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Strictly Ballroom Comms.

Hey team, quick handover about the programming completed for SB 2023.

So fare the con guration is based around the ergonomics of the stage manager working within
the constraint of access to keys. This le is heavily dependent on party lines with all ports having
access to talkback to the SM through PL. This is mainly to allow for department wide comms and
increased user reach of messaging out of the SM.

The topology of the frame is as follows: ports 1-5 (panels), ports 6 - 9 (Tempest wireless system),
ports 10-13 (Freespeak), ports 15-16 (4 wire outs), port 17 (2 wire).

The SM panel is laid out as above. Pink being party lines, dark green being ports and light green
being special lists in RTS which act as call groups.

Please notice the SM is the only PL talker in the ‘show’ party line. This is by design to force a
centralised and e cient communications circuit.

Port 15 and 16 require breakout cables. There is a tested and working cable in the draws of the
comms rack for ANNC ‘announce’ and ‘evac’. These ports and SL are to be used for talk to ears,
BOH paging.

There are multiple SL’s acting as call groups. Note that this doesn’t open a return message path
and the initiator will need to receive a reply message via a party line or an individual port.

Tech - all technical panels and ports

Cast - SA / Talk to ears + BOH paging

Stop - All ports except stage announce and BOH

EVAC - All ports in the system. Used for emergency.

Partylines (PL) being used for department wide comms. This allows the most people to hear a
message and initiate a quicker response. PL are listed as follows.

Show - All Showcall ports / panels. SM is the only talker by design.

AUD - Audio op, RF tech, Floor audio (ATX)\

MECH - Operator, spotter, y

LITE - Operator and domes

The IP address of the RTS intercom is The IP address of the tempest system is


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