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Lesson 1

1. F
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. F
9. T
10. T

What’s In
1. Access to Information
2. Connectivity
3. Awareness and Empathy
4. Influence and Advocacy
5. Education and Lifelong Learning
6. Citizen Journalism and Participation

What’s New
Self-expression: For some people, graffiti is a method to express themselves and to share their ideas,
feelings, or aesthetic visions. They are able to make their presence known and leave their mark on public

Graffiti is often used as a creative outlet, with people using walls as their canvases. Some graffiti artists
could see their work as a chance to show off their originality, talent, and sense of style.

Social commentary: Graffiti can be used to express one's political or social views. Walls can serve as a
platform for artists to spread awareness, question social mores, or discuss problems impacting local
neighborhoods. It might be a method to start discussions and get people to think.

identify and Recognition: Some people use graffiti as a means of establishing their identify in a particular
community or subculture. Graffiti can serve as a means of association, territory marking, and personal

Graffiti's effect on the seeing public can be subjective and influenced by a number of elements, including
its content, context, and location. Here are a few possible effects:

Graffiti that is well-done and aesthetically pleasing can improve the surrounding scenery and turn a plain
wall into an interesting work of urban art. It can enhance a community's cultural diversity and vitality.

Community Reaction and Perception: People who see graffiti may have varying feelings about it. Others
may view it as vandalism or an obtrusive visual annoyance, while some may enjoy it as a means of self-
expression and art. Depending on cultural norms, regional laws, and the graffiti's quality, public opinion
can differ.

Graffiti has the power to change the personality and identity of public spaces. It can create a sense of place
and add to the distinctiveness of a city or community. Graffiti that is overdone or badly done, on the other
hand, might exacerbate an area's perception of chaos or neglect.
It might be difficult to determine whether graffiti is just created for artistic purposes or if "freedom of
expression" is being exercised. Graffiti can be viewed as a form of expression, yet it frequently crosses
moral and legal lines. Unauthorized graffiti is considered vandalism and is forbidden in many jurisdictions.
Societies struggle with finding a balance between the freedom of expression of individuals and the
obligation to respect both public and private property.

In conclusion, there are many reasons why people choose to write graffiti on walls, including self-
expression, artistic endeavors, societal commentary, and identity construction. Subjective responses from
the viewing audience include everything from considering it to be art to considering it to be vandalism.
Depending on statutory and constitutional requirements, the issue of whether it qualifies as "freedom of

What I Have Learned

1. B
2. C
3. B
4. C
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. B
Additional Activities

Fact-Checking and Verifying Information: It is essential to verify the accuracy and reliability of the
information we consume and share. Before believing or spreading news, we should fact-check and
cross-reference information from multiple credible sources. By doing so, we can avoid spreading
misinformation or contributing to the spread of false narratives.


Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: Responsible media consumption involves seeking out diverse
perspectives and ensuring inclusivity in the information we engage with. We can actively seek out
content from different sources, cultures, and backgrounds, which helps us gain a broader
understanding of issues and challenges. Additionally, supporting and amplifying underrepresented
voices and stories can contribute to a more inclusive media landscape.

Critical Analysis and Media Literacy: Developing critical thinking skills and media literacy is crucial
in the digital age. It involves questioning the motives, biases, and potential manipulations behind
media messages. By critically analyzing media content, we can identify misinformation,
propaganda, or biased narratives. Sharing this knowledge with others and promoting media
literacy edu cation helps build a more informed society.
Quarter 2 – Module 2:
Current and Future Trends in
Media and Information
What I Know
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. C
5. A

What’s In

In the picture, I see a concept design called the "Aerostatic Cabriolet of Tomorrow" by Harry Grant
Dart. It depicts a futuristic flying vehicle that resembles a car suspended by multiple balloons or


Considering that the picture was drawn in 1905, shortly after the invention of the first successful
airplane, it is unlikely that this specific airplane model would materialize. The design in the picture
appears to be a blend of a car and airships, which is different from the conventional fixed-wing
aircraft design that became dominant in aviation. While the concept of flying vehicles was explored
in various forms during the early stages of aviation, the specific design shown in the picture did
not become a practical or widely adopted transportation option.


