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Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (I) 1 Reol Number Systems ou) 1.2 Complex Humber Sper (7) 7 Foetoe Method php 1 Soling Quodrotie Tqustions bythe Quodretie Formula e130. 1.5 Solving Quodratie © teatremaiceFootpriis ‘Avectangle with ‘length to wid ina “goien ratio’ s sad to be best in ‘shape. The Porthenon in Alben was uit acceding tos 200. In fac, by considering the simlar rectangies ABCD ane ECDF in We igure, ‘he golden tis 0: ean be found using the sil of solving quadeatle ‘equations. Ty tofind auto: b afte learning this chapter, (ee more detoisenp. 1.53) Parrnen 28M ‘Number and Algebs (oT ata A. Manipulation of Polynomials (a) Adc Example 1 @ @+Q+O-9 axt2tx-5 2e=3 yn and subtraction of polynomials Gi) Ge 1)- GF 2x44) ax? 1-2? + 2x4 2x4 x= 5 BB ease ropin oreo 8 Let’s Try @ @-4+4x-2 Gi) (x? + 3x4 1)—@?-3x-2) (b) Multiplication of polynomials BB aasieToia worsneet 16 Example 2 @ 4-2) 4x-4Q) = 4x8 Gi) e+ NQx=3) G+ DRX) &+ DGB) B_ Factorization of Polynomials Let’s Try @ 3x43) @) @x=Ne+2) To factorize a polynomial is to express it as a product of two or more factors. (@) Taking out the common factors from all Example 3 2a- 6b 2a 2(36) (a - 3b) (b) Grouping terms B sasic toca worksheet 18 Example 4 wyoxtyrd x0-)+0-1) G=DE+) the terms B basic Toical Worshoet 17 Let’s Try 12x-3y Let's Try eax+ay-y 1 Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (1) (©) The cross method BB asic rial vetsneet20 Example 5 Let's Try @ 245x-6=@-DE+O @ P-sxt4= (i) 6x?= x= 1 = @x- Gx+1) @ 424x-3= Example 6 Let's Try @ @-2a+1 @ 46x49 = @?-2@()+ P = =(@-1? Gi) 2-97 (i) 42-8 =) Gy)? = = (x+3)) (x— 3) Review Exercise ‘Simplify the following expressions. (1-2) 1 439+ (2840) 2. Gv =2x+4)- (4-6) Expand the following expressions. (3-6) 3 345) 4. 4x@Qx-2) 5. (x+3)e-3) 6 (x-4)Qx+1) Factorize the following expressions. (7 — 12) Te H2x-8 & 2-7x-15 9 4x7 +200 +25 10. x°-2ax-x+2a M. x@e+1)-4@+1) 2 Gxrtif-x2 ‘Number and Algebra Hm Real Number System In mathematical history, people invented different types of numbers in solving problems for different situations. Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 .. that we used for counting are called natural numbers. UA integers ‘The natural numbers are also known as positive integers. Their negatives are called negative integers, Positive integers, negative integers and zero ‘0 together form the system of integers, For example, 5,4, -3, % Laas reget integers 2810 poste integers (eaturat numbers) ©, Rational Numbers Any number which can be expressed as ©, where p and g are integers and gt is called a rational number. For example, << Rational refer othe ratio of PP Sats} beets] _— traclons integers In fact, fractions and integers form the system of rational numbers. All fractions can be converted into terminating decimals or recurring ‘decimals, On the other hand, all terminating decimals and recurring decimals can also be converted into fractions, 11, 1 2 e207 5 4 © 07a terminating decimal © 02=02222,.. and -0.38 = -0.363 636. f.Y are recurring decimals. ‘Terminating decimals Fractions or recurring decimals Hence, all terminating decimals and recurring decimals are rational, numbers. 1 Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (1) ‘Now, let us investigate how to convert recurring decimals into fractions. Ginn (Convert recurring decimals into fractions) Convert the following recurring decimals into fractions. (Leave your answers in the simplest form.) @ 03 @) 0.1 Solution (@) Let x=03, ie x= 0.833333. «since theres RERURERIR in 0.3, iogessassd. 