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Year 8 Science – Assessment Task 3

Research Task and Oral Presentation

‘Innovation: Powering Future Industries’

Due Date: Term 3 Week 3, Monday 31st July 2023 Weighting: 25%

Outcomes Assessed:
 SC4-4WS identifies questions and problems that can be tested or researched and makes
predictions based on scientific knowledge
 SC4-5WS collaboratively and individually produces a plan to investigate questions and problems
 SC4-7WS processes and analyses data from a first-hand investigation and secondary
sources to Identify trends, patterns and relationships, and draw conclusions
 SC48WS selects and uses appropriate strategies, understanding and skills to produce
creative and plausible solutions to identified problems
 SC49WS presents science ideas, findings and information to a given audience using
appropriate scientific language, text types and representations
Innovation: Powering Future Industries.
The National Science Week theme incorporates the advancement in technology in all industries, and
especially using artificial intelligence (AI). Australian industries that are undergoing innovation include
agriculture, space, biotechnology and advanced manufacturing. Many changes to these industries are coming
thanks to advances in computing, such as artificial intelligence (AI).

Theme is directly relevant to our society, where innovation is essential for economic growth, sustainability,
and progress. Science and innovation are the driving forces behind significant progress in various fields,
including health, technology, and the environment.

Task Description:
Students will investigate ONE application of innovation using water. They communicate how this innovation
has helped to solve a real-world problem. This task will be divided into two parts:

Part A – Model making (20 marks)

Individually or in pairs, students use their creativity, critical thinking and scientific knowledge to create a
working 3D model that clearly explains how innovation is integrated and used in solving issues in society.
The model must be original and working, 0.5m x 0.5m dimensions, clearly labelled and must not be
purchased from a store.

Part B – Oral Presentation (30 marks)

Students use their gathered information about innovation using water that they had been able to investigate
at home. Students will use the gathered information to construct an engaging PowerPoint presentation to
show their understanding about innovation in water and its application in society.

Innovations-related topics that can be investigated:

1. AI Innovations in water – Energy for future generations (wastewater operations/ use of energy for water)
2. Wastewater processing
3. Water-saving technology
4. AI innovations for clean and cost-effective water supply
5. Make a water pump
6. Advanced filtration
7. Desalination plant

This assessment task will be out of 50 marks.

You will be assessed on how well you:

 Solve problems from your chosen topic
 Plan and conduct investigations
 Communicate your findings in the presentation
 Use your questioning skills and predict the outcomes of your investigation
 Describe strategies and apply the processes of Working Scientifically in developing creative
solutions to problems

Submission Instructions:
You will need to submit a soft copy of your PowerPoint presentation via Teams by 8.50 am on Monday 31st
July 2023. A video of the model working will also be submitted on Teams by 8:50am Monday 31 st July
(Term 3 Week 3). Models will be submitted upon request.

Does the model Does not represent  Includes  Connects all  Includes the
Explains the the scientific concept some of the relevant relevant parts of the
scientific concept? relevant parts components model to explain
of and innovations of the
information relationships scientific concept.
to address to  Model includes text
the scientific demonstrate to explain model
concept relevant pieces and
 Model Scientific processes.
includes text concept.
to describe  Model
model pieces includes text
and to describe
processes. model
pieces and
Total: (4 marks) (1 mark) (2 Marks) (3 marks) (4 marks)
Construction effort  Inappropriate  Most  Appropriate  Appropriate
materials materials materials materials were
were selected were were selected. They were
selected and appropriate. selected. creatively portrayed
contributed  Construction There were in ways that
to a product demonstrated attempts to enhanced
that some effort, use understanding
performed but details materials in about the subject
poorly. could have a creative matter.
 Construction been way.  Great care was
appears improved.  Construction taken in the
careless and was careful construction process
many details and accurate so that the model is
need for the most neat and attractive.
refinement parts.
for a strong
or attractive
product. (5-6marks)
Total: (8 marks) (1-2 mark) (3-4 Marks)
(7-8 marks)
Does the model The model is static The model shows signs The model displays The model works great and is
work? and does not move at of moving; however, it good movement but not clunky when using it.
all. is clunky and does not is still clunky when Great effort is showed in its
work well. trying to model the construction.
innovations of the
Total: (4 marks) (1 mark) (2 Marks) (3 marks) (4 marks)
Work ethic Students did not work Members displayed Most of team All members of the group
together to complete some team effort and members worked participated and showed
the task. assisted with the together to complete great team effort in
creation of the model. the task; however, completing the model.
1 member did not effort was limited.
participate well.
Total: 4 marks (1 mark) (2 marks) (3 marks) (4 marks)
UNDERSTANDING Difficulty in Limited ability to Able to explain Thoroughly Explicitly
explaining the explain the topic the topic, explains the explains the
topic, difficulty with limited somewhat topic, with topic, with
Content illustrating the ability to illustrated diagrams and diagrams and
interactions illustrate interactions figures to figures to
Presentation between interactions between the illustrate illustrate
contains detailed chemical between the chemical interactions interactions
information that elements; chemical elements; between the between the
extensively compounds; elements; compounds; chemical chemical
explain the topic mixtures compounds; mixtures elements; elements;
involved in the mixtures involved in the compounds; compounds;
process. involved in the process. mixtures mixtures
process. involved in the involved in the
process. process.
Content is Content is
inaccurate Content is either accurate but
and/or questionable or some required Content is Content is
incomplete. incomplete. information is accurate and accurate and all
missing and/or most required required
not presented information is information is
Information is Some in a logical presented in a presented in a
not presented information is order, logical order. logical order.
in a logical presented in a information can Information is
order, making it logical order, be followed generally easy
difficult to making it difficult generally. to follow.
follow. to follow.

