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Hasil Frontier

Output from the program FRONTIER (Version 4.1c)

instruction file = terminal

data file = dela.dta

Tech. Eff. Effects Frontier (see B&C 1993)

The model is a production function
The dependent variable is logged

the ols estimates are :

coefficient standard-error t-ratio

beta 0 0.95655155E+00 0.90267559E+00 0.10596847E+01

beta 1 0.41447472E+00 0.20502222E+00 0.20216088E+01
beta 2 0.16479910E+00 0.13372662E+00 0.12323582E+01
beta 3 0.48096668E+00 0.96901320E-01 0.49634688E+01
beta 4 -0.27547975E-02 0.81285103E-02 -0.33890558E+00
beta 5 -0.55975493E-02 0.10790701E+00 -0.51873826E-01
beta 6 0.18654722E+00 0.14087568E+00 0.13241974E+01
sigma-squared 0.11261290E+00

log likelihood function = -0.21841915E+02

the estimates after the grid search were :

beta 0 0.13526136E+01
beta 1 0.41447472E+00
beta 2 0.16479910E+00
beta 3 0.48096668E+00
beta 4 -0.27547975E-02
beta 5 -0.55975493E-02
beta 6 0.18654722E+00
delta 0 0.00000000E+00
delta 1 0.00000000E+00
delta 2 0.00000000E+00
sigma-squared 0.25937175E+00
gamma 0.95000000E+00

iteration = 0 func evals = 20 llf = -0.17690812E+02

0.13526136E+01 0.41447472E+00 0.16479910E+00 0.48096668E+00-0.27547975E-02
-0.55975493E-02 0.18654722E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00 0.00000000E+00
0.25937175E+00 0.95000000E+00
gradient step
iteration = 5 func evals = 46 llf = -0.16366475E+02
0.13834525E+01 0.34001618E+00 0.20054501E+00 0.44520735E+00-0.39080342E-02
0.28710797E-01 0.18576919E+00 0.33951671E-01-0.20705527E-02 0.90907482E-01
0.29411797E+00 0.97822585E+00
iteration = 10 func evals = 68 llf = -0.14715327E+02
0.16484102E+01 0.35794920E+00 0.16295470E+00 0.40808274E+00-0.40058358E-02
0.70237230E-01 0.20648325E+00 0.25588165E+00-0.11163311E+00 0.33167573E+00
0.18903306E+00 0.99075561E+00
iteration = 15 func evals = 112 llf = -0.12777366E+02
0.21779430E+01 0.47690272E+00 0.97326723E-01 0.37640163E+00-0.40600879E-02
0.62031806E-01 0.20406999E+00 0.34035150E+00-0.17191522E-01 0.30320602E+00
0.16371919E+00 0.99999999E+00
iteration = 20 func evals = 179 llf = -0.12559416E+02
0.22072395E+01 0.48407090E+00 0.94620421E-01 0.37394827E+00-0.40297271E-02
0.60971617E-01 0.20285354E+00 0.33245882E+00-0.15593522E-01 0.30768195E+00
0.16575113E+00 0.99999999E+00
iteration = 21 func evals = 192 llf = -0.12559416E+02
0.22072396E+01 0.48407090E+00 0.94620417E-01 0.37394827E+00-0.40297270E-02
0.60971618E-01 0.20285353E+00 0.33245881E+00-0.15593521E-01 0.30768196E+00
0.16575113E+00 0.99999999E+00

the final mle estimates are :

coefficient standard-error t-ratio t-tabel

(0,01: 2,819 0,05: 2,074 0,1: 1,717
beta 0 0.22072396E+01 0.70789653E+00 0.31180257E+01 sig taraf 0,01
beta 1 0.48407090E+00 0.19524019E+00 0.24793609E+01 sig taraf 0,05
beta 2 0.94620417E-01 0.81943126E-01 0.11547084E+01 tdk sign
beta 3 0.37394827E+00 0.58984264E-01 0.63397971E+01 tdk sign
beta 4 -0.40297270E-02 0.55429770E-02 -0.72699688E+00 tdk sign
beta 5 0.60971618E-01 0.74048151E-01 0.82340500E+00 tdk sign
beta 6 0.20285353E+00 0.10091234E+00 0.20101956E+01 sig taraf 0,1
delta 0 0.33245881E+00 0.31581956E-01 0.10526860E+02 tdk sign
delta 1 -0.15593521E-01 0.14103537E+00 -0.11056461E+00 tdk sign
delta 2 0.30768196E+00 0.89772953E-01 0.34273347E+01 sign taraf 0,01
sigma-squared 0.16575113E+00 0.38673316E-01 0.42859302E+01
gamma 0.99999999E+00 0.70108416E-04 0.14263623E+05 di baca kaya R Square

