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PAPER 1 (Suggested answers)
Part 1 Question 3
1 A 2 B 3 C 4 B 5 B 6 A 7 B 8 A The tapir is a unique animal. Its tracks are often spotted in our forests,
but this shy and reticent animal is hardly ever seen. As a matter of
Part 2 fact, the cipan, as the tapir is known in Malay, is mainly found on the
9 C 10 D 11 A 12 D 13 A 14 A 15 D 16 D Malaysian peninsula, though there are a few scattered in Sumatera,
17 B 18 A southern Thailand and Myanmar.
The tapir’s streamlined shape allows it to push through vegetation,
Part 3 as fish push through the water. The short trunk is an extension of its
19 C 20 D 21 A 22 C 23 B 24 D 25 D 26 A nose and upper lip to pull leaves and shoots within reach. Tapirs are
nocturnal and excellent swimmers. They spend much of their time in
Part 4 water, for cooling, parasite removal, defecation and safety. Disruptive
27 D 28 F 29 A 30 G 31 E 32 B colouration camouflages them from their predators.
Tapirs are happiest in dense forests. They are very fussy eaters,
Part 5 and carefully select various species of succulent leaves and other
33 F 34 E 35 A 36 D jungle vegetation usually found on forest fringes and where the
37 used primary jungle meets secondary growth. For this reason, their tracks
38 modern are often seen around campsites, river banks and logged forests. The
39 twenty tracks of the tapir show that it has four distinct toes on the forefoot,
40 Mr Darren and three on each hind foot.
A silent and gentle herbivore, this fascinating large mammal is
quite defenceless against feline predators and man, in the form of
Part 1
hunters, poachers and loggers. Nowadays, tapirs are an endangered
Question 1
species. Their major problem is habitat loss, although they are also
(Suggested answer)
hunted for their meat and thick, leathery skin.
To: (241 words)
Question 4
Subject: Let’s Join the Best Society in School!
The Prodigal Daughter is a novel written by Jeffrey Archer. It is a
Hi Sujatha, thrilling romantic fiction and this genre is very popular among all
I’m happy that you’re interested in joining the English Language readers especially adults.
Society. I’m sure Miss Fiona, the teacher-in-charge, will welcome The novel deals with a young girl Florentyna and a young man,
you with open arms. The membership fee is RM5.00. When you Richard, both of whom are the children of two rivals. Like their
join the society, you’ll get to take part in activities such as singing fathers, Florentyna and Richard have very different goals but both aim
competitions, spelling bees, drama presentations, language games for success in life.
and treasure hunts. Richard attends the same school as his father and has the same
ambition as his father – to take over the family bank as Chairman.
Do drop by Form 5 Mutiara next Tuesday after school to register. Florentyna, on the other hand, has roots in terrible poverty yet has
We’ll be having our meeting there. exceptional intelligence, just like her father. From a very young age, she
See you soon! had hoped to become the President of the United States. Florentyna and
Hazira Richard fall in love and marry against their parents’ wishes. They build
their business empire through hard work and wise business moves.
(70 words) An extremely entertaining story, it grips the readers’ attention
Part 2 with its cliff-hanging moments and general flow of fast moving
Question 2 chapters. Archer, a master storyteller, has woven themes of love and
(Suggested answer) passion for power together in a tight plot to produce a great story.
In my leisure time, I enjoy making scrapbooks. A scrapbook is a book with I recommend this novel to all who wish to enjoy a product of a
empty pages where we can stick our favourite photos, articles, stickers and master entertainer and storyteller.
so on. We can also write simple but meaningful captions in a scrapbook. (211 words)
I began making scrapbooks when I was ten. My aunt was the one Question 5
who introduced me to this hobby. I must say that what started as a A Scary and Silly Experience
‘for fun project’, has become an obsession with me. “Wasn’t that a fantastic movie?” Mr Nathan said to his wife, as they
I personally find making scrapbooks relaxing. I can spend hours in walked to the door from the gate.
my room selecting photos and arranging them nicely in my scrapbook. “Yes,” she said, “but perhaps next time, we shouldn’t watch a ghost
I will forget about the things that make me sad or worry. As I am into movie so late at night. You know how easily I get frightened.”
art, I would jump at any opportunity to decorate my scrapbooks. That “Well, darling, don’t worry. You know what a Superman I am —
is the reason why I always have gold glitter, coloured paper, ribbons, you’ll always have me to protect you,” Mr Nathan joked. He was about
sequins and dried flowers with me, besides glue and scissors. to open the door when they heard voices coming from the kitchen.
