Grade 5 Final Revision Reading Part

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Paddington Bear W One day, over 60 years ago, an English writer called Michael Bond went into a London shop to buy # present for his wife. There he q. a small toy bear, sitting by himself, the last one Q) oon the shelf, He brought the bear home and, because they lived near Paddington train station, he (3) 0. vo call him Paddington. Later, Michael wrote a story about Paddington Bear, which became a book. That book 4) ..---~ Michael Bond and his funny little bear very famous all over the world. Now there are very popular new films about the adventures of Paddington — and ic isn’t (5) children who enjoy them. Paddington is lots of people’s 6) _o.. bear, young and old. 1 A watched B saw © looked 2 A went B stayed ¢ left 3 A decided B thought ¢ took 4 aA did B made C€_ pushed 5 A only B alone c first 6 A attractive B favourite C excellent For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. Hi Sondra, ¢o) sHloys......... are you? I'm writing from the hotel room. We're near the beach, but the weather Is terrible! It started raining on (4)... eetcneeenee GAY WE arrived, and it looks (2).......... it isn’t going to stop. (3) ....... you hear about the storm we had last night? | thought the hotel was going to blow away! Dad’s happy. He likes walking, and he isn’t worried ta). getting wet. But Mum isn’t enjoying herself at all. (5) _ wants to go home, and lagree. Thisisn’t fun! on .. you still thinking about where to go on holiday? Take my advice. Don't come here! Love, Carol 19-year-old Martha Larsen has been a personal trainer for over a year. When she was younger. she wanted to be a faotballer. but she broke her leg at the age of 16, and a football career was not possible anymore. ‘Iwas sad at first. she says. "So my mum and dad suggested | join a gym. I grew to love that, and soon! was helping others get started” Before long, people were coming to Martha for help. Now she has over 40 students — some more than twice her age! She believes she offers something other trainers do mot. "With me, it's not just about getting Fitter, she says. As well as making her students train very hard. she helps them think about what they eat. "Eating healthily is so important. If 1 da my jab well, my students will sleep, work and play better” WHAT ADVICE WOULD .EARt SOMEONE WHO WANTS Ke “The most important thing [s not te wait until you can pay for @ personal trainer. The time Lo begin is now. Start slowly with Short runs, and go further each day. Soon you'll be ready For the gym" Martha still lives with her parents, but she doesn’t want to stay there for tee long. ‘A lat of personal trainers dream of moving to Hollywood and getting rich by training the stars, she says “Tl be happy if Imake enough money to buy my own flat. don't need to change. AGEWIE 2 Martha became a personal trainer because A she could no longer be a football player. B she went to the gym when she was very young. © sheknew other personal trainers. What does Martha believe makes her different from ether personal trainers? A She makes her students do more difficult exercises. B_ She has students who are much older than her. She gives her students advice about food. What ad to get fit? A joinagym B finda trainer ¢ startimmediately What does Martha hope to do in the future? A Get her own place to live. B Move to another country. € Train famous people. What is the writer doing in this article? A. giving advice about choosing a personal tr: B describing the life of a personal trainer © explaining how to become a personal trainer ¢ does Martha give to someone who wants @ ® Teenage Go Player James Kwak is aGo player. He has lived in South Korea since he was eight years old. His parents moved there with the whale family five years ago Now, at the age of 13, many people think James could become one of the best Go players in the world. James’ mother is a good Go player, but James didn’t learn until he was seven. ‘Some of my friends wanted to join the local Go club even though none of them knew how to play!’ he says. ‘Luckily the PE teacher is a fantastic player — she taught us at lunch time. James loves to win competitions. In fact, he’s made quite a lot of money, but that’s not the mast important thing to him. He travels around the world, too, but he says that can be tiring. ‘The best thing is meeting lots of lovely people. We have loads of fun together’ In his free time, James loves watching IV because he doesn't have to think! “My friends like pop and rock videos, or superhero movies. | prefer the funny stuff. If it doesn’t make me laugh, I'm not interested. He's not sure about what he'll do in the future. ‘I don’t think | will be the world’s number-one player, he says. ‘But who knows?” He's thinking about going to university and studying to be a doctor. The one thing he knows for sure is that he'll never stop enjoying the game. Best of luck, James! Read the article. For each question, choose the correct answer. 