2) Netulpy bom sides) by 0, =: 9x=3 () Let 0.133, ie x= 0.108232.. nB) 4 Since hore are ESERIES 100x = 12.323232., 2, @) i 0123, e mutply both ies ‘of (3) by 107, ie. 100. (4) — (3): 99x = 12.2 12 90 a Bi Convert the following recurring decimals into fractions (Leave your answers in the simplest form.) @ 0.16 @) 0.123 Q, Irrational Numbers Some numbers eannot be expressed as “where p and ¢ are integers and 4g #0. They can only be written as non-terminating and non-recurring decimals, We call these numbers irrational numbers. ‘Number and Algebra Tondoundotan For example, 7 = 3.141 592.654... 5 = 2.236 067977 V2 =~ 1.414 213562. In fact, all irrational numbers can only be written as non-terminating and non-recurring decimals. All surds are irrational numbers. For example, ¥2 = 1.414213 562..., ¥3 = 1.732050808..., Let us review some properties of this type of irrational numbers. For any two positive numbers a and b, ) axb= Saxo a @ 2 Example: B pas Tope weraret 4,59 @ V8 = V3 x2 = VP x2 = 32 w fe agi hintt EW Classwork ), This the simplest form of 44 This isthe simples form of VB. Surds ae square roots that ‘cannot be written as integers or fractions, 9. 48. In each of the following, express the square root in its simplest form, and determine whether itis an irrational number by putting a ‘v” in the appropriate box. ‘Number Irrational number? @ | =f VC = Cove Lno w |-W7= Cys [Lino © |= Lives Lino TivC @ i Ta Dyes Lno © | 3+ Cys [no 1 Quadratic Equations in One Unknow (I) @, Real Numbers Rational and irrational numbers together form the real number system. Every real number can be represented by a point on a real number line a8 m2 |Quick Practice AEB Simplify and express each of the following in the form a + Bi. H 448i 1 + Oa Ge {Division of complex numbers) ‘Simplify and express each of the following in the form a + 61. @ 546i 1 © a oye T+ 1 Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (i) Ten fomaston P-@i? 4 (a+bYo-, de2i 1-47 1-2 5461546 3441 32a" 3-4 3a 1542004 181+ 247 ¥- ai? 1S + 38i+ 24-1) 9m 1 9+ 381 © EW Skills Consolidation 1. Simplify and express each of the following in the form bi. @) a+ 6 © 9-8 . v © tent 2. Simplify and express each of the following in the form a + bi. @ CraKe-apaeod (@) (3449+ (4-49 & 6 +8)- (2-39 © 4+) @ (6-21? 2 4-4 © na Oar zs ‘Number and Algebra ~__ Time to Think Observe the pattern of the powers of i fiona OO=(MO=5 Pend B= OHAM=OCY=-1 P= OO=CN0=-i (A) = OD =-i #=@O@O=CVCU P= C)=1 “Try to simplify each of the following expressions. or © or oi” cay Solve the following equations, and express your answers in the form bi. (1-2) 1 5-25 2 4¢=-49 Incach of the following, find the values ofthe real numbers x and y. (3 ~ 4) 3 84xi=—dyt Si 4. -2x=6-yi ‘Simplify and express each of the following in the form bi. (5 ~ 6) 8 \=%- Va 6 fe ‘Simplify and express each of the following in the form a + bi. (7 — 10) 7% (1+2)+G6-4) 8 (443+ (-5-4 9% (12-3) - 6+ 3i 10. (-7+8)-(7-6i) ‘Simplify and express each of the following in the form a + bi. (II ~ 18) Mi @~39 12. 2i-(-5 +49) 13 (1-92+69 4496-29 5. G+9 16. @-4i 17, (9-2I5+ 2) CaS) 18, 4+30Gi-4) ‘Simplify and express each of the following in the form a+ bi. (19 ~ 24) 1». 