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“Impact of Automation Technology on

Management Alignment”





Supervised by: Submitted by:

Name: Anjali Singh Name: Diksha Rathore

Designation: Professor UID:21MBA3455



Chapter-1 Introduction
In today's rapidly changing business environment, technology is playing an increasingly
important role in the way organizations are managed. The rise of digital transformation has
led to a paradigm shift in the way businesses operate, and the way they interact with their
customersand stakeholders. The increasing role of technology in management is a topic of
growing importance, as the world becomes more connected and data-driven. In this
capstone project, we will explore the various ways in which technology is impacting
management practices, and the implications of these changes. We are using national
engineering industries as our beneficiary in this undertaking. The leading manufacturer and
exporter of bearings from India is National Engineering Industries Ltd. (NEI), which is
renowned for its superior products and customer support. The legendary businessman Late
Shri B.M. Birla founded it in 1946 as a pioneering industry in the field of bearing fabrication.
NBC Bearings is the first bearingmanufacturer to produce bearings in India.


With more than 2,800 employees, NEI currently operates five cutting-edge manufacturing
facilities in India, located in Jaipur, Newai (Rajasthan), Manesar (Haryana), and Vadodara
(Gujarat). The industry occupies 118 acres of land in Jaipur and 56 acres in Gunsi (Newai).
NEI has one of the best R&D facilities in the nation as well as access to advanced
manufacturing and process technology. With a modest initial production of 30,000 bearings
in 19 sizes, the first bearing was created in 1946. Today, they produce more than 200 million
bearings in over 2300 sizes, which are distributed across five continents and 30 countries,
including Germany, Japan, and China. The European company Kinex Bearings was acquired
by NEI in 2020.
The Importance of Technology in Management:

The use of technology in management has been growing steadily over the past few decades.
Technology has enabled businesses to streamline their processes, reduce costs, and improve
efficiency. It has also enabled businesses to collect and analyze data, which has helped them
to make more informed decisions. Today, technology is playing an even more important
role in management, as businesses face new challenges and opportunities.

One of the most significant impacts of technology on management has been the rise of
digital transformation. Digital transformation is the integration of digital technology into
all areas ofa business, resulting in fundamental changes to the way the business operates
and deliversvalue to customers. Digital transformation is not just about technology, but
also about rethinking business models, processes, and organizational culture.

The benefits of digital transformation are numerous. It can improve customer experience,
reduce costs, increase productivity, and enable innovation. However, it also presents
challenges. Digital transformation requires businesses to be agile, adaptable, and
innovative. It requires a culture of continuous learning and improvement.

Making a company's presence felt in people's minds is essential in this highly competitive
environment. Without a doubt, NBC has already established a standard for other businesses
in terms of success, but additional publicity never hurts, so if the corporation continues to
reach out to people around the world, it will continue to grow. Given the situation, NBC
requires to involve some technological aspects to survive.

So, for this initiative, we will generate a strong email marketing campaign to reach the
greatest number of individuals possible worldwide, so that the products and services of the
company are marketed worldwide. To reach target audience, we will choose the email
platform since it allows us to more precisely define our market groups and provide
distributors and customers with high-quality offerings. To include technological aspect, we
will use the MAILCHIMP, a platform that permits sending emails in mass, is available, we
will use it to execute a bulk emailmarketing campaign. It includes options for automating
tasks, tweaking, and designing templates. Additionally, it permits sending emails based on
It helps in-

• Providing information on new features or product upgrades, it also aims to give

users abetter understanding of the company's mission and values.
• To eliminate various obstacles, such as linguistic and cultural ones, and to offer
materialin the customers' native tongues, so expanding their options.
• Email marketing enables systematizing tasks and lowers the likelihood of mistakes.

• Customers will have a wider range of options for goods and services,
increasing thecompany's ability to generate leads.
The Role of Technology in Management Practices:

The increasing role of technology in management practices is transforming the way

businesses operate. Technology is impacting all aspects of management, from
strategy to operations. The following are some of the ways in which technology is
impacting management practices:

1. Strategy:

Technology is enabling businesses to develop more effective strategies. Businesses can

use data analytics to identify trends, opportunities, and threats. They can also use
technologyto develop new business models and enter new markets.

2. Operations:

Technology is improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations.

Businesses can use technology to automate processes, reduce costs, and improve quality.
They can also use technology to manage their supply chains more effectively, reducing
inventory and improving delivery times.

3. Marketing:

Technology is transforming the way businesses market their products and services.
Businesses can use digital marketing to reach a wider audience, personalize their
marketing messages, and measure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.

4. Human Resources:
Technology is transforming the way businesses manage their human resources.
Businesses can use technology to recruit and retain talent, manage employee
performance, and provide training and development opportunitiesScope and Types:

The scope of this capstone project is to analyze the role of technology in management
across different industries and sectors. Specifically, the project will focus on the
following areas:

1. Digital Transformation:

The project will explore how digital technologies are transforming traditional
management practices, such as communication, collaboration, and decision-making.
Digital transformation involves the integration of digital technology into all areas of an
organization, fundamentally changing how the organization operates and delivers value
to customers. This includes the use of cloud-based applications, digital communication
tools, and analytics software.