1 James has lived in South Korea for A five years. Bo ecight years. € thirteen years. Where did James learn how to play? A athome B inaclub € atschool What does James like most about playing Go? A winning prizes. B making new friends € visiting other countries What does James enjoy watching on TV? A comedies B music videos € adventure films What does James say about his future? A He wants to be the best player in the world. B He plans to do something different. < He wants to keep playing Go. @® ror each question, choose the correct answer. SKYWRITING — nny You don’t see much skywriting these days, but many yearsagoit wasavery @). ind of advertising. Drinks companiesand carmakers — @).. _.skywriting companies lots of money to get their messagesinto the sky. Skywriting has always been expensive and difficult and you can never 7 @). what the weather will be like. "We have to have blue skies, says Susan Althrop, who hasa skywriting business in France. “Customers can (4) ........ ~.-.a flight for next month, but it mi | be cloudy or windy!" There aren't (5)... sou skywriters left now. Susan’s customers are usually companies looking for an unusual (6) to advertise. Each job costs eround €5,000 — so peeple have to be quite rich todo 4 A popular B favourite © busy 2 A made B © bought 3 A think B hope © know 4 A book B keep © save 5 A some B much © many 6 A way B sort c type } Complete the email. For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. Hitinn, It (or emcass great to meet you at the summer camp in the UK. lreally enjoyed learning more English with you. ve never had so (2) fun ina class before! (2)... cis great that our class has a Snapchat group, but | also like writing emails. Pwrote (3)... Haru yesterday. He says he's thinking (4) going to summer camp again next year. Lalso sent Beppe a message, but he hasn’t written back yet. (SI. you heard from him? Lhave to go new. My Spanish class starts «s) five minutes. Love, Eva For each question, choose the correct answer. | Ktis Davies started painting when he was 12. He's now 15, and has a website of his own paintings. Our journalist Tamara Yafai went to meet him. | Hod you become interested in pant, kris? jits strange. My mother’s painter - you can see her best paintings on her website but Ive never been interested | inthe type of paintings she does. Then, a few years ago, my sister asked me to paint card fora friend’ birthday. Her friend loved it, and | haven't stopped painting ever since. About a year later, | decided to enter a painting competition. | wanted to use my mum’s brushes, but she was using them all the time. So my uncle bought me some, which were fantastic | care frstin that competition! Where do your ideos come from? Seeing different places is reall interesting, They help me think of new things to paint. Often | use my phone to film places | see, to help me remember them, People have given me beautiful books of paintings, but they don’t help me get new ideas, What type of painting are you interested in? | Well, all my favourite artists paint people. But | love animals and being in the countryside, so | hope to be a painter ofnature. [ve tried painting buildings That was too hard for me. Do you have any advice for other young painters? The best painters never stop painting. Thats how they become so good, andit’s how you will get better. Also, remember to ask other people what they think of your paintings - even you dont ike what they say. 1 How did Kris fist become interested in painting? 4 Kris wants to paint A He saw some interesting paintings online. A people. B_Amember of his familia painter. B buildings He painted something for a friend nature. 2. How did Kris gt hisfirst brushes? 5 Kris says that other young painters should A Hewon them. A do lats of painting. B They werea present. B_lookat the paintings that the best artists paint. € They belonged tohis mother. notworry about other people's opinions oftheir paintings. 3. Kris gets his ideas from A fils. B places hevisits. ks about paintings, C books about paintings, uNmT2 , For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. From: Hasan My name (0)..... ... Hasan Sadik but my friends call me Zan.|'m 13 and live in Adana, Turkey. I(1).... two older sisters. (2)..... ..