5 =D 20. z a. yy =p 1.18 — 1 Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (I) eG Te fomaston In each of the following, find the values of the real numbers x and y. (25 ~ 28) 28. (w +5) +B-y)=—4 26. B—2x) - 6y-yi 27. (LF (x= 2=y +53 28. (x+y(1-29=5 Simplify each of the following expressions. (29 ~ 32) 2, i? 30, im a Pe 32, Pt Simplily and express each of the following in the form a + bi. (33 ~ 38) 1431 3a 33, LS Come ray au a 35. (1+2)+@I-39)-G-9 36, (10-29 ~(-2- 139-4459) 37. (1+ (6-39 +7 + 10) 38 9+ 8)-(3-SN4-39 39, Let 2=(3—7/) + (1 +20), where kis a real number. If zis an imaginary number, find (a) the value of k, ) = 40. Letz= 12, where isa real number. IF is areal number, find (@ thevalue of & os 41, (a) Express °—% in the forma + 6 fe eS Ta! ot (b) Hence, find the complex number z such that (1 + 22 Solving Quadratic Equations by the Factor Method UA Roots of Quadratic Equations If an equation contains only one unknown and the highest degree of the unknown is 2, then the equation is called quadratic equation in one unknown, For example, ‘Number and Algebra HD Classwork ) Determine whether each of the following equations is a quadratic equation in one unknown by putting & ‘V"in the appropriate box. (@) 3x7=2x-1 QW) 3x°-2x +1 (@ v-342 @ © OOo OOOoO0# All quadratic equations in one unknown x can be written in the general form ax” + bx + ¢=0, where a, b and c are real numbers and a40. 4 ocannat be zero, otherwise the equation wil become br + c= 0, ‘which is alinear equation in one If there is a value of x that satisfies the equation ax? + bx + ¢=0, that Unknown, value is called a root of the quadratic equation, 4 Aroot ofan equation is also known as solution. Consider the quadratic equation x? + 3x4 If we substitute x = 1 into the equation, we have LHS.=(I'+30)-4=0 and RHS.=0 Since LH.S, = R.H.S,, x= | satisfies the equation, Therefore, 1 is a root of the equation x74 3x4 ED Classwork ),. 1, Convert the following quadratic equations into the general form ax” + bx + ¢= 0 with a > 0, and write down the values of a, b and c. Quadraticequation | Generalformax’+dx+e-0 | a | & | © @ | -2¢+x-3=0 2eax+3=0 2 1 | 3 |amurioy | bath sides of £ ® B-3=2 theequition £ by=1. : © 1-8: 1 i @ ae i © eae i 1 Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (I) 2, (a) Consider the quadratic equation x? — 3x + 2=0 uw (*). i ‘Complete the following table. i x Substitute the value « into L.HLS. of (*) o wit — | Oe iy | 2 — | Dv @ | 3 Yes No |: ‘Therefore, ____and_are the roots ofthe equation x? ~ 3x +2=0 z (b)_ Ineach of the following, determine whether —2 is a root of the given equation. @ -2x=8 Gi) P+ 2x=8 DD Factor Method Besscriaivionsreoieo ‘The process of finding the roots of a quadratic equation is called solving the quadratic equation. To solve the quadratic equation ax? + bx + © = 0, we may first try to factorize ax* + bx + ¢ into the form (px ~ (gx ~ 3), and then find the roots of the equation using the following fact. For any two real numbers a and b, if ab = 0, then a =0 or b= 0. ‘Therefore, we have: Aamo Seve Ge De 1)=0 ex—Nlax-s) pxor=0 or gx-s=0 xstor x ¢ ‘The above solving method is called the factor method. Gin (Solve quadratic equations by the crass method) Solve the following quadratic equations, (@) 2+x-6=0 () 2-x-3=0 ‘Number and Algebra Solution @ ttx- (x= De43 x= x= x-3 (x+ D@x-3)=0 xt or 2x x=cl or Quick Practice AED Solve the following quadratic equations (@) 7-6x+5=0 {Solve quadratic equations by the cross method) Solve the following quadratic equations, @ 3fadeed Solution @ B= deed 3x2 4x—4= 0 < Rewite the equationin (e-2Gx42)—0 — seneelform x-2=0 or 3x+2=0 o) (x= 2)Qx= 3) 2x? - 4x— 3x4 6= 27x45 (= D@x= 5) xol Quick Practice AEB Solve the following quadratic equations. (@ 2e-x=1 4.22 ®) @x=De+D= (b) 3x74 5x-2=0 ©) (*-2Qx-3)=1 Reler to the following solution. (= 2Yle43) 1 1 x-2=1 oF xe x=3 or 's the method above correct? 