PSA Partial Replacement For Cement

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An Undergraduate Research Project

Presented to the Faculty of Civil Engineering Department

College of Engineering

St. Peter’s College

Iligan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the

Degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering


Muhaymin G. Pirino

Abdul Khaliq D. Ombra

Jabber D. Lomondot

Iligan City


In partial fulfillment of the requirements in the course FCE 18.1 (CE Project 2 Lab.),

the proponents hereby endorse the project “PEANUT SHELL ASH AS A PARTIAL


OUTCOME ON COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH” for review, evaluation, and

acceptance by the committee of evaluation in St. Peter’s College under College of




Member Member



Iligan City


In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science

in Civil Engineering, this thesis entitled “PEANUT SHELL ASH AS A
examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for oral examinations.

APPROVED by thesis committee on oral examination with grade of



Chairman Panel


Panel Member Panel Member

ACCEPTED and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for thedegree

of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering.


Instructor Dean, College of Engineering


Iligan City

St. Peter’s College, a private non stock, non-sectarian institution aspires

to be leading provider of educational program with excellent standing in research

and commitment to outreach and service to the nation.


St. Peter’s College provides quality education for students’ career success.


St. Peter’s College endeavors to do following:

1. Assure its clientele by providing educational programs and quality

instructions augmented by information and Communication


2. Conduct Researches in relation to activities that promote the attainment

of institutional outcomes as well as cater to the needs of the

community and of the industry.

3. Commit to serve the community by implementing sustainable

extension and outreach programs.

4. Cultivate the engineering, entrepreneurial, technological, and

instructional skills of the students as a railroad towards successful

careers and to enhance the plans and programs of the institution.


Iligan City


St. Peter’s College is guided by the founder’s ingrained principles in

executing in philosophy of education with the following values.

1. Excellence. Uphold high standards of performance in all areas of the academe.

2. Committed. Satisfy clients’ demands by prompt, enthusiastic, professional,

responsive, and prestigious services regardless of personal wants.

3. Leadership. Motivate and strengthen the constituents and fell responsible for

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4. Accountability. Acknowledges and accepts responsibilities for its actions in

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5. Perseverance. The inner strength to remain in constant to a purpose, idea or task

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6. Honesty. Open and honest in all dealings and maintain highest integrity at all


7. Environment. Advocate sustainable management and protection of natural

resources through influencing individual behavior.

8. Nationalism. Have the dedication and loyalty in serving the interest of the nation.

This work is lovingly dedicated to


To our loving parents
Dearest siblings
Close relatives and


First and foremost, we would like to thank Allah (S.W.T) for guiding us

through all the difficulties we have experienced. It is he who decreed our destiny, and

so we shall and will keep trusting him in the future. This thesis would not have existed

without his will. He is the one who provided us with the motivation and inspiration we

needed to complete this research.

To our beloved parents, family members, and relatives for making us all better

people, who supported us in every step we made and decision we took. We will never

be able to express our deepest gratitude to you all. We are grateful to Allah (S.W.T) for

giving us such a kind and loving family. Your undying support for us will forever be


We would like to sincerely extend our thanks to our subject instructor, Engr.

Rogelio B. Cabuga, for his guidance and continuous support in our work that helped

us finish this research. We wish you all the best in this life and the hereafter.


Peanut production is rising due to its high demand and in result, peanut shell

wastes are also increasing. This agricultural waste is harmful to the environment

because of its long natural degradation and properties that can cause contamination.

They usually decompose anywhere from 8 to 24 months when left in the environment.

The researchers have taken this issue into consideration and conducted research on

utilizing local peanut shell wastes as a partial replacement in Portland cement concrete.

The peanut shells were burnt into ashes to partially replace the cement in

concrete. Twelve (12) concrete cylinder samples were cast for each replacement levels

of peanut shell ash (0,10,15, and 25% PSA) in a fabricated cylindrical mold using PVC

pipe. The concrete samples were cured in a fabricated curing tank for 7, 14,21, and 28

days to prepare for the compressive strength test. After each respective curing ages,

three (3) concrete samples of each replacement levels with PSA were crushed to

determine their compressive strengths.

The results at the twenty-eight (28) day showed that the average compressive

strength of the control sample (0% PSA) was 14.1 MPa; the replacement level of 10%

PSA was 9.9 MPa; 15% PSA was 6.2 MPa; and the 25% PSA was 6.0 MPa. The highest

compressive strength was achieved by the concrete sample with no partial replacement

with PSA, while the lowest compressive strength was achieved by the concrete sample

with the highest replacement level.

This research demonstrated that the use peanut shell ash as a partial replacement

of cement will influence the compressive strength of concrete. The result showed that

the compressive strength decreases as the percentage of replacement with PSA

increases, therefore it is inadequate.


TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………… i
ENDORSEMENT SHEET……………………………………………………... ii
APPROVAL SHEET…………………………………………………………… iii
VISION AND MISSION……………………………………………………….. iv
CORE VALUES………………………………………………………………… v
DEDICATION…………………………………………………………………... vi
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT……………………………………………………… vii
ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………... viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………………………………. ix

1.1 Background of the Study………………………………….. 1
1.2 Conceptual Paradigm……………………………………… 3
1.3 Statement of the Main Objective………………………….. 3
1.4 Null Hypothesis…………………………………………… 3
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study………………………... 4
1.6 Significance of the Study………………………………….. 4
1.7 Definition of Key Terms………………………………….. 5


2.1 Related Literature
2.1.1 Peanut Shell…………………………………………. 7
2.1.2 Concrete……………………………………………... 10
2.2 Related Studies
2.2.1 Groundnut Shell Ash as a Partial Replacement of
Cement in Sandcrete Blocks Production…………..
2.2.2 Assessment on Influence of Corn Cob Ash as a
Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete………
2.2.3 Shredded Waste PET Bottles as a Partial Substitute
for Sand in Portland Cement Concrete…………….
2.3 Related Readings

2.3.1 DPWH Requirements for Portland Cement………… 20
2.3.2 DPWH Requirements for Coarse and Fine Aggregate 21
2.3.3 ASTM C-39: Compressive Strength of Cylindrical
Concrete Specimens……………………….
2.3.4 ASTM C-31: Standard Practice for Making and
Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Field……..
2.3.5 Types of Concrete Mix Ratio Design and their

3.1 Research Design…………………………………………... 28
3.2 Research Procedure……………………………………….. 29
3.2.1 Distribution of Portland Cement Concrete Samples... 30
3.2.2 Preparation of materials……………………………... 30
3.2.3 Sieve Analysis ……………………………………… 32
3.2.4 Compute the Concrete Mix-Design…………………. 33
3.2.5 Mixing and Molding………………………………… 34
3.2.6 Curing of Samples…………………………………... 34
3.2.7 Compressive Strength Test………………………….. 35
3.3 Data Analysis………………………………………………….. 37


4.1 Sieve Analysis…………………………………………….. 38
4.2 Mix Proportion……………………………………………. 40
4.3 Compressive Strength……………………………………... 41


5.1 Summary of Findings……………………………………... 46
5.2 Conclusion………………………………………………… 47
5.3 Recommendation………………………………………….. 47

BIBLIOGRAPHY………………………………………………………………. 48
APPENDICES…………………………………………………………………... 50

CURRICULUM VITAE………………………………………………………... 71



1.1 Background of the Study

Peanut is a popular crop in the Philippines that has a significant role in not only

achieving food security but also for additional income. It is one of the major field

legumes grown by farmers. The peanut produced in the Philippines in 2019 is

equivalent to 29,300.78 metric tons. The 2019 utilization per capita for peanuts is 1

kg/year and the country imported 92,149 MT and exported 513 MT of peanut products

in 2019.

