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mod. M-4/EV




Carefully follow the instructions contained in this handbook as they supply important
indications on the safety of the installation, use and maintenance.

Keep this handbook at hand for any further help.

Refer to the present handbook for the characteristics of the machine.

After the packaging has been removed, set all accessories in order so that they are not lost and
check the equipment integrity. In particular, check that the equipment is integral and shows
no visible damage.

Before connecting the equipment, be sure that the rating correspond to the one of the
electrical distribution network. (the rating is fixed to the same equipment)

The power supply cables must be set so that they cannot be trodded upon or squeezed by
objects. In case of incompatibility between the socket and the plug of the equipment, the
socket must be changed with a suitable one by highly qualified personnel. The last must
check that the cable section of the socket is dimensioned according to the power absorbed by
the equipment. It is not suggested to use adapters or multiple sockets; when these are used
they must fit the actual safety regulations.

On the equipment, there are some slots or opening for the ventilation; to ensure a reliable
operation and to protect the equipment from overheating, they must not be blocked or
covered. This equipment must be in such a position to enable a proper aeration.

Do never set the equipment on trolleys, supports, tripods, stirrups o unstable tables. The
equipment could fall causing damages to the collided persons or it can damage itself Any
installation of the equipment must follow the instructions of the manufacturer and must be
carried out using recommended accessories.

This equipment must be employed only for the use it has been conceived, i.e. as educational
equipment, and must be used under the direct survey of expert personnel. Any other use is
unproper and so dangerous. The manufacturer cannot be considered responsible for eventual
damages due to unproper, wrong or unreasonable uses.

y and the equipment operation, when using electrical
equipment some fundamental rules must be followed. In particular the following regulation
for use must be followed:
Ambient temperature: from 0 to 45°C.
Relative humidity: from 20 to 80 %.
Avoid any quick shift of temperature and humidity.

The system, included the power supply cable, must be used in a place without or distant from:
dust, humidity, high heat, objects radiating heat, liquids or corrosive substances.

Power supply: those reported on the label

Fuses: only those indicated in the related electrical diagram.

To prevent contact against the electrical parts, do not open the equipment, in case of need,
only qualified personnel can do it. Before carrying out any maintenance operation, disconnect
the equipment from the power supply network.

In case of fault and/or bad operation, turn off the equipment and do not tamper it. In case of
reparation, ask the center for technical assistance or ask exclusively original spare parts. If
these conditions are not respected, the equipment can be compromised.

All the necessary connections to control an electrical motor must be carried out with
equipment off and using proper cables with 4mm-plug.

In case the protection fuses must be changed, first of all remove the power supply cables from
the network socket. To disconnect the cable, take it only from the plug. Do not pull the cable.

In case of penetration of objects or liquids inside the equipment, disconnect the power supply
cable and make it checked by qualified personnel before using again.


Use a soft and dry cloth to clean the container and the silk screen panel. Do never use
insecticide or chemical products or solvents for cleaning.

Be careful not to cause vibrations or collisions.

These apparatuses and all their parts will be disposed of separately

from the other wastes. At the end of their lifetime, these apparatuses
will be conveyed to the proper centres of separate collection of waste.
A proper separate collection ensures that the eliminated apparatuses
will undergo the necessary treatment and recycling for preventing any

Illegal disposal of the product by the user involves the application of

administrative sanctions referred to Italy, in D.Lgs. no. N. 152/2006
art. 255 and 256, as amended; and directive 2008/98/EC of the
european parliament and of the council of 19 November 2008
For states outside the European Union comply with local laws.

As the other electrical rotating machines, the asynchronous machine

consists of two main parts: the external fixed part, that is, a hollow
cylinder similar to the stator of alternators, including also the
mechanical structure (stator): it is used as support and centering; and
the internal cylindrical part (coaxial to the first one), called rotor. This
is mounted on a shaft. This shaft is supported by two bearings equipped
with driveheads and shields centred and fixed on the two fronts of the

Stator and rotor are separated by an air gap of constant thickness which
has a relatively low value, with respect to that of alternators, as it is
required for a good operation of the machine. As in alternators, the
stator magnetic pack is laminated according to planes perpendicular to
the shaft of the machine and is provided with slots along the internal
periphery towards the air gap. Also the rotor is laminated and consists
of a pack of ring sheets. These sheets are centred and tightened by a
mechanical structure: one kind of bush, fixed to the shaft. Also the
rotor is provided with radial slots arranged along the external periphery
towards the air gap.
Both the stator and rotor slots are designed to contain the windings of
stator and rotor.
Like the other electrical machines, also the asynchronous machines can
operate both as asynchronous motors and as asynchronous generators.
These machines are called asynchronous because, differently from the

synchronous machines, they can never rotate at synchronous speed, but
at a speed which varies together with the load: starting from a value
very near the synchronous value in no-load operation, this speed
reaches a value different of some percent in full-load operation.

