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Efficacy of Creative Clay Work for Reducing Negative Mood: A Randomized

Controlled Trial

Article  in  Art Therapy · June 2012

DOI: 10.1080/07421656.2012.680048

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Steven J Robbins
Arcadia University


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Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy

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Efficacy of Creative Clay Work for Reducing Negative

Mood: A Randomized Controlled Trial
a b
Elizabeth R. Kimport & Steven J. Robbins
Philadelphia, PA
Glenside, PA
Available online: 13 Jun 2012

To cite this article: Elizabeth R. Kimport & Steven J. Robbins (2012): Efficacy of Creative Clay Work for Reducing Negative
Mood: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 29:2, 74-79

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Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 29(2) pp. 74–79 
C AATA, Inc. 2012

Efficacy of Creative Clay Work for Reducing Negative

Mood: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Elizabeth R. Kimport, Philadelphia, PA, and Steven J. Robbins, Glenside, PA

Abstract study, is the use of clay work to help clients express and work
through negative emotional states.
Clay work has long been used in art therapy to achieve ther- The use of clay in art therapy has a long history and has
apeutic goals. However, little empirical evidence exists to docu- been the source of a great deal of theoretical writing, often
ment the efficacy of such work. The present study randomly as- within the psychoanalytic tradition (see Henley, 2002; Sholt
signed 102 adult participants to one of four conditions following & Gavron, 2006). Sholt and Gavron (2006) identified six
induction of a negative mood: (a) handling clay with instruc- therapeutic purposes for which clay typically is used. A cen-
tions to create a pinch pot, (b) handling clay with instructions to tral theme across their categories is the use of clay to reveal,
manipulate it freely, (c) handling a soft stress ball with instruc- express, and cope with emotional states. Two specific prop-
Downloaded by [Arcadia University] at 08:05 13 June 2012

tions to toss the ball in a structured manner, or (d) handling erties of clay emerged in their review as important in produc-
a soft stress ball with instructions to manipulate it freely. Self- ing therapeutic effects. First, the tactile sensations and mal-
reports revealed greater mood enhancement following clay han- leability associated with clay are thought to help produce a
dling compared to ball handling. This randomized controlled nonverbal route to emotional expression. Second, the phys-
trial (RCT) documents that clay work has specific efficacy for ical process of clay modeling is thought to activate an in-
reducing negative mood states. dividual’s creative impulses, particularly through the ability
to transform a formless mass into a concrete and meaningful
object (for more extensive theoretical discussions, see Ander-
Introduction son, 1995; Banker, 2008; Elkis-Abuhoff, Goldblatt, Gaydos,
& Corrato, 2008; Henley, 2002; Or, 2010; Sholt & Gavron,
In recent years, art therapists have turned increasing at- 2006). To our knowledge, no RCTs have yet been performed
tention toward providing evidence for the efficacy of spe- to evaluate these and other claims regarding the therapeutic
cific art therapy practices. This movement parallels the call benefits of clay work.
throughout the field of clinical psychology for the documen- Consequently, the present study was designed to pro-
tation of empirically supported therapies (see Chambless & vide some initial evidence for the efficacy of clay therapy.
Hollon, 1998). As Chambless and Hollon (1998) discussed Clay work is used for a variety of purposes in art therapy; we
at length, the randomized controlled trial (RCT) remains the chose to investigate the “art as therapy” approach (Kramer,
gold standard design for establishing psychotherapy treat- 1971; 1973), which posits that art production in and of itself
ment efficacy. Accordingly, a number of reviews and articles can have mood enhancing effects. We focused on mood en-
have appeared to promote the use of RCTs to evaluate claims hancement as a target outcome for several reasons. First, the-
that art therapy interventions improve emotional function- oretical treatments of clay work repeatedly claim enhanced
ing (Carolan, 2001; Deaver, 2002; Reynolds, Nabors, & emotional expression and catharsis as primary benefits of
Quinlan, 2000; Slayton, D’Archer, & Kaplan, 2010). the medium. For example, Henley (2002) discussed cases
Although the experimental research base supporting art in which clay work allowed clients to express and discharge
therapy has grown dramatically in recent years, the RCTs negative emotional states such as aggression. Second, this ar-
identified by Slayton, D’Archer, and Kaplan (2010) in their ticle’s second author had success in previous studies docu-
recent review paper focused almost exclusively on drawing menting the mood-enhancing effects of other creative arts
as an agent of emotional change. Other areas of art ther- therapies, namely drawing (Bell & Robbins, 2007) and lis-
apy have yet to become the focus of systematic outcome tri- tening to music (Boothby & Robbins, 2011). Other studies
als. One such neglected area, and the focus of the present have similarly demonstrated that art therapies can enhance
mood compared to control conditions (Curry & Kasser,
2005; De Petrillo & Winner, 2005; Drake, Coleman, &
Editor’s Note: Elizabeth R. Kimport, BA, is currently a grad-
uate art therapy student at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
Winner, 2011; Puig, Lee, Goodwin, & Sherrard, 2006). Fi-
Steven J. Robbins, PhD, teaches in the Department of Psychology nally, negative mood states are easily induced and readily
at Arcadia University, Glenside, PA. This research was completed measured in the nonclinical sample that was available to us
as part of the requirements for a bachelor’s degree in psychology for study.
with an emphasis in art therapy by E. R. Kimport. Correspondence In designing the study, we had two central goals in
concerning this article may be addressed to the second author at mind. We wanted to employ an RCT design to permit us to isolate clay work as the cause of any observed mood


