LESSON 60 Transcription

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550 Dear Mr. Stern: After 75 years as one of the nation's most reputable tailors, we find
ourselves heavily in debt and in need of urgent financial assistance. We had a meeting with
our creditors last week, and we made an arrangement with them that enables us to reduce our
debts considerably. This arrangement makes it possible for us to mark down our clothing for
quick sale. If you come to the Nashville Men's Shop between December 10 and December
14, you will be able to obtain ready- made suits for $50 to $75, sports coats for as little as
$30, and leather jackets for only $22.50. Don't deny yourself this wonderful opportunity to
replenish your wardrobe for the future, Mr. Stem, and to make a considerable savings at the
same time. Cordially yours,
551 Dear Mrs. Baker: As you know, summer is just a few weeks away. If this coming summer
is a repetition of last summer, we can expect warm, humid, and uncomfortable days and
nights. When you have an efficient, dependable Johnson portable air conditioner in your
house, that won't bother you, Mrs. Baker. A portable air-conditioning unit will maintain your
house at an even temperature all day and all night. A portable air conditioner is not expensive.
Depending on the kind of choose, it will actually cost you between $200 and $300. Treat
yourself and your family to a delightful summer. Determine today to install a Johnson
portable air-conditioning unit in your house. Sincerely yours,
552 Dear Mr. Swan: What do taxes and cars have in common? Just this. Mr. Swan: It is
possible to pay for both with low-cost, easy repayment loans from our credit union. To pay
your income taxes, you can readily obtain a loan on your signature in 24 hours or less. In 48
hours or less you can obtain a 36-month car loan. Only through your credit union do you
actually have painless repayment through payroll deductions. If you need a loan to take care
of your taxes, to buy a car, or to purchase some other worthwhile, useful item, avail yourself
of our services Yours very truly,
553 Dear Mr. Day: I read in yesterday’s Jacksonville Times that you and your brother will
open an office furniture and equipment store on Eastern Avenue. We have heard, of course,
of the enviable reputation your organization enjoys in the furniture and office equipment
industry. Consequently, it is possible for us to offer you very favorable credit terms.
Whenever you need any of the leather products we manufacture, please call on us. Your
orders will be filled speedily, carefully, and efficiently.
554 Dear Ms. Thomas: Thank you for your letter regarding the bank statement that reached
you in an unsealed envelope. We pride ourselves on taking every precaution to keep our
depositors' financial affairs completely confidential. We are grateful to you for calling this
matter to our attention. We are taking steps, Ms. Thomas, to see that all your future statements
arrive in a sealed envelope. The next time you have business that necessitates your personal
visit to the Mutual Trust Company, please stop in to see me. My office is on the second floor.
Sincerely yours,

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