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Definisi Making Suggestion

Making suggestion = memberikan saran kepada seseorang berupa sebuah ide dari pikiran kita
yang kemungkinan dapat mereka lakukan.

Formula dan Contoh Kalimat Making Suggestions

1. How/What about + verb-ing?

How about going to the cinema tonight?

What about having a healthier lifestyle?

2. How about + noun phrase

How about a cup of coffee before we get to work?

3. How about + simple present

How about I send you a copy of their catalogue?

4. Why don’t/Why doesn’t + subject + verb

Why don’t we meet more often?

Why doesn't she attend the meeting?

5. Shall + I/We + verb

Shall we open our gifts now?
Shall we meet in the zoo?

6. Why not + verb

Why not use my pen instead?

Why not come to my class?

7. Let’s/Let’s not + verb

Let’s go home. It's already late.

Let’s not make the same mistake.

8.Should + verb

You should talk to your parents about your problem.

9. Could + verb (Perhaps atau maybe mungkin dapat ditambahkan di awal kalimat agar
saran terdengar lebih sopan)

You could bring your friends.

Maybe we could give it a try.

10. I suggest …

I suggest that you should not hide the problem from your parent.

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