enhancement. As discussed more extensively elsewhere on whether they had ever studied art in college as either a
(Bell & Robbins, 2007; Boothby & Robbins, 2011), major or minor. To ensure an equal representation of each
nonexperimental designs leave open the possibility that group across conditions, we then employed blocked ran-
observed improvements in functioning might result from domization separately for the two groups (art training, n =
factors such as selection bias, history, maturation, regression 33; no art training, n = 69). Group A (n = 27) was given
to the mean, testing, or subject–observer bias (Campbell & clay and received instructions to make a pinch pot, Group B
Stanley, 1966; Cook & Campbell, 1979). We also wanted to (n = 24) was given clay and received no formal instructions,
focus our study on two aspects of clay work thought to rep- Group C (n = 27) was given stress balls and received in-
resent the “active ingredients” in proposed treatment effects: structions to squeeze the ball and toss it from hand to hand,
the creative nature of clay due to its composition and the and Group D (n = 24) was given stress balls and received
importance of having a structured task with a specific goal. no formal instructions.
Toward these ends, we randomly assigned participants Prior to receiving the intervention materials and
in the present study to one of four groups following induc- instructions, all four groups were exposed to laboratory
tion of a negative mood state: (a) handling clay with instruc- stimuli designed to induce negative mood states. Negative
tions to create a pinch pot, (b) handling clay with instruc- mood was assessed through two structured inventories:
tions to manipulate it freely, (c) handling a soft stress ball the Profile of Mood States (POMS; McNair, Lorr, &
with instructions to toss the ball in a structured manner, or Droppleman, 1971) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory
(d) handling a soft stress ball with instructions to manip- (STAI; Spielberger, 1983). These paper-and-pencil tests
ulate it freely. Quantitative assessments of mood were col- were given at three points in time: prior to mood induction
lected before and after the interventions. This design per- (baseline), just following mood induction but prior to the
Downloaded by [Arcadia University] at 08:05 13 June 2012

