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A)Write the words to the pictures below.(Resimlerinaltınakelimeleriyazın.

notebook –pencil – book – eraser –pencilcase – schoolbag – ruler – door – Scissors – Sharpener

.................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................

.................................... .................................... .................................... .................................... ....................................


1) ALİ: May I take yourbook? 4)KEMAL: The ruler, please.

VELİ: ___________________. 😊 CEVDET:_______________ ?

2) DERİN: May I come in, teacher? KEMAL: The ruler, please.

TEACHER: ________________. 😊 CEVDET: Oh, Here you are.
DERİN: Thankyou.

3) LILLY: May I turn on thelight? *Say that again please. *Sorry, not right now.

JAMES: _________________. ☹ *Sure. *Yes, you may.

C) Resimlerin altına uygun ifadeyi yazınız.

*Be quiet. Open thewindow. Sit down. Close thedoor. Cleanthe board.


D).Write the numbers from the box.( Kutucuklardaki sayıları rakamlarla eşleştirin.) .
Thirty Eight Forty-two

Seventeen Twenty

five Twelve Sixty-one

E)Aşağıdaki boşlukları tamamlayınız.

Japan Turkey Britain USA

I am from.................... I am from.............I am from..................I am from....................

F)Aşağıdaki soruları ve yanıtlarını eşleştiriniz.

( ) Where are you from? a – Yes, she is.

( ) Where is Germany? b – It is in the West.
( ) Where is she from? c- I think so.
( ) Is sheIranian ? d – She is from Japan.
( ) Is he Pakistani? e – I am from Turkey.

G) Aşağıdaki haritaya göre soruları uygun şekilde yönlerle cevaplayınız.

1. Where is İzmir? ………………………………………………….

2. Where is Antalya? …………………………………………………
3. Where is Sinop? …………………………………………………
4. Where is Van? ………………………………………………….

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