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Discoveries Magazine June 2023

Chatting Parrots
Parrots are clever, chatty birds. That's why they make popular pets. But while
parrots in the wild socialize in large groups, pet parrots are often alone. This
makes them feel lonely, which affects their happiness and health. Jennifer
Cunha, Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas, and Rébecca Kleinberger are
bird behavior researchers. In a recent study, they taught pet parrots how
to video chat - so they could socialize with other parrots.

In the study, parrots were taught how to use the touch screen on a tablet. On
the screen were pictures of different parrots they could chat with. The parrots
used their beaks to choose which bird to call. They were slowly introduced to
video chat technology, speaking to their new friends a little more each day. The
birds were also taught to ring a bell, to tell their owners when they wanted the
tablet. Once the parrots were used to the process, they could video chat whenever they wanted.
During the three-month study, the researchers observed the parrots. During the calls, the parrots danced and
sang, or showed off their toys. They even learned new things from their friends, like new songs or even how to fly!
Some parrots made lots of video calls. The parrots, like people, also became friendlier with some parrots more
than others. The bird owners said that being in the study made their pets happier. Some parrots actually stayed in
touch with new friends after the study ended!

Researchers are excited about the results of the study. Cunha hopes that, someday, parrots can use technology
whenever they're feeling alone - just like humans. "It would be pretty amazing," she says.


1) The article is about how parrots are great  The video call ended.
pets for lonely people.  They were given food.
 True  They saw a picture.
 False 4) After the study...
2) Scientists taught the parrots in the study to...  many owners were unhappy.
 play with toys.  most parrots were smarter.
 dance.  the parrots became happier.
 sing special songs.  all the parrots still called their new friends.
 use a touch screen. 5) Cunha, Hirskyj-Douglas, and Kleinberger all
3) What happened after the parrots rang a bell have pet parrots.
in the experiment?  True
 They were given a tablet.  False


To what extent do you agree or disagree with parrots using technology whenever they feel alone - just like

Write a 50 to 100-word paragraph. Don’t forget to include a title and a main idea from which you
should add supporting ideas or details to explain your answer.
Parrots and Technology

I agree that parrots using technology to socialize with other parrots can have several benefits. First, it provides an
opportunity for social interaction, allowing parrots to engage with their own kind even when physical proximity is not
possible. Second, it offers mental stimulation and learning opportunities as parrots can observe and imitate
behaviors, learn new skills, and engage in playful activities during video chats. Third, it can address feelings of
loneliness and promote emotional well-being by fostering a sense of connection and reducing stress or anxiety. On
the whole, incorporating technology into the social lives of parrots can enhance their overall happiness and enrich
their lives.

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