Digital transformation has become a top priority for organizations looking to stay
competitive in today's fast-paced business environment. The project will examine the
benefits and challenges of digital transformation, including the impact on organizational
culture, employee engagement, and customer experience.

2. Cloud Computing-

The project will examine the use of cloud computing in management, including the
benefits and challenges of cloud-based systems. Cloud computing enables
organizations to access and manage their data and applications through the internet,
rather than relying on premises infrastructure. The project will explore the
advantages of cloud computing, such as increased flexibility, scalability, and cost
savings. It will also examine the challenges of cloud-based systems, including
security and data privacy concerns.
3. Artificial Intelligence:

The project will explore the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in management, including
the benefits and challenges of AI-powered systems. AI involves the use of machine
learning algorithms and other advanced technologies to automate processes, analyze
data, and make predictions.

The project will examine the potential benefits of AI in management, such as improved
decision-making, increased efficiency, and reduced costs. It will also explore the
challenges of AI-powered systems, including ethical considerations, data privacy
concerns, and the potential impact on employment.

4. Internet of Things:

The project will examine the impact of the Internet of Things (IoT) on management,
including the use of connected devices for data collection, monitoring, and analysis.
The IoT involves the interconnectivity of devices and sensors, allowing for real-time
data collection and analysis.

The project will explore the benefits of IoT in management, such as increased visibility
into processes and operations, improved asset management, and enhanced decision-
making. It will also examine the challenges of IoT implementation, such as security
concerns and the need for advanced analytics capabilities.

5. Cybersecurity:

The project will explore the role of cybersecurity in management, including the
importance of data protection, risk management, and compliance. Cybersecurity is a
critical aspect of modern management practices, as organizations are increasingly reliant
on digital technology and data.

The project will examine the potential impact of cybersecurity breaches on

organizations, including financial loss, reputation damage, and legal liabilities. It will
also explore best practices for cybersecurity management, such as employee training,
risk assessment, and incident response planning.
6. Potential Solutions to Challenges:

This section will provide potential solutions to the challenges associated with the
increasingrole of technology in management. It will discuss best practices for managing
change, data privacy, skills development, and integration.

7. Future Trends and Directions:

This section will explore future trends and directions in the use of technology in
management. It will discuss emerging technologies and their potential impact on
management practices, as well as the challenges and opportunities associated with these


The $3 billion CK Birla Group is a multinational conglomerate with a well-established

presence in the housing, building, automobile, healthcare, and technology segments. TheCK
Birla Group is active in the home and building, healthcare, and education sectors aswell as
the technology and automobile sectors.

The Group's businesses are present on five continents and have over 25,000 employees,41
manufacturing locations, and several patents and honours.


History- National Engineering Industries Ltd. (NEI) is India's top bearings

manufacturer and exporter, famous for excellence in quality and service. It was established
in 1946 as a pioneering industry in the field of bearing manufacture by the illustrious
industrialist late Shri B.M. Birla. The first bearing manufacturer to make bearings in India
is NBC Bearings. NBC Bearings, which later went by the name National Engineering
Industries (NEI) in 1950 while preserving the NBC trademark, was foundedwith an initial
investment of Rs 80 lakh and had a single production facility in Jaipur. Industrialist BM
Birla had the foresight to think about how to make India self-sufficientin the industrial
manufacturing sector in 1946 when India was only starting to establish itself as a free
country. A simple but crucial mechanical component called a bearing presented him with a
chance. In both the automotive and industrial sectors, bearings of various sizes are
frequently utilised because they help equipment move in the way that isintended by reducing
friction between their moving parts. The company started in 1950 by producing 30,000
cylindrical roller bearings, which are also provided to the Indian

Railways. Bearings need to be the greatest in terms of dependability, durability, and

performance because they are so important to the mechanism that powers machinery. Asa
result of its many years of experience, NBC has made substantial contributions to one of
India's most important industries, the railways.
Forehand- With more than 2,800 employees, NEI currently operates five cutting-edge
manufacturing facilities in India, located in Jaipur, Newai (Rajasthan), Manesar (Haryana),
and Vadodara (Gujarat). The industry occupies 118 acres of land in Jaipur and 56 acres in
Gunsi (Newai). NEI has one of the best R&D facilities in the nation as well as access to
advanced manufacturing and process technology. With a modest initialproduction of 30,000
bearings in 19 sizes, the first bearing was created in 1946. Today, they produce more than
200 million bearings in over 2300 sizes, which are distributed across five continents and 30
countries, including Germany, Japan, and China. The European company Kinex Bearings
was acquired by NEI in 2020.

As original equipment, NBC Bearings are used extensively by manufacturers of 2 and 3-

wheelers, cars, trucks, tractors, electric motors, railroad waggons, coaches, and locomotives
as well as steel mills, heavy engineering plants, bulldozers, shovels, tillers,and thermal
power plants all over the Nation. In the domestic market, the NBC brand hasa 24 per cent
market share. Original equipment manufacturers account for over 70% of NEI's sales, while
the replacement market accounts for 30%. About 60% of the turnovercomes from the
automotive industry (OEM and aftermarket), 30% from railroad products, and 10% from
low-volume industrial applications. Most of the turnover of CKBirla Group is generated by
NEI Ltd.