(1 mark) (2 marks)
(3 marks) (4 marks) (5 marks)
(5 marks)

DATA Limited skills in Some skills in Sound skills in Competent skills Excellent skills
processing, processing, processing, in processing, in processing,
analysing and analysing and analysing and analysing and analysing and
Effective analysis evaluating data evaluating data evaluating data evaluating data evaluating data
of gathered data from secondary from secondary from secondary from secondary from secondary
from secondary sources to sources to sources to sources to sources to
sources. develop develop accurate develop develop develop
accurate understanding of accurate accurate accurate
understanding the selected understanding understanding understanding
of the selected topic. of the selected of the selected of the selected
topic. topic. topic. topic.

Any three are

Any four are missing from the Any two are Any one is All are present
missing from following: missing from missing from in the
the following: the following: the following: PowerPoint:
Use of scientific
Use of scientific terminologies Use of scientific Use of scientific Use of scientific
terminologies terminologies terminologies terminologies
Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction
Explanation of
Explanation of the topic Explanation of Explanation of Explanation of
the topic the topic the topic the topic
Physical and/or
Physical and/or Chemical Physical and/or Physical and/or Physical and/or
Chemical Interactions. Chemical Chemical Chemical
Interactions. Interactions. Interactions. Interactions.
Importance of
Importance of the process Importance of Importance of Importance of
the process the process the process the process
Explanation of
Explanation of Student Explanation of Explanation of Explanation of
Student Constructed Student Student Student
Constructed Model relating it Constructed Constructed Constructed
Model relating back to Model relating Model relating Model relating
it back to information it back to it back to it back to
information discussed. information information information
discussed. discussed. discussed. discussed.

(1 mark) (3 marks) (4 marks) (5 marks)

(2 marks)

(5 marks)

APPLICATION Low ability in Limited ability in Sound ability in Good ability in High ability in
applying applying applying applying applying
scientific scientific scientific scientific scientific
understanding understanding understanding understanding understanding
and critical and critical and critical and critical and critical
thinking skills to thinking skills to thinking skills to thinking skills to thinking skills
Illustrate the Illustrate the Illustrate the Illustrate the to Illustrate the
selected topic. selected topic. selected topic. selected topic. selected topic.

Any three are Any three are Any two are Any one is All are present
missing from missing from the missing from missing from in the
the following. following. One is the following. the following. PowerPoint.
One is present present with One is present One is present One is present
with minor enough details: with enough with enough with enough
details: details: details: details:
Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction
Scientific Method
Scientific Scientific Scientific Scientific
Physical and/or
Method Method Method Method
Physical and/or Interactions. Physical and/or Physical and/or Physical and/or
Chemical Chemical Chemical Chemical
Importance of
Interactions. Interactions. Interactions. Interactions.
the process
Importance of Importance of Importance of Importance of
Explanation of
the process the process the process the process
Explanation of Constructed Explanation of Explanation of Explanation of
Student Model Student Student Student
Constructed Constructed Constructed Constructed
Model Model Model Model