(148 words) Mrs Nathan gripped her husband’s arm tightly. Their children

were both away at college overseas, so nobody should be in. Whoever them. My grandparents’ house is my favourite because
could it be? Burglars? my grandparents are very loving. They will cook us
If it were indeed robbers, the alarm would have gone off. Anyway, many delicious food whenever we visit them. In the
though the voices were too soft to be heard, the couple could hear some evening, my parents will take all of us including my
laughter in the background, so it was unlikely that it was burglars. grandparents to go to the beach for a walk. Sometimes
“I know those are ghosts,” Mrs Nathan said in a hushed voice, we eat out too. Visiting my grandparents is always like
obviously thinking of the movie they had just seen. a mini vacation for my siblings and me. I think it is
“Maybe, but these sound more good-humoured than the ones we important to have a favourite place, especially for
saw at the cinema,” Mr Nathan said, trying to calm his wife. teenagers. Life as a teenager can be very tough and
Still, it was a bit unnerving, as both of them went in to investigate. stressful, juggling between studies and other
It was pitch-black, and they were both intimidated by the thought of responsibilities. It is good to have a favourite place to
meeting ghosts, humorous or otherwise. go to whenever you need a time out from your daily
They carefully entered the kitchen and switched on the lights, routine.
anticipating a big fright. Then they burst into laughter, as they realised
Interlocutor: Thank you. Kevin, where is your favourite place? What
that they had left the radio on.
is it and why is it special to you?
(246 words)
Candidate B: My favourite place is Stadium Paroi, the stadium where
PAPER 3 my family and I watch football matches from time to
(Sample student interaction) time. The stadium is very near to my house and it is
Part 1 where all the important football matches are held in
Phase 1 Negeri Sembilan. It is not the biggest stadium and
Interlocutor: Good morning. I’m Puan Rohaya and this is my frankly, it is rather shabby compared with other
colleague, Puan Ratna. She’ll just listen to us. First of stadiums. But it is special to me because that’s where
all, we’d like to know something about you. What’s your my family and I shared our happiest moments, cheering
name? for our local team with other fellow fans. All my family
Candidate A: My name is Hadi bin Razali. You can call me Hadi. members are avid football fans including my five-year-
Interlocutor: Thank you. And, what’s your name? old sister.
Candidate B: My name is Kevin Chan. You can call me Kevin.
Interlocutor: Thank you. What is your hobby? Interlocutor: Thank you. Hadi, can I have the booklet, please?
Candidate A: My hobby is reading. Now, Kevin. here’s your task. I’d like you to talk about
Interlocutor: What is your favourite subject? your ambition. First, you have some time to think about
Candidate B: My favourite subject is Mathematics. what you’re going to say. All right? You may start now.
Interlocutor: Thank you.
Candidate B: My ambition is to be a doctor. Being a doctor involves
Phase 2 treating patients and choosing the best medicine to
Interlocutor: Now I’m going to ask you about your daily routine. treat their illnesses. If I become a doctor, I want to be
Hadi, what kind of sports do you play? a paediatrician. I would be treating babies and young
Candidate A: I play football. I usually play football with my friends children. I have to be thorough when I give them a
in the evening in a field nearby my house. medical check-up because some children may not be
Interlocutor: What about you, Kevin? Do you cook? able to tell us where and how they are hurting. I choose
Candidate B: No, I don’t know how to cook but I would like to learn this profession because doctors have always fascinated
how to make my favourite dish, which is chicken chop. me. They are diligent and very intelligent people. I want
Interlocutor: Hadi, what do you like about playing football? to be a doctor so I can help others too. I personally feel
Candidate A: Well, it’s a way to spend time with my friends. I also that it is important for teenagers to have an ambition
get to exercise. It gives me a break from my studies. because it gives you a sense of direction in life.