mitted us to compare mood changes between groups and clay/ball intervention (pre-treatment), and following 5
to examine whether the clay medium has special value for minutes of object manipulation (post-treatment).
enhancing mood as compared to a condition in which par-
ticipants similarly hold and manipulate a soft, physical ob- Materials
ject. We also examined whether participating in a structured
activity that produces a concrete result is mood enhancing In the two clay conditions, participants each took a seat
as compared to the aimless manual manipulation of objects. at a table in front of two baseball-sized mounds of clay (one
Finally, we looked for an interaction between the medium porcelain and one terra-cotta), a wooden board to serve as a
(clay or stress ball) and the instructions (free or structured). support, a small bowl of water, a sponge, a metal rib, and a
We hypothesized that the structured manipulation of clay few wooden carving tools. Participants in the two stress ball
would produce the greatest mood benefits. conditions each received two different baseball-sized stress
balls, one made of foam and the other filled with sand. Thus,
participants in each of the groups received two differently
Method textured substances or objects with which to work in order
to avoid preference bias. Because stress balls are explicitly
Participants used to reduce anxiety through squeezing, all four groups in
this study were assigned to a condition that could plausibly
A sample of 102 adult participants (74 female, 28 male) be expected to enhance mood.
between the ages of 18 and 63 years (mean age = 22.3, Two dependent variables were used in this study. The
SD = 7.0) was employed in this study. The majority of the POMS requires participants to rate on a 5-point scale (from
participants were college students between the ages of 18 and 0 to 4) each of 65 adjectives that describe their current state.
22 years. Of the total sample, 33 participants were currently Items are then combined into six mood subscales (Tension,
(or previously) college art majors or minors. Recruitment for Depression, Fatigue, Confusion, Anger, and Vigor); the six
the study took place through posted sign-up sheets at Arca- subscale scores are further combined into a single overall
dia University, Glenside, PA, and through individual contact negative mood score. Using the STAI, participants self-rate
with the first author. None of the participants disclosed that 20 items to identify their “state” or present level of anxi-
they were suffering from a diagnosed mood disorder; be- ety and a second set of 20 “trait” items aimed at measur-
cause neither of the experimenters was a licensed clinician, ing stable, long-term anxiety. Both 20-item scales yield sin-
such information was not solicited from the participants. gle summary scores: a trait score (STAI-T) and a state score
(STAI-S). On all three scales (POMS overall negative mood,
Design STAI-T, and STAI-S), higher values represent greater levels
of negative mood.
The study employed a 2 × 2 × 3 factorial design in
which Materials (clay or stress ball) served as one between- Procedure
groups factor, Instructions (structured or free) served as a
second between-groups factor, and Time (baseline, pre, and All participants took part in a single laboratory session
post) served as a within-groups factor. Participants were lasting about 45 minutes. Upon entry into the lab, each
placed in the four conditions through stratified, blocked ran- individual reviewed and signed a written, informed,
dom assignment. Specifically, we stratified individuals based voluntary consent document. Next, participants filled out

Table 1 POMS Overall Negative Mood Scores at Baseline, Pre-Treatment, and Post-Treatment (Means and Standard

Group N Baseline Pre Post Pre–Post

Clay Structured 27 17.1 (29.9) 49.4 (41.9) −0.5 (19.9) 49.9 (33.4)
Clay Free 24 14.3 (22.3) 46.1 (38.4) 6.3 (25.7) 39.8 (39.8)
Clay Total 51 15.8 (26.4) 47.8 (39.9) 2.7 (22.8) 45.2 (31.5)
Stress Ball Structured 27 21.5 (32.4) 43.4 (48.5) 16.7 (32.5) 26.4 (27.9)
Stress Ball Free 24 12.7 (24.8) 37.5 (29.5) 6.0 (21.6) 31.5 (25.1)
Stress Ball Total 51 17.3 (29.1) 40.6 (40.4) 11.8 (28.2) 28.8 (26.4)
Note. For the Pre–Post scores, positive values indicate improved mood.

a brief demographics form asking for their age, sex, and assessments, participants were thanked for their participa-
whether they were currently or had been previously an art tion and debriefed as to the nature of the study.
student. The experimenter (first author) asked participants
to complete the POMS and the STAI for the first of three Results
Downloaded by [Arcadia University] at 08:05 13 June 2012