- names are Ayla and Zeynep. In my free time, | love listening (3)... » Music, | also play the drums in the school band. | go to the cinema with my friends once (4 week. After the film, (5)... v/s. Sometimes have dinner in a pizza restaurant together. | usually have rE ETN ie my favourite. Please write soon and tell me (6). Best wishes Hasan ... your family, friends and hobbies. For each question, choose the correct answer. Where I live Moussa is 13 years old and he lives on a small (1) fee in Mali, West Africa. There are only two rooms in his house; ‘one for his parents and the other for Moussa and his little brother, Sekou. a Moussa gets up early and oi looks (2) .. ... Sekou while their mother makes breakfast. The family has breakfast together. They usually have bread with milk and (3) a little sugar to it. Moussa walks to school with his friends. It (4)... .. them about ten minutes. When Rhavaacte schocithey. havetocleantthaclassroomeat noon, Moussa goes home for lunch. For lunch the family often has vegetables which they have (5).... themselves. When lunch is finished, Moussa (6) .. to school for afternoon lessons, and then goes home again for dinner in the evening. 1 =A forest B farm Cc village 2 A after B up © around 3 A include B_ join c add 4 A takes B needs C¢ keeps 5 A brought B grown Cc left 6 A enters B arrives Cc returns Reading & Writing For each question, choose the correct answer. ‘Anew type of transport Alexis Lewis is a teenager from the USA She likes to invent - to think of new ideas for things that no one has made before, and then make them. ‘Alexis often enters competitions for young inventors. When she was younger she spent time with her grandtather, who made transport fr people to goto space. One day Alexis! ‘mother told her about a newspaper article hich explained how difficult it was to get sick people through the countryside to hospital in Arica. Aloxs wanted to help. Alexis knew that in North America, before there were cars, horses pulled heavy things ‘on a travols (a type of slodge}, made of wood. ‘Alexis thought people could do the same, but she added wheels. To make her ravois ight, she used bamboo, a plant which grows in Arica, not wood. ‘To pull Alexis’ travois, you wear a belt, which means you can carry or hold other things. Alexis thinks her ‘ravois might be usetul for carrying food home from the market, as well as taking people to hospital, Now it's finished, she's writing instructions for bulging one so people in Atica can make it themselves. With help from US companies, Alexis plans to give ten travois free to hospitals in Africa, She doesn't want ‘money for them because they are for poor people. Alexis doesn’t know if she wants to be an Inventor when she's older, because she also kes music and ‘writing, but she thinks it's important for children to learn about inventing at school 1. Why oid Alexis decide to invent a new typeof 4. What does the writer say about Alexis’ future? transport? ‘A She wanted to wina competition, Her mother told her about a problem. © Her grandfather worked on spaceships [A She might do something different from inventing 1B She would ike to teach children how to invent. She hopes she can stat to sellher inventions. 12. Howis Alexis’ tavois different from those pulled by 5 Whatis the writer doing in this text? horses? A advertising @ new way to travel A itis heavier. B teling the story of someone's idea B tls made of wood. asking forhelp witha problem © Ithas wheels. 3 What does the writer say about using lexis’ travos? [A People will need instructions to use it People should not use it to carry shopping. People can pul it without using their hands. For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. eee From: Zeynep Hi Erol, Vm in San Francisco (0). my family right now and we (1) .. having an amazing time. The flight here was good. We went to the airport (2) so my mum or dad didn’t have (3). «:.-+-. drive. San Francisco is wonderful. | think it is the (Cerca beautiful city in the world. We took a tram to the top of a hill two days (5) ........ We could see a lot of places from there. Then yesterday, we sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge. It is much bigger (6)... -.:++--. the bridge in my city. Write back soon! Zeynep Read the email from your English friend, Lucy. eee From: Lucy lm se happy. | finished all my exams yesterday. What is your schoo! like? What subjects de you like best? Who is your favourite teacher? Write an email to Lucy and answer the questions. By Look at gap number 1 in the exam task. In the sentence before the gap, Melanie says she won a competition. Which word in question 1, A, Bor C, means something that you can win ina competition? For each question, choose the correct answer. Meet our competition winner, Melanie Dee from Manchester, England | was doing my homework when the phone rang. A man told me | was the winner | ina competition. The (1) ...........Was a trip to Guadeloupe with a tour ‘group! Dad took me to the airport. While he was driving, | checked the tickets for my (2). to Guadeloupe. A few hours later, | arrived in Pointe-&-Pitre, where | (3). .the others in the group and we went to our hotel. The language of Guadeloupe is French, but none of us could ().. it, So for the next few days, we had French lessons and visited interesting places in Pointe-a-Ptre. Then we travelled to an island called Terre-de-Bas and | (6)... ooo With the Dinar family in their house for two weeks. | really enjoyed my time in Guadeloupe, My (8). ocesson---thing was walking up La Soufriére mountain. 