Interlocutor: Kevin, how are you going to learn how to make your
favourite dish? Interlocutor: Thank you. Hadi, what is your ambition? Who inspired
Candidate B: My father likes to cook so I’ve asked him to teach me you to choose the ambition?
during the long school holidays. I also want to learn Candidate A: My ambition is to be a dancer because my mother is a
how to make other simple dishes so I can cook for my dancer too. She can dance many traditional dances and
family. performed all over the world when she was young.
Interlocutor: Thank you, Hadi and Kevin. Now she runs a dance academy and she teaches both
Part 2 adults and children traditional dances. Even old people
Interlocutor: In this part of the test, I’m going to give each of you a learn from her because dancing is also a form of
topic and I’d like you to talk about it on your own for exercise except that it’s more fun!
about a minute. You also need to answer a question Interlocutor: Thank you. Kevin, can I have the booklet, please?
briefly about your partner’s topic.
Hadi, it’s your turn first. Here’s your task. Part 3
Interlocutor: Now, I’d like you to talk about something together for
I’d like you talk about your favourite place. First, you about three minutes. The task will have two parts.
have some time to think abut what you’re going to say. In the first part, you will discuss something with
All right? You may start now. each other for about two minutes. Then, in the
Candidate A: My most favourite place is my grandparents’ house in second part, you will have another minute to make a
Port Dickson. It is a traditional house made of wood. decision together. All right? Let’s begin with the
My grandparents own a small fruit orchard behind discussion task.
their house and I enjoy climbing trees whenever I visit Travelling offers so many benefits that some people

save every penny to travel as much as they can. Here PAPER 4
are some advantages of travelling and a question for Part 1
you to discuss. First, you have some time to look at the 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 B
task. Now, talk to each other about the advantages of
travelling. Part 2
8 A 9 A 10 B 11 A 12 C 13 C 14 B 15 A
Candidate A: There are six advantages of travelling listed here. Make
new friends, release stress, take beautiful pictures, Part 3
strengthen bond between families, taste new food and 16 F 17 G 18 B 19 C 20 D
spend quality time with family. I totally agree that
travelling strengthens the bond between families. This Part 4
is because my family will always travel with my 21 travels 22 lessons 23 furniture
grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins. That way, we 24 exhibitions 25 racial 26 sacrifices
get to spend quality time with each other too. Also, we 27 murals 28 cafes 29 learn
get to take the pictures with the whole family in many 30 graffiti
beautiful places that we travel to. What do you think,
Candidate B: That’s true. But I also think that travelling gives us an Part 1
opportunity to taste new food. I think this applies to
me because different places have different specialities. Question 1
I love food and I love taking pictures of food too. My You hear a man making an announcement.
Instagram account is full of pictures of food from my
travels. May we have your attention please? We are sorry to announce that
the 8.30 a.m. train to Serdang will be delayed by 20 minutes. This
Candidate A: Yes, you’re right. I’ve had some delicious meals while is due to a technical failure. The next train to Bandar Tasik Selatan
travelling with my family. It’s also true that we make scheduled at 8.45 a.m. will also be delayed by 20 minutes. We
new friends when we travel. apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Interlocutor: Thank you. Now you have about one minute to decide Question 2
together which is the best advantage of travelling to
You hear a lady talking about safety precautions.
both of you.
Good morning, everyone. I’m Leela, your tourist guide. We will
Candidate A: Well, I think both of us will choose taking beautiful be leaving the airport in five minutes. Now I’d like to take some
photos. Both of us love travelling for different reasons time to brief you on safety precautions. Firstly, please take care of
but one common ground is, travelling allows us to take your belongings while walking in the city. Just walk away if
beautiful pictures of our family members, of anyone asks you to exchange your money to local currency. Only
breathtaking sceneries and even of mouth-watering get your money exchanged at the bank and withdraw from
dishes. automatic teller machines.
Candidate B: Yes, then we can show the photos to our family and Question 3
friends and share the happy moments together. As the
saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. You hear a lady talking about her ways to lose weight.

