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Paper Many Tomb move believe He told me all the news but none of it was very I was cleaning

it was very I was cleaning / were preparing the house while

Angle remove renovation receive Hurricane exciting. I will expect to see you on Sunday unless I hear
Katy was shocked when she
Keep quiet , please ……..are taking
A porter is taking ….Mary: “Yes ,please” He was disappointed to find that the…..
He’ll try not to make the same
anything to the contrary.
I will have cooked dinner by the time you get home Ken and Tom …..The library would be
A: Congratulations on … B: Thank you He’s such a kind man … were / would take I would rather learn Japanese knocking on the door now (It is Bob’s sister
A: Excuse me ….B: It’s an Nguyen Van Her lecture on …….food for thoughts I write letters with my right hand who is)
A: Look at these ……. B: The His health has improved ……..started I wrote to him ……she told me ….the week before
After a massive strike … be finished His parents are ……. He wishes his parents ……… I’d prefer to watch – go…… the cinema
After Dianne had ….: After reading
All three of Cindy’s an arm and a leg
How long does it ……….Two hours by plane I’d prefer to watch movies at home. Lan didn’t ….Lan wishes she had……….
How long have …….Jack………” she had lived I’m a bad man , aren’t I? Lan speaks Chinese …., doesn’t she?
Astronauts haven’t landed …. have they? How many fish are there in the sea? I’ve lost my ……..anywhere Lan started learning English
At the same …….were celebrating …. Hung was invited ………..You are welcome
Because it rained, we couldn’t have Hurry up. We don’t have much time
If he didn’t have….., he would take Larry has got …, hasn’t she?
Last weekend …….interesting new film
Husha and Honish ………. I couldn’t agree more If he had done …, he wouldn’t have been in
Ben has a terrible headache Last year, they visited X St.Paul
Let’s turn off…….., shall we?
Can you give me …. Ann asked…. for help If I were taller, I might
Lien was ..Thank you, it’s nice
If Martin were ……..would help
Carol’s father works as an electrician
Cathy is trustworthy ………whom
I If our teacher …., he would help….
Little did my brother know that I knew…
I am invited .. ., aren’t I? Look at the …. must have rained
Children tend to spend … watching TV. If she hadn’t been sick, she
I am never permitted to go out after midnight. Look! Rap Monstre ……….were here
Chris’s invited you …. Hasn’t he.? If you didn’t have to…,I would show ….
I am writing an essay for Lora has just ………Thanks, I
If you go to my …. will meet a lot of…
David is talking to ……I’m glad you like it I began a career as a …..which If you had taken ….had taken / wouldn’t be
Did you remember to phone Ann?. I cannot remember the reason why… If you heat / boils , water,
dinner by the time (I will have cooked) I can’t stand hearing her cry. If you want to be successful in life,….
Does she still live in X Bristol? I didn’t read ….I wish I had… and could tell Is that the same film which ……… Mai: Do you ……… Not at all
Does the city government intend to do anything you .. Is your mother working in an old Maria says she’d … Maria …….she had
Don’t be late , will you? I didn’t want to be …. Off It has been a long ….. We haven’t talked ….. been
Don’t you know ….. does I don’t have …. Once in a blue moon It is a pity …………I wish I could speak Mary has a special ….Yes, I’d love to
Driving a motorbike …easier than……… I don’t think you are …, aren’t you? It is raining heavily …. have never seen Michael seldom ………, does he?
I enjoy listening to classical It is no use trying to escape . No one
Every time she was late …… go off I find it difficult to study Spanish It rained, we couldn’t have ….(Because)
Millions of bars of chocolate are consumed
in the..
Everybody looks tired, don’t they? I finished all of my homework It was always my dream to run my own Minh promised to arrive on time
Everyone in the family …….so intelligent as his I had a terrible headache…….better now. business. Molly is said to have been in the
sister. I have a little money, enough to It was Mike who did us a favour. Mr. Park: Can I …..Certainly, sir
Had I know that … I would have gone to she I have bought a nice blue T-shirt
I have just managed to send a short….
It was not difficult ……….She had Mr. Smith had his house painted
you It was such a boring film that Mr. Thomas said Mr. Thomas accused the
I have little money, not enough It was such an interesting… ….
Had we known his …., we wouldn’t have invited
I have three brothers, all of whom It wasn’t very cold …, was it? My brother eats a bar of chocolate….
Have you told me everything that …..
I have worked as a teacher It’s such a pity …..If only my mother could My brother usually asks me for
He always prevents me from doing ……….
I hope the traffic ……….. Unless the traffic is bad attend my brother bought his…(It was for her 25th
He bought much furniture ……….
I know that ……..give it up It’s the first time you have visited birthday that)
He broke up ….. He wishes he hadn’t broken
I love Venice. It’s the most beautiful city It’s very generous of Mike … to lend My dad works ……..much free time
He doesn’t have ……….He wish he had
I met a woman whose
He earned as much money
I often have a loaf of bread Jack admitted telling lies ……….
My daughter will be singing in a school…
