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Speech Asmodeus tegen Zariel:

I look at you and I see that you are in despair. You thought you could make a difference. That you could
end the Blood War. But here you are on a field of dead friends.

You look at me and I know you see malevolence. You see Evil. You see an antithesis. You see betrayal.
But I did make a difference. And I will end the Blood War.

All those aeons ago, at my trial, when I looked you in the eye and laughed. Do you think I mocked you?
No. I laughed because I saw you standing where I had stood before. I knew we walked the same road
and you were just a few steps behind me.

Look around you. Look at the dead. Piled high. Do you really think this to be Good? Do you think this
butchery to be worthwhile because it was done in a noble cause? You know as well as I do that as long
as this continues, as long as the dead are nothing but tallies in the ledgers of complacent gods, Good is
derelict. It is meaningless. It is feathery cupids cavorting on a celestial isle while suffering boils forth
across the multiverse.

I know you came here to kill demons. You think you have failed. I think you have barely begun.

Which of us do you think sees more clearly?

What I offer you is simple: A chance to continue our fight. You have killed Terza’reg. I offer you his place
on the Dark Eight and command of a Blood Legion. Serve me and your Crusade can still boil across the
Abyss and turn the Great Wheel into a new epoch.

Zariel accepts, af which immediately Haruman kneels and offers his fealty to both Asmodeus and Zariel.

Olanthius zegt enkel verslagen: “I would have proudly followed you into any battle, any plans and even
into death. Yet this, this is a path I refuse to follow”. He then loses consciousness as Zariel to late sees
the blood flowing form his arm.


Scene cuts to Yael, hiding, running through Avernus. Exhausted and fatigued. Far away a gargantuan
krokodile with hyena fur roars and is moving quickly in her direction. Over a span of hours it gets closer
and closer. The krok spews multiple hairballs which turn into gnolls who sense the proximity of their
prey. Yael realizing her situation slams the sword in the ground as she gets surrounded. She calls upon
kellemvor. Around the sword a gray fortress arises which repels the fiendish forces. Yael falls to the
ground relieved. This lasts only a few second as the ground begin the shake fiercely as a the ground itself
seems to rebel against this holy structure and engulfs it in a strange red and black cocoon, much like a
scab. The fate of both Yael and krok unknown within.

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