The next major innovation in transportation technology is difficult to predict with certainty.
However, there are several emerging technologies that hold promise for transforming
transportation in the future. These include electric vehicles (EVs), autonomous vehicles (AVs),
hyperloop transportation systems, and advancements in sustainable aviation. Additionally, the
development of high-speed rail networks and the integration of renewable energy sources into
transportation infrastructure are also areas of focus for future transportation innovation. The
specific breakthrough or major innovation will depend on various factors, including technological
advancements, societal needs, and environmental considerations.

What I Have Learned
What I Can Do
According to my I will review the smartphone,
grandmother, back in the which is a widely used In the future, around 10 years from
1980s, they used landline technology today. now, smartphones are likely to
telephones as the Smartphones have become an undergo significant advancements. We
primary means of essential part of our lives, can anticipate the following
communication. She offering various features and developments:
described the landline functionalities. They are
phones as bulky and had portable and compact, fitting in Enhanced AI Integration: Smartphones
cords attached to them. the palm of your hand. will become even smarter with
They were limited to Smartphones have advanced artificial intelligence (AI)
making voice calls and touchscreens, enabling easy capabilities. They will understand user
had rotary dials for navigation and interaction with preferences, anticipate needs, and
inputting phone apps and services. They offer provide more personalized and
numbers. She mentioned multiple communication intuitive experiences.
that the landline phones options, such as voice calls, text
were not portable and messaging, and video calls. In
were usually placed in a addition, smartphones provide
Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual
fixed location in the access to the internet, social
Reality (VR): AR and VR technologies
house. media platforms, email, and a
will be integrated into smartphones,
wide range of applications for
enabling immersive experiences for
entertainment, productivity,
gaming, communication, education,
and information.
and entertainment.

Advanced Biometrics: Smartphones

will feature more advanced biometric
authentication methods, such as facial
recognition and fingerprint scanning,
to enhance security and convenience.

5G and Beyond: The widespread

adoption of 5G networks will continue,
offering faster download and upload
speeds, lower latency, and improved
connectivity. Beyond 5G, we may see
the emergence of even faster and
more efficient wireless communication

Flexible and Foldable Displays:

Smartphones with flexible and
foldable displays will become more
common, allowing for larger screens
that can be easily folded for


1. Ubiquitous learning means that education can happen anytime, every time.
2. The grammar of the digital world is hypertext.
3. Real-time information dissemination promotes dynamic interaction.
4. The communication process nowadays must be user-centered.
5. The influx of online learning opportunities that allows wide networking is a clear proof that we are
in the digital age.
6. When it comes to management, MOOCs are cheaper compared to traditional learning.
7. Analytics provides relevant and reliable information about the learning process of students.
8. Group chats are tools for MOOCs.
9. MOOCs are designed for large classes.
10. A MOOC program is flexible for the learner.

Additional Activities
As a student currently navigating the world of online learning, I have encountered various
challenges that come with this new mode of studying. One of the main challenges is adjusting to
the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and classmates. It can sometimes feel isolating
and make it harder to actively participate in discussions and ask questions.

Another challenge is managing my time effectively. With online learning, there is a certain level of
flexibility in terms of when and where I can study. While this can be advantageous, it also requires
a high level of self-discipline and organization to ensure that I stay on track with assignments and

There have been funny moments as well during distance learning. From accidental microphone
unmutes to funny virtual backgrounds, these moments bring a light-heartedness to the online
classroom setting and help alleviate the stress and monotony of studying from home.

In terms of improving the learning process, there are a few suggestions I have. First, it would be
beneficial to have more interactive and engaging online platforms that simulate real classroom
experiences, such as virtual breakout rooms for group discussions and collaborative projects. This
would help recreate the dynamic nature of in-person learning.

Additionally, providing clear and concise instructions for assignments and expectations would
greatly help students in understanding what is required of them. Regular check-ins and
communication between teachers and students are also crucial for addressing concerns and
providing support.

