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This study to find out 1) the students’ achievement using project based learning
with canva. 2) the students’ activity using project based learning with Canva. 3) the
students perception through project Based Learning with Canva in SMAN 11
Pinrang. 4) procedure in mplementing Project based learning with Canva. the
researcher used mixed method to collect and analyse data. Quantitative was
conducted by using one a quasi experimental than qualitative was conducted by
using interviews. The study population of this research was students of SMAN 11
Pinrang. the sample was X Mipa 2 and X MIPA 3 academic year 2021/2022 The
instruments used was English test, observation checklist and interview. Learning
method in the experimental group used a project-based learning with canva while
in the control group used discovery. The research data was obtained from the
pretest and posttest given to the students before and after the learning process.
students activity used observation checklist with six indicators and described in the
percentage of studens’ learning activities. While The students perception used
The result showed of the study showed that :1) students’ English achievement
based on the pretest results of the experimental was low that is 56,94 and for the
control group 55,81 while students achievement based on the post-test results in
the experimental group was 82,97 while the control group was 75.19 The results
of the control class t-test p = 0.52 means p> 0.05, it can be concluded that there is
no influence of the PjBl with Canva on students' English achievement, while the
experimental class t-test results show p = 0,000 means p , 0,05, it can be
concluded that there is an influence of the Project Based learning with Canva. the
result of students activities also give improvement each meetings the first meeting
was 72.49% and experienced a significant increase in the second meeting to 85.08
and the third meeting to 86.11 so that the average percentage of student learning
activity observations in implementation project-based learning with Canva obtained
a result of 81.22% in the active category. While the students perception using
project Based learning with canva showed that canva has various templates,
students can doing the task collaboratively and flexible to use make them enjotto
learn. There are 6 six step in implement PjBL with Canva. they are, determination
of basic questions, planning project, make a schedule, monitoring, asses the result
and evaluating.

Keywords: students’ English achievement, students activity, project based learning


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