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Full Name: Nguyễn Vân Tường Khanh

Student ID: 20131139

The seminar titled "Sales & Customer Service in Today's Business" conducted by guest
lecturer Mr. Duy Tran provided valuable insights into the essential skills required for
effective salespersons and customer service executives. Mr. Tran, with an impressive
background in the field, shared his knowledge and experiences, making the seminar
highly beneficial for students interested in pursuing careers in sales and customer service.
This report aims to summarize the key points covered in the seminar.

Nature and Traits of a Salesperson: Mr. Duy Tran emphasized the importance of
understanding the nature and traits of a salesperson. He highlighted that a salesperson's
role involves working closely with customers and adopting the right approach to market a
product. Some key responsibilities of a salesperson include:

Customer Selection: Salespersons need to identify which customers to avoid and which
are suitable for approaching. This involves considering factors such as the target market,
customer demographics, and customer needs.

Customer Database Management: Salespersons play a crucial role in creating and

managing a customer database for their company. Maintaining accurate and up-to-date
customer information helps in building long-term relationships and delivering
personalized services.

Relationship Building: Building and nurturing strong, long-term relationships with

customers is vital for successful sales. Salespersons should focus on understanding
customer preferences, addressing their concerns, and providing tailored solutions to their

Problem Solving: Salespersons need to be adept at resolving customer issues promptly

and effectively. By addressing customer problems, salespersons can enhance customer
satisfaction and build trust in the company's products or services.
Identifying Customer Needs: Understanding customer needs is essential for salespersons.
By identifying customer requirements and pain points, salespersons can tailor their
offerings to match those needs and provide a personalized customer experience.

Sales Categories: Mr. Duy Tran explained that sales executives operate within two
primary categories: Business-to-Business (B2B) and Business-to-Customer (B2C). While
the core principles of sales apply to both categories, there are some key differences:

B2B Sales: Salespersons working in a B2B environment focus on selling products or

services to other businesses. This requires a thorough understanding of the business
landscape, building relationships with key decision-makers, and providing value
propositions that align with the customers' business objectives.

B2C Sales: B2C sales involve selling products or services directly to individual
consumers. Salespersons in this category need to understand consumer behavior, engage
customers through effective marketing strategies, and create positive buying experiences
to drive sales.

Conclusion: The seminar on "Sales & Customer Service in Today's Business" led by Mr.
Duy Tran offered valuable insights into the skills required for success in sales and
customer service roles. Participants gained a deeper understanding of the nature and traits
of a salesperson, the importance of customer selection, database management, relationship
building, problem-solving, and identifying customer needs. Furthermore, the seminar
highlighted the distinctions between B2B and B2C sales and the unique considerations in
each category. Overall, the seminar provided a solid foundation for aspiring salespersons
and customer service executives to excel in their careers.

The focus of this section is on the core skills required for salespersons and the unique
aspects of working in multinational companies and startups. Additionally, it provides an
overview of the career path for salespersons.

Core Skills of a Salesperson: Mr. Duy Tran emphasized the importance of being prepared
and possessing specific traits to excel as a salesperson. Some core skills discussed
Passion and Motivation: A salesperson should have a genuine passion for sales and be
self-motivated to succeed. This drive helps in overcoming challenges and continuously

Organization and Time Management: Being organized and managing time efficiently is
crucial in sales. It involves prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and effectively utilizing
resources to maximize productivity.

Personable and Relatable: Building and maintaining relationships with customers relies
on being personable, empathetic, and relatable. Salespersons should be able to connect
with customers on a personal level to establish trust and rapport.

Hardworking and Self-Improvement: Sales is a competitive field, and hard work is

essential for success. Salespersons should be willing to put in the effort to continually
improve their skills, knowledge, and techniques.

Work-Life Balance: While being dedicated to work is important, maintaining a healthy

work-life balance is also crucial. Salespersons should strive for harmony between their
personal and professional lives to avoid burnout.

Importance of Person-to-Person Communication: Mr. Duy highlighted the significance of

person-to-person communication in sales. Effective communication plays a vital role in
building relationships with customers. By understanding customers' needs, actively
listening, and providing clear and concise information, salespersons can establish trust
and foster positive interactions.

Working in Multinational Companies and Startups: The seminar also shed light on the
unique responsibilities of salespersons in multinational companies and startups. While
there are similarities with sales roles in Vietnam, some key differences exist. Mr. Duy
explained that understanding the specific needs and dynamics of the company is crucial.
He also provided insights into interview questions commonly asked by multinational
companies, offering valuable preparation for students interested in pursuing sales careers
in such organizations.
Career Path for Salespersons: Mr. Duy discussed the career path of a salesperson, offering
guidance on the steps required to progress to higher positions. Understanding the different
needs of startups and larger companies is important when planning one's career trajectory.
Salespersons should continually seek opportunities for growth, take on challenges, and
develop their skills to advance in their profession.

The seminar on "Sales & Customer Service in Today's Business" provided valuable
insights into the core skills necessary for salespersons, the importance of person-to-person
communication, and the distinctions between working in multinational companies and
startups. Students gained a better understanding of the traits required for success, the
significance of continuous self-improvement, and the need for maintaining a healthy
work-life balance. Additionally, the seminar provided a glimpse into the career path of a
salesperson, offering valuable guidance for those aspiring to excel in sales roles.

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