The presence of NEI has been growing quickly in foreign markets. The business has clients
in more than 30 nations and an excellent working relationship with OEMs in the US and
Europe. NEI is aggressively pursuing aerospace, defence, space exploration, and other
industries as it looks to grow. In its 75-year existence, NEI takes satisfaction in being the
first bearing manufacturing company in India to significantly broaden its product offering.


□ Increase sales of linked engineering goods and services such as anti-friction

□ To provide our customers, vendors, shareholders, workers, and society in general
with greater value.
□ Utilize Total Quality Management to pursue excellence.
Core values of Firm-

□ I Own. I am in charge.

□ Mutual respect and assistance.

□ Create Simplicity. Be quick.

□ To Address Customer Needs, Listen.

□ Face the status quo head-on. Increase the bar

Problem Definition:

1. Resistance to Change:

One of the main problems associated with the implementation of technology in

management practices is resistance to change. Many employees may be resistant to
change and may feel uncomfortable with new technologies. This can lead to reduced
productivity and even sabotage of technology initiatives.

The project will examine the root causes of resistance to change and provide solutions
for overcoming resistance. The solutions will focus on effective change management
practices, such as communication, training, and employee engagement.

2. Lack of Data Privacy:

The increasing role of technology in management practices has led to an increased risk
of data privacy breaches. The collection, storage, and analysis of data have become more
critical than ever before. However, with the increase in the amount of data being
collected, there is a corresponding increase in the risk of data breaches.

The project will explore the potential impact of data privacy breaches on organizations,
including financial loss, reputational damage, and legal liabilities. The solutions will
focus on best practices for data privacy management, such as encryption, secure data
storage, and employee training.

3. Skills Gap:
The implementation of new technologies in management practices requires a skilled
workforce. However, many organizations may lack the necessary skills to
implement and manage technology initiatives effectively. This can lead to reduced
productivity and even failure of technology initiatives. The project will examine the
root causes of the skills gap and provide solutions for overcoming this challenge.
The solutions will focus on training and upskilling programs, mentorship programs,
and effective recruitment strategies.
4. Integration Challenges:

The integration of new technologies into existing management practices can be

challenging. Many organizations may have legacy systems that are not compatible with
new technologies. This can lead to delays in implementation and reduced productivity.

• It was discovered while looking through various digital platforms and databases
that the Company was missing out on connecting with international bearing
distributors and customers because they were dependent solely on conventional
and other digital platforms rather than extensive email lists and databanks
that were gathered from various sources. Without a doubt, the company is
very active on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram,
but when it comes to interacting with distributors internationally to grow the
company or distribute bearings around the globe, social media doesn't play a
significant role for NBC because NBC's distributors are spread across various
continents and cities, which creates many barriers such as linguistic, financial,
and cultural.

1. Change Management:

To overcome resistance to change, organizations must implement effective change

management practices. This includes clear communication of the benefits of technology
implementation, employee engagement, and training programs. Change management
programs should be designed to address the concerns and needs of employees, and
provide support throughout the implementation process.

2. Data Privacy Management:

To overcome data privacy challenges, organizations must implement best practices for
data privacy management. This includes encryption, secure data storage, and employee
training. Data privacy policies should be clearly communicated to all employees, and
regular audits should be conducted to ensure compliance.

3. Training and Upskilling:

To overcome the skills gap, organizations must invest in training and upskilling
programs for their employees. This includes mentorship programs, online training
courses, and workshops. Organizations should also consider effective recruitment
strategies, such as partnering with universities and offering internships.

4. Effective Project Management:

To overcome integration challenges, organizations must implement effective project

management practices. This includes stakeholder engagement, requirements gathering,
and testing. Project teams should be multidisciplinary, with expertise in both technology
and management practices.
Scope of the study to the company-

Now that MAILCHIMP, a platform that permits sending emails in mass, is available, we
will use it to execute a bulk email marketing campaign. It includes options for automating
tasks, tweaking, and designing templates. Additionally, it permits sending emails based on

The following are some highly positive ways that this technique will help the company-

• Increased ROI- as we all know, conducting marketing campaigns across

many social media applications is extremely expensive. However, adopting an email
outreach strategy would only result in NBC's return on investment is around twice as
high as it would be using other applications because email marketing is so much
more economical.
• Time Efficiency- When emails are sent in bulk, NBC can send emails to a
large number of clients simultaneously while also targeting an entire continent.
This savescompany time that they can put to use on another vital task.
• Sending emails on time- By consistently sending emails, you help
people remember your business. This indicates that you are consistently interacting
with youraudience, which keeps you at the forefront of their minds.
• Raising web visibility for NBC- If clients want additional information
about certain bearing specifications or variations, they can click a link in the email
flyers that will be provided that will take them to the company's website. On the
website, they mayfind all the information they need about bearings.
Objectives Framed for the Study-

• To use digital media and technology to target particular demographic segments.

□ To direct the resources generated by these segments toward improving output and
competitive dynamics.
□ To assess the advantages of email marketing for consumers.

□ To boost the visibility of NBC's products and services among thousands of

customers who don't use social media.
□ To highlight the value of segmentation and targeting for generating leads and
increasing revenue.