1 Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (I) (Soive quadratic equations by taking out the common Etim factor) Solve the following quadratic equations. @ 7=3x © (+ DRx-)-4x+)=0 Solution f@) aay ¥-3x=0 x(x=3)=0 x=0 or x-3=0 x=Qor x=3 ©) (+ D@r-)-4@+)=0 + DIQx- 1)- 4] WB Tivs or Students 4 Alternatively, we can solve the equation by first reiting tin general form. (+ DQx- 5) x+1=0 or 2x-S=0 x=] or art Quick Practice ETD Solve the following quadratic equations. @ 37=x © Qx=No+ N+ 4ex-N=0 Gn (Solve quadratic equations by using the identities) Solve the following quadratic equations. (@ 7+ 10x+25=0 ) Solution @ 7+ 10x4+.25 a+ 2@)(5) + * 97-25 =0 Solve the following quadratic equations. Or HAG + +4=0 (©) 490-1 64=0 +byo+8) “¢The equation i said to have two equal roots ora double ‘Number and Algebra © 9x? 25=0 Gv?-F=0 Gx+5)Gx-5)=0 0. (1-2) 1 (@) Sv-4=x ) ataxt5 2 (@) -1+3x-2=0 (b) 3x=1- 20 3. _Incach of the following, determine whether x = 4 is a root of the given quadratic equation. (@ e-16=0 ) -+4x=1 4, _Ineach of the following, determine whether x = ~5 isa oot of the given quadratic equation. (@) 2x7-11x+5=0 (b) 3x74 12x-7=8 Solve the following quadratic equations ($ - 6) S. (@) x= 3)=0 ) &-3E+H)=0 6 (a) (5~x)(x-8)=0 @) Qx+5P=0 1.24 1 Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (|) Solve the following quadratic equations. (7— 11) 7 () P-x-6=0 @ Y-8r+7=0 8 (a) 2¢-3x-9=0 @) 3¥-Ny-20=0 9. (@) 2x°-4x-6=0 @ Sx"-20x-25=0 10. @) —84x+12=0 @) —A-7x-10=0 I, (@) -3¢-1x+4=0 Solve the following quadratic equations, (12-14) 2 (@) tox=2 © 13, (a) 82+7x=0 () 14. (@) 207-3) =x © Find the roots of the following quadratic equations. (1S — 17) 15. (@) 412043620 Commemny () 9x4 244 16=0 16. (a) x’- 18x +81=0 @) 4x7-20x + 25=0 (@ 249-0 © [level Of Solve the following quadratic equations. (18-19) 18, @) Set ax t6= » 9. @ v=%-2 0) SP == Im Find the roots of the following quadratic equations. (20-27) 20, (+ Gx+1)-5=0 Comer WM, 3+ Qx-3)4-5y)=0 22. Qr-Ie-4)~ (+19 =0 2B. Ox 3x44) +5Qx-3)=0 Comoe TOD Opt DQy-D= sy 25, ¥e~1P=ztl 26. Qx+3P=aQx+3) 21. 6x~ 5) = (B— TANS — 6x) 28. (a) Factorize 36y*— 25. (0) Hence, solve 36(x — 1)? 25=0. 29. (a) Factorize 2y*— Sy—7. (0) Hence, solve 2x + 2)?~ 5(°+2)-7=0, 1.25 ‘Number and Algebra Solve the following quadratic equations (30 ~ 31) 30. (a+1)-4@a-1P=0 BL (x48 1x4) oe 32.” Consider the quadratic equation x*+ mx — 12 = 0, where m is an integer. (a) Suggest a possible pair of integral roots of the given equation. (©) Hence, find the corresponding value of m. Solving Quadratic Equations by the Quadratic Formula CUA By Taking Square Roots B sssictoscawaisre:ss In Example 1.11 (b), we can also solve the given quadratic equation in the following way: 9x7 25=0 Py (ees 25 °o 35 ved Fo YF «Take square roots om both sides =f a =3 TS Actually, if a quadratic equation is in the form (x + B)* = C, where B and. C ate real numbers and C2 0, we can solve it by taking square roots on «<0, /C is nota reat number both sides ‘The quadratic equation has no real roots, itn (Solve quadratic equations by taking square roots) Solve the equation (x ~ 1)* = 4 by taking square roots. Solution (-1=4 YE or =F 4 Toke square roots on both sides. 142 or 1-2 a Example 2 Solve 3x7 — 2x ~ Solution ‘Method I (by factor method) ‘Method 2 (by quadratic formula) BP -2k-1=0 Substitute a= 3, b=—2 and c= —1 into the quadeatic formula Gr De-)=0 xf 4OCD, 20) (©) Graphical Method Step 1 Plot the graph of y= ax? + bx + c. Step 2. Find the rots of a+ bx + © =O by reading the x-intereept(s) of the graph. Example 3 Refer to the figure. ‘The s-intercepts of the piven graph are ~0.7 and 1.0, Therefore, the roots of 3x°— x-2=Oare 0.7 and 1.0. ‘Note: The values of the x-intercepts read from the graph are approximations only ‘Number and Algebra 4, Problems Involving Quadratic Equations Example 4 “The sum of two numbers is 100 and their product is 2016. Find the two numbers. Solution Let x be one of the numbers. Step 1 Use a letter, say x, to represent the ‘Then, 100 xis the other number. unknown quantity. x(100— 2) = 2016 ~ ‘Step 2 Set up a quadratic equation based on the 100x— = 2016 given information. 