In asynchronous motors, speed is lower than the synchronous one,

whereas in synchronous generators, it is higher.

The absolute slip or slip speed is equal to the difference



represents the known number of synchronous revolutions (i.e.: that of

the synchronous machine with equal frequency and number of poles); n
is the actual number of revolutions of the rotor.
The relative slip (its value is often indicated in percent) is calculated
through the ratio:

Moreover, the slip speed and the relative speed are positive or negative,
according to whether the asynchronous machine operates as motor or as

Without considering the cases of machines of small or very small

power, the asynchronous machines are usually three-phase and,
consequently, also their stator winding (usually that connected to the
energized network, both when operating as motor and as generator) is
three-phase. Also the rotor has its own winding, electrically insulated
from the stator winding, but the rotor winding is not necessarily three-
phase, provided it has the same pole number of the stator winding.
Therefore, the rotor winding can be two-phase, three-phase, or it can
have a higher number of phases, as in the particular case in which it
merely consists of a cage.

The construction of asynchronous machines is simpler than that of

synchronous machines. In fact, asynchronous machines do not require
particular devices for excitation; the line to which these machines are
connected must have its voltage generated by at least one synchronous
machine and supplies them three magnetizing currents. The three
currents crossing the respective phases of the stator winding generate
the magnetic field which rotates at the synchronous speed stated for the
operation of this class of machines.

When operating as motor, the machine absorbs the necessary
magnetizing power from the mains and, at the same time, it also
absorbs the electric power which is transformed into mechanical power
(excluding the efficiency). On the contrary, when operating as
generator, the machine absorbs the magnetizing power for its excitation
from the mains and delivers the electric power transformed from the
mechanical power received by the driving motor, to the same mains.

But, with proper construction arrangements (without modifying its

structure substantially), the asynchronous machine can be used, not
only as motor and as generator, but also as voltage variator, phase
variator, frequency transformer and converter of the phase number.
Therefore, due to its versatility, the asynchronous machine is of
universal use.
However, the asynchronous machine is generally used as motor. In fact,
approx. 90% of the motors used in the industries are asynchronous.
This is due to their construction simplicity, stoutness, rather low cost,
several operation advantages.

Asynchronous motors can bear even very high (if instantaneous)

overloads. On the contrary, synchronous motors fall out of step and
stop when they are overloaded beyond the stability limits.
Asynchronous motors cannot be used in some applications because
their speed cannot be controlled with direct, simple and convenient
system. Therefore, asynchronous motors are not used in the cases when
a strictly constant speed is necessary, or when the required speed must
be controlled, when necessary, without any particular device.
The machine mod. M-4 has a closed structure equipped with a fan for
external cooling, on the generator side.

The armature winding (stator) consists of three distinct series of

insulated coils constructed with a conductor whose section is suitable to
the current absorbed by the motor in full-load operation. The coils are
arranged within slots and are respectively connected to the terminals
U1-U2; V1-V2; W1-W2. The squirrel-cage rotor consists of a series of
aluminium bars: the aluminium is melted and pressure-injected directly
into the channels and the slots prearranged in the metal mould to obtain
the short-circuit front rings.

The magnetic core of the rotor consists of a cylindrical pack of sheets

to avoid the generation of stray currents.

a) Using an ohmmeter or the instruments available in the laboratory,
identify the terminals corresponding to beginning and end of each
phase of the armature winding and check that there is no electrical
continuity between the phases.
b) Is there electrical continuity between the armature winding and the
metal frame of the machine ?

4.1 Measurement of the resistance of the machine windings

This measurement can be carried out at the terminals of the machine

(arranged on the upper part of the bench) with bridge system or
voltammeter method; in this last case, the d.c. power supply can be
given by the d.c. variable line of the bench.