times (baseline) and left the room while these forms were
being filled out. Following the first mood assessment, Two primary outcome measures were analyzed in this
participants put on headphones and watched a 12-minute study. We used the POMS overall score as a global measure
video containing 16 different traumatic news stories that of negative mood and the STAI-S (“state anxiety” score) as a
had occurred in the past 10 years (covering, for example, more specific measure of anxiety. Although the trait anxiety
the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, U.S. school shootings, and scale (STAI-T) was used to confirm that the groups were well
the Gulf of Mexico oil spill). When the video ended, each matched for baseline trait anxiety, this scale was not used to
individual was asked to reflect upon something negative assess changes in mood because we did not expect our 5-
that was weighing on his or her mind and to write the event minute intervention to produce alterations in stable, long-
down on a piece of paper (not collected). These stimuli were term anxiety.
intended to induce a similar level of negative mood across
participants; the success of the stimuli to induce a negative Baseline Assessments
mood was then assessed through a second administration
of the POMS and the STAI (pre-treatment). In order to examine whether the randomization created
Participants then were placed in one of four interven- equivalent groups, we used 1-way ANOVAs to compare age
tion conditions based on the randomization schedule de- and STAI-T scores across the four groups at baseline. Nei-
scribed earlier. As already stated, we separately randomized ther analysis approached significance (p > .20 for both).
the art students and non-art students to avoid biased sam- Thus, the four groups were well matched for both age and
ples across the four conditions. For Group A (clay + struc- trait anxiety levels.
tured instructions), the experimenter gave a brief (15 sec-
ond) demonstration on how to make a pinch pot. She then Negative Mood Induction
left and waited outside the room for 5 minutes while the
participants each made a pinch pot of their own. Group Negative mood induction was assessed through the use
B (clay + free instructions) was given the same clay sup- of 2-way repeated measure ANOVAs in which Group (A,
plies and asked to manipulate the clay any way they wished. B, C, or D) served as a between-group factor and Time
For Group C (stress ball + structured instructions), the ex- (baseline/pre-treatment) served as the within-group factor.
perimenter gave participants 2 different textured stress balls We conducted separate analyses for the POMS and STAI-S
and asked them to hold and squeeze a ball in one hand, toss scores. For this analysis, we did not break the groups out into
the ball to the other hand, and then repeat. As in the pinch the factors Materials and Instructions because both measure-
pot condition, the experimenter demonstrated this task for ment points took place before the intervention occurred. Re-
about 15 seconds. In Group D (stress ball + free instruc- sults from the POMS and the STAI-S are shown in Tables 1
tions), participants were told to handle the balls however and 2, respectively.
they chose. In all four cases, the experimenter gave verbal For both analyses, we did not find a main effect of
instructions and then left the room during the 5-minute in- Group, nor did we find a Group × Time interaction (all
tervention. p values > .05). In other words, the four groups did not
After the 5-minute intervention period, the experi- differ in overall levels of negative mood across the two
menter returned to the room and gave participants the time points and did not show differential levels of mood
third and final POMS and STAI forms to complete (post- change. In both analyses there was a significant main effect
treatment). Once again, she left the room while the inven- of Time, POMS: F (1, 98) = 67.8, p < .001; STAI-S: F( 1,
tories were being filled out. Upon completion of the mood 98) = 101.6, p < .001. As shown in Tables 1 and 2, all

Table 2 STAI-S Scores at Baseline, Pre-Treatment, and Post-Treatment (Means and Standard Deviations)

Group N Baseline Pre Post Pre–Post

Clay Structured 27 39.6 (12.6) 50.3 (14.5) 33.8 (7.7) 16.5 (12.0)
Clay Free 24 39.2 (10.4) 50.0 (13.5) 37.3 (11.7) 12.7 (9.6)
Clay Total 51 39.4 (11.5) 50.1 (13.9) 35.4 (9.8) 14.7 (11.0)
Stress Ball Structured 27 41.1 (12.5) 50.0 (12.9) 41.4 (12.4) 8.6 (7.9)
Stress Ball Free 24 38.4 (7.5) 50.8 (10.3) 38.5 (10.0) 12.3 (10.2)
Stress Ball Total 51 39.9 (10.4) 50.4 (11.6) 40.1 (11.3) 10.3 (9.2)
Note. For the Pre–Post scores, positive values indicate improved mood (reductions in state anxiety).

four groups had substantial increases in negative mood 98) = 1.7, p = .19. Tables 1 and 2 reveal similar patterns
from baseline to pre-intervention. Thus, we were successful of change across the four conditions. For both measures,
in inducing comparable levels of negative mood across the the advantage of the clay over the stress ball conditions
four intervention groups. was more pronounced in the structured conditions (Clay
Structured vs. Stress Ball Structured) compared to the free
Downloaded by [Arcadia University] at 08:05 13 June 2012

