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The Power of Non-verbal Communication

The most powerful form of communication is nonverbal communication. Nonverbal

communication, more than voice or even words, contributes to the formation of your image in
the minds of others, and it also allows you to express emotions and feelings in front of others that
you are unable to express verbally (Muhammad Khan, 2011). The message the video is trying to
convey is how powerful our eyes are in delivering such non-verbal communication. Most people
rely extensively on their visual sense, eye contact is a vital form of nonverbal communication.
The way you look at somebody else can convey a wide range of emotions, including curiosity,
adoration, hostility, attraction, and even threats.(Segal et al., 2022). Just like the video, shows us
that eyes are more powerful than words, they can threaten a person without you saying a single

The video also emphasizes how the facial expression of the two ladies where match what
their eyes express. I also observe how their poster or body movements speak for their authority.
Consider how your perceptions of people are influenced by how they sit, walk, stand, or hold
their heads. The manner in which you move and carry yourself communicates a great deal to the
rest of the world (Segal et al., 2022). The video highlights different types of nonverbal
communication, such as body language, and facial expressions, and explains how each can
influence the perception of a message. It may also demonstrate how people can use nonverbal
cues intentionally or unintentionally to convey different messages or emotions. Additionally, the
video may emphasize the importance of paying attention to nonverbal cues in order to improve
communication skills and better understand others. It may offer tips or strategies for interpreting
nonverbal communication and using it effectively in different contexts, such as in personal or
professional relationships.

Nonverbal communication can be a powerful tool for aiding in the interpretation of a

message. By providing additional context, conveying emotional states, and reinforcing verbal
messages, nonverbal cues can help us better understand what is being communicated. Nonverbal
communication is important for conveying information as well as interpreting the actions of
others, and it has been a driving force behind successful personal, professional, and business
communications. The natural human tendency is to interpret the behaviors of those around us;
therefore, we must be aware of our nonverbal behaviors when communicating with someone
(Nonverbal Communication - Definition, Importance, and Types -, 2022).

Muhammad Khan. (2011, July 26). Nonverbal communication.
Nonverbal Communication - Definition, Importance, and Types - (2022,
January 7).
Segal, J., Smith, M., Robinson, L., & Boose, G. (2022, December 5). Nonverbal
Communication and Body Language. HelpGuide.

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