To gain insights from my friends who have experienced more intensive online sessions, I asked
them about their reflections. They shared similar challenges, such as internet connectivity issues,
difficulty in maintaining focus during long online lectures, and the struggle to balance online
learning with other responsibilities.
Overall, despite the challenges, online learning has also presented opportunities for personal
growth and adaptability. It has taught me to be more independent, resourceful, and proactive in
my learning journey. By embracing the new normal mode of studying and continuously finding
ways to improve the learning process, we can overcome the hurdles and make the most out of our
education in these challenging times.

Quarter 2 – Module 3:
Implications of Media and
What I Know
1. F
2. T
3. T
4. F
5. T
6. T
7. F
8. T
9. T

What’s New
1. The benefits senior citizens get in learning new technology include:
 Improved communication with family and friends through platforms like Skype, Facebook, and
 Access to information and resources through online research.
 Increased productivity and engagement through the use of technology.
 The ability to share their wisdom and experiences with younger generations through social media,
blogging, and email campaigns.
 Breaking the barrier of distance and enabling face-to-face communication through tools like
1. The new generation can learn from techie-savvy elders in the following ways:
 The elders can share their life experiences and wisdom, offering guidance and lessons to the
younger generation.
 They can provide insights on past mistakes and advocate for reforms through social media and
other online platforms.
 Elders can be loving examples of how to use technology effectively and responsibly.
 They can bridge the generation gap by showing the younger generation how to use technology
for positive purposes, such as staying connected with family and engaging in productive activities.
1. Modern communication gadgets bridge the generation gaps within the family in the following
 They enable easy and instant communication between different generations, regardless of physical
 Communication platforms like chats, posts, and social media allow family members to share
updates, experiences, and photos, fostering a sense of closeness.
 Playing games together on digital devices provides an opportunity for fun and bonding among
family members of different ages.
 The use of technology can facilitate mutual understanding and appreciation between generations,
as younger family members assist elders in navigating digital tools and elders share their wisdom
and experiences with the younger ones.
What I Have Learned

"This Is Me" is indeed a powerful song that promotes social inclusion. Its lyrics convey a message
of self-acceptance, empowerment, and embracing one's uniqueness. The song resonates with
individuals who have felt marginalized, disenfranchised, bullied, or considered as outcasts. By
acknowledging their worth and proclaiming their identity, the song encourages people to
celebrate their differences and break free from societal expectations. It has become an anthem for
promoting diversity and accepting oneself as they are.


While I cannot directly observe videos or access the internet, based on the cast of "The Greatest
Showman," the song represents various members of society who have faced challenges and have
overcome them. The movie itself celebrates the diversity of performers and individuals with unique
talents who come together to create a community. The song is relatable to anyone who has felt
excluded or different, regardless of their background, age, race, or abilities.


There are several other forms of media and information that have been utilized to foster social
inclusion in a pluralistic society. Here are a few examples:

 Movies and TV shows that showcase diverse characters and storylines, representing different
backgrounds, cultures, and identities.
 Social media platforms that allow marginalized groups to share their experiences, stories, and
perspectives, creating awareness and promoting understanding.
 Online communities and forums that provide a safe space for individuals to connect, support each
other, and advocate for their rights.
 Educational programs and documentaries that highlight the importance of diversity, inclusion, and
 News articles and opinion pieces that shed light on social issues, challenge stereotypes, and
promote dialogue around inclusivity.
These are just a few examples, and there are many other forms of media and information that play
a role in fostering social inclusion in a pluralistic society.


"This Is Me" does an excellent job of promoting social inclusion. The song's lyrics speak to the
experiences of the marginalized, disenfranchised, bullied, and outcast individuals. It embraces their
unique identities, encourages self-acceptance, and celebrates diversity. By giving voice to those
who have felt overlooked or judged, the song empowers individuals to be proud of who they are
and stand up against discrimination. Its message resonates with people from different
backgrounds and promotes the idea that everyone deserves acceptance and respect.