conditions (Clay Free vs. Stress Ball Free). However, these

Clay/Stress Ball Intervention Outcome differences were not sufficiently strong to produce a signif-
icant 3-way interaction. Furthermore, the highest score in
Primary outcome analyses for this study consisted of each table reflecting the change between pre-treatment and
3-way repeated measure ANOVAs conducted separately for post-treatment belonged to the Clay Structured condition.
the POMS and STAI-S scores. For each analysis, Materials
(clay or stress ball) and Instructions (structured or free)
served as the between-group factors, and Time (pre- or Discussion
post-treatment) served as the within-group factor. Treat-
ment effects would be revealed as either 2-way interactions The results of this study clearly document that a 5-
of Materials × Time and Instructions × Time or as a minute period spent manipulating clay produced more
3-way interaction of Materials × Instructions × Time. In mood enhancement than the same amount of time spent
all cases, treatment effects would take the form of greater manipulating a soft stress ball. On both the POMS and
improvement in negative mood over time in some treatment the STAI-S, the two groups that worked with clay showed
groups compared to others. Pre- and post-treatment scores greater reductions in negative mood from pre-treatment to
on the POMS and the STAI-S can be seen in Tables 1 and 2, post-treatment than the two groups that used stress balls.
which also depict change scores for each of the conditions. This finding supports the claim that clay work has unique
Results of the ANOVAs are easily summarized. In both properties for emotional expression and regulation that go
cases, there was a significant Materials × Time interaction, beyond the simple manual manipulation of an object. Al-
POMS: F (1, 98) = 7.6, p < .05; STAI-S: F (1, 98) = 4.4, though neither primary outcome analysis revealed a signifi-
p < .05. As depicted in Tables 1 and 2, this interaction re- cant 3-way interaction (Materials × Instructions × Time),
flected a greater improvement in negative mood in the two there was a trend in both cases towards a larger effect in the
clay groups compared to the two stress ball groups. The Clay Structured condition. These trends are consistent with
“Clay Total” and “Stress Ball Total” rows in each table reveal the idea that art therapy interventions are most effective at
the magnitude of this effect. Overall negative mood score alleviating negative mood states when they entail a struc-
on the POMS decreased an average of 45 points follow- tured task leading to a specific end result or goal state (in
ing the two clay interventions and 29 points following the this case, the creation of a pinch pot).
two stress ball interventions. Thus, participants in the clay The present design has a number of advantages in al-
conditions experienced more than 50% greater mood im- lowing us to isolate the use of clay as the “active ingredient”
provement than individuals exposed to the stress balls. Par- in improved mood in our participants. First, the laboratory-
ticipants in the clay groups also showed almost 15 points based mood induction ensured that the four groups were
of improvement in STAI-S scores compared to a little more experiencing comparable levels of negative mood at the
than 10 points for the stress ball groups; once again, these start of the treatment phase (pre-treatment). Second, the
values represent nearly 50% greater improvement in mood use of a random assignment design meant that improve-
for the clay intervention conditions. ment of mood in the groups working with clay could
No other significant interactions were revealed in the not be attributed to internal validity threats such as test-
analyses. However, there was a trend toward a 3-way Ma- ing, maturation, selection bias, history, or regression to the
terials × Instructions × Time interaction for the STAI-S, mean. Furthermore, individual participants were left alone
F (1, 98) = 3.6, p = .06. A much weaker trend toward both during mood assessments and during handling of the
a 3-way interaction existed in the POMS analysis, F (1, clay or stress balls, thus reducing the potential impact of

observer/experimenter bias on the study results. Third, the Banker, J. E. (2008). Family clay sculpting. Journal of
use of soft, squeezable stress balls in the control conditions Family Psychotherapy, 19(3), 291–297. doi:10.1080/
meant that the effects of clay could not be simply attributed 08975350802269533
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of squeezing, or to exposure to tactile contact with some- Bell, C. E., & Robbins, S. J. (2007). Effect of art production
on negative mood: A randomized, controlled trial. Art Therapy:
thing soft. Fourth, the use of the stress ball control reduced Journal of the American Art Therapy Association, 24(2), 71–75.
the possibility that the results were contaminated by demand doi:10.1080/07421656.2007.10129589
effects; participants in the ball conditions had every reason
to expect as much mood improvement as participants in the Boothby, D. M., & Robbins, S. J. (2011). The effects of mu-
clay conditions (after all, stress balls are explicitly meant to sic listening and art production on negative mood: A random-
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Chief among them was our decision not to employ an actual
Downloaded by [Arcadia University] at 08:05 13 June 2012

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simple instructions for manipulating the clay (or stress ball) ogy, 66 (1), 7–18.
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study also did not involve clients with diagnosed emotional Design and analysis issues for field settings. Chicago, IL: Rand Mc-
disorders; rather, it involved a convenience sample of mostly Nally.
college students and an induced negative mood state. An-
other limitation is that the treatment phase of this study Curry, N. A., & Kasser, T. (2005). Can coloring mandalas re-
took place in a single 5-minute session whereas true art ther- duce anxiety? Art Therapy: Journal of the American Art Ther-
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time and often over multiple days. Although these factors 10129441
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evidence from a randomized controlled trial documenting Drake, J. E., Coleman, K., & Winner, E. (2011). Short-term mood
repair through art: Effects of medium and strategy. Art Therapy:
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