Baca R Square (lihat nilai gamma)

Sebesar 99,9 persen variasi produksi padi dapat dijelaskan oleh variabel yang ada dalam model, sedangkan sisanya
0,0001 persen dijelaskan oleh variabel lain yang tidak dimasukan dalam model.

Baca Uji persial/ uji t

Beta 1 (luas lahan)
Faktor luas lahan berpengaruh nyata secara positif terhadap produksi padi dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95 persen,
dengan nilai koefisien (elastisitas faktor) sebesar 0,484. Hal ini berarti setiap pertambahan luas lahan sebesar satu
persen akan berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan produksi padi sebesar 0,484%.

Beta 6 (tenaga kerja)

Faktor tenaga kerja berpengaruh nyata secara positif terhadap produksi padi dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95 persen,
dengan nilai koefisien (elastisitas faktor) sebesar 0,2028. Hal ini berarti setiap pertambahan luas lahan sebesar satu
persen akan berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan produksi padi sebesar 0,2028%.

Delta 2 (Kredit)
Faktor kredit berpengaruh nyata secara positif terhadap produksi padi dengan tingkat kepercayaan 99 persen,
dengan nilai koefisien (inelastisitas faktor) sebesar 0,3078. Hal ini berarti setiap pertambahan kredit sebesar satu
persen akan berpengaruh terhadap penurunan / inelastisitas produksi padi sebesar 0,3078%.

log likelihood function = -0.12559416E+02 (log likelihood ini dibandingkan dengan hasil log yg di atas, kalo lebih
kecil berarti datanya sudah bagus)

LR test of the one-sided error = 0.18564997E+02

with number of restrictions = 4
[note that this statistic has a mixed chi-square distribution]

number of iterations = 21

(maximum number of iterations set at : 100)

number of cross-sections = 78

number of time periods = 1

total number of observations = 78

thus there are: 0 obsns not in the panel

covariance matrix :

0.50111750E+00 0.12277907E+00 -0.47299154E-01 -0.23035303E-01 -0.31857876E-02

-0.30693206E-01 -0.58060682E-02 0.37754233E-01 0.30443812E-01 -0.67969791E-01
-0.21187124E-01 -0.39035076E-04
0.12277907E+00 0.38118733E-01 -0.11721120E-01 -0.33099906E-02 -0.72963703E-03
-0.10545913E-01 -0.34651521E-02 0.75640157E-02 0.10163306E-01 -0.16608745E-01
-0.57000016E-02 -0.16427432E-04
-0.47299154E-01 -0.11721120E-01 0.67146760E-02 0.20087500E-02 0.30400054E-03
0.27639065E-02 -0.19962640E-02 -0.26556365E-02 -0.37253981E-02 0.48549814E-02
0.22388925E-02 0.46903442E-05
-0.23035303E-01 -0.33099906E-02 0.20087500E-02 0.34791434E-02 0.26412430E-03
0.56744783E-03 -0.38580189E-02 -0.37373896E-02 -0.12367659E-02 0.43723112E-02
0.14582439E-02 0.25421868E-05
-0.31857876E-02 -0.72963703E-03 0.30400054E-03 0.26412430E-03 0.30724594E-04
0.10107192E-03 -0.37995496E-04 0.24693527E-03 -0.28903616E-03 -0.22867319E-03
0.26262134E-04 -0.36325103E-07
-0.30693206E-01 -0.10545913E-01 0.27639065E-02 0.56744783E-03 0.10107192E-03
0.54831286E-02 0.39695960E-03 0.45045213E-03 -0.21457682E-02 0.19057356E-02
0.18106300E-03 0.16554958E-05
-0.58060682E-02 -0.34651521E-02 -0.19962640E-02 -0.38580189E-02 -0.37995496E-04
0.39695960E-03 0.10183300E-01 -0.41799614E-02 0.56294589E-03 0.69598583E-02
0.11196900E-02 0.95687644E-06
0.37754233E-01 0.75640157E-02 -0.26556365E-02 -0.37373896E-02 0.24693527E-03
0.45045213E-03 -0.41799614E-02 0.99741992E-03 -0.76146704E-02 0.26335956E-02
0.18150698E-02 0.81780095E-05
0.30443812E-01 0.10163306E-01 -0.37253981E-02 -0.12367659E-02 -0.28903616E-03
-0.21457682E-02 0.56294589E-03 -0.76146704E-02 0.19890974E-01 0.81347804E-03
-0.18032917E-02 -0.47232476E-05
-0.67969791E-01 -0.16608745E-01 0.48549814E-02 0.43723112E-02 -0.22867319E-03
0.19057356E-02 0.69598583E-02 0.26335956E-02 0.81347804E-03 0.80591831E-02
-0.88220532E-03 -0.67010337E-05
-0.21187124E-01 -0.57000016E-02 0.22388925E-02 0.14582439E-02 0.26262134E-04
0.18106300E-03 0.11196900E-02 0.18150698E-02 -0.18032917E-02 -0.88220532E-03
0.14956254E-02 -0.85053022E-06
-0.39035076E-04 -0.16427432E-04 0.46903442E-05 0.25421868E-05 -0.36325103E-07
0.16554958E-05 0.95687644E-06 0.81780095E-05 -0.47232476E-05 -0.67010337E-05
-0.85053022E-06 0.49151900E-08