Even though the increasing product consumption of peanuts benefits our

country, it also increases the quantity of peanut shells in the environment. Peanut shell

is a type of waste that can damage the environment due to its properties that can lead to

contamination which would need appropriate treatment. It is an organic waste that

pollutes the surrounding area because its cellulose content is still relatively high at

47.19%, so it requires a long period for natural degradation. The duration it takes for

peanut shells to decompose depends on the size of the hull and environmental

conditions; a whole shell is expected to decompose anywhere from 8 to 24 months when

left in the environment. The hulls will break down faster in regions that rain more often

and take longer in arid locations.

There is a wide range of potential applications of peanut shells for commercial

and industrial purposes. Peanut shells can be converted in various bio-products such as

biodiesel and bioethanol. They can also be used in composting wet materials, for

wastewater treatment, plastic, wardrobes and also used as insulation board, metal

casting, and a medium for pesticides as well as activated carbon. Due to the pozzolanic

properties of peanut shell ash, they can also be used as an additive, such as using it as

a partial replacement for cement. Therefore, peanut shell has become one of the biggest

agricultural wastes that has become a desirable option in recycling. Due to the

abundance of the foregoing agricultural waste, it is in the best interest for not only the

researchers but also for the country to utilize them for beneficial applications.

Considering the aforementioned information on peanut shells, this study aims

to utilize local peanut shell wastes by turning them into ash and use it as a partial

replacement in Portland cement concrete. Peanut shell ash (PSA) and cement are

analogous in the chemical composition and rich in silica; therefore, it is ideal to consider

PSA as a partial replacement for cement.

1.2 Conceptual Paradigm


The effect of peanut shell ash as Compressive strength of

a partial replacement for Portland cement concrete with
Portland cement concrete. peanut shell ash.

Figure 1.2 Relationship Between the Independent and Dependent Variable

1.3 Statement of the Main Objective

The main objective of this study is to determine the effect of the Peanut Shell

Ash (PSA) as a partial replacement for Portland cement concrete. Specifically, the study

will seek to answer the following objective:

1.3.1. To determine the compressive strength of Portland cement concrete

containing 0% Peanut shell ash and 10%, 15% and 25% Peanut shell ash

as a partial replacement for cement.

1.4 Null Hypothesis

From the previously mentioned statement of the main objectives, the following

hypothesis was stated:

1.4.1. There is no way to determine the compressive strength of Portland cement

concrete containing 0% Peanut shell ash and 10%, 15% and 25% Peanut

shell ash as a partial replacement for cement.

1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study covers only the evaluation of the effect of Peanut Shell Ash (PSA) as

a partial replacement for Portland cement concrete in terms of strength properties, such

as compressive strength.

This study is only limited on using local peanut shells and also determining the

compressive strength of Portland cement concrete containing 0%, 10%, 15%, and 25%

PSA after they were cured at 7th days, 14th days, 21th days, and 28th days.

1.6 Significance of the study

The significant concern of this study is to use peanut shell waste as a material

for concrete mixing by becoming a partial replacement for cement. This will be

beneficial for the following;

1.6.1. ENVIRONMENT – the use of peanut shell ash reduces the accumulation of

peanut shells in the environment decreasing the damage it causes.

1.6.2 CONSTRUCTION – to offer a cost-efficient construction material that can be

recycled rather than manufactured to serve as a partial cement replacement.

Additionally, recycling might make the final product useful and function better in the


1.6.3 FILIPINO FARMERS – it will encourage local farmers to produce more peanuts

and recognize them as a source of revenue.

1.6.3 STUDENTS – this research provides additional or extra knowledge on the usage

of waste materials such as Peanut Shell Ash (PSA) in addition to construction materials

utilized in the field of Civil Engineering.

1.6.5 RESEARCHERS – they will be able to recognize if Peanut Shell Ash (PSA) is

feasible to use in terms of construction and this research will also broaden their

knowledge in this particular topic and provide them with valuable experience.

1.6.6 FUTURE RESEARCHERS – the conclusion and findings of this study may be

used as a guide in performing or conducting a similar study.

1.7 Definition of Key Terms

The following terms are defined conceptually and operationally:

Aggregate - is a material used in construction, including sand, gravel, crushed stones,

slag, or recycled crushed concrete.

Cement - A binder, a substance that sets and hardens independently, and can bind other

materials together.

Compressive Strength - is the capacity of a material or structure to withstand loads

tending to reduce size. It can be measured by plotting applied force against deformation

in a testing apparatus.

Compression Testing Machine – are used to determine a material’s strength under

applied crushing loads and are usually conducted by applying compressive pressure to

a test specimen with compression platens.

Concrete - A mixture of cement and aggregate (typically sand and stone of various

sizes). When water is added to the dry mix, a chemical reaction starts, causing the

cement to bind together the aggregates.

Curing - The process of setting and hardening of a cement material such as concrete or

a grout. It is a chemical process of hydration, which requires water, so maintaining


Cylindrical Mold - a cylindrical shape used to pour concrete inside to make a

cylindrical concrete that used to test of compressive strength.

Data Analysis – is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming and modeling data

to discover useful information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-


Fine Aggregates - Sand or grit for concrete which passes a sieve of mesh 5mm square.

Gravel - Composed of unconsolidated rock fragments that have a general particle size

range and sized fragments.

Meter - Use to measure distances

Mixing – complete blending of the materials which are required for the production of

homogenous concrete.

Peanut shell - the natural packaging of the seed (peanut), which grows underground.

Peanut Shell Ash (PSA) – peanut shell turned into powder using heat.

Portland cement – is the most common type of cement in general use around the world

as a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, stucco, and non-specialty grout.



This chapter presents related literature and studies. The first part deals with literatures

related to the study. Meanwhile, the second part deals with the comprehensive review of work

carried out by various researcher in the field of reusing waste materials, such as peanut shell,

in producing a new construction material in construction industry.

2.1 Related Literature

2.1.1 Peanut Shell Advantages and Disadvantages of using Peanut Shell Ash

“Groundnut shell ash as a partial replacement of cement in sandcrete
blocks production”
H. Mahmoud, Z.A. Belel, C. Nwakaire
Copyrighted 2012 by Authors
Retrieved from:

Advantages of using Peanut Shell Ash in concrete:

The Growth in the use of peanut shell is due to its beneficial

properties. Advantages of peanut shell to be derived from the use of agro

waste in the partial replacement of cement are low capital cost per ton

production compared to cement, promotion of waste management at little

cost, reduced pollution by these waste sand increased economy base of

farmers when such waste are sold, thereby encouraging more production,

conservation of limestone deposits and a reduction in CO2 emission.

Disadvantages of using Peanut Shell Ash in concrete

Slower rate of strength development and increased shrinkage. The

hydration process of concrete slows down with the addition of peanut shell

ash and the initial stage resistance is reduced compared to normal ordinary

Portland cement concrete (OPC).

7 Properties of Peanut Shell Ash
“A Comparative Study on the Effect of Glass Powder and Groundnut Shell
Ash on Clayey Soil”
Ebin S. Wilson, Sudha A R
February 2017
Copyrighted 2017 International Journal of Engineering Research &
Retrieved from:

The ash from peanut shell has been categorized under pozzolana,

the utilization of this pozzolana as replacement for traditional stabilizers

will go a long way in actualizing the dreams of most developing countries

of utilization for cheap and readily available construction materials. The

following are the basic properties of Peanut Shell Ash.

Chemical Composition % by weight

SiO2 27.01
Al2O3 6.58
Fe2O3 0.53
CaO 9.43
MgO 5.57
SO3 1.79
K2O 20.13
P2O5 1.95
MnO2 0.34
TiO2 0.68
LOI 23 Groundnut shell – a beneficial bio-waste

Pham Anh Duc, et al.
June 2019
Retrieved from:

Groundnut shells are the leftover product obtained after the

removal of groundnut seed from its pod. This is the abundant agro-

industrial waste product which has a very slow degradation rate under

natural conditions. Groundnut shells contain various bioactive and

functional components which are beneficial for mankind. Commercially,

it is used as a feedstock, food, filler in fertilizer and even in bio-filter

carriers. Over the years, various efforts have been made to utilize these

shells. Groundnut shell applications include its use in composting wet

materials, for wastewater treatment, plastic, wardrobes and also used as

insulation board, metal casting, and a medium for pesticides as well as

activated carbon. Performance of Groundnut Shell Ash in Construction Materials

Tech Net Edge Civil Engineering
August 2021
Copyrighted 2021 Tech Net Edge
Retrieved from:

The continuous increase in the price of Portland cement is

attributed to the insufficient production rate of the raw material. Studies

of the properties of groundnut shell ash (GSA) obtained at 5000 C revealed

that the ash is a pozzolanic material. In recent times, the knowledge of the

natural materials of pozzolana and their use as a partial replacement for

cement has increased substantially. The literature is wide ranging and

diverse research works. are available that have indicated several

advantages in the use of pozzolans in the production of concrete.

