Math Reaction

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I agree with his perspective in Mathematics that the vast majority are “outsiders”.

Meaning not
everyone possess the same skill level on a certain subject. Yet Most of the people may not have the same
maths skills but may flourish in another skill like being an artist, cinematographer and the etc….
Secondly, the part where people will assume someone is good at math based on race which is not true
because not all people are alike in terms of skills and abilities. (Racism jokeXD)
Thirdly, I agree the part in the video where he talked about that Math, as an example, is not for him
because Mr. Woo, the speaker, observed how his score ranks at the bottom of high score list in math..
Rather, his major skills is History and English. So this applies to everyone.
But something changed; when he was enrolled as faculty of education in school. A professor noticed his
academic life is dominated in Humanities rather than mathematics and his perseverance in mathematics
even though his not good at it. So, the professor encouraged him to shift his teaching to mathematics
because of the shortage of math teachers in Australian schools until this day. So he applied to be a math
teacher because His style of teaching is making a personal impact in the lives of people in any subject
he is assigned to. So, it made sense for him to go there.
Fourthly, what he discovered during his study in math majot degree was a different subject than he
originally thought since it’s similar to music. He enjoyed the rhythm pulsating his body, and a girl he
wants to impress . He realized that there is an “ ocean of music” and he can swim in it; which is Identical
experience with maths. So he comes to a point where He Appreciates Mathematics as a sense. He talking
more that we can perceive reality that is intangible on us through patterns, relationships, and logical
connections. Also, he talks about how we are surrounded by shapes and patterns in which the term,
Cosmos, was coined by someone; meaning patterned and ordered; in Contrast with chaos disorder and
randomness. The point he was getting across is mathematics is beautiful and practical.
Fifthly, Mathematics is NOT about crunching numbers and making random formulas but rather it’s
finding a creative way to solve problems in life through insight and imagination.
To conclude, I agree with everything the speaker said ---- that mathematics is indeed
beautiful,practical, fun if you know what you are doing because it’s found in our observable universe.
What this means to me is every subject has its strengths and weaknesses in term of interest. What I mean
by that is for some people may like that subject and some dones not. Yet that’s what makes it beautiful
because even though we’re different, we are born to be a genius in different areas of skills just like this
““Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life
believing that it is stupid.”
That’s what the speaker did. He makes something boring, very intriguing and I hope we all find a subject
in life that we are passionate about so that people will be amazed when you teach them about it.
Thank you for coming on my Ted talk 

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