Need for the study undertaken-

Making a company's presence felt in people's minds is essential in this highly competitive
environment. Without a doubt, NBC has already established a standard for other businesses
in terms of success, but additional publicity never hurts, so if the corporationcontinues to
reach out to people around the world, it will continue to grow. Given the situation, NBC
requires a strong email marketing campaign to reach the greatest numberof individuals
possible worldwide. To reach our target audience, we have chosen the email platform since
it allows us to more precisely define our market groups and provide distributors and
customers with high-quality offerings.

□ In addition to providing information on new features or product upgrades, it also

aims to give users a better understanding of the company's mission and values.
□ To eliminate various obstacles, such as linguistic and cultural ones, and to offer
material in the customers' native tongues, so expanding their options.
□ Email marketing enables systematizing tasks and lowers the likelihood of

□ Customers will have a wider range of options for goods and services, increasing
the company's ability to generate leads.
□ We will learn what clients genuinely want and what things they need by
developing avenues of contact.
□ establishing communication with clients to give distributors a more customized
experience by swiftly responding to their queries and resolving their issues.
□ Email analytics allow us to keep a record of how often recipients of our email read it,
access it, and engaged with it.

□ Additionally, it will assist future initiatives to succeed by allowing you to create

standards for them to meet their intended objectives by continuously evaluating your projects
with targeted groups.

Significance of the study to the company-

As previously mentioned, the business ignored emails and other databases in favor of digital
platforms. Now that MAILCHIMP, a platform that permits sending emails in mass, is
available, we will use it to execute a bulk email marketing campaign. It includesoptions for
automating tasks, tweaking, and designing templates. Additionally, it permitssending emails
based on segmentation. I'm going to separate this data set into seven different continents.
To give them a personal touch, I will create different flyers with different variations
depending on their local dialect and add things that are popular in that nation. I'll focus on
one continent at a time, promote our items there, and solicit inputfrom various distributors
and customers.

The following are some highly positive ways that this technique will help the company-

□ Increased ROI- as we all know, conducting marketing campaigns across many

social media applications is extremely expensive. However, adopting an email
outreach strategy would only result in NBC's return on investment is around twiceas
high as it would be using other applications because email marketing is so much
more economical.
□ Time Efficiency- When emails are sent in bulk, NBC can send emails to a large
number of clients simultaneously while also targeting an entire continent.This saves
company time that they can put to use on another vital task.
□ information about certain bearing specifications or variations, they can click a link in
the email flyers that will be provided that will take them to the company's website. On the
website,they may find all the information they need about bearings.
□ Increased sales- Email marketing using flyers created with Mail Chimp’s
assistance can highlight goods or services and entice people to make purchases,which
will result in a rise in sales.
Chapter 2- Literature Review
• Da Brian 2009- Technology provides rapid connectivity and promotion.

Abstract- The field of internet marketing is fairly broad. Businesses use this channel
to connect withcustomers in the educated class and frequent internet users. is very
particular, and businesses can use it to contact with customers right away and
advertise right away. One of the advertising strategies that produces immediate
promotionquickly is email marketing. Customers can respond in case of confusion
and understand that email. Lisa 2009, Email marketing, which is regarded as the most
economical way to promote goods or services, has the potential to be quite powerful.
It is understandable why email is a very popular kind of advertising. With automated
systems that send mails and save a lot of time for your business.One of the best
methods of online advertising is still email marketing. As long as your dataset is in
good form, email is extremely adaptable and manageably straightforward. This form
of media can promote sales the quickest and open up new business opportunities.

• Dr. Omkar Dastane- The Impact of Technology Adoption on

Organizational Productivity

Abstract- The goal of this study is to determine how adoption of new technologies
affects workplace productivity. The framework includes one dependent variable,
organizational productivity, together with three independent variables: technological
change, IT infrastructure, and IT knowledge management. Research methods, data, and
design: Data was gathered utilizing a self-administered questionnaire using both an
online and an offline survey. An explanatory research design and a quantitative research
approach were used. The study's conclusions showed that while IT knowledge
management has a considerable but unfavorable impact on the organizational
productivity of Malaysian IT enterprises, technical change and IT infrastructure
considerably and positively affect organization productivity. The study comes to the
conclusion that each of the three factors is crucial in determining organizational
productivity. Future research directions, ramifications, and recommendations are
• Sérgio André Cavalcante- Understanding the impact of technology on

firms' business models

Abstract- This study aims to determine how a new global positioning technology
affects business models of organizations. Design, method, and strategy an alliance of
Danish organizations served as the empirical setting for the development of a
positioning-based technology platform that would serve as the foundation for novel
commercial goods and/or services. For case-study research, three of the alliance
companies were chosen. Results - The major conclusions were that businesses will use
the new technology to expand their current business models and that the technological
platform may signify the development of a new business model for the consortium's
partner companies. Practical consequences - This article is significant because it will
aid businesses in understanding the influence of technology on their business models
and helping them manage innovation.

