IT Policy

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Version 1.0 January, 2011
IT Policy for NHPC

1.0 Background

NHPC has created, in recent days a robust information infrastructure to support its key
business functions and also to provide various IT services. The implementation of ERP
and information of the organization are now available mostly in digital format rather
than manual form. Also to provide support to the employees of the organization,
number of IT Services such as Internet Browsing, E-mail, Intranet facilities etc. are
being supported.

With increased dependence on IT, it has become imperative that all the components of
IT infrastructure such as Desktops, Servers, Services such as Internet Browsing, email
etc. are provided to the employees to meet their functional requirements in a
transparent and documented manner. It is in this background that a necessity has been
felt to formulate an appropriate IT Policy for the organization. Requirement of such
policy has also been highlighted by statutory auditors and other Govt. agencies in the

The policy thus developed is envisaged to address the norms for procurement, issue,
storage and maintenance of IT hardware, peripherals and consumables. In addition to
this, policies/ guidelines for providing IT services such as internet access, Application
software other than specific Engineering software, e-mail etc. are also required to be

Accordingly, IT Policy has been formulated based on the prevailing requirement of

various users. While framing the policy, the practice at various PSUs and guidelines
issued by Ministry of IT & Communication, Ministry of Power and other agencies have
been referred to.

2.0 Objectives of the Policy

 Creating appropriate IT infrastructure in NHPC to support its business functions and

organizational growth.
 Developing a policy framework for procurement, issue, storage and maintenance of
IT hardware, peripherals and consumables in cost effective environment friendly
and sustainable manner.
 Establishing policies for providing IT services such as internet access, Application
software other than specific Engineering software, e-mail etc. with utmost concern
for information security and legal provisions.

3.0 Scope of the Policy

The policy has been formulated to address various aspects as listed below:
 Procurement & Issuance of IT Hardware & Software

IT Policy for NHPC vers:1 2

 Maintenance & Disposal of IT assets
 Application & System Software
 E-mail/Internet Facility
 Defining Usable Life depending on criteria like obsolescence, latest technology etc.

4.0 Procurement of IT Hardware & Software

 Consolidation of IT Hardware and Software requirements shall be carried out on

Half-yearly basis by IT&C Division of respective location.
 Procurement shall be done by the Contract /Procurement Division of the
respective location.
 The procurement of Laptop PCs, Projectors, etc. shall be initiated by the IT&C
Division of Corporate Office / Regional Offices / Projects / Power Stations as per
their requirement.
 At Corporate Office, Urgent requirement of IT Hardware and Software shall be
made through Local Purchase/ Spot Purchase Committee by IT&C Division, if
the total value is less than ` 5 lakhs as per Procurement Guidelines and
Delegation of Powers of NHPC. In case the total value is more than ` 5 lakhs, it
shall be forwarded to Conts(E&M) Division.
 For all other units, as per the DoP, mode of procurement shall be decided by
ED/HoP depending on the requirement.
 All existing CRT Monitors shall be replaced with TFT LCD Monitors in phase
manner. All new purchase of computers / workstation shall be with TFT LCD
monitors only.

5.0 Issuance of IT Hardware & Software

IT&C Division, being Asset Controlling Authority of IT Assets, viz. PCs, Laptops,
peripherals, projectors, software media & licenses etc. shall get these issued from local
stores and further issue to all the Divisions in the locations. All entries such as cost
centre, custodian etc. of the IT assets shall be made by IT&C Division in ERP-IFS
Fixed Asset Module. Asset Register/ MIS reports shall be generated monthly/Yearly
and maintained by IT&C. The Concerned Divisions shall also maintain the IT Asset
Register for the purpose of control of assets, physical verification, etc.

