and describe your product. What is it? What are the ingredients? What does it look like? How does it taste? How useful is it? Who invented it? When was it made? Is it a new or old product? State why your product is unique among others. What makes your product different? Why should consumers buy it? III. Target Market Describe your primary target market. This is a specific group or community of people sharing certain qualities or attributes. Who are they? What income bracket? What age? Where do they live? Why did you choose them? Describe the secondary market. This is much broader and involves a wider range of people. They are not your main target but they may be affected by the product you will be selling. Who are they? Why will they seem to buy your product? IV. Advertising Objectives Why advertise this product? What does the ad plan want to achieve? Objectives will be based on the Heirarchy Model of Advertising. V. Advertising Strategy What media will be used to advertise the product? TV? Radio? Billboards/outdoor? Internet? Magazines/Newspapers? Why did you choose them? The media you will choose should be in relation to your target market. Your target market is usually your target audience. (You cant choose the internet as your medium if your target market doesnt have access to the internet!) VI. Budget Allocation How much are you willing to spend? How much profit is your target after the ad campaign? VII. Evaluation The advertising plan will be evaluated by the companys marketing team.

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