• Rajeev Ramesh Joshi- Impact of Technology in Project Management

Abstract- Technology has an impact on business operations, including project

management practices. Technology tools are frequently used in project management
for collaboration, communication, scheduling, budget management, risk and mitigation
approaches. Project managers are using technology to run their businesses more
efficiently and productively. The function of technology in project performance and life
cycle is covered in this essay. Research examines how project managers and the project
team use technology and tools inside the organization. The results show that businesses
were underusing technology in project management and execution. It is advised to use
essential tools and technology for project execution success. It is discussed how
important technology is in enhancing project members' decision-making.

• IEEE- The impact of technology strategy on firm performance

Abstract- The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between research
and development (R&D) spending and the technological cycle time and technical
strength of firms. After adjusting for firm size and productivity, the subsequent focus
is on the two firm technology indicators and firm performance. The first relationship
was relatively weak, presumably as a result of the inclusion of a lot of engineering on
continuing operations being included in R&D, according to an empirical test on 49
enterprises across multiple industries. The comprehensive three-stage model was able
to explain 45% of the variation in company performance, as evaluated by operating
profits, according to the overall model results, which were quite positive.

• Henry C. Lucas Jr. &Margrethe Olson- The impact of information

technology on organizational flexibility

Abstract- According to the thesis of this essay, information technology can
significantly affect organizational flexibility. Flexibility is enhanced by information
technology (IT) in two ways: 1) modifying the nature of organiszational boundaries and
the hours of operation 2) modifying the nature and tempo of employment, and 3)
assisting businesses in adapting to shifting market circumstances. However, there are
also elements of technology that can limit flexibility, and flexibility may have
unpredictably second-order effects. Examples are provided to show how information
technology has affected two industries and three companies. The paper's conclusion
urges management to take into account using information technology to promote
flexibility and offers methods for putting flexible systems into place.

• Shahid, Kameliaa | Yang, Qinga -The impact of technological

alignment and advancement on firms’ performance

Abstract- Today, technology has developed into a crucial organisational capability.

Finding technological influence with regard to project performance is significant
because it is essential for all business operations and performances. OBJECTIVES:
This study investigates the relationship between technological alignment (TAL) and
technological advancement (TAD) on organisational project performance (OPP), using
the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a mediating factor and taking into
account two TAM attributes—perceived ease of use (PEOU) and perceived usefulness
(PU)—as well as other factors. METHODS: Information was gathered by a
convenience sample method from respondents involved in various business ventures in
China, and it was then analysed through structural equation modelling and factor
analysis. RESULTS: The data supported the hypothesis that TAL and TAD have
favourable effects on OPP. According to the study, PEOU acts as a mediator between
TAL and OPP. Conclusion: This study sheds light on how TAL, TAD, PEOU, and PU,
technological and TAM instruments, may enhance OPP of the organisations in the
current digital era. The study also offers management implications as well as potential
research opportunities in the future.

• Fotis C. Kitsios- The Impact of Information Technology and the

Alignment between Business and Service

Abstract- Researchers and managers are concerned about the fundamental problem of
new service development because effective new services might enhance competitive
advantage. Innovation is a crucial element that can enhance business performance.
Unfortunately, a substantial number of new service development initiatives fail, which
may be related to a lack of planning. Services that are assisted by information
technology can foster and speed up innovation. Achieving this application involves
both technology advancement and alignment. By the way, a structured literature
assessment on each of these topics is lacking in the field of new service development.
Since these two key factors are the most crucial for the successful implementation of
new services, this literature review aims to promote both the strategic alignment and
the information technology capabilities. The Webster and Watson methodology was
chosen since it has been tried and true by numerous management researchers.
According to research, managers who want to create successful new services that meet
the needs of their clients and improve their performance should concentrate on these
two factors.
Chapter 3- Research Methodology
Research Design

The research design can be described as the preparation of procedures for the gathering and
analysis in any way that aims to combine financial feasibility with relevance to the study's
motivation. It includes the plan for acquiring, evaluating, and sizing information.The plan
details the information sources and formats relevant to the study challenge. It isdesired
because it makes it possible for various study processes to run smoothly. Using the most
statistics possible while putting forth the least amount of work, time, and money,helps to
make research efficient and practical.
The Following Are Kinds of Research Design:

▪ Exploratory Research

▪ Descriptive Research

▪ Diagnostic Research

▪ Experimental Research

Based on the previously mentioned plans, the total examination configuration mightbe
separated into the accompanying parts:

• Data Collection Design- It is a course of gathering the first information

gathered by specialists for a particular exploration reason. Data collection design
basically tells how data Is collected and used for various purposes.

• Testing Design- it manages the method of choosing things and hence requires
cautious perception for the given exploration review.
• Information Analysis Design- The information examination process, or
then again, information investigation steps, includes assembling all the data,
handling it, investigating the information, and utilizing it to track down designs and
different experiences.

Operational Design- It deals with the methods by which the procedures

specified in the sample, observational and statistical designs can be conducted. The
higher organizational goals that serve as the foundation for overall design decisions
present the operations manager with several diverse operational decision-making
Descriptive Research-

Studies that describe the characteristics of a chosen person or group of people are referredto
as descriptive research studies.

Examples of descriptive research studies include those that make specific predictions and
describe facts and characteristics about a person, an organization, or a situation. In this, the
researcher must be able to precisely define the "population" he wants to examine andspecify
what he wants to assess and find appropriate methods for doing so. The researchdesign
should have enough safeguards against bias and maximize dependability, considering the
relatively low cost of completion.