Without access to specific interpretations through various platforms, I cannot provide a

comprehensive answer about the representation of different members of society in the videos.
However, based on the context of the movie "The Greatest Showman," which celebrates the
diversity of performers and individuals with unique talents, it can be inferred that the videos and
performances of "This Is Me" likely include a wide range of people representing various
backgrounds, ages, races, and abilities. The song's message is universal and can resonate with
anyone who has experienced feelings of being marginalized or judged.


In addition to "This Is Me," there are other forms of media and information that have been utilized
to foster social inclusion in a pluralistic society. Some examples include:

 Movies and TV shows that feature diverse casts and storylines, highlighting the experiences and
perspectives of different social groups.
 Books, literature, and poetry that promote understanding, empathy, and acceptance of diverse
identities and backgrounds.
 Social media campaigns and hashtags that raise awareness about social issues, advocate for
equality, and amplify marginalized voices.
 Online platforms and communities that provide spaces for dialogue, education, and support,
fostering inclusivity and promoting acceptance.
 Educational programs and initiatives that focus on diversity and inclusion, teaching individuals
about different cultures, histories, and identities.
 News media that strive to represent diverse voices and perspectives, challenging stereotypes and
promoting equitable representation.

What I Can Do
Implications GEN X Speaks GEN Z Speaks
of Media (My Space) (Your Space)

improves In the 1980’s and 1990’s I media and information have

quality of life enjoyed viewing commercials
greatly influenced their access
about innovative consumer
products. Some TV shows to knowledge, entertainment,
would and resources. Online
also include segments for platforms, social media, and
indorsement of these streaming services have
These products include provided a wide range of
toothpaste the came on soft content and opportunities for
plastic tubes, calamansi learning, personal
infused laundry soap, and my development, and self-
all-time favorite comfort food,
instant pancit canton.
expression. From educational
videos on platforms like
YouTube to online
communities centered around
specific interests, Gen Z has
been able to enhance their
quality of life through the
abundant information and
resources available to them.

For Generation Z,
advancements in technology
and the internet have
significantly enhanced their
quality of life. Access to
information, entertainment,
and communication through
smartphones and social media
platforms has provided
convenience, entertainment,
and connections. Online
shopping, streaming services,
and social networking
platforms have become
integral parts of their daily
lives, improving convenience
and entertainment options.
promotes On February 1986, Jaime Generation Z has been actively
greater Cardinal Sin, then archbishop
involved in social and political
political of Manila, urged Filipinos
participation through radio to gather in issues, leveraging social media
EDSA platforms to voice their
in a move to oust the dictator. opinions, organize movements,
That began the People Power and advocate for change.
Revolution, known all over the
world as the “first bloodless Platforms like Twitter,
revolution in history.” Instagram, and TikTok have
provided spaces for activism,
enabling Gen Z to connect with
like-minded individuals, raise
awareness, and demand social
and political reforms

Generation Z has been actively

engaged in political and social
issues. They use social media
platforms to express their
opinions, organize protests,
and advocate for causes they
believe in. Movements like
Fridays for Future (climate
activism) and Black Lives
Matter have gained
momentum and reached a
global scale through the use of
digital media and information
economic Some TV shows were aired in The rise of the digital era has
opportunities order to help televiewers
opened up new avenues for
skills for business. Some of economic opportunities for
these are “Tele-Aralan ng Generation Z. With the
Kakayahan” (Channel 4) and emergence of e-commerce,
“Negosiyete” (Channel 7). My online marketplaces, and
fondness for handicrafts is
influenced by these shows. digital entrepreneurship, young
individuals have been able to
start their own businesses,
create online content, and
monetize their skills and
talents. Social media
influencers and content
creators have become
successful entrepreneurs,
showcasing the potential for
economic growth and
independence through digital