However, it has been shown that the hydration process of concrete slows

down with the addition of these substitutes and again the initial stage

resistance is reduced compared to normal ordinary Portland cement

concrete (OPC). The replacement level of 0-50% was carried out by

comparing the strength property, which recommends that cement partially

replaced with pozzolans achieve a compressive strength of 65 to 95% of

the control sample (i.e., 0% substitutions) within 28 days and therefore an

optimal substitution of 20% is recommended.

2.1.2 Concrete Concrete Proportion

“Simplified Construction Estimate. 2000 Edition”
Max B. Fajardo Jr
Year 2000

There are two different ways of proportioning concrete mixture,

by weight or by volume method. Though the volume method is the most

common and convenient way using the empty plastic bag of cement, or by

a measuring box for sand and gravel. This method had long been practiced

in all types of concrete construction and proven to be effective and


In table, the volume of sand and gravel for all classes of

mixture is constant at 0.50 and 1.0 cubic meter respectively. The reason

for this is that the cement paste enters the void of the sand and at the same

instance, the composition of these two materials fill the voids of the gravel

and thereafter, form a solid mass called concrete equivalent to one cubic


Table Concrete Proportion

Cement in
Mixture Bag Sand Gravel
Class cu. m. cu. m.
40 kg. 50 kg.

AA 1 : 1½ :3 12.0 9.5 0.50 1.0

A 1 : 2 :4 9.0 7.0 0.50 1.0
B 1 : 2½ :5 7.5 6.0 0.50 1.0
C 1 : 3 :6 6.0 5.0 0.50 1.0 Concrete Constituents

“The Civil Engineering Handbook, Second Edition”
W.F. Chen, J.Y. Richard Liew
Copyrighted 2003


Cement is an essential ingredient in concrete even though it

comprises the smallest percentage of the mixture. Cement is the binder

that keeps everything else together. It consists of fine, granular materials

that form a paste when water is added to them which hardens and enclose

aggregates and reinforcement steel. This process is called hydration and it

takes place at different rates depending on the different properties of the

cement used. There are different types of cement according on what type

of concrete is needed:

1. Type I is used for most residential work

2. Type II is used in moderate sulfate conditions

3. Type III is used in climates where freezing is a risk

4. Type IV is used for special orders like industrial placements

5. Type V is used in extreme sulfate conditions

Portland cement is the most common type of cement used all over

the world. It is considered as hydraulic cement because it forms a water-

resistant product. This type of cement is made by fusing calcium-bearing

materials that may come from limestone, shells, chalk, or marl with

aluminum-bearing materials.


Water has the largest impact in creating a concrete mixture. It is

needed to hydrate the cement and also provide mobility when the concrete

is in its plastic state (workability). The quality of water is also crucial

because it will have a notable effect on the strength of cement concrete in

construction work. The water used should be clean and free from

substances that may be deleterious to concrete. The pH value of water

should not be less than 6; hence, potable water is generally considered

satisfactory for mixing.

The quantity of water is also important because excessive amounts

of water can weaken concrete by increasing the percentage of capillary

structure left behind as excess water finds its way to the surface as bleed

water and then evaporates, causing shrinkage and cracking.


Coarse and fine aggregates make up about 75% of the concrete

mixture. These are granular materials that include sand, gravel, crushed

stone, river stone, and lightweight manufactured aggregates. Aggregates

are essential because they make the mixture more economical as gravel

and sand are both stronger and more cost-effective than the cement.

The properties of both fine and coarse aggregates are important

because it can affect the workability concrete while in its plastic state.

Additionally, it can also affect the durability, strength, density, and

thermal properties of the concrete in its hardened state. The aggregates’

rigidity/deformation characteristics are also important. Significant

differences in the properties of aggregate and cement paste result in high

stresses that create micro-cracks that can weaken concrete. Importance of Curing

“Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, Fourteenth Edition”
Steven H. Kosmatka, Beatrix Kerkhoff, and William C. Panarese
Copyrighted 2003
5420 Old Orchard Road Skokie, Illinois 60077-1083 USA
Retrieved from

Curing is the maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content and

temperature in concrete for a period of time immediately following

placing and finishing so that the desired properties may develop. The need

for adequate curing of concrete cannot be overemphasized. Curing has a

strong influence on the properties of hardened concrete; proper curing will

increase durability, strength, watertightness, abrasion resistance, volume

stability, and resistance to freezing and thawing and deicers. Exposed slab

surfaces are especially sensitive to curing as strength development and

freeze-thaw resistance of the top surface of a slab can be reduced

significantly when curing is defective.

When Portland cement is mixed with water, a chemical reaction

called hydration takes place. The extent to which this reaction is

completed influences the strength and durability of the concrete. Freshly

mixed concrete normally contains more water than is required for

hydration of the cement; however, excessive loss of water by evaporation

can delay or prevent adequate hydration. The surface is particularly

susceptible to insufficient hydration because it dries first. If temperatures

are favorable, hydration is relatively rapid the first few days after concrete

is placed; however, it is important for water to be retained in the concrete

during this period, that is, for evaporation to be prevented or substantially

reduced. With proper curing, concrete becomes stronger, more

impermeable, and more resistant to stress, abrasion, and freezing and

thawing. Concrete Mix Design Specification

“Fundamentals of Concrete Technology. 2nd Edition”
Jose Reynaldo D. Cuna
Year 2019
Manila, Philippines

In accordance with the DPWH Standard Specification Volume II,

2013 Edition, subsection 311.2 and 405.4.1, the Contractor shall prepare

a design mix for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (PCCP) and

Structural Concrete for approval of the Engineer.

Strength is the attribute that is often defined in concrete design and

quality control because testing strength is relatively easy. It is usually

advised to test minimum number of samples of poured concrete to obtain

the following:

1. Compressive strength test for structural concrete such as

buildings and bridges.

2. Flexural strength test for horizontal structures such as


Generally, the following ages are used to test the obtained samples

in order to statistically calculate the strength of concrete:

1. For structural concrete, cylinder samples are tested at the

age of 7, 14, 21, and maximum of 28 days. Concrete with age

below 28-days may be subjected for testing with the prior

approval of the Engineer.

2. For horizontal structures, beam samples are tested at age

of 7, and 14 days. Beam samples below 14-15 days may be

subjected for testing with the prior approval of the Engineer.

Proportioning of Concrete for Structural Concrete

The following recommendations are the proportion of concrete

mixtures in DPWH projects in compliance to DPWH Standard

Specifications for Highways, Bridges, and Airports Volume II, 2013


The material shall be proportioned in accordance with the

requirements for each class of concrete in Table, using the

absolute volume method as outlined in the American Concrete Institute

(ACI) Standard 211.1 “Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions

for Normal and Heavyweight Concrete”. Other methods of proportioning

may be employed in the mix design with prior approval of the Engineer.

The mix shall either be designed or approved by the Engineer. A change

in the source of materials during the progress of work may necessitate a

new mix design.