This study conducted descriptive studies to evaluate how consumers perceive email
advertising and to better understand their needs, preferences, and preferences. This typeof
research aims to investigate frequencies, means, and other analytical projections through a
large number of surveys and studies, based on which we can send emails to a large number
of people across several continents and countries.
In-depth data on consumer preferences for our products and services was something we
wanted. To better understand their location, culture, the automation they require in our
bearings, and the sizes and brands they choose for our products based on how they wouldbe
used in industries and automobiles, we sought to learn more about their region and culture.
Naturalistic observation led us to start seeing a decline in our social media engagement rate,
which prompted us to plan the launch of an email marketing campaignso that we could
reach out to more people and find more vendors, thus increasing our revenue. Using
descriptive research can help us make decisions because we can learn about people's
preferences through large populations of data. Using particular descriptiveresearch methods
like surveys, research, and studies, a type of data may be obtained. Thethree study strategies
provide a particular type of record that can be evaluated for a studyproblem.

The fact that it is inexpensive and quick to do descriptive research is another reason to
choose it. It gives both qualitative as well as quantitative data.
Data Collection Design-

Data, which includes facts, statistics, objects, symbols, and occurrences, is a collection of
statistics gathered from a variety of sources. Organizations collect data as a decision-
making tool. Without evidence, it might be difficult for groups to make the right decisions,
which is why information is periodically gathered from various audiences. Data series are
intended to capture satisfying evidence that aims to address all of the raised issues.

A method of interpretation is used to explain the meaning of facts or to turn more substantial
facts into information. Numerous conclusions about the concept of logical inferences are
found from the assessment of the evidence. It alludes to the method of classifying
information into homogeneous groups. After the information was gathered, the results were
carefully examined and categorized into classes like graphs and tables, among others.

Usually, there are two methods for acquiring the facts.

Primary Data- The collecting of unprocessed statistics acquired from the source is the
primary method of data collection. It is a method of gathering actual statistics obtained by
a researcher for a particular study's objective. Additionally, it can be broken down into
qualitative investigations and quantitative statistical series procedures. Primaryinformation
that hasn't been used before is based on personal observations. The statisticsobtained using
the first strategy for gathering statistics are reasonably specific and accurate to the goal of
the investigations. Additionally, information has been acquired byvisiting the real line. The
real cause of job contentment and dissatisfaction is shown in this.

Secondary Data- Secondary data collection is the process of gathering information

that has been obtained from sources other than the original user. It is a method of gathering
information that is already available, whether it be through published books, journals, or
online portals. In terms of ease, it is far less expensive and less difficult to collect.

Instruments Of Data Collection- In this study, primary data have been used. Data
was gathered from respondents of every age group and individuals in various nations. We
gathered information about their preferences. People will be segmented based on
continents, with each group being composed of individuals from different continents or
countries. This segmentation will enable us to learn more about how people from various
countries perceive and value different things.
Methods of Primary Data Collection Used-

Research Instrument- The questionnaire is used here as an instrument for data


□ Survey- We will create a questionnaire with numerous questions about the

goods and services for the survey. We have a sample or test group of people from
various continents; all we have to do is ask some questions, record the responses,and
analyze the survey results. Throughout the process, we can use both closed- ended
and open-ended questions.
□ Questionnaire- A questionnaire is a research tool or device composed of a

series of closed-ended or open-ended questions. The goal is to obtain relevant

records from survey participants that can then be used for a variety of purposes. For
undertaking this research, I have created a questionnaire on the questions related to
E-Mail, social media, and usage of email by different populations.

• Method Of Data Analysis

QUANTITATIVE METHODS- Statistical tools are frequently used in quantitative

methods for demand forecasting and market research. These methodsuse previous
data to forecast demand. The majority of the time, long-termprojections are made
using these core data collection techniques. Since there is very little subjectivity in
statistical procedures, they are quite dependable.It’s included are Time Series
Analysis, Smoothing Techniques, Barometric Method etc.


The types of research used Descriptive.

The sample size is 60 Respondents

Structured questionnaire is used here as the instrument to collect the data, both
open ended and closed ended questions were used to possible.
Chapter: 4

Data Analysis & Interpretation

Sampling Design-
A sample is a sub-portion of a larger body of information gathered through surveys or in-depth
observations. It can be thought of as a unit that represents actual information. Sampling is the
process of collecting samples. Two types of sampling designs are entirely based on elements:
the illustration basis and the detail selection technique. Random sampling from a finite
population is a pattern selection technique that gives every viable pattern mixture an equal
chance of being selected up and every object within the entire population an equal chance of
being covered within the pattern. The research population determines the sampling design
process used in a research study.
The chosen respondents constitute a 'sample,' and the selection procedure is known as a
‘sampling design’.