The digital age has created

numerous economic
opportunities for Generation Z.
Online platforms and social
media have enabled young
entrepreneurs to start
businesses, showcase their
talents, and reach a wider
audience. Influencer marketing,
e-commerce, and content
creation have emerged as
viable career paths for many
young individuals.
improves TV and komiks were my first Generation Z has grown up in a
learning non-human teachers. The TV
technology-rich environment,
environment show “Sesame Street” taught
me with access to online resources
English and a bit of Spanish, and digital tools that enhance
while “Kulit Bulilit” and their learning experience.
“Batibot” exposed me to Online learning platforms,
Filipino cultures. “Funny educational apps, and
Comics,” on the other hand, interactive websites have
taught me how to read. All provided alternative and
these supplementary learning
I learned even before I entered
formal schooling.
opportunities. Additionally,
social media platforms have
facilitated knowledge sharing
and collaboration among
peers, enabling Gen Z to learn
from diverse perspectives and
engage in virtual communities
of learners

Technology has transformed

the learning environment for
Generation Z. Online education
platforms, digital tools, and
educational apps have made
learning more accessible and
interactive. Virtual classrooms,
online courses, and educational
content on platforms like
YouTube have expanded
learning opportunities beyond
traditional classrooms. The
ability to access information
quickly and connect with
experts and peers online has
enriched the learning
hones In 1994, we staged a play for Social media has played a
individuals as more the
significant role in shaping the
cohesive people of Canlubang, our
social units barangay which, at that time, way Gen Z interacts and forms
was about to undergo a drastic social connections. It has
change. Our stage play served provided platforms for building
as a celebration of our communities, connecting with
community’s glorious past and
preparation to what would people who share similar
happen next – the closure of interests, and fostering a sense
the of belonging. Gen Z has used
sugar industry and relocation
social media to create support
residents to name some. networks, advocate for causes,
and promote inclusivity. Online
spaces have allowed them to
connect with individuals from
different backgrounds and
cultures, promoting a more
cohesive and interconnected

Social media has played a

significant role in shaping the
social dynamics of Generation
Z. It has allowed them to
connect with people from
diverse backgrounds, share
their experiences, and engage
in online communities centered
around shared interests. Social
media activism, support
networks, and online
communities have helped
foster a sense of unity and
belonging among Gen Z.

Additional Activities
As a member of Generation Z, the song "This Is Me" resonates deeply with me. Media and
information have played a transformative role in shaping my self-perception and my
understanding of others. Through diverse representation in movies, TV shows, and online
platforms, I've witnessed the power of inclusivity and acceptance. Media has taught me to embrace
my unique qualities and celebrate the diversity of others. It has opened my eyes to different
cultures, perspectives, and experiences, fostering empathy and understanding. Through the vast
information available, I've gained knowledge that empowers me to challenge stereotypes and
work towards a more inclusive and equitable society.


As a member of Generation Z, media and information have had a profound impact on how I
perceive myself and others. Through the vast array of content available online, I have been
exposed to diverse perspectives, cultures, and experiences. This exposure has helped me develop
empathy and understanding, breaking down stereotypes and prejudices. Media has also provided
platforms for marginalized voices to be heard, empowering individuals to embrace their identities.
It has taught me the importance of inclusivity and celebrating differences. Overall, media and
information have transformed my worldview, inspiring me to embrace authenticity and promote
acceptance in a rapidly changing society.

Media and information have undeniably shaped my perception of myself and others. As a member
of Generation Z, I have grown up in a digital age where access to media and information is at my
fingertips. One song that resonates with me is "This Is Me" from "The Greatest Showman." Its
powerful message of self-acceptance and embracing one's uniqueness has had a profound impact
on me. Through the lyrics and the accompanying visuals, I have learned the importance of
celebrating my own identity and accepting others for who they are.

Media and information have provided me with diverse perspectives and exposed me to different
cultures, beliefs, and experiences. This exposure has broadened my understanding of the world
and nurtured empathy within me. It has taught me to appreciate the beauty of diversity and reject
stereotypes and prejudices.

Moreover, media has given me a platform to express myself and share my voice. Through social
media, I can connect with like-minded individuals, engage in meaningful conversations, and raise
awareness about social issues that matter to me.

Overall, media and information have transformed the way I perceive myself and others. They have
empowered me to embrace my uniqueness, appreciate diversity, and strive for a more inclusive
and understanding world.