Connect the terminals of the d.c. line inserting a suitable ammeter and a
voltmeter, as well as a control rheostat, across the terminals
corresponding to the resistance to be measured.
Fig. 1 shows this connection with respect to the stator winding of the
asynchronous motor.

fig. 1 Diagram for the measurement of the resistance of the winding of

the asynchronous motor
1: voltmeter before the ammeter 2: voltmeter after the ammeter

Close the switch of the d.c. line; then act on the variator and on the
rheostat to obtain the desired current value I1. This value must not
exceed the rated current capacity of the line and it must be lower than
the rated current of the winding under examination. Then, read the
voltage V11 on the voltmeter and calculate the resistance through the


Repeat the measurement for the other two pairs of terminals obtaining
R12 and R13.

Remember that both in the case of star connection and delta connection
of the machine phases, the average resistance of an equivalent star
phase is determined through the sum of the three measured resistances,
divided by six, that is:

1 2 3

This result can be brought to 75°C:


ta is the ambient temperature at which the test has been carried out; it
can be measured with a normal thermometer. In fact, as the test is quick
and the involved current very weak, with respect to the rated one, the
temperature of the windings would not be very different from the
ambient temperature; o is the temperature coefficient of the material
under examination (usually copper: o = 0,00426 1/°C).
Another formula is:

Rf 75° = Rf [1 + t (75 - ta)]


Consequently, for the copper:

Instruments and equipment used in the test

Fig. 4.1 shows the electric diagram:

Power supply: variable line (0 to 500Vd.c.);
R: control rheostat 3 x (50 ohm - 500W) (in this case, only one
section of 50 ohm is used);
A: ammeter 2-4A;
V: voltmeter 250-500V;
Machine mod. M-4/EV.

a) Disconnect the terminals U2-V2-W2 and repeat the measurement
of resistance across the terminals U1-U2, V1-V2, W1-W2.
b) Are the three resistances measured across each phase of the
armature winding equal ?
c) Power supplying each phase with the voltage of 220V a.c., which
should be the generated current ?
d) Connect the terminals U1-W2, V1-U2, W1-V2 (delta connection)
and repeat the measurement of resistance across the terminals U1-
V1, V1-W1, W1-U1.
e) Compare the values measured with the star connection with those
measured with the delta connection.

4.2 No-load test of the three-phase asynchronous cage motor

The test consists in determining the values of the no-load losses Po and
of the no-load current Io, versus the voltage applied to the machine

fig. 2 No-load test of the three-phase asynchronous motor: no-load

losses and current VS the applied voltage

Once uncoupled the motor, prearrange a measuring circuit including

three ammeters, one to three voltmeters, a frequency meter and two
wattmeters, Aron-connected (figure 3 ), in the supply circuit of the
motor (for instance, between the three output terminals of the supply
line and the three terminals of the motor).

The power supply (obviously with variable voltage) can be given from
the three-phase variable line (0 to 430V a.c. - 3A). So, the motor can be
started with variable voltage. The three-phase starting rheostat is not
Starting from a voltage approx. 20% higher than the rated one, measure

for various ever-decreasing values of the supply voltage, until the speed
of the machine is considerably decreased (usually, at approx. 20% of
the rated voltage).

fig. 3 Diagram for the measurement of the no-load characteristics of
the three-phase asynchronous cage motor

Starting from these values transcribed on proper tables, it is possible to

plot the already mentioned diagrams (fig.2).

Moreover, the iron losses can easily be separated from the mechanical
losses thanks to a diagram representing the no-load losses (fig. 4.4)
versus the square of the voltage. Remember that the no-load losses can
be calculated through the algebraic sum of the values measured by the
two wattmeters:

Po = P13 P23

As the load is highly inductive, the wattmeter P23 gives negative

indications. However, as the power factor is low , it is better to use two
wattmeters with cos equal to one.

The value of no-load current is determined by the arithmetic mean of

the three currents measured by the ammeters:

Then, the power factor is determined by the formula:

fig.4 Separation of the mechanical and iron losses in the no-load test
of the asynchronous motor

Instruments and equipment used in the test

Fig. 3 shows the electric diagram:

Power supply: three-phase variable line (0 to 430V a.c.);
A: moving-iron ammeter 2-4A;
V: moving-iron voltmeter 250-500V;
W: electrodynamic wattmeter 2-4A/250-500V;
Machine mod. M-4/EV;
Electronic digital counter.

4.3 Test of short circuit, or with blocked rotor, of the three-phase asynchronous motor

The test consists in determining the behaviour of the voltage applied to

the machine and the absorbed power versus the current crossing it when
the machine is in those particular conditions corresponding to the short
circuit, for a motor, that is, with blocked rotor.

The rotor must be blocked by the proper blocking module available in

the laboratory. The diagram of the test is equal to the previous one (see
fig. 4.3 ), but the ranges of the instruments can be different.

