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Foundation University College of Nursing

1st Quarterly Exam (Batch 2021-2023)

Objective MCQs
Program: DSA Student Name: ________
Course Title: Microbiology Roll No: __________
Subject Teacher: Tauqeer Ahmed Max Marks: [30]
Time Allowed: 45 mins Date: 19 January, 2023

Attempt all the MCQs.

Q1- Which of the following statement corresponds correctly to the bacterial cell wall
A) Cell wall lies internal to cell membrane C) Cell wall is the site of action of antibiotics
B) Cell wall is multimolecular structure D) Cell wall impedes the transfer of
Q2- Antibodies are:
A) Produced by plasma cells C) Effective against fungi and parasites
B) Part of cell mediated immunity D) Produced by Helper T cells
Q3- Resistance transferred from mother to fetus or infant through placenta ( transplacentally)
and through milk ( colostrum ) is an example of
A) Natural Active Immunity C) Natural Passive Immunity
B) Artificial Active Immunity D) Artificial Passive Immunity
Q4- Innate immunity is:
A) Inborn immunity C) Passive acquired immunity
B) Active acquired immunity D) Acquired after many years of birth
Q5- Following statement is TRUE for autoclave:
A) Sterilization is carried out under C) Operated between 50°C to 250/300°C
pressure at 121ºCfor 15 minutes D) Works on the principle of dry heat
B) Sterilizes by heating at 80-85° C for half sterilization
an hour for 3 successive days
Q6- All of the following materials are sterilized by means of autoclaving EXCEPT
A) Sugar set C) Milk
B) Glucose saline D) Bandages
Q7-Major member of the normal flora of skin is:
A) Staphylococcus epidrmidis C) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
B) Streptococcus pyogenes D) E.coli
Q8- Following characteristics regarding normal microbial flora are correct EXCEPT
A) The flora microorganisms are present C) Normal flora of one individual of one
intermittently site is different from the same site in
B) Normal flora of one site may be another individual
pathogenic for other site D) Normal flora are always helpful for an
Q9- A series of events has to happen to enable pathogens to cause infections in a person is
known as
A) Chain of transmission C) Chain of entry
B) Chain of infection D) Chain of protection
Q10- Droplet isolation is indicated for which of the following:
A) Covid 19 C) Hepatitis B
B) Hepatits A D) MRSA
Q11- Sterilization is the process in which:
A) Only bacteria are removed C) All living organisms are removed either
B) Viruses are removed Vegetative or endospores
D) Spores are removed only
Q12- Personal Protective Equipments include
A) Watch, bracelet C) Shoes, clothes
B) Mask, Gloves D) Stethoscopes
Q13- Infection control Team members includes all EXCEPT
A) An infection control doctor C) A infection control sweeper
B) A Pharmacist D) Infection control Nurse
Q14- who discovered the antibiotic penicillin?
A) Antony Van Leeuwenhook C) Edward janer
B) James paget D) Alexander Fleming
Q15- Who discovered the sterilization technique, steam sterilization, hot air oven and
A) Edward jenner C) Louis Pasteur
B) Lister D) Nall and ruska
Q16- The causative agent responsible for dengue is:
A) Aedes aegypti C) P. falciparum
B) Arbovirus D) None of above
Q17- HIV Virus belongs to which family?
A) Toga virus C) Rhabdovirus
B) Retrovirus D) Hepanda virus
Q18- Asepsis means:
A) Freedom from infection C) Freedom from environmental pollution
B) Freedom from sterility D) Freedom from anxiety
Q19- The term pathogens means:
A) Microorganisms which cause disease C) Microorganism which are beneficial for
B) Microorganisms that inhibit disease us
D) Microorganisms which suppress disease
Q20- The most important aspect of aseptic technique is:
A) Hand washing C) Gloves
B) Gown technique D) Mask
Q21- The term CSSD stands for:
A) Central supply sterile department C) Central sterile supply department
B) Central storage supply department D) Central supply storage department
Q22- Which is NOT sign of inflammation?
A) Pain C) Sweating
B) Redness D) Swelling
Q23- The energy house of the human body cell is:
A) Cytoplasm C) Mitochondria
B) Golgi bodies D) Nucleus
Q24- The most effective practical way of sterilization is:
A) Boiling C) Gamma Rays
B) Autoclaving D) Alpha Rays
Q25- Cell mediated immunity is mainly carried out by:
A) T cells C) Macrophages
B) B cells D) Monocytes
Q26- Which of the following is the largest immunoglobulin?
A) IgA C) IgG
B) IgE D) IgM
Q27- The most abundant immunoglobulin is:
A) IgA C) IgG
B) IgE D) IgM
Q28- Where do T-lymphocytes develop into fully competent but not activated T-cells?
A) The thymus gland C) The thyroid gland
B) The lymph nodes D) The bone marrow
Q29- Which of the following antibody first reaches the site of infection?
A) IgA C) IgG
B) IgE D) IgM
Q30- Antibody present in secretions like tears & saliva is:
A) IgA C) IgG
B) IgE D) IgM
Foundation University College of Nursing
1st Quarterly Exam (Batch 2021-2023)
Subjective SEQs
Program: DSA Student Name: ________
Course Title: Microbiology Roll No: __________
Subject Teacher: Tauqeer Ahmed Max Marks: [20]
Time Allowed: 60 mins Date: 19 January, 2023

Attempt all the questions

Q1- Explain the types of Immunity? [5 Marks]

Q2- Explain the types and functions of antibodies found in the human body? [5 Marks]

Q3- Discuss the types of common sterilization methods? [5 Marks]

Q4- Differentiate between prokaryotes and eukaryotes? [5 Marks]

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