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FORM 901.

Engineering Procedure Supplement Rev: 3
A Corporate Page 1 of 1
LRS Design Verification Checklist

Engineering/JSS Number: 4334469 Rev.: 0 District: 1408 Designer: EGS

Yes, Data ([EHO] to be completed at job intake and filed with the project)
Service: FLUE GAS
Design Pressure: 1.4
Design Temperature: 700
Client Requests/Requirements:N
Y Are all required DS Sheets and supporting sketches turned in?
Y Are selected materials compatible with service and temperature?
Y Has material availability and lead time been considered?
Y Is the service critical or needs special requirements? (Material, PWHT, SCC, etc.)
Y Is strongbacking required as per restraint Policy LRS-3902/3903?
Y Does the data show BPTC?
Y Are clock points correctly labelled?
N Is the job Nuclear? If yes, please review Nuclear Guide Lines, tubing material, do not paint, NACL required, QC
inspection required, Coversheet, drawings, and MSS noted
Data Intake by:       Date:      

Cover Sheet
Y Is the Client correct? Engineering Locations:
Y Is the Engineering/JSS Number correct?
WHO – Western Hemisphere
Y Is 3rd-party verification required (e.g. Lloyds)?
EHO – Eastern Hemisphere Drawings/Models
Material Data Sheet/BOM Y Is the layout drawn correctly, with mass = 0?
Y Are all components listed and to the correct Y Have obstructions been considered?
specification? (Injection ports, half couples, lifting Y Can the clamp be installed?
lugs, Etc.)
Y Do the bores match BPTC?
Y Are MTRs and COCs Required?
Y Are offset bores and ovality considered and detailed?
Y [WHO] Are the correct boxes checked?
Y Is design appropriate for the repair and for ease of
Calculations Y Do the components fit and work together?
Y Are all references correct? Y Do the dimensions of the grooves/teeth match
Y Is the code year correct?
Y Is the tubing/packing compatible with the service?
Y Are all required calculations included? (Endplate,
Thrust/Separation, forP-max,
EHO Void, etc.) Y Is welding required? If yes, review the following:
symbol, size, requirements, P#’s
Y DoDrawing Title
calculation Block
inputs match the drawing
Is drawing number correct? Y Are enough injection ports added, is spacing correct?
Y       DoIs Client
the correct
customer (incl. spelling)
requests adhere to code? If not Y Has enough clearance been left around studs/nuts for
      wasIsthis discussed withcorrect
Designer/Verifier an SME & Customer? Y tools, incl. allowance for welds?
Y       AreIscalculation
ECN number outputs
within allowable limits? Y Are the studs and holes dimensioned, and are bores
Is the void volume correct? correct for
Additional stud size?
Requirements for WHO
Y Are stud torque
Drawings/Modelsvalues included where required?
      Is Traveler created and up to date?
Y What is the weight of each component/assembly to
      Is burnout/DXF profile created and up to date? Y be lifted?
Are tubing/packing grooves/crunch teeth properly
Y Is lifting gear needed?
Y Miscellaneous
Is minimum metadata populated? dimensioned with material called out?
Y Have enough lifting lugs/eyes been added, and have
Y      Is ECN document completed correctly? Y these Is been
enough cavity wall?
Is compound/sealant selection appropriate? in MSS/BOM?
Y      AreIsproject documents approved for manufacture How many studs are required?      
Special Equipment List (SEL) completed? Y Are drawings notes correct?
(rev A/B/C etc.)?
      Is estimated hours in Teamworks correct Y Size?      
Is non-standard/special coating required and
(Intake/Design/Verification)? Hours:      What is the spacing between bolts?      
FORM 901.7
Engineering Procedure Supplement Rev: 3
A Corporate Page 2 of 1
LRS Design Verification Checklist
Verification Comments:

All the above checked and GVD Date: 04/02/21

verified (Verifier):
Feedback to Designer Minor (e.g. missing dimensions,       Major (change for code compliance)      
was: notes, recommendations) add notes in space above
Feedback received       Date:      

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