Also the power supply can be given from the three-phase variable line
(0 to 430V a.c. - 3 A); the voltage and, consequently, the current can be
varied adjusting the three-phase voltage variator of this line.

Consequently, the test is carried out like the previous one. At first, a
current equal to the rated one (or even 20% higher) must cross the line
of the motor; measure the supply voltage and read the indications of the

As the test must be carried out quickly to prevent the excessive heating
of the machine, take few other readings for gradually decreasing
currents. Four or five values are sufficient; in fact, the short-circuit
voltage vs the current is represented by a straight line and power has a
parabolic sketch. Therefore, it is not difficult to plot the other straight
line corresponding to the power vs the square of the current (fig.5 and

fig. 5 Short-circuit test of the asynchronous motor: short-circuit losses

and voltage vs the current absorbed by the motor

fig. 6 Short-circuit test of the asynchronous motor: short-circuit losses

vs the square of the current

As the power factor of the machine is generally equal to approx. 0,5, it
is better to use a wattmeter with low power factor, in position P23.

If the test is not carried out quickly and, consequently, the temperature
is not kept constant, it is better to measure the temperature immediately
after the end of the test, to know the starting point to bring the result to

Therefore, use the circuit already described for the resistance

measurement; once carried out the test, repeat the resistance
measurement of the phases of the motor: the result is a new value
which is higher than the previous one, that is:

1 2 3

At the end of the short-circuit test, the temperature can be calculated

through the known formula:

Then, starting from Tx, the values (and eventually the diagrams) can be
brought to 75°C.

Instruments and equipment used in the test

Use the same instruments listed in the paragraph 4.2, except the
electronic digital counter which is not necessary in this test.


a) What is the per cent value of the short-circuit current ?

b) Which would be the value of the current with blocked
rotor, applying the rated voltage to the armature ?

4.4 Direct measurement of the main operating characteristics of the three-phase
asynchronous motor, through test with the dynamometer.

The test should be carried out once reached the operating temperature
of the machine under examination.

Fig. 7 shows the diagram of the test. The necessary instruments are an
ammeter, a voltmeter, a frequency meter (unnecessary, if the power
supply is given from the mains) and two Aron-connected wattmeters
(P13 and P23).

fig. 7 Diagram for the measurement of the load-operation characteristics of the three-phase
asynchronous cage motor

The ammeter and the voltmeter are connected to the supply circuit of
the dynamometer, to check that the rated values are not exceeded.
The measuring circuit of the motor can also include three voltmeters (to
check the symmetry of the supply voltage) and three ammeters (to
check the balance of the motor phases).
When the motor starts, the three-phase starting rheostat must be
inserted completely, to obtain the maximum starting torque and the
minimum absorbed current; then it is immediately disconnected.

However, before starting, the two machines are uncoupled and the
motor under examination, power supplied by the three-phase line with
rated (or nearly rated) voltage, is started in no-load condition; then, the
starting rheostat is short-circuited.

In these conditions, the motor absorbs a power Po (equal to the sum of

the mechanical iron and copper losses; copper losses are negligible)
from the mains. These values can be measured with the tw Aron-
connected wattmeters.

Then the motor stops and the initial balancing of the dynamometer

the scale of the measuring arm, to check that, with this system of
double rail (instead of the two arms coming out of the stator), the
balancing with counterweight is not necessary.

In fact, the zero of the scale is almost surely on the vertical axis
crossing the centre of gravity of the machine, that is, the locus of the
points where the application of a weight can never generate any torque.
Very small inclinations of the arm can eventually be corrected shifting
the smaller weight set on the upper part of the rail. But check that these
inclinations are not due to the indifference of balance of the system:
this is always possible for the passive frictions of brushes and bearings.

This condition can be checked through the index set on the generator.
In this condition, the generator (with load and field circuits open) is
coupled with the motor under test and driven to rotate at rated speed.

Then, the generator armature has an inclination in the rotation

direction, due to its mechanical losses (friction on brushes and
bearings); the ventilation losses are negligible: in fact, great part of
these losses cannot generate any effective torque for the swinging stator
provoking only air circulation.

expressed in m, so that the armature is bala

and is used to overcome the friction losses of the generator.