1A gift B prize C_ present 2A path Bway fight. 3A met B had C knew 4A speak B tak = C say 5A visited B stayed joined 6 A good B excellent C favourite Reading & Writing For each question, choose the correct answer. Thirteen-year-old Hayley Moore has lived in five different countries. I's because of my ‘murs jobshe explains.'So| dor't go to school study online. My computer’ in my ‘bedroom, so that's my classroom! have to doall the same subjects as other students, but theres no timetable. Thats the best thing. 1can do my classes at any time! Hayley studies alone, but she often goes out with friends.’Most people my age have hobbies like dancing or sports says Hayle. "Tve done those things to, but| thought they were boring. So when Mum told me about the cicus club, | was really excited. It takes a Jong time to get there, butIlove it Hayley’ favourite activity at the club is rding the unicycle ~ a bicycle wth only one wheel. "You sit ona seat just above the wheel, and there's nowhere to hold on! When I started, fll offal the time, but thats the same for everyone. You just have to keep practising - which is what ido when | don't have homework!” Next summer, when there are no lessons, Hayley Is going to go toa circus summer camp. I's a camp for teenagers who ae interested in the circus m not going to see my family for a few weeks, but that’s OK. Ilove the unicycle but people from areal circus are going to teach us what they do in ther shows, and cant walt” 1 Hayley kes studying online because she can Grammer - be going te: positive & negative choose 1 where to study B whento study, BB Lookat the last paragraph ofthe exam task a © hatte study answer these questions in pairs. 2. Why dl Hayey decide to try crus classes? 41 What does Hayley say about her famty? 1k She didntenjoy the other atts she ted 2. Whatdoes she sy about people from a eal circus? 18 The ccus clubs far fom ber home, 3 Inboth sentences, Hoyey uses beading to + verb © She ddn’tknow many people her age (without, Why? 3 What does Hayley say sbout riding the unicycle? ete tat eee Ed complete the text withthe correct form of be going to B. Sheneeds to practise it more, and the verb in brackets. twas dificult at fist. What are you going to doin the summer holidays? 4 Hayley isexcited about the circus summer camp en eS Rae eee Sea ae eee # eisgngtonestaier tence wo Peed amour a ects, other teenagers. They (4). (spend) three B. sheis going tolearn something nev. weeks practising hard and then they (5) (¢0) eg song omens sen 70 shows in25 different cities, Madison ays,"We 5 Whatis the best tile for ths text? (6). «= (have) fun but i (7) snot A Anew schoo! for Hayley. be) eat. (8). (pot see) my family or fiends B_ What Hayley does every summer. fortwo months. My mum and dad (8) © Hayley unusual life, (watch) ourlast show! ro For each question, choose the correct answer. A short history of glasses People haven't always (1). glasses. History books say there weren't any reading glasses when the Italian writer Seneca was born in 4BC, for example. So how did people with bad eyes read without them? Seneca looked (2)... a drinking glass! We've known for a long time that the sun can @ our eyes. The Chinese first used sunglasses about 2,000 years ago. In the north of Canada, the sunlight on the snow is very strong in spring when the sun is (4) the sky. People put 6). ef wood over their eyes before they had sunglasses there. People didn’t start to use glasses to see better until much later. People (6) that the first pair of glasses was made in Italy in about 1284. audsunea A held B worn © taken A through B across © between A break B fail © hurt A high B deep ¢ tall A areas B pieces © sides A describe B believe © understand For each question, write the correct answer. Write one word for each gap. Example: 0 my eee To: Lisa I think I've lost (0). «+++. phone. EC) ener - given it as a present Just @)... ceeeeseess. few weeks ago. | know | had it on Saturday before we went to the cinema with Jason. Have (3)... . seen it anywhere, Lisa? It’s got a green case which says ‘Made (4). Portugal’ on it. To: Baha Don’t worry! Theo (5)... ..-.- gotit. He found iti dad's car after they took us home. I'm going to meet Theo later. Shall | get the phone from him? Then I can bring it (6) we see each other tomorrow. Is that OK?

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