Probability Non- Probability

Sampling Sampling

In the sampling procedure of this paper, these steps have been followed-
1. Target Population Segmentation- A population is a group of people who are
relevant to the research targets and the researcher, and who must be targeted for
inclusion in the research sample. To ensure that the research is not unproductive or
factually inaccurate, the research population must be explicitly defined. The sample
size has been segmented into continent-specific subgroups. We have divided the
continents into seven sections, where the majority of our distributors reside. The
questionnaire has been designed in such a way that each person can select their
preferred product from the list.
2. Choosing A Sampling Method- Probability sampling was used in this study.
Random sampling is another term for probability sampling. This is the type of sampling
in which the probability of each component of the trend is famed. This type of sampling
provides a specific court between the trend and the findings referred to as the
population. As per this research, we are attempting to build a relationship between the
consumer and the corporation by using understanding their selections so that we can
provide them better offerings and gratification, which in flip will boost lead generation
for our corporation and our corporation will reach the minds of extra customers.
3. Choosing a sample size-The sample size is simply the group of populations who
will be included in the sampling method. Because the company's reach via the Mail
Chimp app is in a larger database, recording each customer's response is not possible.
As a result, we decided to include responses from 60 people representing various
groups. As a result, the survey sample size is set at 60. We will analyze the study's plans
based on these findings.

4. Performing Sampling Procedures- Sampling procedures include sample size

and screens, sample population, sampling method selection and requirements, and
sample size inclusion and implementation, all to maximize response. A sampling
procedure lays out the guidelines by which the system determines the sample size and
includes details on the evaluation of an assessment attribute during results recording.

1.) According, to the first Question of the questionnaire, we have results from different age


So, we can see that out of 60 responses, 52 people responded, implying that the majority of our
population is between the ages of 20 and 25 (61.5%) and the rest of them are a minority as
compared to this generation which is 26.9% and 11.5%. As we all know, different age groups
perceive things differently, so we inquired about their age so that we could get a sense of the
generations with whom we are dealing. We can tailor our campaign to the preferences of this
age group's generation.
2.) So, after knowing their age, preference was given to their usage of social media handles, as
we all know we use social media the most, so knowing which app people use the most would
be of great use to us-


From Here we can interpret that people use emails the most with a percentage of 66.1% for
professional purposes, followed by Instagram with a percentage of 48.2% and Facebook with
a percentage of 8.9%, So running a marketing campaign via email will be most beneficial for
us because there is a higher chance of our campaign reaching more people, thereby increasing
lead generation.
3.) Now, in the third question, we have collected the data about how often people open their


Here as per the below-mentioned stats, we can see that almost most of the people open their
emails once or twice a day taking the total percentage count to 86.8%, this thing is going to be
very helpful for us because if people will check their emails account every day, chances of
missing any emails sent by us will be minimized, concluding people will get updated by our
mails on daily basis.
4.) Here, we know that people use emails the most and they also open them daily, so now we
want to see if people would prefer their emails in their native language or mother tongue?


So, as we assumed earlier that people would love to prefer their emails in their native tongue,
our assumption was made true with the stats, so with the help of these stats we can conclude
that most people would love to see our marketing email campaign in their native tongue, with
the highest percentage of 69.8%, moreover, some people are unsure about whether they want
to see their emails in their native tongue, so based on these facts we can say that we should
draft our campaign according to their preferences.
5.) Now the question is whether people are even interested in starting with email marketing,
because we all know that if they aren't interested or don't want to receive emails about certain
initiatives, all of our efforts will be futile.


So, as you can see, with a percentage of 78.8 per cent, more than half of the people are interested
in receiving emails related to sales or products and services. It can also be seen that some people
are unsure whether they want to receive emails or not, and there is 13.5 per cent of people who
don't want to receive emails at all, so sending them emails would be pointless because they
would end up in the junk or trash bin.
6.) After that preference was given to the time of sending emails because time plays important
role in outreaching activities.


Here, we can see that most people prefer to receive emails in either forenoon or noon compared
to the evening time. The percentage of people who would like to receive emails in the forenoon
counts a total of 73.3%, which is not even half of the total count of evening time which is
22.6%. This question was asked to know about the preference of timings in which people are
comfortable so that we can send them emails during that time only so it will be easy for them
to go through our messages.
7.) Now, we wanted to see what our customers expect from us, such as what they expect from
our products and services, and what their preferences are in terms of policies and preferences.


We included points like pricing, customization, personalization, and customer support to learn
about customers' preferences in various aspects related to their choices. We learned from this
that our audience prefers customization and personalization, with a total percentage count of
67.9 per cent and 66 per cent, respectively. That is, we must customize and personalize the
emails based on them, their region, language, and industry. The percentages for pricing and
customer support are 37.7 per cent and 34 per cent, respectively.
8.) Now the thing is whether people want automation in their emails.


Email automation is a marketing technique that allows businesses to schedule and send emails
based on timeframes, customer attributes, or subscriber behavior patterns. You can market to
your email list using as little or as much human interaction as you want. In email automation,
triggers based on activities, dates, and other events are used to tell your system what to send
them next. As a result, your only constraint is your imagination.
9.) Now, after automation the next question arises would people want to see pictures in their
mail too?


By seeing the results, we can see that almost 90% of the people want images attached to our
emails, that is a very good thing for us because with the help of images we can add more
features to our emails as Images are extremely effective communicators. Because images elicit
feelings in addition to beautifying posts and emails, we can use them to elicit emotion, express
a message, and tell our customers an emotional story about our company. We can also use them
to strategically place readers and visitors in those mindsets, encouraging them to take specific
actions like downloading a content offer or purchasing one of your newest items. Images in
emails boost click-through and conversion rates.