technical efficiency estimates :

firm year eff.-est.

Ini tingkat effisiensi teknis per responden
1 1 0.72786607E+00
2 1 0.47950153E+00
3 1 0.72317990E+00
4 1 0.65491024E+00
5 1 0.83234668E+00
6 1 0.99978333E+00
7 1 0.87150242E+00
8 1 0.47681916E+00
9 1 0.47374762E+00
10 1 0.40941984E+00
11 1 0.49497722E+00
12 1 0.91388294E+00
13 1 0.54968147E+00
14 1 0.91676805E+00
15 1 0.78026753E+00
16 1 0.60050668E+00
17 1 0.63355380E+00
18 1 0.39973386E+00
19 1 0.71803869E+00
20 1 0.60411325E+00
21 1 0.82611017E+00
22 1 0.31227828E+00
23 1 0.63439537E+00
24 1 0.45782296E+00
25 1 0.81723895E+00
26 1 0.68910208E+00
27 1 0.60846492E+00
28 1 0.88286716E+00
29 1 0.73998220E+00
30 1 0.70486619E+00
31 1 0.45383944E+00
32 1 0.96944740E+00
33 1 0.50869972E+00
34 1 0.65302939E+00
35 1 0.72064975E+00
36 1 0.91459592E+00
37 1 0.97742340E+00
38 1 0.29762104E+00
39 1 0.63556346E+00
40 1 0.60027914E+00
41 1 0.48046102E+00
42 1 0.59672644E+00
43 1 0.55089618E+00
44 1 0.54985302E+00
45 1 0.60635152E+00
46 1 0.43882666E+00
47 1 0.75894504E+00
48 1 0.35073945E+00
49 1 0.56707048E+00
50 1 0.85847460E+00
51 1 0.70108273E+00
52 1 0.51237286E+00
53 1 0.45056061E+00
54 1 0.82186821E+00
55 1 0.99856545E+00
56 1 0.93156954E+00
57 1 0.59407272E+00
58 1 0.90877153E+00
59 1 0.43026323E+00
60 1 0.58321082E+00
61 1 0.90609923E+00
62 1 0.31692962E+00
63 1 0.82834633E+00
64 1 0.72397363E+00
65 1 0.36100586E+00
66 1 0.55604804E+00
67 1 0.53595101E+00
68 1 0.61801198E+00
69 1 0.41128202E+00
70 1 0.21710918E+00
71 1 0.80156806E+00
72 1 0.48531947E+00
73 1 0.92355153E+00
74 1 0.71640013E+00
75 1 0.45458382E+00
76 1 0.79233609E+00
77 1 0.92495076E+00
78 1 0.67410599E+00

mean efficiency = 0.64875810E+00

Belum efisien secara teknis, dikatakan effisien apabila sudah di atas 0,75.
Artinya: rata-rata tingkat effisiensi teknis masih 64,87persen, masih bisa di tingkatkan lagi hingga 35,13 persen agar
effisiensi teknisnya maksimum

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