1 - Supervision in Social Work

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Supervision in Social Work

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Phenomenon in supervisory interactions in which a worker uncon-
Parallel Process/Reflection Process sciously reenacts certain client behavior in an effort to understand
it better and get help from the supervisor in dealing with it
Power that stems from the position a person holds and the author-
Formal Power
ity delegated to that position.
A source of power for supervisors and other leaders involving the
Reward Power ability to control tangible rewards (raises, work assignments etc...)
and psychic rewards (praise etc...)
A source of power that automatically stems from the authority
Legitimate/Positional Power associated with a leadership positions - such as supervisor - and
does not depend on the person holding the position.
A dimension of leadership behavior that refers to the amount of
warmth, concern, rapport, and support displayed by the leader.
Leaders high in consideration are person-oriented and concerned
with the expressive aspects of the job.
A dimension of leadership behavior that refers to behavior focused
on high performance expectations.
The legal liability of supervisors or others employers for the job-re-
lated actions of their supervisees or employees. When a worker
Respondeat Superior Doctrine
engages in a practice that harms a client, the worker's supervisor
can be held liable along with the worker.
Occurs when a person changes his/her behavior because he/she
actually privately accepts the beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors or
another person. Expert, legitimate, and informational power are
most likely to result in internalization.
Occurs when a person changes his/her behavior in order to obtain
Compliance a reward or avoid a punishment. Compliance is public and does
not involve a private change in opinions or attitudes.
Procedures used by an agency to improve the job-related knowl-
Staff Developent
edge, skills, and attitudes of its staff.
Participatory management approach in which a supervisor and
worker jointly establish precise, measurable objectives and a
MBO - Management by Ojbectives timeframe for achieving them; monitor work toward the objectives
and then evaluate performance by determining the extent to which
the worker achieved the objectives.
A source of power for supervisors and other leaders that exists
Expert Power when the leader has special knowledge and skills that his/her
subordinates need.
Correctives actions by supervisors in response to worker
non-compliance, from least severe to most severe - Discussion,
Sanctions - by supervisors Warning, Verbal Reprimand, Written Reprimand placed in work-
er's file, lower-than-usual evaluation rating, suspension for a lim-
ited period, demotion, and dismissal.
1) Goal should be corrective not punitive 2) should be timely
in response to first non-compliant behavior 3) should discuss in
private any bx that calls for a reprimand 4) When delivering a
Sanctions - Supervisor Responses reprimand the supervisor should be impersonal, consistent, spe-
cific, and factual 5) concern should be expressed for the worker
and supervisor should listen to worker's explanation and convey
a desire to help the worker improve or change
A source of power for supervisors and other leaders that derives
Referent Power from a subordinate's identification with the leader and eagerness
to be like him/her and liked by him/her.
Supervision function concerned with providing the work structure
Administrative Supervision and agency resources workers need to perform their jobs effec-

Supervision in Social Work
Study online at https://quizlet.com/_30lwi4
Supervision function concerned with providing the training that
enables workers to achieve their objectives and the skills that
Educational Supervision
prepare them to perform their jobs effectively and to function more
Participatory management approach in which a team of workers
is given responsibility for performing the primary tasks of super-
Team Service Delivery
vision. The supervisor is just a another member of the team -
although the supervisor must make the final decisions.
Supervision approach in which a group of workers at an agency
Peer Group Supervision meets regularly without a leader to review cases and treatment
approaches and share their expertise.
Power that depends on the person holding the leadership position.
Functional Power
Functional power that must be earned.
Supervision function concerned with providing the psychological
Supportive Supervision and interpersonal resources that enable workers to function ef-
fectively on an emotional level.
A source of power for supervisors and other leaders involving the
ability to control tangible punishments - demotions, poor perfor-
Coercive Power
mance rating, etc... and psychic punishments - criticism, disap-
proval, etc...
Planned, formal training provided to a group of agency personnel
In-Service Training with the same job classification or the same job responsibilities
and designed to met their general education needs.
Participatory managment approach in which a group of workers
Quality Circles at an agency or elsewhere voluntarily meets to identify, study, and
solve work-related problems. r
The legal principle that civil liability may extend to a defendant's
Vicarious Liability employer, supervisor, etc... The supervisor maintain ultimate re-
sponsibility for the work he/she delegates
A dimension of leadership behavior that refers to the extent to
which a leader defines, directs, and structures his/her own role
Initiating structure: Leadership and the roles of subordinates. Leaders high in initiating structure
are task oriented and concerned with the instrumental aspects of
the job.
Procedure in which a supervisor observes an interview in real tie
Live Supervision and is able to give the worker immediate feedback. BITE - But in
the ear. "Knock-on-the-door"


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