5.1 Desktop/ Personnel Computers

5.1.1 Desktop PC at Corporate Office / R.O. / Projects/ Power Stations shall be

provided to the following employees -

 All Employees of Executives level

 All Employees of Supervisor level including Draftsman and JE’s in Design
 All Secretarial staff attached with ED/GM/Chief

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 Two no. of Desktop PCs in all Divisions for administration work
 All Employees of Workman level (W7 and above)
5.1.2 In addition to the above Desktop PCs shall also be provided as per the details
mentioned below:
 At training halls in accordance to the seating strength.
 Additional PCs required for departmental/ vocational trainees in the different
 At Guest House/Transit Camp/Reception/VVIP Rooms/ Libraries/ Laboratory/
Dispensaries as per the actual requirement with the approval of HOD (IT&C)
at C. O. and HOP.
Relaxation, if required, shall be done with proper justification and approval of
concerned HOD/ HoP.
5.1.3 In case of transfer of an employee from one Division to another Division within
the same location, he/she shall
 Take the PC(s) & Peripherals along with him/her to other Division with the
permission of concerned HOD and send information to IT&C Division.
 Surrender the PC(s) & Peripherals issued to him/her to Administration
Section of the Division before getting relieved. Same shall either be issued to
another employee of the Division not having PC as per clause 5.1 of this
policy or may be surrendered to IT&C Division for further distribution.
5.1.4 In case of transfer of an employee to other locations, the PC & Peripherals
issued to him/her shall either be issued to another employee of the Division not
having PC as per clause no. 5.1. of this policy or may be surrendered to IT&C
Division for further distribution.

Any redistribution of PCs & Peripherals within the Division shall be intimated to IT&C
Division as well, so that records can be updated on IFS-ERP module. List of the
Division/ Department wise IT assets shall also be made available on local Intranet.

5.2 Workstations
 Workstation shall be issued to the Divisions involved in technical & scientific
applications viz. Design Divisions, Core Group, R&D, IT&C etc. depending upon
the type of work and the requirement.
 Being high end machines these shall have approval of concerned Director for
the specific work to be performed by the concerned official.
 Technical Specifications of the Workstations shall be finalized by IT&C Division
in consultation with the Divisions.

5.3 Printer and other Peripherals

 One no. Printer with scanning & photocopy facility shall be provided to all
officers in the rank of E7 and above and one no. Printer shall be issued to Sectt.
of the officer.
 One no. Printer shall be provided to each of the officers in the rank of E5 & E6.

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 Minimum one no. of High End Network Printer per 10(approx.) employees shall
be provided in all Divisions for sharing by a group of employees (E4 and below).

 However, Printers may also be provided to individual employees (E4 & below),
which shall be purely on need basis with proper justification and
recommendations of concerned HOD of the Division.
 Printers with any special specification shall be provided only on need basis with
proper justification and recommendation of the Concerned HOD of the Division
& certifying the requirement by the IT&C Division.
 CMD/ Directors’ Sectt. as per requirement
 Any other specific requirement of peripheral such as Scanners, external Hard
Disk and Plotters etc. shall be provided with proper justification and
recommendation of concerned HOD.

5.4 Laptop PCs

 Laptop PCs shall be provided to Senior Officers of the level of E7, E8 & E9, in
their own name for meeting their functional requirements, and same will remain
attached with him / her irrespective of their location of posting or on transfer.
 The Officers will have the option either to purchase the above Laptop PC at the
time of superannuation/cessation of employment/on expiry of prescribed life
span of laptop PCs at depreciated or minimum residual value, whichever is
higher or he / she will be required to return the same to the respective IT&C
Div./Store, as the case may be.
 In addition to above, Laptop PC may also be provided, on functional
requirement, as per details given below:
S.N. Location Extent of Entitlement
1. Each Division of Corporate Office, One
including Office of CMD/ Directors/
2. Liaison Office / Investigation projects One
3. Regional Office / Project / Power Upto two
 Laptop PC, if required in addition to above by any Division at C.O. or RO/
Project/Power Station/LO/Inv. Project may be provided with proper justification
and approval of Director / Regional Executive Director, as case may be.
 Laptop may also be provided to other officers (E1- E6) who have extensive
touring requirements and need to carry the data along with them while on tour.
To this effect the proposal with proper justification shall be put-up, for approval
by the concerned Director.

