Assignement 1 LEADeXCELS Anzures WR

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In a span of less than one month, the all the school personnel have prepared the school with the guidelines and
contingencies needed in reopening the school for limited face-to-face for the 45 grade 7 students. A program
evaluation was given by the QAME coordinator to all the participants and the school gathered an average of 3.99
in terms of overall appreciation of the preparations done by the school. Most noted was the amount of donations
raised in order to provide better ventilation in the classrooms. 

Strong Points

1. The School ensured an attendance and health check monitoring of learners using the android app StaySafePH,
that was highly recommended by the Local IATF.

2. Mobilized the school COVID-19 SDRRM Team to ensure effective implementation of school health and
safety protocol.

3. Orientation session for learners/parents and all school personnel.

Factors That Helped 

1. Established mechanisms inside the classroom to ensure minimal risk of COVID-19 transmission.

2. Set up clear and easy to understand signage and protective measures

3. Established safe entry and exit procedures.

4. Regular sanitation and disinfection of school facilities, furniture and equipment.

Response From the Teachers 

1. Most of the teachers were enthusiastic when they heard about the pilot program, but before we can do that. we
have to prepare the necessary contingency plan not only to protect ourselves but also the students and the
community from the threat of COVID-19.
2. We go with the provided guidelines from DOH and DepEd, we were given technical assistance from the
division office and local DRRM to ensure the safety of our teachers and students.
3. Since we were given guidelines by the DOH and DepEd, the consensus was easily reached since they were the
minimum and we have to make do with the resources that we have.

Prepared by

Wilson Ray G. Anzures

Principal I

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