Table Composition and Strength of Concrete for use in Structures

Minimum Maximum Consistency Designated size Compressive
Cement Water- Range in of coarse Strength of 150 mm
Content Cement Slump mm aggregates, x 300 mm Concrete
Per m3 Ratio (inch) Square Cylinder Specimen
Kg (bag*) Kg/Kg Opening, Std. at 28 days Mpa (psi)
50-100 37.5-4.75 20.7
A 360 (9.1) 0.53
(2-4) (11/2” – No.4) (3000)
50-10 50(4.75) 16.5
B 320 (8.0) 0.58
(2-4) (2” – No.4) (2400)
50-100 12.5-4.75 20.7
C 380 (9.5) 0.55
(2-4) (1/2” – No.4) (3000)
100 Max. 19-4.75 37.7
P 440 (11) 0.49
(4) Max (3/4” – No.4) (5000)
100-200 25-4.75 20.7
Seal 380 (9.5) 0.58
(4-8) (1” – No.4) (3000)
*The measured cement content shall be within plus or minus 2 mass percent of the design cement content.
**Based on 40 kg/bag

Five classes of concrete are provided for in Table 2.2.4A, namely:

A, B, C, P, and Seal. Each class shall be used in that part of the structure

as described herein below:

Class A - All superstructure and heavily reinforced

substructure such as slabs, beams, girders, arch

ribs, box culvert, reinforced abutments, retaining

walls, reinforced footings and cribbing concrete.

Class B - Footings, pedestals, massive pier shafts, pipe

bedding, and gravity walls, unreinforced or with

only a small amount of reinforcement.

Class C - Thin reinforced sections, railings, and for filler in

steel grid floors.

Class P - Prestressed concrete structures and members.

Seal - Concrete deposited in water

16 Importance of Concrete
EasyMix Concrete Ltd
Copyrighted 2022
Retrieved from

Concrete is a popular material for many construction applications,

and it is widely used because of its strength, durability, reflectivity, and

versatility. These properties make it a sturdy and long-lasting option for

numerous domestic and commercial settings.

Concrete is renowned for its high strength. The degree of strength

can be adapted to meet the needs of a specific project by altering the water,

cement and aggregate ratio. Remarkably, concrete strengthens year by

year – this is due to the cement component’s ability to form bonds with

surrounding moisture particles.

The unyielding nature of concrete makes it a durable, long-lasting

material choice. It resists erosion, fire, rotting, rusting, and weathering

with relative ease, requiring minimal maintenance and repair. Ergo,

concrete boasts a lifespan that exceeds many other types of building


Concrete reflects heat as opposed to absorbing it, like asphalt. This

beneficial heat-reflecting ability helps to cool buildings, reducing the use

of air conditioning systems, and therefore saving energy. Expanding on

this, concrete is also useful for mitigating the effect of urban heat islands

– these are defined as urban areas that are warmer than rural areas due to

humans altering the natural land surface. These islands have negative

environmental impact, as they force those dwelling and working in heat

islands to adjust their activities, often leading to the increased emission of

greenhouse gasses.

Whatever the application, concrete has proven its value and

flexibility time after time. Its incredible versatility makes it useful for an

array of uses, including: roads, buildings, driveways, highways, pathways,

garages, patios, and much more. Not only that, it can also be mixed to

generate varying degrees of strength, making it useful for the largest

highway to the smallest garden path. Additionally, concrete can also be

cut into varying shapes and sizes to allow for unlimited design


Concrete also boasts a number of environmental benefits. Sturdy

and robust, concrete can withstand natural disasters, avoiding the need to

use additional materials for repair. Concrete is often mixed from locally

sourced materials, and therefore requires minimal transport and resources

to get it from A to B. And at the end of its life, concrete can be recycled

and reused, further expanding its natural lifespan.

2.2 Related Studies

2.2.1 Groundnut Shell Ash as a Partial Replacement of Cement in Sandcrete

Blocks Production
Mahmoud, H., Bel el, Z.H. and Nwakaire, C
Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Adamawa State. Nigeria
Year 2012
Retrieved from


The production of sandcrete blocks using groundnut shell ash (GSA) as

cement replacement was investigated. Six number sandcrete blocks were cast for

each replacement levels (0, 10,20,30,40, and 50 percentage) with GSA. The

blocks were cured and crushed at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. The results show that the

compressive strength ranges from 4.50 N/mm 2 to 0.26 N/mm2. The optimum

replacement level was achieved at 20% with a corresponding strength of 3.58

N/mm2. The strength at the optimum level was within the recommended limit of

the Nigerian Industrial Standard (NIS) 87:2000. The results also showed that the

strength decreases with increase of cement above 20% replacement. It was also

observed that in the chemical composition of the GSA as compared to cement,

the amount of K2O was higher in GSA and also CaO was less than what is

obtained in cement.

2.2.2 Assessment on Influence of Corn cob Ash as a Partial Replacement of

Cement in Concrete
Selina Ruby.G, Dinesh.S, Bharath Raj.P, Kishorenandha.S
Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
June 2020
Retrieved from
In an attempt to renovate waste product into constructive material for the

building purpose, this research considered the use of corn cob ash (CCA) as a

partial replacement of cement. Hence, in this research, we have proposed an eco-

friendly solution by investigating the utilization of corncob ash with 0, 5, 10 and

15% replacement for cement in M30 grade of concrete. Mechanical Properties

such as compressive strength, split tensile strength and Flexural strength at 7, 14,

28 days are examined in laboratory. The results reveal that Corn Cob Ash can be

used as a partial replacement for cement which in turn reduces the emission of

greenhouse gases.

2.2.3 Shredded Waste Pet Bottles As A Partial Substitute For Sand In Portland
Cement Concrete
Mark Joseph R. Golez, Jikko M. Diaz, Albert D. Pepito Jr.
St. Peter’s College, Iligan City
May 2022
Retrieved form SPC Library

Plastic waste is now a severe environmental threat to modern civilization

since it is composed of several toxic chemicals that can pollute soil, air, and water.

Since plastic is a non-biodegradable material, plastic land-filling would mean

letting the harmful material pollute the surroundings. With this problem taken into

consideration, the researchers aim to determine the effect of utilizing waste poly-

ethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle as a partial substitute for sand in Portland

cement concrete with substitution levels of 0%, 3%, and 8%.

The average compressive strength of the concrete cylinder sample having

0% of shredded waste PET bottles is 823.33 psi, 1290.00 psi, and 1740 psi at 7

days, 14 days, and 28 days respectively. Meanwhile, the average compressive

strength of the concrete cylinder sample having 3% of shredded waste PET bottles

is 1446.67 psi, 1703.33 psi, and 1713.33 psi at 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days

respectively. On the other hand, the average compressive strength of the concrete

cylinder sample having 8% of shredded waste PET bottles is 786.67 psi, 936.67

psi, and 1013.33 psi at 7 days, 14 days, and 28 days respectively.

2.3 Related Readings

2.3.1 DPWH Requirements for Portland Cement

“Fundamentals of Concrete Technology. 2nd Edition”
Jose Reynaldo D. Cuna
Year 2019
Manila, Philippines

The material to be used shall conform to the applicable requirements of

item 700, Hydraulic Cement. Only Type I Portland Cement shall be used unless

otherwise provided for in the Special Provisions. Different brands or the same

brands from different mills shall not be mixed nor shall they be used alternately

unless the mix is approved by the Engineer. However, the use of Portland

Pozzolan Cement Type IP meeting the requirements of AASHTO M 240/ASTMC

695, Specification for Blended Hydraulic Cement shall be allowed, provided that

trial mixes shall be done and that the mixes meet the concrete strength

requirements, the AASHTO/ASTM provisions pertinent to the use of Portland

Pozzolan Type IP shall ASTM provisions pertinent to the use of Portland

Pozzolan Type IP shall be adopted.