(1-2 marks) (3-4 marks) (5-6 marks) (7-8 marks) (9-10 marks)

Total (10 marks)

DISPLAY Low skills in Limited display of Sound display of Good display of Outstanding
displaying information using information information display of
information engaging format using engaging using engaging information
Presentation using engaging and visual format and format and using engaging
format and representation. visual visual format and
visual representation. representation. visual
Any three are
representation representation.
Presentation is missing from the Any two are
engaging, and Any four are following: missing from
creative. The missing from the following: Any one is
information is engaging missing from Presentation is
the following:
well organized, engaging the following: (all are
well structured
interesting, Engaging present):
well structured engaging
accurate, and creative
well structured engaging
reflects an creative well structured
understanding of creative well structured
colourful creative
the topic. interesting
colourful creative
interesting colourful
interesting colourful
(3 marks) (4 marks)
Total (5 marks) (1 mark) (2 marks) (5 marks)

GENERAL Limited Presentation Presentation is Presentation is Excellent

presentation sometimes mostly engaging highly engaging; presentation;
skills; has lots of engages with correct mostly correct correct
Spelling, errors in audience with grammar & grammar & grammar &
grammar, and grammar and Some spelling; spelling; mostly spelling;
spelling; spelling/grammar organized and organized, creative,
punctuation in presentation is errors; some logical; minimal logical and organized &
Harvard not organized organization and creativity. creative. logical.
Referencing nor logical; logical sequence;
No more than 5 A few (2-3) No spelling,
limited creativity is
spelling, errors in grammar, or
creativity. limited.
grammar or spelling, punctuation
More than 7 No more than 7 punctuation grammar or errors in the
spelling, spelling, errors. punctuation. text.
grammar or grammar or
3 correct 4 correct 5 correct
punctuation punctuation
references using references using references
errors. errors.
Harvard. Harvard. using Harvard
At least 1 At least 2 correct
correct referencing using
referencing Harvard


(2 marks) (3 marks) (4 marks) (5 marks)

(1 mark)
Total (5 marks)

Teacher’s Comments:

Alternate Assessment Task: Nuclear-Powered Submarine Propulsion Challenge

The Department of Defence and STEM Hub present the Nuclear-Powered Submarine Propulsion Challenge,
a project-based learning experience.

The Challenge aims to encourage young minds to think like engineers and scientists by engaging them in
science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) skills, inspiring innovation, self-confidence,
communication, and teamwork. The Challenge also aims to develop students’ interest in STEM subjects,
the Australian Defence Force, and submariner careers in the Navy.

This Challenge has been developed for students in Years 7 to 10 to use STEM disciplines to explore the
technology involved in nuclear-powered propulsion systems used in submarines.
High School teams from each State and Territory will have the opportunity to submit their design for
review and the winning teams will have the opportunity to travel to Western Australia for the ultimate
experiential prize; a tour of HMAS Stirling and an immersive submariner experience. HMAS Stirling is the
home base of the Australian Collins class submarines.

Task Description:
This Challenge supports key aspects of the Science Inquiry Skills strand and contributes to
developing students’ appreciation of career pathways related to STEM.
 Form and function
Students will explore the use of varying materials and their related functions and uses, based on
their observable behaviours and physical properties.
 Scale and measurements
Students will be challenged to work with scales that are outside their everyday experience, such
as what makes certain materials stronger or weaker. As students gain an understanding of
relative sizes and rates of change, they can conceptualise events and phenomena at a wider
range of scales.
 Matter and energy
Many aspects of science involve identifying, describing, and measuring energy and/or matter.
Students are introduced to the forces and energy transfer and transformation. They use these
understandings to develop further knowledge about nuclear energy.
 Systems
Science involves systems thinking, modelling and analysis. Students will be utilising concepts of
involving forces and changes acting in opposing directions and that for a system to be in a
steady state, these factors need to be in a state of balance or equilibrium.
 Scientific investigations
Scientific investigations are activities in which ideas, predictions or hypotheses are tested and
conclusions are drawn in response to a question or problem. Investigations can involve a range
of activities, including experimental testing, field work, locating and using information sources,
conducting surveys, and using modelling and simulations. Students will be required to use
scientific investigations to justify their solutions to the Challenge.
 Information Communication Technologies and Science
Information Communication Technologies (ICT) are powerful tools that can support student
learning. It is also important that students know how to use ICT efficiently and responsibly, as
well as learning how to protect themselves and secure their data. This Challenge will require that
students utilise visualisation tools to describe and explain how nuclear-propulsion systems work.
Similarly, students will be required to present their projects using video technologies.