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 Records related to issuance of Laptop PCs under these guidelines i.e name &
designation of the Officer, date of issue, date of procurement of Laptop PC etc
shall be maintained centrally at IT&C Div., Corporate Office.

5.5 Projectors
 All conference rooms & Meeting Halls which are in use for regular
meetings/making presentations shall be provided with ceiling mounted projectors
and motorized screen by IT&C Division for making the presentations. The
individual shall bring his/her Laptop for making the presentations.

 Portable Projectors shall be kept by IT&C Division Corporate Office to meet any
contingency requirement.

 All conference room/ lecture hall shall be provided with white writing board &
printer for printing of study/ presentation materials etc

5.6 Video Conferencing Equipments

 All Construction Projects, O&M Projects and Regional offices shall be provided
with one set of Video conferencing equipments by IT&C Division, C.O for
facilitating Video conferencing at these locations.
 CMD Office and each Director’s office at C.O. shall have setup for Video
Conferencing facility.
 One set of equipments shall be with IT&C Division for testing and
arranging/coordinating of video conference among all locations of NHPC

6.0 Maintenance & Disposal of IT assets

 Maintenance to all IT assets shall be the responsibility of IT&C Division by hiring
an outside agency on contract basis.
 Computers of the obsolete configuration, if found unserviceable or beyond
economic repair are to be decommissioned forthwith as per IT Disposal Policy.
 Obsolete or damaged (beyond repair), as certified by IT&C Division IT assets of
all Divisions shall be handed over to IT&C Division for proper storage till these
are disposed off as per NHPC’s IT disposal Policy.

7.0 Application & System Software:

 Only licensed software shall be purchased and used across the organization.
 Software shall be purchased with atleast 1+2 yrs Upgradation, maintenance and
support option.
 Any support options like ability to access updates and bug fixes, manuals and
other reference material ,workshops, pre-release seminars, training, Technical

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Support , Help desk and other support facilities etc. should be carefully recorded
by IT&C Division of respective locations to enable later use or renewal.

 Purchase of generalized license Software, commonly required by all locations,

viz. Operating Systems (not pre-installed), Microsoft Office, Anti-virus etc, shall
be done by IT&C Division of C.O. for the purpose of standardization, legal
compliance and volume discount.

 The specialized technical/engineering software whose requirements are limited

to only a few Divisions shall be approved by the ED/HOP of the concerned
Division/ and shall be purchased by the Procurement Division of the location.

8.0 E-Mail/Internet Facility

8.1 Email Facility
The Email Facility to the employees in the Corporation shall be provided as
 To all executives in the rank of E1 & Above
 To the secretarial staff attached with CE/GM/ED.
 To all employees of Supervisor level
 To all employees of Workman level having computer
 One e-mail ID in the name of each Division / Section to be used for official
purposes by the Division. (e.g. thrd @
 All Official communications thru E-mail to be done using NHPC’s Official E-mail
 Public mail domain (e.g. Yahoo, rediff, gmail etc.) shall be discontinued in
phased manner.
 Following restrictions shall be applied on e-mails:
 Attachment size in e-mails shall be max. 5MB
 E-mail box size shall be 50 MB
 No. of e-mail recipients of a mail shall be max. 10
 Content shall be monitored for Information security purposes.
Relaxation to be given on temporary and permanent basis with approval of

8.2 Internet Facility

The Internet Facility to the employees in the Corporation shall be provided as

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8.2.1 All days with no time limit

For Corporate Office

 To all Officers in the rank of E5 & above.
 To all the secretarial staff attached with CE/GM/ED. However, only one
connection shall be allowed in the secretariat.
 To all Directorates. Internet facility shall be provided as per the requirement.
 IT Staff posted in different Divisions
 All computers located in O&M Control Room.

For Projects / Power Stations

 To all executives E5 & above
 All computers located in control room of Power Station.

8.2.2 All days with time limit

For Corporate Office/ Projects / Power Stations
 To all executives not covered under 8.2.1 in the time slot of 12.30PM to 2.30PM.
 To all employees in the time slot of 4.30PM to 6.30PM
Relaxation to be given on temporary and permanent basis with approval of HoD
for C.O./HoP for projects on functional basis.

