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B. Discussion

This section discusses the results of the research. It starts by exploring the

needs analysis results and explaining the results of the implementation. Both of them

are analyzed based on the six components of a task that is proposed by Nunan (1989:

48) namely goal, input, activities, setting, learner role, and teacher role.

From the needs analysis, the goals that the students want to reach are capable

to do the English communication both in oral or written forms well and all at once

comprehend the meaning and the using of every single word, sentence, and

expression in English. Meanwhile, the preferable inputs are pictures which are

completed with explanation, short texts with pictures, and vocabulary lists. For the

activities, the students like to listen to a dialogue. In speaking, they prefer to practice

a short dialogue which will be presented in front of the class. Then, in relation to the

reading activities, the students want to translate the words of the texts and then check

whether the meaning of the words are suitable or not with the text and they also want

to discuss the difficult words in the reading text. Moreover, the activity in writing that

they like the most is discussing the English grammar. Concerning the teacher and

learner role, based on the students’ perspectives, it will be effective if the teacher

gives explanation before the students doing the tasks while they want to be

communicative participant in the classroom who could interact actively with the

teacher and their friends. Related to the setting, in order to be effective, they like

doing the tasks in groups.


The results of the needs analysis, then, were used to write the course grid

which is also considering the standard of competences and basic competences of

SMP. Afterward, the course grid was developed into English materials for the first

grade students of SMPN 2 Wonosari. The developed material consists of three units.

Moreover, each unit consists of 17 to 25 tasks which are divided in two cycles, namely the

spoken cycle (listening and speaking) and written cycle (reading and writing). In the process

of designing materials, the principles of pedagogical procedure recommended by Nunan

(2004), or it can be called as task-based language teaching principles, were applied.

In addition, Nunan’s principles of grading, sequencing, and integrating tasks

(2004) were used to organize each task in every unit. As mentioned earlier, a unit is

divided into two cycles, i.e. spoken and written cycle. The tasks in every cycle were

graded and sequenced by considering the complexity of the input, which were

arranged from the simple (easiest) input to the difficult (complex) one, students’

linguistic and background knowledge, and the procedures that learners are required to

perform on input data. Meanwhile, an effective task also has to integrate the

components of the task which are also mentioned before. It will be effective if those

components of task are also effective.

The next discussion is the results of the materials evaluation. Regarding task

goal, it adopted the communicative goal type proposed by Clark (1987 in Nunan,

2004), who states that language is used for “...exchange information, ideas, opinions,

attitudes and feelings...”. Therefore, the goals of the tasks in the developed material

are to improve the students’ listening skill by listening to a dialogue which provide

language functions, to improve pronunciation skill, to enrich vocabulary mastery, to

practice speaking based on the language function being discussed, to obtain certain

information from the texts, to learn particular grammar, to write an announcement

and a shopping list. As the result, the task goals which based on the Clark’s theory are

effective and can be applied to the first students of SMPN 2 Wonosari. It is because

they are achievable. The statement is supported by the quantitative and qualitative

data in the previous part in this chapter.

Concerning task inputs, those adopted the theory of Harmer who says that it is

important to use a variety of teaching aids to explain language meaning and

construction, engage students in a topic, or as the basis of a whole activity. Picture is

one of prominent teaching aid that is used in this developed material. It can be used in

a multiplicity of ways, for instance, it is useful for ‘drilling’ grammar items and

practising vocabulary. Moreover, it is also useful for presenting and checking of

meaning and it is important for engaging the students to follow the task and also for

predicting the next task (Harmer, 2001: 134-136). In addition, the inputs were also

designed by considering the Hutchinson and Waters’s theory (1987: 108-109) who

state that the input should provide the stimulus material for activities, new language

items, the correct models of language use, a topic for communication, the

opportunities for learners to use their information processing skills as well as their

opportunities to use their existing knowledge both of the language and the subject

matter. Therefore, the inputs used in the unit design are pictures followed by short

explanation, vocabulary related to the topic concern, short texts with pictures, short

description of the text which will be listened to, short dialogue, situation, a model of

dialogue. Based on the previous data analysis, it shows that the inputs used in this

developed material are acceptable. The students were enthusiastic with the inputs.

Then, it can be concluded that those theories are effective to be implemented in

designing the task inputs of the material for the first students of SMP.

Related to the designing task activities, it considers Clark and Silberstein‘s

theory who says that the activities should represent the ‘real world’ life, as in reading

activity, one of the reading purposes that should be achieved is to obtain a specific

fact or piece of information (Clark and Silberstein, 1977: 51 in Nunan, 2004: 53).

Therefore, the designed activities for oral cycle (Focus on listening and speaking) are

listening and answering, listening and completing, completing and practicing a

dialogue and having a dialogue based on the clues or given situation. Meanwhile, the

activities for written cycle (Focus on reading and writing) are reading and finding

some difficult words, reading and answering, studying the explanation, and writing

short functional texts. As the result, those activities were acceptable. In other words,

the theory could be applied in designing the activities for the first grade students of


In relation to the teacher and learner roles, there are some roles that they

should play within the classroom. The role may change from one activity to another.

Based on Harmer (2001), Brown (2001), and Breen and Candlin in Nunan (2004), the

teacher could be a controller, organiser, resource, guide, facilitator, and observer.


However, Nunan (2004: 67) emphasizes that teacher and learner roles are two side of

coin. It means that their roles should support one to another. When the learners

perform to be the active participants, then the teacher should adjust the role to support

them. In other words, their roles are interchangeable. Based on the data on the

previous section of this chapter, it shows that the teacher roles during the

implementation were effective. In short, the theories are effective as the consideration

for the teacher to decide which role she has to play in the classroom.

Pertaining to task setting, the pair work is frequently used in the tasks. The

using of many pair work group is based on Harmer (2001: 116) who states that the

students can practice language together, study a text, and take part in information-gap

activities as active as possible in pair work group. However, it seems that the students

like to do the tasks in groups. It is in line with Harmer (2001) who proposes that

group work encourages broader skills of cooperation and negotiation. They are also

given some part of the tasks at home as homework. It is based on Nunan’s theory

(2004: 70-71) who says that setting also needs several consideration on whether the

tasks are to be carried out wholly or partly outside the classroom. Meanwhile, from

the previous data analysis shows that the settings during the implementation are


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