Interlocutor: Thank you. Can I have the booklet, please? I tried dieting but it did not work on me at all. Then, I started
doing yoga but without proper guidance, I ended up spraining my
You’ve been talking about the advantages of travelling, legs when I slipped on the yoga mat. So I started jogging on the
now let’s hear your opinion on this. In what ways can treadmill. I make it a point to jog for at least 30 minutes a day,
government initiatives attract more tourists to visit no matter how tired I am after work.
our country?
Question 4
Candidate A: I think the Malaysian government can launch
You hear a man talking about animals in a zoo.
campaigns to attract more tourists to visit our country.
Many years ago there was a campaign named Visit So we are now in the mammal area. In front of us are our biggest
Malaysia Year. Many local tourist areas were developed mammals on land – Didi the elephant and her cub, Bobby. Didi
to cater to the needs of the expected tourists. was found wandering alone near the Karak Highway and was
nearly run over by a lorry. She suffered minor injuries and was
Interlocutor: Do you agree, Kevin?
handed over to our zoo a year ago. We were lucky to see her
Candidate B: Yes, I agree. For example, the Japanese government has recover after a month of intensive care.
always been interested in Arab tourists. They noticed
Question 5
that Malaysia has been receiving many tourists from
the region and that is because halal food is available You hear a lady making an announcement.
everywhere in Malaysia. So, Japan is now opening
Attention, shoppers! We have a lost child somewhere in the mall.
more and more halal restaurants and even praying
If you can take a minute to look around your area, we’re looking
rooms to boost their tourism industry, especially to
for a five-year-old boy. He’s wearing a blue and yellow striped shirt
attract the tourists from Saudi Arabia.
and a pair of blue jeans. He also carries a black backpack. He was
Interlocutor: Thank you, Hadi and Kevin. That’s the end of the last seen in the indoor playground on Level 2. If you have seen
Speaking test. the child, please notify the nearest employee.

Question 6 write reviews on them. I have many followers who read my
reviews and this way, I think I can help the new businesses
You hear a lady talking about bags.
Check out our latest collection of totes that are made of recycled
plastic. Each bag is made of five recycled plastic bottles that have Speaker 2
been washed thoroughly and sanitised properly. Then, the plastic
bottles are broken down into tiny chips before being spinned into I rarely go out because my parents are good cooks. It’s just that
fabric. The bags are not only colourful and stylish but also durable. whenever I eat out, I would strictly choose the least crowded
Get them now at the nearest stores! restaurant or avoid popular restaurants during peak hours. With
the noise and so many people around, how can I enjoy the food
Question 7 and the atmosphere?
You hear a lady talking about herself as a fashion designer.
Speaker 3
A lot of people are surprised to know that I’m a fashion designer.
Most people expect fashion designers to be overdressed with I’m very adventurous when it comes to food and I don’t mind
funky accessories all over them but not all of us are like that! My travelling far and wide just for an authentic bowl of chicken curry.
creations have to be comfortable and affordable. I may not be I don’t mind eating in a shabby stall by the roadside as long as the
making a lot of profit but to see everyone owning at least a piece food is good. So do you have a recommendation for me?
of my design in their wardrobe, that’s bliss!
Speaker 4
Part 2 I’m not fussy about food at all and would eat anything served
without any complaints. However, if your waiter or waitress is
Before I got involved in volunteer work, I was just another
grumpy and rude, or my order takes ages to arrive, I promise I
teenager who binge-watched Korean dramas at weekends. It was
won’t return again. I want to be somewhere I’m treated nicely.
my cousin who saw a poster asking for donations of old clothes
to clean up an oil spill in a nearby mangrove forest. She forced
Speaker 5
me to join the emergency clean-up programme just because she
didn’t want to go alone. We always check out the menu first before stepping into any
Once we arrived at Tanjung Ketapang, we were surprised to restaurant to see if they offer food that would please every member
see so many volunteers with bags of old clothes in their hands. of my family. There are eleven of us altogether and everyone seems
What we thought was fun turned out to be long hours of hard to have different preferences when it comes to food!
labour, removing the oil slicks from the roots. We had to be extra
careful not to destroy the roots. The awful smell did not help at Part 4
all! Naturally, it was my cousin’s first and last volunteer work – she
complained that the life jacket we had to put on was too much! Man: How did you start getting interested in public art?