Quarter 2 – Module 4:
Text and Visual Dimensions of
Information and Media
What I Know
1. C
2. C
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. A
9. C
10. A
What’s IN
1. J
2. E
3. O
4. M
5. G
6. A
7. L
8. H
9. K
10. N
11. O
12. I
13. B
14. J
15. C

What I Can Do
Brand Name: "RamenLab: Create Your Own Bowl"


1. Logo: A playful and inviting logo featuring a bowl of steaming ramen with chopsticks. The ramen
bowl can be customized with various ingredients like vegetables, meat, and noodles, representing
the concept of creating your own bowl of ramen.
2. Color Scheme: Choose vibrant and appetizing colors like shades of red, orange, and yellow to
evoke the warmth and deliciousness of ramen. Consider incorporating some cool blues to balance
the palette and create a visually appealing contrast.
3. Font: Select a modern and bold font for the brand name to convey a sense of excitement and

Brand Message: "Unleash Your Inner Chef, Customize Your Ramen" This message highlights the
interactive aspect of the business, where customers can unleash their creativity and culinary skills
by customizing their own bowl of ramen. It conveys a sense of empowerment and personalization.

Additional Elements:

1. Imagery: Use high-quality images of various ramen ingredients, cooking utensils, and happy
customers enjoying their customized ramen bowls. These images can be used in posters, flyers, or
web pages to showcase the experience.
2. Tagline: "Cook. Create. Savor." This tagline reinforces the idea of active customer participation,
encouraging them to cook, create their unique flavors, and savor the delicious outcome.

Remember, these are just suggestions, and you can adapt and personalize the brand design
according to your vision and preferences. Creating a strong visual identity and a compelling brand
message will help your business stand out and attract customers who are looking for an interactive
and customized ramen experience.

As an AI text-based model, I am unable to directly create visual content or post on social media
platforms. However, I can help you with the text component of your poster. Here's a sample
encouraging message that you can include in your post:

"🌟 Positivity Challenge 🌟

Learning may be different now, but together, we can make it amazing! 🎓✨

At Calabanga National Science High School, Barangay Salvacion - Baybay, Calabanga, Camarines
Sur, we are embracing the new normal with enthusiasm and resilience. 💪📚

To all the hardworking students, dedicated teachers, and supportive parents, remember that you
are capable of greatness. 🌟 Keep pushing forward, learning, and growing. Believe in yourself, and
success will follow. 💫

Let's inspire each other, share our knowledge, and uplift one another. Together, we can overcome
any challenge and achieve our dreams! 🌈

Spread the positivity! Like and share this post to show your support for a brighter and better
learning journey. 💙📲

#PositiveVibes #LearningInNewNormal #CalabangaNationalScienceHS"

Feel free to personalize and adapt the message according to your school and situation. Remember
to incorporate it into your visually appealing poster and share it on social media platforms. Best of
luck with your positivity challenge!

Additional Activities
As an AI language model, I don't have personal experiences or the ability to learn in the same way humans
do. However, based on the content provided in this lesson, some new things that learners may have learned
include the implications of media and information, the role of media in shaping individuals and society, the
use of visual and text components in branding and design, and the importance of spreading positivity
through social media. In terms of improving the lesson, it could benefit from more specific examples and
practical exercises to further engage learners and help them apply the concepts discussed.

To create encouraging and effective content using text and visuals, it's important to consider the following:

Have a clear message: Define the purpose of your content and ensure that the message you want to convey is
evident. Focus on positive and uplifting themes that resonate with your target audience.

Use engaging visuals: Incorporate visually appealing elements such as colors, illustrations, or photographs
that complement your message and evoke emotions.

Keep it concise: Use concise and impactful language to deliver your message effectively. Use short
sentences or phrases that are easy to understand and remember.

Use relatable examples: Connect with your audience by using relatable examples, stories, or images that
they can easily relate to and find inspiration from.

Be authentic: Share genuine and authentic content that reflects your brand or personal values. People are
more likely to respond positively to content that feels real and sincere.
Encourage interaction: Encourage your audience to engage with your content by asking questions, inviting
them to share their stories or experiences, or using calls to action to prompt them to take specific actions.