Fixing the speed at the rated value no (r.p.m.), the power Pa, lost for
friction in the bearings, can easily be calculated through the known

Pa is expressed in W.
As already explained, the ventilation losses are omitted in this

On the other hand, considering the measuring circuit of the motor, the

indications of the two wattmeters, corresponds to the sum of all the

considered powers, that is, the no-load losses of the motor determined
in the first measurement, plus the friction and ventilation losses of the

When calculating the no-load losses Po of the motor, generally the

increase of copper losses can be omitted. Therefore, the ventilation
losses can easily be determined through the difference with the values
already calculated, that is:

- (Po + Pa)

These losses must be considered when they become remarkable and the
measuring circuit is sensitive enough to measure them.
These losses, transmitted from the motor to the dynamometer (but
absent in the torque generated by the stator balancing), must always be
summed to the losses which are progressively determined as the
generator load increases.

Once carried out these preliminary operations, the weight could be

changed, if necessary. In fact, the operations for the determination of
the friction losses must be carried out with a rather small weight, to
obtain reliable results. Therefore, in a normal two-arm dynamometer,
the set should stop and the initial balancing of the brake should be
repeated with the new weight , dimensioned to obtain the maximum
power necessary to the test, with the maximum arm length.

In this case, it is sufficient to put this weight on the zero of the scale
without stopping the machines and without counterweighing.
The test can also be carried out starting with small weights, for the
measurement of the lowest transmitted powers. Then, change the
weight acquiring higher measuring sensitivity, without stopping and
balancing the set at every change of weight.

The operator can choose the method which best meets his needs.
Starting from this moment, the speed must decrease as the load
increases and it can be checked through a stroboscopic lamp: this lamp
can be synchronized with the mains frequency. The speed can also be
measured with the electronic digital counter.

unbalancing the stator in the direction apposite to the motion.
The balancing is carried out closing the armature circuit of the
generator on the minimum load (load rheostat with maximum
resistance). Then, close the inductor circuit which is slowly excited to
regulate the torque, necessary to balance the structure again.

This operation must be carried out slowly, without exceeding the

balance point, to obtain reliable results.

At this point, measure voltage, current and power absorbed by the

(r.p.m.). Shift the weight several times repeating the described

operations and measuring the above-mentioned quantities every time.
Transcribe the measured values on a table where some columns must
be reserved to the following values:
torque, expressed in jule per radian:

C = 9,81·p·b+Cv;

where Cv is the torque corresponding to the ventilation losses:

power delivered by the motor, expressed in W:

collecting the constants, the result is:

Pd = 1,027·p·b·n+Pv;

power absorbed by the motor, expressed in W:

Pabs = P13 + P23;

motor efficiency:

Plot the obtained results on a diagram versus the absorbed current, so

that the operating characteristics of the motor can be analyzed.
Moreover, starting from these characteristics, also the mechanical
characteristic of the machine under test, that is, torque versus speed
(limited to the stability zone of the machine), can be plotted.

As regards the measurement of power, remember that, in no-load

operation and with weak loads (in any case, for power factors of the
load lower than 0,5), the wattmeter P23 gives negative indications.
Consequently, the voltmetric coil of the wattmeter must be reversed, to
read the power indicated by the wattmeter, considered with its negative
sign. Once exceeded the cos 0,5, the wattmeter indication is positive,
so the voltmetric coil can be arranged in the right position again.

Also the power factor can be calculated with the wattmeters; for this,
calculate the value:

which is used to calculate the power factor through the known formula:

The power factor can also be calculated with the proper nomograph
included in any book of electrical measurements. But, as the load is
balanced, it is better to use this formula:

The measurement of slip is particularly important for asynchronous

motors. Measuring the speed with the already explained methods, each
measurement gives a speed n. If no is the synchronous speed, equal to:

slip can be calculated through this formula:

This measurement is carried out through stroboscopic lamp and its

result is already equal to the difference no - n (if the lamp is
synchronized with the mains), that is, it corresponds to the absolute slip
so: this value, divided by no, gives the above-mentioned slip S:

Instruments and equipment used in the test

Fig. 7 shows the electric diagram:

Power supplies:
armature of the asynchronous motor: three-phase fixed line of 380 V
10 A; dynamometer field: fixed line of 220 V d.c. 3 A;
A: moving-iron ammeter 2-4 A;
V: moving-iron voltmeter 250-500 V;
W: electrodynamic wattmeter 2-4 A/250-500 V;
RA : motor-starting rheostat 3x(500 W 50 ohm);
RD : field rheostat of the dynamometer: (500 W 5000 ohm);
RC: load rheostat of the dynamometer mod. RL-1/EV;
IC : switch for the separation of the load;
Machine mod. M-4/EV;
Machine mod. M-12/EV
Electronic digital counter.


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