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Cause/effect/problem/solution essays are quite challenging since they demand specific points on

specific topics. However, you must keep in mind that there are various combinations that you might
face, for example:

- What are the causes? / Why does this happen?

- What are the solutions? / What can be done?
- What are the consequences? (effects)
- What problems does this cause? (issues)
- What are the causes and solutions? (why it happens, and what should be done to improve the
- What are the causes and effects? (why it happens, and what will be the effects if there is no

The majority of families in the contemporary world have both parents employed, which results in
less time spent with their children. This happens because of financial pressures in this highly
materialistic society we live in, but sometimes, it can also be both parents’ desire to be successful in
their respective occupations. Some possible problems this trend can cause are isolation and juvenile

Quite often, one parent’s income may not be enough to sustain an entire family, especially if it is a
large one. This is when the second parent’s salary is crucial to make sure the daily needs of all
family members are satisfied. In such cases, if only one parent continues working, the family is
likely to have financial struggles that may end in severe consequences. Secondly, some parents are
motivated to work to succeed in their careers. Because of this, they sacrifice their family time to
devote themselves to working.

If children are raised in a household where both parents work full-time, the likelihood of isolation is
high. In other words, such children are likely to lose emotional connection with their parents. As a
consequence, such children may prefer making independent decisions, which, in turn, worsens their
relationships with their parents. In the worst-case scenario, these children can seek attention and
validation far from home, which frequently results in youth crime. Every year, thousands of children
and teenagers commit crimes, and they are, as a rule, from families where parental neglect is an

In conclusion, it is clear that money and success at one’s job are the key reasons why so many
parents work instead of dedicating more time to their children. Sadly, the effects of this are
detrimental as children who are largely ignored can become too isolated or even enter a life of

300 words.

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