Consider your platform: Adapt your content to the platform you are using. Each social media platform has
its own style and requirements, so make sure your content is optimized for the platform you choose.

Quarter 2 – Module 5:
Audio and Motion Dimensions of
Information and Media

What I Know

1. MP3
2. Foley
3. WAV
4. WMA

ROLLING 2. Dolly

5. Truck
6. Pan
7. Tilt
8. Pedestal
What I Have Learned
QUESTION 1: What camera movement is seen on Frame 2? Answer: Dolly

QUESTION 2: What camera angle is seen on Frame 4? Answer: Low angle

QUESTION 3: Are Frames 8 and 9 full shots? If not, what are they? Answer: Frames 8 and 9 are not
full shots. They are close-up shots.

QUESTION 4: Frame 14 is an establishing shot. What is its purpose? Answer: The purpose of an
establishing shot is to provide a wider view of the surroundings and set the location or context for
the following scene.

QUESTION 5: What do you think is the purpose of cropping the head in a close-up shot? Answer:
Cropping the head in a close-up shot can help focus the viewer's attention on the subject's facial
expressions and emotions.
QUESTION 6: Frames 29 to 31 are dolly shots? What do you call the dolly shot that moves farther
from the subject? Answer: Frames 29 to 31 are not dolly shots. The dolly shot that moves farther
from the subject is called a dolly-out or pull-back shot.

QUESTION 7: Recall for a while the lesson on visual media. Why must the main subject of the
frame be moved away from the center, as seen on Frame 34? Answer: Moving the main subject
away from the center creates visual interest and a more dynamic composition. It helps avoid a
static and visually unbalanced frame.

QUESTION 8: Frame 35 shows Jim, partially hidden by the metal bars, riding his bike from right to
left. In a culture oriented to read from left to right, what does the right-to-left movement mean?
Answer: In a culture oriented to read from left to right, the right-to-left movement can create a
sense of departure, moving away from the viewer's perspective or normal progression.

QUESTION 9: In order to establish the twist of the story, Frames 35 and 36 are taken in one shot,
moving from the bridge, down to the river where we see Jim’s lifeless body. Since our production
team does not have a pedestal, what camera movement did we use to capture this scene? Answer:
The camera movement used to capture this scene is a crane shot or crane movement, where the
camera moves vertically to provide an elevated perspective.

QUESTION 10: Observe the orientation of Frames 40 and 41. What do you think is the reason why
the scene is set like that? Answer: The orientation of Frames 40 and 41, with the tilted angle, may
suggest a disorienting or surreal effect, emphasizing the emotional and psychological state of the
character and adding visual interest to the scene.

What I Can Do
1. What story does the song tell? Listen closely to the lyrics of the song and try to understand the
narrative or theme being conveyed. Identify the main characters, their emotions, and the events or
situations described in the lyrics. The story could be about love, heartbreak, empowerment,
personal experiences, or any other subject matter.
2. How does the song's speed and accompanying instruments contribute to the story? Consider the
tempo, rhythm, and overall energy of the song. Faster and upbeat songs may convey excitement,
joy, or a sense of urgency, while slower and more melancholic songs may evoke sadness or
introspection. Pay attention to the instrumental arrangement and how it enhances the mood and
emotions expressed in the lyrics.
Dramatic reading
Royalty-free music
Follow shot
Additional Activities
black or white? - Black. I find black to be a versatile and timeless color that represents elegance
and simplicity. It can also symbolize mystery and power.

ballad or rap? - Ballad. I appreciate the emotional depth and storytelling aspect of ballads. They
often convey heartfelt emotions and resonate with me on a deeper level.

MP3 or MP4? - MP3. MP3 format allows for convenient and easy access to music. It provides good
audio quality while keeping file sizes manageable, making it practical for everyday use.

dolly or zoom? - Dolly. I prefer the smooth and controlled camera movement of a dolly shot. It
adds a cinematic feel and allows for more deliberate framing and composition.

tripod or handheld? - Tripod. I value stability and precision in capturing footage. Using a tripod
helps me achieve steady shots and allows for more controlled movements, especially in situations
where I need to focus on composition and framing.

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