8.3 Data card for Senior Officers

In order to enhance the efficient usage of laptop, wireless internet connectivity
data card for access of internet shall be provided to E7 & above.
 The wireless internet connectivity data card will have to be purchased by the
Officers themselves and reimbursement of cost will be allowed as per HR
Division Office Order no. 39/08 dated 19.08.2008 as mended from time to time.
 IT&C Division, Corporate Office shall maintain record of data cards purchased
by the Officers centrally.
 This facility can be extended to Sr. Mgr./ Mgr., who have been provided with a
Laptop, on specific approval of HOD.
 Concerned Officers shall submit a certificate stating that the data card shall not
be used in desktop connected in NHPC LAN

9.0 PC and peripherals for Residential Offices of Senior Officers

 CMD/ Directors/ CVO shall be provided with IT hardware and software as per
their requirement.

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 Desktop PC/ Laptop PC alongwith peripherals shall be provided to Senior
Officers of the level of E8 & E9, in their own name and same will remain
attached with him / her irrespective of their location of posting or on transfer.

 Senior Executives will have to purchase these items at their choice from
authorized showroom/ supplier (having sales tax Registration no.) within the
approved monetary ceiling (As per HR Division, Part –I Office order no. 12/2009
dated 27/03/2009).
 The maintenance of these PCs and peripherals will have to be undertaken by Sr.
Officers. The maintenance charges will be reimbursed on actual basis subject to
approved ceiling (As per HR Division, Part –I Office order no. 12/2009 dated
 Sr. Executives shall have to purchase IT hardware/ software issued to him/ her
at the depreciated value as per accounting policy of the Corporation at the time
of his/her Separation from NHPC on any ground.

10.0 Computer Consumables

 Every Division will send their consolidated requirements of Computers

Consumables such as Printer Cartridges, Toner Cartridges, Pen Drives, CD/
DVDs etc. once in six months i.e. January and July of year.
 IT&C Division shall consolidate the requirement of Computer Consumables for
the location once in six months.
 The approved requirements after consolidation will be sent to Contracts Division
for procurement.
 The urgent requirements in case of out-of-stock situation exceptional cases will
be dealt by the respective departments themselves & budget shall be provided
by IT&C Division.

11.0 NHPC Network Accessibility

Senior Officers at the lever of CEs / Chiefs and above, at Corporate Office, Regional
Offices, Projects and Power Stations are to be provided facilities to gain remote access
of NHPC’s IT Network from anywhere and anytime in a secured and efficient manner
using IT Security Technologies such as SSL-VPN, Identity Authentication etc. This
shall enable officers to access NHPC’s email services and other applications from
home as well as any other place using internet cloud.

12.0 Usable life

The IT infrastructure is a dynamic structure and is forever changing both in hardware &
software. While the software changes take place less rapidly as compared to hardware
changes, life of equipment needs to be defined due to fast obsolescence of hardware
and increase requirement of system resources to cope up with latest software.

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1. PCs 4 years
2. Servers 6 years
3. Laptops PCs 4 years
4. Peripherals 4 years
5. Switch /Hub 5 years
6. Router 7 years
7. Modems 7 years
8. Others 5 years

Due to fast changing scenario in Hardware & new user–friendly features being added
almost on half yearly / yearly basis, it is not practically possible to make efficient usage
of the PCs / Peripherals after a reasonable period of 4 years. This may be attributed
to technological changes in Hardware, higher down time, proper support availability
of crucial spare parts and outdated operating environment of systems etc. IT&C
Division can initiate necessary procurement action on completion, as mentioned above.

However, the life of the IT equipments shall be reviewed as per IFRS (International
Financial Reporting Standards) every year.


The objective of the IT Policy for NHPC is to create a framework for providing IT
Hardware and related Services to the employees of the Corporation in transparent
manner. Notwithstanding any provisions under this policy as stated above, the IT
hardware/ software & services provided to employee under the previous policies shall
not be discontinued.

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