My friend bought …. large oval dining table
He has many books at home Jane doesn’t spend ….on clothes
I phoned the station to find .out what time….. My friend Lucy was robbed of her
He is playing ….She told he was …. my brother Joe is an orphan …….up by
I really regret hurting you my grandmother grew (It was in the garden)
He quitted the job even though John had finished the biggest ………..
I regret not ………… I wish I had My little boy ……….hotter and hotter
He refused to answer the police ….. John has worked hard, hasn’t he?
I think she is a dentist, isn’t she? My mom was disappointed when she
He said “My mother .. He said that his mother had…. John is afraid of going to ……..
I think he will do well in the My mother never lets me go out after 11
I visited my old teacher last week John is fond of going to the dancing class. p.m
I was absolutely tired of reading so many… John was in …..Just round the My mother warned ……My mother……
Don’t talk to
My parents had a vacation
My sister can’t get …. My sister could…
My sister hates watching scary film.
My sister Lilly had nothing to do last night.
My sister reserved a table for 2….
My sister was watching scary movies
My son fell behind the rest
My son’s teacher …pay attention to….
Never was there a greater …
Should you have the final ……call me right
They translated the letter into French
This dress can’t be washed by hand
Water covers most of the
No sooner had I sat down … Smoking hasn’t allowed This nice new cotton dress is ……… We are going to ……, aren’t we?
No, I won’t go to work … Sally refused to … Specially trained dogs are used to help….. This puppy was given to me by We can no longer put up with..
Nobody at ………..Not a single person Summer is the time when children Those shirts need ironing / iron We didn’t spend much money
nobody object (Should) Students will not …….don’t show Tom forgot his ……., didn’t he? We have to take …..has been cancelled due
Only after she had recovered…… students are applying for (A number of) Tom said ……. Tom told …… he would to the storm.
We started our journey on foot
Only after the bus had run for a students have finished (As soon as)
We went there by car and stay
Our car has a ………..200 miles an hour We went to the cinema a few
Our electricity was cut off after we… Yesterday, when their mom…got / were
We will not ………The customer refused
The average age of the golf…..30. watching
Patty said ………..Patty regretted telling……… The baby who was injured You are not ……… If you were tactful
We work for the company which ….
Peter and Dare………..I completely agree We’re organizing a concert to raise
the book (Should you find) You don’t know him, do you?
Peter has a great sense ..amusing jokes What do you usually have for X breakfast?
The box was so …..The box was too heavy……… you drive carefully , you (As long as)
Peter broke the door (Although) What have you …….Tom asked…she had
the 6:15 bus (Does your father take) You got an A………Peter congratulated
What was the name of the girl who..
Rarely has my sister seen such a beautiful sunset. The campaign ………. reduced….by 25%.
The children are …. provided that they are
you have any question (Should)
You had better ……… She suggested
What were you doing at 9 o’clock
Rafael broke the window, (Although) When did you start …….Tom wanted…..I
The first bus to ….., doesn’t it? You mustn’t smoke in here.
Remember to get off the bus.. had
The fog was so ………than 5 metres You should break up your …….
Robert Riva ……who used to play When I was …………whose skin
The girl from whom I borrowed You should carry out of your work
Rosie is packing for her flight When the teacher ………was being teased by
The last time ……. I haven’t ……. Since 2017 You weren’t listening to me, were you?
his peers.
S1: Let’s go to ….... That’s a great idea The man stopped the car, ……and got out. You’d better … He advised Lan
When you finish your homework
Seldom have I met such a talented manager. The man whom I introduced Your career should…… which
Where’s Lan …. I think she is working
She always takes good care of The missing children ….. safe and sound Your family will go …., won’t you?
Where’s the USB drive I lent
She came across some old The medical center is close to campus. you wash your hands, …..(Unless)
Why did you attend……..Tom asked ……
She didn’t go …. She was absent The new stadium, which will
she hadn’t
She felt …. nobody to talk to the people I work (Some of)
Why don’t we………….. Jim suggested going
She has a few books, enough to The sweets that I bought….
She has a good … She gets along well The teacher speaks so fast that
William said …….. William promised to do
She has been busy preparing gifts The tomatoes are 99 cents a pound Unfortunately, the friend with whom… Would you like to have the next
She has few books , not enough The town where we spend our Unless you study hard, you will………. Would you mind buying me
She hasn’t submitted the final………. The villagers make their living
She hurt herself while she was playing The window that was broken….
She is in love ….. whose The young man who was released
She looks so ….could try it on once There are too many people there.
She would look nicer if she didn’t wear…. There is to much traffic on the
There is something ……, isn’t there?
They say that ………….It is said that ….
They invited him to…..didn’t they

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