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INTERNET AND OPEN SOURCE CONCEPT re: [his a software i realy accessible and can be freety usedclanged improved copied and estbued by all ish fo doso with no cost Free refers to freedom Freedom to run the program Freedom to study how the program worrs: Access th source code Freedom to redistribute ‘ Freedom to improve the program and release to the pubic. ‘Open source software{OSS) itis feely used but it has charge .The OSS refers to software whose source code is Available lo customers and itcan be modified and redistributed without any limitation. FLOSS(Frce libre software foundation): Its « non proft organ.zaton created for the purpose of supporting free software movement (OS\(Open source intiative): ILis an organization dedicated to cause promoting open solirce software WSC: World Wide Web consortium Itis the responsible or producing software-fro WWW. Proptietar software: It isneither open nor freely available. Here distribution and modification is either forbidden or require « special permission by the supplier or vendar Source code is no! available lo users. Free ware software: It is free of cost. allows copying , distribution but no modification source | code s not available. ‘Share ware seftware: [tis @ software which is ade available with the right to redistribute copies but it ias some chargesSource code is not available. Modifications to the software are not allowed. WWWItis a set of protocols thal allows you lo zccess any document on the net through a URL(uniform resource locator) HITTP(Hyper text transfer protocol) itis @ protocol to request afd send a document over yhe internet Before WWW, the intemet was mainly used for textual information ,bul use of www graphic intensive nature Telnet: itis used to fog on to remote computer. permitted to access and work on that systems. Webbrowser: ILis a waw client that navigates the www and display web pages. Ex: Opera Fire fox Internet Explore, Netscape Navigator Web server: Ils a ww servarthat responds to te equest made by web browsers. Each website has unique address called URL - ‘ Webpage: The documents in the website is called web page «Home page: Top level web page of web site ‘+ Web portal: itis a website which host to uther wed site A web portal has hyper link 1o many other web sites go JRL: is an address of a file on the in Syntax: Typeslladdress/path specifies the type er in which the file is located Server's name will begin with wr of the serv Se, 5 is the name of the server ils the location of file on server projocel:Some ofthe protocols HTTP: Hyper text transfer protoco IP: Internet protocol FTPs transfer protocol UDP:User data gram protocol commerce: itis the rade of goods and services with te help of elecommunication and computers Services of E-commerce: ‘+ Electronic data interchange(ED!) ine shopping «Online reservation + 01 Filing tax returns = Electronic fund transfer . + Online banking + Electronic forms(exconiine admission foun for college) Types of E-commerce: 1) Business to Business(B2B): The exchange of services information or products from one business to another business partners. 2) Business to Consumer(B2C): The exchange of services information or: products from a business to a consumer. 3) Consumer to Business(C2t includes a business deal between consumer and companies.A consumer posts his project with a set budget online and companies bid on the project. : 4) Consumer to Consumer{€2C):It includes business between two consumers IPR ({ntellectual Property rights): Copyright has been focus of protecting intellectual property on the inlernet.As such there have been both technological and legislative efforts to continue incentives for authors to create useful works Recent initiatives have been at the intemational level and conference hosted by the world intelectual property organizalion( WIPO). IPR — related issues in india lke patents irademaiks,copyrights,designs and geographical indications are governed by patents act and patents rules, Trademarks acl and rademarks rules Indian copyrights act Design act and rules, The ‘geographical indications of goods act. ‘Advantage of WWW: We can find lot's of freeinformation = Online shoping + Wecan play games «tis accessible from anywhere «We can check our account = We can transfer the money from our account e We can find files We can find our friends. 1@ OO

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