As for me, the programme made me feel curious about Woman: My parents often worked abroad so I was able to travel
mangrove forests. I was too shy to ask my Science teachers so I around the world since I was small. I noticed that it was
surfed the Internet for more information. Apparently, mangrove easy to spot public art in major cities, especially in
trees have  tough root systems that are home to many creatures Europe. However, this wasn’t the case in our country. So
like crabs and oysters. They also have special bark and leaf I begged my parents to sign me up for art lessons.
structures to help them survive. The damage from the tsunami in
Man: What is public art actually?
Acheh was lessened because the mangrove forests did a great job
Woman: At first, I thought that public art was only artwork on
at protecting the coastline. Mangrove trees also recycle
buildings such as murals and architectural details. After
nutrients  and remove toxic substances from the soil through a
much reading, I discovered that public art also includes
natural filtering process. Do you know that they also absorb and
freestanding sculptures, monuments and even street
store carbon that we release into the air? The trees surely lead a
furniture! Now, digital art is also accounted as one form
very busy life!
of public art.
Since then, I decided to do more for the environment
Man: Is it easy for someone’s artwork to be chosen as public
by joining the Green Club in my school. My schoolmates and
I try to make time cleaning up plastic wastes in the mangrove
Woman: Since public art can be found almost everywhere abroad,
forest and with the recent Covid-19 pandemic, there are more and
I thought they were just donations from artists to the
more disposable masks to get rid of. Due to our busy schedule,
premises of their choice. However, that is not true.
we could only manage to do that every fortnight. The mangrove
Actually, many parties are involved just to have some
forest in Muar is home to different species of birds, mudskippers
public art displayed; we need collaboration between the
and even wild animals like macaques so there are never any dull
authorities, policymakers, environment professionals
moments. The scenery is breath taking and best of all, we have a
and visual art experts.
good excuse to return home late – to watch the beautiful sunset.
I hope to get more people on board with our environmental Man: So, have you always wanted to have one of your
volunteering programmes in the future so that the wild animals creations to be chosen as public art or did it just
and sea creatures won’t lose their homes. happened as a stroke of luck?
Woman: As I was growing up, I was excited to read about the
Part 3 new young artists in Malaysia and I hoped that there
would be more public art display in Malaysia. I had been
Speaker 1 to almost all exhibitions at the National Art Gallery,
As a social media influencer, I’m always looking out for newly hoping to make friends with other budding artists like
opened eating places as I want to be one of the first few people to myself. We met up regularly and began

talking of getting our artwork to be chosen. It was a decades ago. Do you know that it is also the world’s
long process and hard work, and no, there was no luck tallest bronze freestanding sculpture? And that’s just
involved! the second reason why it’s my favourite public art!
Man: In your opinion, how different is our local public art Man: Which form of public art is your personal style?
compared to those abroad? Woman: In my art college, I’ve experimented with almost every
Woman: Well, in my opinion, public art in western countries type of public art except monuments and digital art.
celebrates the local cultures and important historical My friends think my sculptures are quite good but I
events. On the other hand, public art in Japan, Korea enjoy making murals the most. I’ve been hired to
and China is influenced by religions and cultural decorate hipster cafes around town and many people
identities. From my personal observation, our public have started recognising my artwork, which is very
art actually celebrates one unique feature that other flattering.
countries don’t have, which is our racial diversity and
unity! We also celebrate real-life people who make our Man: What is your hope for the future?
lives better, like the mural of a bread seller in Ipoh, and Woman: I would like to learn about digital art next and who
that makes me feel very proud of our country. Many knows, I can be like some talented local digital artists
tourists commented the same thing. who participate in international exhibitions from time
to time. If I’m not good at it, then it’s fine. I still have
Man: Which public art is your favourite and why? my murals. I truly wish that I can make murals that
Woman: Having seen a lot of public art from all over the world, can be understood and appreciated by the public,
I must say the one that moves me all the time is our instead of having them labelled as ‘graffiti’ and ‘teenage
very own National Monument. It reminds me of the vandalism’.
sacrifices of the soldiers to free our country many


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