Cement which for any reason, has become partially set or which contains

lumps of caked cement will be rejected. Cement salvaged from discarded or used

bags shall not be used. Samples of Cement shall be obtained in accordance with


2.3.2 DPWH Requirements for Coarse and Fine Aggregate

“Fundamentals of Concrete Technology. 2nd Edition”
Jose Reynaldo D. Cuna
Year 2019
Manila, Philippines

For Fine Aggregate

It shall consist of natural sand, stone screenings or other inert materials

with similar characteristics, or combinations thereof, having hard, strong and

durable particles. It shall not contain more than three (3) mass percent of material

passing the 0.075mm (No. 200 sieve) by washing nor more than one (1) mass

percent each of clay lumps or shale. If the fine aggregate is subjected to five (5)

cycles of the sodium sulfate soundness test, the weighted loss shall not exceed 10

mass percent.

The fine aggregate shall be free from injurious amount of organic

impurities. If subjected to the colorimatic test for organic impurities and a color

darker than the standard is produced, it shall be rejected. However, when tested

for the effect of organic impurities of strength of mortar by AASHTO T 71, the

fine aggregate may be used if the relative strength at 7 and 28 days is not less than

98 mass percent.

The fine aggregate shall be well-graded from coarse to fine and shall

conform to Table 2.3.2A.

Table 2.3.2A Grading Requirements for Fine Aggregate

Sieve Designation Mass Percent Passing

9.5mm (3/8 in) 100
4.75mm (No. 4) 95-100
2.36mm (No. 8) -
1.18mm (No. 16) 45-80
0.600mm (No. 30) -
0.300mm (No. 50) 5-30
0.150mm (No. 100) 0-10

For Coarse Aggregate

It shall consist of crushed stone, gravel, blast furnace slag, or other

approved inert materials of similar characteristics, or combinations thereof,

having hard, strong, durable pieces and free from any adherent coatings. It shall

contain not more than one (1) mass percent of material passing the 0.075mm (No.

200) sieve, not more than 0.25 mass percent of clay lumps, nor more than 3.5

mass percent of soft fragments. If the coarse aggregate is subjected to five (5)

cycles of the sodium sulfate soundness test, the weighted loss shall not exceed 12

mass percent.

Only one grading specification shall be used from any one source. Refer

to Table 2.3.2B.

Table 2.3.2B Grading Requirement for Coarse Aggregate

Sieve Designation Mass Percent Passing
Standard Alternate U.S Grading A Grading B Grading C
Mm Standard
75.00 3 in. 100 - -
63.00 2-1/2 in. 90-100 100 100
50.00 2 in. - 90-100 95-100
37.5 1-1/2 in. 25-60 35-70 -
25.0 1 in. - 0-15 35-70
19.0 ¾ in 0-40 - -
12.5 ½ in. 0-5 0-5 10-30
4.75 No. 4 - - 0-5

2.3.3 ASTM C-39: Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens

ASTM International (American Society for Testing and Materials)

Significance and Use of ASTM C39

This test method consists of applying a compressive axial load to

molded cylinders or cores at a rate which is within a prescribed range until

failure occurs. The compressive strength of the specimen is calculated by

dividing the maximum load attained during the test by the cross-sectional area

of the specimen.

Strength test information can also help to determine if admixtures put

into the concrete mix at the job site are effective. The results of this test method

are used as a basis for quality control of concrete proportioning, mixing, and

placing operations; determination of compliance with specifications; control for

evaluating effectiveness of admixtures and similar uses.

The individual who tests concrete cylinders for acceptance testing shall

have demonstrated knowledge and ability to perform the test procedure

equivalent to the minimum guidelines for certification of Concrete Laboratory

Technician, Level I, in accordance with ACI CP-16.

Equipment for Concrete Strength Testing

Testing Machine - The testing machine is powered by hydraulic fluid,

and uses a piston to lift the lower bearing block and push the cylinder into the

upper bearing block, loading the cylinder with increasing weight until it

ruptures. It is typically operated by a lever or several buttons to retract, hold, or

advance the lower bearing block, and its results may be reported by a dial gauge

or a digital readout. This is a sensitive piece of equipment and it must regularly

be calibrated and maintained. ASTM C39 section 6 goes more into depth about

the specifications of the machine's individual parts.

Calipers or Ruler - Measuring the diameter of each cylinder is vital to

the test results, as you will need to calculate the area of the cylinder to find the

strength. Keeping a daily record of your cylinder diameters is recommended.

Spacers - Break machines are typically built to break 6x12 cylinders, so

if you have smaller samples you will need to put something in there for them to

sit on. Typically, these are made of steel or some other strong material and

cylindrical in shape, but a little wider than the diameter of the cylinders that sit

on them.

Brush and dustpan - Keeping the bearing surface of the testing machine

clean and clear of debris is very important, because it needs to be plane and

level for each cylinder to break properly. It is recommended that you sweep it

clean after each break.

2.3.4 ASTM C-31: Standard Practice for Making and Curing Concrete Test
Specimens in the Field
ASTM International (American Society for Testing and Materials)

This practice covers procedures for making and curing cylinder and

beam specimens from representative samples of fresh concrete for a construction

project. It also provides standardized requirements for making, curing, protecting,

and transporting concrete test specimens under field conditions.

Testing Requirements

Cylindrical Specimens—Compressive or splitting tensile strength specimens shall

be cylinders cast and allowed to set in an upright position. The number and size

of cylinders cast shall be as directed by the specifier of the tests. In addition, the

length shall be twice the diameter and the cylinder diameter shall be at least 3

times the nominal maximum size of the coarse aggregate. When the nominal

maximum size of the coarse aggregate exceeds 50 mm [2 in.], the concrete sample

shall be treated by wet sieving through a 50-mm [2-in.] sieve as described in

Practice C172/C172M. For acceptance testing for specified compressive strength,

cylinders shall be 150 by 300 mm [6 by 12 in.] or 100 by 200 mm [4 by 8 in.].

2.3.5 Types of Concrete Mix Ratio Design and their Strengths

The Constructor
November 2017

Concrete mix ratios are the proportions of concrete components such as

cement, sand, aggregates, and water. These mix ratios are decided based on type

of construction and mix designs.

Types of Concrete Mix Ratio

Nominal Concrete Mix Ratios

Nominal mixes offer simplicity and under normal circumstances, have

a margin of strength above that specified. However, due to the variability of mix

ingredients, the nominal concrete for a given workability varies widely in

strength. Nominal mix ratios for concrete are 1:2:4 for M15, 1:1.5:3 for M20, etc.

Standard Concrete Mix Ratios

The nominal mixes of fixed cement-aggregate ratio (by volume) vary

widely in strength and may result in under or over-rich mixes. For this reason, the

minimum compressive strength has been included in many specifications. These

mixes are termed standard mixes.

Designed Mix Ratio of Concrete

The following table provides details of different types of concrete mix ratios and

their strengths:

Concrete Compressive Strength

Mix Ratio
Grade MPa (N/mm2) psi
Normal Grade of Concrete
M5 1:5:10 5 725
M7.5 1:4:8 7.5 1087
M10 1:3:6 10 1450
M15 1:2:4 15 2175
M20 1:1.5:3 20 2900
Standard Grade of Concrete
M25 1:1:2 25 3625
M30 Design Mix 30 4350
M35 Design Mix 35 5075
M40 Design Mix 40 5800
M45 Design Mix 45 6525
High Strength Concrete Grades
M50 Design Mix 50 7250
M55 Design Mix 55 7975
M60 Design Mix 60 8700
M65 Design Mix 65 9425
M70 Design Mix 70 10150
Table 2.3.5 Different Types of Concrete Mix Ratios and Strengths

Uses of Different Grades of Concrete

Normal Grade of Concrete

M5, M10, and M15 are used for PCC (Plain cement concrete) work such as

levelling course, bedding for footing, etc. M20 is used for RCC (Reinforced

Concrete) work such as slab, beams, columns, footing, etc.

Standard Grade of Concrete

M25, M30, and M35 are used for RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) like

foundations, footings, columns, beams, slabs, etc. While M40 is used for Pre-

stressed concrete work, slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc. M45 and M50 used

for RCC, runways, concrete roads(POQ), prestressed concrete girders, RCC

columns, prestressed beams etc. M-55 is used for Pre-stressed concrete girders

and piers, etc.