2? = 100x + 2016: ‘Choose an appropriate method to solve (= 280-72) the equation, s x= 28 or x= ‘Chock whether the solutions are Henee, the two numbers are 28 and 72... co “Write down the answer(s) to the problem clearly. 5. Forming a Quadratic Equation with Given Roots If @ and B are the roots of a quadratic equation in x, the equation can be written as: (2 a) —A)=0 Example 5 Form a quadratic equation in x whose roots are ~3 and 4, Solution b= C1e-4 (49x 4) ¥ox- 1280 “The required quadratic equation is x? - x—12=0. Note: Forming a quadratic equation with given roots is the reverse process of solving the equation. 1 Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (i) 1. Consider the following numbers: 2, M6, 0, 2 4, 38 Mm, 8 3.4, 28 Which of them is/are (a) natural number(s)? () integertsy? (© ational number(s)? (@) irrational number(s)? 2. Consider the following numbers: 0. , 0.73, 0.722 (a) Arrange them in ascending order. (®) Convert them into fractions. (Leave your answers in the simplest form.) 3. Determine whether each of the following is rational or irrational, @ axa @ a © Bn @ 13-34 of © oF aa Simplily and express cach of the following in the form bi. (4 ~ 5) @ @ H+ H36 © CR e @ @ FsxKa (e) -v=9 x i495 Simplify and express each of the following in the form a + i. (6~ 8) © @ e-3+0 +49 ) (-6+9-4-59 @ @ a-2e+9 ) 0-39" ®o-7 » In each of the following, find the values of the real numbers x and y. (9 ~ 10) @ o+9--4i=0 @ wryma-p=2 ‘Number and Algebra 11, Determine whether each ofthe following quadratic equations has rational roots. If yes, find the roots @) (e-NGx+2)=0 @) (e+ VN@- V7) =0 © (2x+ 8) =0 Solve the following quadratic equations using the factor method. (12 ~ 13) 1 2? 3x-27 13. -2-2420=0 Solve the following quadratic equations by taking square roots. (Leave your answers in surd form if necessary.) (14—15) 14, Qx+3P=4 15. (I1x-3P=6 Solve the following quadratic equations using the quadratic formula, (Leave your answers in surd form.) (as-17) 16, x°-S5x-7=0 ce Solve the following quadratic equations using the quadratic formula, (Give your answers correc to 3 significant figures) (18 ~ 19) 18. x+10=3( +5x-1) 19. Qrt I= 18x 20. _Itis given that 8 is a root of the quadratic equation x7 — Sx—e=0. (@) Find the value of e (©) Hence, find the other root of the equation. 21, It is given that ~3 isa root of the quadratic equation 2x? + bx — (@) Find the value of b. (©) Hence, find the other root of the equation. In each of the following, form a quadratic equation in x with the given roots, and write the equation in the general form. (22 ~ 23) 2 -3,8 2B. 24. (a) Given that y = 2x* + x— 5, complete the table for the values of y. x 2|- ° ' 2 2 1 Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (i) (0) Plot the graph of y= 2s? + x~ 5 from x=~2 0 x =2 on the graph paper below. Hence, solve the equation 2+ x ~ 5 = 0 graphically. y 25, (@) Given that y=? + 2x +4, complete the table for the values of y. «| 2/4 ° 1 2 3 4 y (b) Plot the graph of y = —x" + 2x +4 from x = ~2 to x= 4 on the graph paper below. Hence, solve the equation —2x? + 4x + ‘graphically. 26, The product of two consecutive positive integers is greater than 14 times the sum of the two integers by 14, Find the two integers. 27, Heidi is older than Alice by 6 years and Alice is x yeurs old. (@) Express the present age of Heidi in terms of x, (6) If the product of their ages is 4 times the sum of their ages, find the present ages of Heidi and Alice. 