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Explain Barriers/hurdles/obstacles to effective communication.


The purpose of communication is to get a definite response and an immediate response.

Effective communication occurs when a desired effects can achieved. Barriers to effective
communication can distort the message.

1:- External OR Mechanical Barriers:-

(i)- Defects in the channel:

Defects in the devices used for communication are purely eternal; and usually not within the
control of the parties engaged in communication. The telephone, the postal system, the
telegraph, the loud speaker and the other channel may break down or suffer from ---
disturbance and may not convey the message properly.

(ii)- Noise:

Even in face to face communication without a microphone, the air maybe disturbed by the
noise in the environment such as traffic, construction work, or human sounds.

2:- Psycho-Sociological/Intrapersonal Barriers:-

(i)- Self-centered attitudes:

The attitude may come from religion, nationality, ideas of the community to which one belongs,
place of living or family ideas. e.g. They Dominate Conversations, They Want Things Done Their Way,
They're Quick to Blame Others and Avoid Responsibility.

(ii)- Group identification:

Our values and opinions are influenced by the group to which we belong, like family, city,
religious community, language group, age group, nationality, locality, club, economic group.e.g.
age, ability, ethnicity, race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and religion.

(iii)- Snap reaction:

Quick OR Prematurely respond to the message owing to hot or short tempered, such reactions
are called as “Snap reaction”.

(iv)- Status symbol:

Status symbol seems to be connected with the feelings of “Superiority complex” which is also
one type of barrier. A status symbol is a visible, external symbol of one's social position, an
indicator of economic or social status. Many luxury goods are often considered status symbols.
For example, in a commercial society, having money or wealth and things that can be bought by
wealth, such as cars, houses, or fine clothing, are considered status symbols.

(v)- Closed mind:

Limited intellectual background, limited reading and narrow interests cause a person’s mind to
be narrow.

(v)- Poor communication skill:

Lack of skill in writing and speaking obviously prevents the sender from encoding his message
or ideas properly so as to get across to his audience.

(vii)- State of health:

Physical health or condition can affect one’s efficiency. It is common experience that a person in
pain or fever is not interested in communication.

(viii)- Information overloaded:

If a person is overloaded with much information, he or she cannot arrange it properly and
communication cannot be resulted successfully before the audience.


Language is most important tool of communication words have multiple meanings and could be
perceived differently in different regions. Any language is the expression of thoughts, feelings
and experience in terms of cultural environment. The same language when used in different
cultures, takes a different color and conveys a different meaning. It can be a strong barrier if
conveyed properly.


(i)- By removing defects in physical environment, like devices such as telephones, fax machine,
cell phones, computer, radio, T.V. sets, loud speaker microphone, etc.

(ii)- Avoid overload information

(iii)-Communication or sender should be aware of the physical condition of the receiver at the
time of encoding message
(iv)- Use of simple language
(v)- Reduction and elimination of noise level
(vi)- Proper media selection
(vii)- Avoid discussing cultural, religious economic differences during communication

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