High Strength Concrete

M60, M65, and M80 are used for RCC work where high compressive strength is

required, this includes high rise buildings, long span bridges, ultra-thin white

topping, spillways of dams, coastal construction, etc.



This chapter presents the research design, source of data, data gathering procedures,

and statistical analysis applied in this study.

3.1 Research Design

The experimental research design was used to obtain this study’s research

objective, that was to determine the compressive strength of Portland cement concrete

containing 0% peanut shell ash (PSA) and 10%, 15% and 25% PSA as a partial

replacement for cement.

The researchers needed to go through several steps before they could reach the

ultimate result. The primary material for this study was peanut shell and they were

collected from the local market located in Baloi, Lanao Del Norte. These peanut shells

were washed and dried before burning them until they turned into ash. The peanut shell

ash is then proportioned according to the percentage (10%, 15%, 25%) required for the

partial replacement of cement in Portland cement concrete. The concrete mixture was

then cast in a 4-inch diameter by 8-inch height cylindrical mold, after which they were

de-molded 24 hours later. All samples were immersed in fresh water using a curing tank

for 7, 14, 21, and 28 days to prepare for the compressive strength test.

3.2 Research Procedure

Gathering and preparation of


Sand Sand
Cement Cement
Aggregate Aggregate
Water PSA (10%,15%,25%)

Compute the Concrete

Mix Design

Mixing and Molding

Curing of Samples

7 days 14 days 21 days 28 days

Compressive Strength Test

Data Analysis

Figure 3.2 Conceptual Framework

This experimentally designed study's main objective was to determine the

effects of PSA as a partial replacement for cement on the compressive strength of

Portland cement concrete with the following replacement levels; 10%, 15%, and 25%.

Table 3.2.1 Distribution of Portland Cement Concrete Samples for Compressive Strength

% Peanut Shell Ash Curing Period

7 Days 14 Days 21 Days 28 Days
0 3 3 3 3 12
10 3 3 3 3 12
15 3 3 3 3 12
25 3 3 3 3 12
Total 12 12 12 12 48

3.2.2 Preparation of Materials

The following were the material used in the experiment: one bag of locally

available ordinary Portland cement (OPC), peanut shell ash (PSA), 4-inch

diameter by 8-inch height cylindrical mold using PVC pipe, sand, gravel, tamping

rod, scoop, shovel, used engine oil, and clean tap water. Preparation of Fabricated Cylindrical Mold by using PVC pipe

The following were the steps in making cylindrical molds:

1. Cut the 4-inch diameter PVC pipe into 8 inches in height using a


2. After cutting the PVC pipe, use sandpaper to smooth out the ends

of the pipe so that it is completely straight and level.

3. Cut the PVC pipe lengthwise using a hacksaw to easily remove the

samples from the mold after the casting.

4. Use stainless steel wire tie to both ends of the cut pipe to prevent

it from opening when the concrete is being poured.

Figure Fabricated Cylindrical Mold with Steel Wire Tie Preparation of Peanut Shell Ash (PSA)

The following were the steps in producing peanut shell ash:

1. Clean the peanut shells with fresh water.

2. Dry the peanut shells for approximately 7 days at a room


3. The peanut shells are then burnt using a fabricated carbonizer until

they turn into ash.

4. Materials that passed through 100µm sieve were used for partial

cement replacement.

Figure Burning of Peanut Shells into Ash with a Fabricated Carbonizer

3.2.3 Sieve Analysis

To obtain the suitability and performance of aggregates, it is important to

conduct sieve analysis for fine, coarse aggregates, and peanut shell ash (PSA).

Sieving of PSA

Sieving is simply the separation of fine material from coarse material by

means of a meshed or perforated vessel.

1. Make sure that the apparatus is clean from debris.

2. Put the PSA in the top sieve carefully.

3. Start shaking the sieve horizontally, keep on shaking the sieve for 10

to 15 minutes regularly.

4. Materials that passed through 100µm were used for partial cement

replacement while the retained materials were discarded.

Figure 3.2.3 Peanut Shell Ash before and after Sieve

3.2.4 Compute the Concrete Mix Design

The concrete mix design was computed by volume. The required volume

for each material was determined using the mix ratio of M15 grade of concrete

from Table 2.3.5. The concrete mix was 1:2:4: one part cement, two parts sand,

and four parts gravel, with a water-cement ratio of 0.6. A measuring box was used

to measure the volume of materials during the mixing of concrete.

Figure 3.2.4 6x6x6in (216in3) Measuring Box

3.2.5 Mixing and Molding

The following were the steps for the mixing and molding of concrete:

1. After gathering the materials and proportioning of concrete mixtures, mix

all the ingredients thoroughly until it achieves the desired consistency.

2. Put concrete mixture inside the cylinder mold. Put two equal layers of

concrete mixture inside the mold.

3. After putting one layer, use the tamping rod to tamp the concrete mixture

in 25 times.

4. Then again for the second layer, tamp the concrete mixture 25 times but

be careful not to reach the first layer of the mixture.

5. Use the tamping rod to remove excess concrete mixture.

6. After an hour of casting, use a stick to label above the samples for

identification marks.

Figure 3.2.5 Casting of Concrete

3.2.6 Curing of Samples

The curing tank was fabricated using plywood and 2x2 lumber, and then covered

with a blue sack sakoline (trapal) to prevent the water from leaking. The following

were the steps for curing of the samples:

1. Fill the curing tank with clean water to cure the samples.

2. Remove the samples from mold after 24 hours of casting

3. Carefully place the samples in the curing tank for 7, 14, 21 and 28 days to

Figure 3.2.6 Fabricated Curing Tank for Concrete Samples

3.2.7 Compressive Strength Test

After 7, 14, 21, and 28 days of curing, the compressive strength test was

conducted for three samples of each concrete cylinders containing 0%, 10%, 15%,

and 25% peanut shell ash (PSA). E.B. Testing Center, Inc. require concrete

cylinders to be removed from the curing tank and air-dried for approximately 24

hours prior to the day of their testing.

The following procedures are based on ASTM C-39 (Standard Test

Method for Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens):

1. All test specimens for a given test age shall be broken within the

permissible time tolerances.

2. Placing the Specimen—Place the plain (lower) bearing block, with its

hardened face up, on the table or platen of the testing machine directly

under the spherically seated (upper) bearing block. Wipe clean the bearing

faces of the upper and lower bearing blocks and of the test specimen and

place the test specimen on the lower bearing block. Carefully align the

axis of the specimen with the center of thrust of the spherically seated


3. Zero Verification and Block Seating—Prior to testing the specimen, verify

that the load indicator is set to zero. In cases where the indicator is not

properly set to zero, adjust the indicator. As the spherically seated block

is brought to bear on the specimen, rotate its movable portion gently by

hand so that uniform seating is obtained.

4. Rate of Loading—Apply the load continuously and without shock.

5. For testing machines of the screw type, the moving head shall travel at a

rate of approximately 0.05 in. [1 mm]/min when the machine is running

idle. For hydraulically operated machines, the load shall be applied at a

rate of movement (platen to crosshead measurement) corresponding to a

loading rate on the specimen within the range of 20 to 50 psi/s [0.15 to

0.35 MPa/s]. The designated rate of movement shall be maintained at least

during the latter half of the anticipated loading phase of the testing cycle.

6. During the application of the first half of the anticipated loading phase a

higher rate of loading shall be allowed.

7. Make no adjustment in the rate of movement of the platen at any time

while a specimen is yielding rapidly immediately before failure.

8. Apply the load until the specimen fails, and record the maximum load

carried by the specimen during the test. Note the type of failure and the

appearance of the concrete.

Figure 3.2.7 Compressive Strength Testing of Concrete Samples

3.3 Data Analysis

The compressive strength of the samples was determined by getting the

maximum load applied to the concrete cylinders using the compression testing machine

(CTM). The cross-sectional area of the concrete cylinder was 12.6 in2 (8171 mm2), with

the diameter of 4 in (102 mm). Ultimately, to calculate the compressive strength of the

sample was to divide the maximum load carried by the sample during the test by the

average cross-sectional area and express the result to the nearest 0.1 MPa (10 psi).