28, If the lengths of the three sides of a right-angled triangle are x em, (4x + 1) cm and (4x ~ 1) cm, find the value of x. ‘Number and Algebra 29, The figure shows a rectangle of length x cm. Its width is 1 cm shorter than its length. A square of side (x ~ 3) em is eut away from the corner of the rectangle. It is known that the area of the square is half of the area of the rectangle, (@) Find the value of x. (®)_ Hence, find the perimeter of the L-shaped figure formed, [Level 2 G0) Simplify cach of the following expressions. @ i om © @ ‘Simplify and express each of the following in the form a+ bi. (1 ~ 36) @ +29-G-49+ 6-69 @ @-s)+ 0-9-7439 G-)Q+ 3) ® G6+06-1e-0 Son roe Lei 3-21 ® 4399-29 +2439 ee Solve the following quadratic equations using an appropriate method. (Leave your answers in surd form if necessary. If an equation has no real roots, state so.) (31 ~ 42) feel 38. -9x" = 43x41) la 3. peed 39. 6x(x +5) =5x-11 40. (= IPGL 41. Sww-2)=Qw- 29° 42. (~1)Qy—3)= Gy 24y +3) Find the roots of the following quadratic equations, and express your answers in the form a+ bi. (43 ~ 44) @ se4+2=~-6x @ e-2=-10 45. (a) Solve? — 36x48 (8) Hence, form a quadratic equation in x whose roots are twive the rots of 4x? — 36x-+ 8 write the equation in the general form, 0, and 46, (a) Plot the graph of y= 4x2 ~ 10x ~ 2 from x= =I to x=3. (b) Hence, solve the equation 2x7 — 5x graphically. (Give your answers correct to I decimal place if necessary.) 47. (a) Plot the graph of y= x? + 4x —2 from x= -S tox (©) Hence, solve the equation = 1 ~2x graphically. (Give your answers correct to 1 decimal place if necessary.) equation x? + mx + = 0, where m and m are positive, does the equation have a your answer. ‘48. Given the quadrat positive root? Expl 1 Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (1) 42. (Fame quate quinn # woe ot ae 6 and Sand wet equation in te ener fxm (b) The figure shows a rectangle ABCD. The length of BC is 7 em less than 3 times that of AB, Two tight-angled isosceles triangles are cut away from rectangle ABCD. If the area of parallelogram BEDF obtained is 30 cm’, find the dimensions of rectangle ABCD. F > F > ee = é oc 8 roa = dont 50, The figure shows a right-angled triangle POR, where 2POR=90°, A PQ=8cm and OR = 6 em. S and T are points on PQ and PR respectively such that S71 QR and SQ = xem. + (a) Express the lengths of PS and S7'in terms of x. ea (©) If the area of trapezium TSQR is 18 em, find the value of x. S— xen 8 ke em SI. Ben and Judy are due south and due cast of a bus stop respectively, and the distance between them is 60 m, ‘They walk towards the bus stop at the same time with their own constant speeds. After 6 seconds, they are both 27 m away from the bus stop. If Judy walks slower than Ben by 2 m/s, find their speeds. PMs 1. Arrange 0.123, 0.158 and 0.125 in descending @) A order. fos aie nace 7 Beit A. 0123, 0.123, 0.125 G AD. Find the value of x. of k Ai Aen A, 2or-8 B. 2or-s BL CG -2or8 D. -20r5 au xem xs tem 7. It Bisaroot of 5x? + 3x-2=0, then me 4 106? + 6B - ame A 0. G 10. Forma quadratic equation in x whose roots are ~2and 8. A B. c D. 8. The figure shows the graph of y =.27 + 3x + ¢, Solve + 3+ ¢= 0 graphically. 1, Inthe figure, the graph of y x-axis at A(a, 0) and cuts the y-axis at B(0, 6). Find a and b. @ marks) y= a8 + 10x-25 (HKGEE 2004) 2 (a) Solvel0x?