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writing journal 1

today is the first day of studying this course i am very excited and i am nervouse because personally

writing journal 2

Today I started studying The teacher gave me a group of 5 and when I got a group I was nervous because I was
afraid it would be too difficult but it went well.

writing journal 3

Today I started school this morning again. and started listening to the teacher While the teacher was teaching, I fe
ll asleep a little.

writing journal 4

Today was a good day and we started studying. The teacher gave his own group and had a job to do. We help ea
ch other until it's done.

writing journal 5

Today I feel so refreshed because I slept soundly and was ready to study today happily.

writing journal 6

Today was not a very refreshing day as I had to go out to do some errands, making my studies stutter, but I mana
ged to get through it.

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