CS or P (MPa) =
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝑠𝑞.𝑚𝑚)



This chapter presents the results of the research and provides the answer to the previous

main objective mentioned in the first chapter.

4.1 Sieve Analysis

Sieve analysis determines the gradation and compliance with the design,

production control requirements, and verification specifications. The fine and coarse

aggregates used in the research were from Brgy. Hinaplanon, Iligan City. Both

aggregates were tested at E.B. Testing Center, Inc. Opol Misamis oriental. The results

of the sieve analysis were tabulated in Table 4.1.1 and 4.1.2, respectively. The test

results shows that the fine aggregates used passed the specification requirement.

The peanut shell ash used in the research was also sieved at E.B. Testing Center,

where the materials that passed through the No.100 mesh and retained in the No.200

mesh was used as the partial replacement for cement.

Table 4.1.1 Grain Size Distribution of Fine Aggregates

Sieve Size Percent Specifications Remarks

9.5 mm 3/8 in 100 100 Passed

4.75 mm No. 4 97 95-100 Passed
2.36 mm No. 8 92 - -
1.18 mm No. 16 77 45-80 Passed
0.600 mm No. 30 61 - -
0.300 mm No. 50 29 5-30 Passed
0.150 mm No. 100 9 0-10 Passed
0.075 mm No. 200 3 0-3 Passed

Figure 4.1.1 Particle Size Distribution Curve of Fine Aggregates

Particle Size Distribution Curve


Percent Finer (%)

10 1 0.1 0.01
Particle Sizes (mm)

Table 4.1.2 Grain Size Distribution of Coarse Aggregates

Sieve Size Percent Specifications Remarks

50 mm 2 in 100 100 Passed
37.5 mm 1-1/2 in 100 95-100 Passed
25 mm 1 in 100 - -
19.0 mm 3/4 in 100 35-70 Failed
12.5 mm 1/2 in 99 - -
9.5 mm 3/8 in 93 10-30 Failed
4.75 mm No. 4 32 0-5 Failed
0.075 mm No. 200 0 - -
Figure 4.1.2 Particle Size Distribution Curve of Coarse Aggregates

Particle Size Distribution Curve


Percent Finer (%)




100 10 1 0.1 0.01
Particle Sizes (mm)

4.2 Mix Proportion

The mix proportioning used for the concrete cylinders was 1:2:4: one part

cement, two parts sand, and four parts gravel, respectively. As per IS 456:2000 the

water cement ratio for a 1:2:4 plain cement concrete is 0.60. The proportioning of the

materials was found by determining the volume of each required material using a

measuring box with the dimension of 6x6x6 in. A total of four different batches of

mixing was necessary to complete the experiment: 0%, 10%, 15%, and 25% PSA, with

each batch having a total of twelve (12) samples.

6x6x6in = 216in3 (Volume of 1 box)
10% PSA:
216in3 x 0.10 = 22 in3 (Volume of PSA)
216 – 22 = 194in3 (Volume of cement)
6in(6in)(x) = 194in3
x = 5.4in (height of cement for 10% PSA mix)
15% PSA:
216in3 x 0.15 = 33 in3 (Volume of PSA)
216 – 22 = 183in3 (Volume of cement)
6in(6in)(x) = 183in3
x = 5.1in (height of cement for 15% PSA mix)
25% PSA:
216in3 x 0.25 = 54 in3 (Volume of PSA)
216 – 22 = 162in3 (Volume of cement)
6in(6in)(x) = 162in3
x = 4.5in (height of cement for 15% PSA mix)
During the measurement of the cement and PSA, the different heights of the

cement for each percentage were calculated and marked inside the measuring box. The

box was then filled with cement until the specified height and the remaining volume

was then filled with PSA.

The following are the mix proportion of the concrete cylinders.

Table 4.2.1 Concrete Mix Proportions

Cement Sand Gravel PSA Water Content

Concrete Mixture
(in3) (in3) (in3) (in3) (L)
Normal Concrete
216 432 864 0 3.1
(0% PSA)

10% PSA 194 432 864 22 3.1

15% PSA 183 432 864 33 3.1

25% PSA 162 432 864 54 3.1

PSA: Peanut Shell Ash

4.3 Compressive Strength

One of the most essential qualities of hardened concrete is its compressive

strength. Standard cylindrical concrete with a dimension of 6-inch diameter by 12-inch

in height with 1:2:4 mix ratio, or M15 grade has a specified compressive strength of 15

MPa at 28 days of curing. The compressive strength test was based on ASTM C-39.

The concrete cylinders that were tested have a dimension of 4-inch diameter by 8-inch

in height with a cross-sectional area of 12.6 in2 or 8171 mm2. The following formula

was used to calculate the compressive strength of each sample.

CS (MPa) = Load (𝑁) / 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 (𝑚𝑚2)

Table 4.3.1 shows the result of the compressive strength test for each replacement
percentages of concrete at their curing ages.

Table 4.3.1 Result of the Compressive Strength of the Concrete Cylinders
Age of Maximum Load Average Compressive
Curing Per Sample Max. Load Strength
(days) (kN) (N) (MPa or N/mm2)
7 67.8 75,500 9.2
14 104.5 101,300 12.4
Normal 89.9
0% PSA 106.5
21 101.4 101,200 12.4
28 115.6 115,400 14.1
7 59.0 58,100 7.1
14 62.6 71,000 8.7
10% PSA
21 79.3 78,400 9.6
28 73.3 80,600 9.9
7 34.1 34,900 4.3
14 52.6 50,800 6.2

15% PSA 50.8
21 46.9 47,100 5.8
28 54.7 50,400 6.2
7 26.7 29,700 3.6
14 46.7 42,300 5.2
25% PSA
21 44.3 43,500 5.3
28 49.5 48,900 6.0
PSA: Peanut Shell Ash

0% PSA 10% PSA 15% PSA 25% PSA


12.4 12.4

9.6 9.9
10.0 9.2

8.0 7.1
6.2 6.2 6.0
6.0 5.2 5.3
4.0 3.6


7 14 21 28
PSA: Peanut Shell Ash

Figure 4.3 Relationship Between the Compressive Strength of each Percentages of

Peanut Shell Ash.

Based on Figure 4.3, the gathered data shows gradual increase in strength the

longer the days of curing at various replacement percentages. There is an observed

decrease in strength with increasing PSA content. The compressive strength of the

Portland cement concrete is inversely proportional with design mix ratio, which shows

that the higher the percentage of cement is replaced with PSA, the lower the

compressive strength of Portland cement concrete.

From the result, the concrete made at 0%, 10%, 15%, and 25% replacement

levels at the 28th day of curing were having an average strength of 14.1 MPa, 9.9 MPa,

6.2 MPa, and 6.0 MPa respectively which none were within the specified strength of

15 MPa for a M15 grade concrete (1:2:4). The maximum replacement level (excluding

the normal concrete, 0% PSA) to achieve the maximum compressive strength is 10%

PSA, as shown in table 4.3.1, it has the highest compressive strength in all the curing

ages. However, none of the concrete with partial replacement of PSA was able to

surpass the compressive strength of the normal concrete at 14 days of curing with 12.4

MPa. At the 21st day of curing, only the 10% PSA showed significant change in its

strength with an increase of 0.9 MPa while the other samples did not have any

considerable increase. The replacement level with the lowest compressive strength was

both 15% and 25% PSA as their strength at the 28th day of curing was negligible.

Additionally, both only showed significant changes in their strength at their 14 th day of

curing and no considerable changes past that curing age. Meanwhile, the concrete with

the highest compressive strength was the concrete (0% PSA) without any partial

replacement attaining a strength of 14.1 MPa, which is comparable to the requisite

strength for the mix design. Therefore, the highest compressive strength that was

attained by a Portland cement concrete with a replacement of PSA was 9.9 MPa that is

the 10% replacement level. It is possible to use concrete with PSA for PCC (Plain

cement concrete) related works such as levelling coarse and bedding purposes because

the attained compressive strength falls under M5, M7.5, M10 grade concrete (See 2.3.5)

which are used in the aforementioned works.