+ 9x 22= 0, (marks) (®) Mr. Tung deposited $10 000 in a bank on his 25th birthday and $9000 on his 26th birthday. The interest was compounded yearly at r% pa. , and the total amount i he received on his 27th birthday was $22 000. Find r. (4 marks) trkceE 2000) 4 1 Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (i) 8 PBI-y= 5. Letabe constant Solve the equation B+3i. (ax a= l= (e-). pou, A seat “pea B xnav? D -A-% x=aor seal (eKOSE2010) | D. x=aorx=a4? - (KOS Sample ape) 4. If xis a real number, then the real part of | (+ 3NG + Dis 6. Let x be the larger one of two consecutive odd A oe. ‘numbers. If the sum of the squares of the two Roa cx uber is es than four ines the product of the two od umbesby 2, then carta proods AL 24 (= 1)? = dx@e— +2. Diode : (HKDSE Practice Paper) Beoxt G- DP= ax D2 C+ (= 2)? = axe 2)42. D. x4 (x-2)?= 4x(@v—2)-2. (Hkoee 2010) @) Bening mathematics Footprints Since ABCD and ECDF are similar rectangles, we have a x, sc D K"@ ich ends toa quacratc equation ina: Panad-Quicas8 a fees ty sing, we have x= 1 ot In other words, we have a:b = 1 8 1, which is known as the golden ratio. In addition, rectangles with lrath own te ato! (0.9 recta ABC and ECF aor) re know 5 ote eng he golden ratio was defined by a mathematician Luca Pacioli 8-F - O35, 1445 - 1517) in a book named ‘De Divina Proportione’. The golden ratio is widely applied or found in real life. For example, the spiral pattern of 2 seashell Figure (1), the height and width ofan Egyptian Pyramid (Figure (2), the height and width of windows, a star shape, et @® Sample Question in HKDSE 1 (a) Express the complex number —— in the form a + bi, where a and bare real numbers. (2 marks) ©) Teis given that isa root ofthe quadratic equation x7 + px +4 =0, where p and gare real numbers. Find the values of p and g. G marks) Suggested Solution Marks Exam Tips Lee IM __| Some students answer 1 wrongly } 1M(ans)_ | Do not express the answer as @y | le 2) | singe its notin the form ahi. jis root ofthe quadratic equation x?+ px +90. 2+ 29+ pQ+2+q=0 IM | Note that (4+ 814 47) + 2p+ 2pi+ g=0 2429? =P +22)0)+ 02H", Qp+ q)+ B+ p)i= 0 2p+g=0 and 8+2p=0 IM | tasbimetdithenane and b= d, where 8, cand d ie and 4 roteaay |e QB) @®Try a similar question (0) Bape th complex umber in he forma +b where and bare el manbers (mars ©) tis given that 5-6 a root of the quadratic equation ° + px + q=0, where p and are real numbers. Find the values of p and q, marks) Exam-type Questions @®1. Bi 9 mri areal number, express (1+ mi) + 2—"* inthe form a+ bi. Leta be a constant. Solve the equation (x + I(x —2)= (a+ 1)(a—2). (a) Solve 25x7 + 25x-6=0. (©) The cost price of a diamond is $120 000. Mary sold it to Helen ata profit of 1%. After ‘one year, Helen sold the diamond back to Mary at a profit of 7%. As. result, Mary lost $28 800, Find the value of 7. (3 marks) (GB marks) (marks) (4 marks) 1.61 Solving a quadratic equation graphically The following figure shows the graph of y= Bel rlcalr [e) eon 4 3x—4 and Pis a movable point on the graph. 1. Press the button “Play Animation’ to observe how the coordinates of Pchanges when P moves along the graph of y= x?+3x—4. 2. When the y-coordinate of Pis zero, which of the following can be its corresponding x-coordinate? -40 -30 -20 a0 10 20 3. Are the xcoordinates found Yes No Reason: in question 2 the roots of the equation x? + 3x— 10 30 4, Describe how you can solve ax? + bx+ ¢= 0 using the graph of y= ax? + bx-+ c. 5. Solve the following quadratic equations graphically by changing the value of c with blue scroll bars. (a) x? +3x-3 x (b)_x?+3x+1=0; x= (©) x2+3x+2.25=0; x= 6. Consider a quadratic equation x? + 3x-+ k= 0, where kis a positive number. Oo you think that ‘the equation always has real roots? Explain your answer. 1.63

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