This task will be divided into two parts:

Part A – Model making (20 marks)

In groups of 3, students use their creativity, critical thinking, and scientific knowledge to create a working
3D model. The model must be original and working, 0.5m x 0.5m dimensions, clearly labelled and must
not be purchased from a store.

Part B – Presentation (30 marks)

In groups of 3, students use their gathered information and develop a presentation (no more than 8
minutes), to be submitted in MP4 format. The presentation is to address and answer all the questions in
two sections.
Section I:
 Compare the diesel-electric with the nuclear-powered propulsion system and address their
 Outline the operational factors of both submarine propulsion systems (e.g. submarine speed, noise
pollution, endurance, repairs and maintenance, etc).
 Outline the safety factors of both submarine propulsion systems.
 From your learnings, describe potential future uses of nuclear-powered propulsion (e.g. uses in the
aerospace industry).
Section II:
 With the aid of an animated diagram, demonstrate how the nuclear reactor is used to power a
nuclear-powered submarine.
 Explain the processes in your animation, including the nuclear fission process and the principles of
submarine propulsion.

Teams will be required to demonstrate how a propulsion-system operates using automation methods.
are encouraged to use any of the following free or low-cost educational tools:
 Autodesk Tinkercad – (submarine example)
 Autodesk Fusion 360 –
 Microsoft Powerpoint
 Powtoon -

Innovations that can be investigated:

 Submarines
 Surface Combatants
 Mine Countermeasures
 Patrol Boats
 Replenishment Ships
 Amphibious Assault Ships
 Hydrographic Vessels
 Aviation

This assessment task will be out of 50 marks.

You will be assessed on how well you:

 Understand the vision that science provides in everyday life and the nature of scientific inquiry,
and the ability to use a range of scientific inquiry methods, including questioning, planning,
evaluating concepts, and drawing critical, evidence-based conclusions.
 Communicate scientific concepts and findings to a range of audiences, to justify ideas based on
evidence, and to evaluate and debate scientific arguments and claims.
 Solve problems and make informed, evidence-based decisions about current and future
applications of science.
 Collaborate within a team.
 Establish a fact-based analysis of the capabilities of nuclear-powered submarines vs diesel-electric
powered submarines.
AICS has a zero tolerance policy to plagiarism and students who are found to have plagiarised will receive
a zero for their assessment mark, as well as be required to resubmit the task.


Does the model Does not represent  Includes  Connects all  Includes the relevant
Explains the the scientific concept some of the relevant parts of the model to
scientific concept? relevant parts components explain innovations
of and of the scientific
information relationships concept.
to address to  Model includes text
the scientific demonstrate to explain model
concept relevant pieces and
 Model Scientific processes.
includes text concept.
to describe  Model
model pieces includes text
and to describe
processes. model
pieces and
Total: (4 marks) (1 mark) (2 Marks) (3 marks) (4 marks)
Construction effort  Inappropriate  Most  Appropriate  Appropriate
materials materials materials materials were
were selected were were selected. They were
selected and appropriate. selected. creatively portrayed
contributed  Construction There were in ways that
to a product demonstrated attempts to enhanced
that some effort, use understanding about
performed but details materials in the subject matter.
poorly. could have a creative  Great care was taken
 Construction been way. in the construction
appears improved.  Construction process so that the
careless and was careful model is neat and
many details and attractive.
need accurate for
refinement the most
for a strong parts.
or attractive
Total: (8 marks) (1-2 mark) (3-4 Marks) (5-6marks) (7-8 marks)
Does the model The model is static The model shows signs The model displays The model works great and is
work? and does not move at of moving; however, it good movement but not clunky when using it.
all. is clunky and does not is still clunky when Great effort is showed in its
work well. trying to model the construction.
innovations of the
Total: (4 marks) (1 mark) (2 Marks) (3 marks) (4 marks)
Work ethic Students did not work Members displayed Most of team All members of the group
together to complete some team effort and members worked participated and showed
the task. assisted with the together to complete great team effort in
creation of the model. the task; however, completing the model.
1 member did not effort was limited.
participate well.
Total: 4 marks (1 mark) (2 marks) (3 marks) (4 marks)

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