This chapter presents the summary, conclusions, and recommendations derived in the

conduct of the research which is to determine the compressive strength of Portland cement

concrete containing different replacement percentages of peanut shell ash.

5.1 Summary of Findings

Local peanut shell wastes were utilized because of its long natural degradation

and harmful properties that may affect the environment. Thus, it was used as a partial

replacement in Portland cement concrete to determine the compressive strength of

Portland cement concrete containing 0% Peanut shell ash (PSA) and 10%, 15%

and 25% PSA as a partial replacement for cement.

The peanut shells were burnt into ashes to partially replace the cement in

concrete. Concrete samples were then casted in a fabricated cylinder mold and cured

after 24 hours. The samples were then tested for compressive strength after curing for

7, 14, 21 and 28 days.

The final average compressive strength of the concrete samples after twenty-

eight (28) days of curing are as follows: replacement level of 0% PSA had an average

of 14.1 MPa, 10% PSA had 9.9 MPa, 15% PSA had 6.2 MPa, and 25% PSA had 6.0

MPa. Among the replacement levels of PSA (10%, 15%, 25% PSA), none of them

achieved a higher compressive strength compared to the control sample (0% PSA),

which has the highest compressive strength among all the samples. The concrete

samples containing 25% PSA have the lowest compressive strength.

5.2 Conclusion

Based on the indicated findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

➢ The use of peanut shell ash as a partial replacement of cement affects the

compressive strength of concrete, it lowers the compressive strength as you add

more peanut shell ash.

5.3 Recommendation

The following are the recommendations:

➢ Concrete designers may use peanut shell ash in PCC(Plain Cement Concrete)

related works, generally for levelling course and bedding purposes (bedding for

foundation, reinforced concrete pipe, paving blocks). They can use 15% to 25%

PSA for M5 grade of concrete, and 10% PSA for M10 and M7.5 grade of


➢ Future researchers should conduct further study to demonstrate the cost

effectiveness of peanut shell ash as a partial replacement for cement in Portland

cement concrete.

➢ Future researchers should be cautious during the mixing and casting of concrete

because improper practice may affect the strength of the samples.

➢ Future researchers should observe proper placement of concrete cylinders

during transport from curing tank to testing area. They may use clothing to wrap

the cylinders and put sand in the container to avoid disturbing the strength of

the samples.

➢ Future researchers may add more samples to be tested to attain better result.

➢ Future researchers should use the standard size of 6 in. x 12 in. cylindrical mold.

➢ Future researchers may reduce the percentages of PSA with 3%, 6%, and 9% .


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Mahmoud, H., Belel, Z.H. and Nwakaire, C. (2012), “Groundnut shell ash as a partial
replacement of cement in sandcrete blocks production”, International Journal of
Development and Sustainability, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 1026-1032.

Selina Ruby.G, “Assessment on Influence of Corn cob Ash as a Partial
Replacement of Cement in Concrete”, Sri Krishna College of Technology,
Coimbatore, India

Mark Joseph R. Golez, “Shredded Waste Pet Bottles As A Partial Substitute For
Sand In Portland Cement Concrete”, St. Peter’s College, Iligan City

Simplified Construction Estimate by Max B. Fajardo Jr.

Fundamentals of CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY (Philippines) by Jose Reynaldo D.


W.F. Chen, J.Y. Richard Liew, The Civil Engineering Handbook, Second Edition

Steven H. Kosmatka, Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, Fourteenth


ASTM International (American Society for Testing and Materials); ASTM C-31 and


Preparation of Peanut Shell Ash (Washing, Drying, Burning)

The researchers used a fabricated

carbonizer to turn the peanut shells
into ash.

Preparation of Fabricated Cylindrical Mold And Curing Tank

The researchers used

plywood and 2x2
lumber to fabricate the
curing tank. It was then
covered with a blue
sack sakoline (trapal)
to prevent water

Fabricated Cylindrical Mold with Steel Wire Tie

Filling the Fabricated Curing Tank with Fresh Water

Sieving of Peanut Shell Ash


The researchers brought the peanut shell ash at E.B. Testing Center, Inc. for
sieving using a No.100 mesh. Materials that was retained at No.200 mesh was
used for the mixing.

Mixing and Molding of Concrete Samples

The researchers applied used engine oil on cylindrical molds to easily remove
the concrete samples from the molds after casting.


The peanut shell ash

has a darker shade
compared to cement.


Removal of Mold and Curing of Concrete Samples

Compressive Strength Testing of Concrete Samples

Breaking of Concrete Samples: 7 days




Breaking of Concrete Samples: 14 days




Breaking of Concrete Samples: 21 days




Breaking of Concrete Samples: 28 days




7 Days Samples

28 Days Samples

0% PSA 10% PSA

15% PSA 25% PSA

Test Results
Sieve Analysis of Fine Aggregates:

Sieve Analysis of Coarse Aggregate:

Compressive Strength Results: 7 Days

Compressive Strength Results: 14 Days

Compressive Strength Results: 21 Days

Compressive Strength Results: 28 Days




Name : Muhaymin G. Pirino

Birth Date : March 24, 1998

Address : Malaig Balindong, Lanao Del Sur

Gender : Male

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Islam

Father’s name : Mangorobong B. Pirino

Mother’s name : Mariam G. Pirino


Tertiary : St. Peter’s College

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Sabayle, Iligan City
2019 – 2023

Secondary : Piagapo National High School

Radapan Piagapo, Lanao Del Sur
2014 – 2015

Yanbu International School

Yanbu Al-Sinaiyah, K.S.A
2009 – 2014

Primary : Ibn Siena Integrated School Foundation

Biyaba, Marawi City
2003 – 2009


Name : Abdul Khaliq D. Ombra

Birth Date : February 11, 1998

Address : Balo-i, Lanao Del Norte

Gender : Male

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Islam

Father’s name : Ombra Arumpac Mapandi

Mother’s name : Anisa B. Dimapunong


Tertiary : St. Peter’s College

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Sabayle, Iligan City
2019 – 2023

Secondary : Iligan Capitol College

Iligan City, Lanao Del Norte
2017 – 2019

MSU Baloi Community Highschool

Balo-i, Lanao Del Norte
2012 – 2017

Primary : Baloi Central Elementary School

Balo-i, Lanao Del Norte
2006 – 2012


Name : Jabber D. Lomondot

Birth Date : July 30, 1998

Address : Bara-as Tubod, Iligan City

Gender : Male

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Islam

Father’s name : Amer D. Lomondot

Mother’s name : Musrifa D. Lomondot


Tertiary : St. Peter’s College

Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Sabayle, Iligan City
2019 –2023

Secondary : St. Michael’s College

Iligan City, Lanao Del Norte
2016 – 2019

Iligan City National High School

Iligan City, Lanao Del Norte
2013 – 2016

Primary : South 1-A Central School

Iligan City, Lanao Del Norte
2007 – 2013


This is to certify that this Thesis we hereby submit is our own work and, to the

best of our knowledge, does not contain any materials previously published or written

by another person. This work does not also contain any material which has been

accepted for an award of any other degree or diploma, except where due

acknowledgement is made in the manuscript. Any contribution made to this research

work by others whom we have worked with here at St. Peter’s College or elsewhere, is

explicitly acknowledged in this manuscript.

We also certify that the intellectual content of this manuscript is the product of

our own work, except for assistance that we received in the project design, style,

presentation, and linguistic presentation which we also acknowledge.

Muhaymin G. Pirino

Abdul Khaliq D. Ombra

Jabber D. Lomondot

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of May 2022, Affiant exhibited

their ___________________________ issued on _____________________________

, at Iligan City, Philippines.


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