10.) Now, the question is, whether people are interested in creating a ‘Do Not Reply’ email?

Do not reply Emails are sent from accounts that can only send them but not receive them, so
we can conclude from the below facts and figures that our customers are not comfortable
sending unanswered emails because no one likes one-way communication, especially a
customer who has concerns that are required to be addressed. Mailing non-response emails to
your list are telling them that you don't want to listen to them. It is obstructing their only means
of communication and dishonoring our clients.
11.) Now the main and most important question that what should be the subject line length for
our emails.


When an email arrives in their inbox, the main message customers see after the company name
is the email headline. A subject line is a presentation that differentiates the message's goal. This
title, which is displayed to the email client or beneficiary when they look at their inbox list,
should enlighten the beneficiary about the message, and what the shipper needs to convey.
According to the questionnaire results, 61.5% of the respondents want us to keep the subject
line to more than three words; I believe this will keep the subject line catchy, impressive, and
brief. While others want us to keep the subject line of more than 6 words, the percentage of
these respondents is 30.8%, and the remaining wanted the subject line to be long.
Results and Findings-
The field known as technology in management, which is closely connected to or the same
as IT management, is concerned with how organisations use the various technologies
at their disposal to promote strategic growth. Businesses can compete in practically
any market because to technology. Technology can directly affect business growth in
a variety of ways. It helps in connecting with various customers around the world,
increases leads for the organizations and fulfil the demands of the customers.

• Finding 1- Communication
The way that markets function has been significantly impacted by technology as a
communication tool.

• Finding 2- Consumer Targeting

As a result of greater analytics and customer segmentation brought about by changing
technology, it is now possible to target particular demographics with advertising.

• Finding 3- it ensures better decisions are made by businesses.

A b usi n es s m us t h av e an ef f e c t i v e i n fo r ma t i on t e ch nol ogy s ys t em
b e c a us e i t i s h e l p ful wh en m a kin g j u dge m e nts .

• Finding 4- improved work efficiency .

The effectiveness of labour is increased with the aid of enough knowledge, necessary data,
facts, research, and pooled resources. The availability of necessary information
promotes productivity and improves work.

• Finding 5- helps to build customer relationship -

Customers' requests and recommendations should not be disregarded. A business that
employs an effective information technology system is aware of the needs of its clients
and how to adapt to changes in their preferences. Being a good businessman means
giving your relationship with your clients top priority.
Managerial Implications-
Technology management has a wide range of duties, just like any other sort of management.

Management teams are tasked with:

• Planning
• Organizing
• Monitoring
• Evaluating
• Implementing and
• Staffing with the end goal of strategically moving their company forward.

• Companie's efforts lacked effectiveness and technology implications.
• The business is not concentrating on segmentation metrics.
• They are under fierce competition from a variety of organizations.
• Use of Technology should be done with great concentration.
Chapter 5- Conclusion and Suggestions
The project report "Impact of Automation Technology on Management Alignment" gives a
brief overview of the technology automation programme that was started to improve the
organization's outreach strategies. A number of tasks must be finished prior to initiating an
outreach campaign, including automating the required technology, segmenting the imitated
population, demographically targeting the population, and integrating technology into the
company's system. I had the idea to use technology by creating an automated email campaign
to meet the needs of the business. after a very careful analysis of every single marketing
component. I had the concept for an email marketing campaign that tailored to the tastes and
requirements of different customers. This was accomplished using a website called MailChimp,
which allowed automation of the emails to serve customers, and the findings demonstrated that
an organization may contact millions of people with the use of technology, as well as plan
ahead, lighten workloads, and generate significant financial gain for the business. I am
incredibly grateful that I was able to help such a well-known brand after the campaign had been
launched effectively and proved to be an accomplishment for the organization.

I have drafted a questionnaire for various people which includes the following –
• Name-

• Age Group-
▪ 15-20
▪ 20-25
▪ 25-30

• Which platform do you prefer for marketing outreach initiatives?

▪ Facebook
▪ Instagram
▪ E-Mail

• How often do you check your E-Mail?

▪ Once a day
▪ Twice in a day
▪ Once a week

• Do you prefer E-Mails in your native language?

▪ Yes
▪ No
▪ Maybe

• What do you think is an ideal time to send E-Mails?

▪ 9 am to 12 pm
▪ 12 pm to 3 pm
▪ 3 pm to 6 pm
▪ 6 pm to 9 pm
• Are you interested in getting started with Email Marketing?
▪ Yes
▪ No
▪ Maybe

• Which aspects are more important to you?

▪ Pricing
▪ Customization
▪ Personalization
▪ Customer Support

• Do you like automation in your E-Mail?

▪ Yes
▪ No
▪ Maybe

• Do you want images in E-Mail?

▪ Yes
▪ No
▪ Maybe

• Are you satisfied with creating a ‘Do not Reply’ E-Mail?

▪ Yes
▪ No

• What should be the ideal subject line length for Email- Marketing?
▪ More than 3 words
▪ More than 6 words
▪ More than 9 words











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