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Asia's agriculture is known the world over. Historically, agriculture has been
the most important economic sector. Rice is the foundation of the
agricultural industry and is the main export commodity of rice from the
countries of Asia to the rest of the world, but other important agricultural
commodities such as fruits, vegetables, and coffee , rubber and cashew
nuts also contributed significantly. The issue of government interference in
Asia's food supply has long been a source of controversy. In my view, the
Government has come up with a possible solution to the problem of rice
export and producer prices, which has greatly improved the situation. On
the other hand, the government's response is hampered by problems with
traffic and prices. The Vietnamese government must make more efforts to
find financial solutions.

Keywords: Government intervention, production, export.

I. Introduction

Asia is known as a leading country in terms of rice production and quality,

leading in the world. However, recently, products are widely considered to
be too expensive compared to product quality. Since the product is a
concern for consumers' health, the government has embarked on an
investigation into the source of these sky-high-priced shoddy products. This
article will clarify the problem of poor quality rice that is too expensive with
four main parts. First, we will have to find out when this problem occurs,
next we have to find out why it is possible to produce such poor products
but also charge high prices, solutions from government to eliminate
products that are harmful to human health and economy and ultimately to
make judgments and conclusions. This needs to be thoroughly resolved by
the government because it greatly affects the health and life of the people.
II.Rationale of research
This research is important because if left unaddressed, these products will
affect human health and life. Of course, this has to be solved by the
government to come up with solutions to prevent this problem from
happening again.
III. In-depth and critical analysis
1. current affairs
- The export price of rice is too high
- Poor product quality
- Affect human health and life
2. possible cause
- Due to the covid-19 epidemic
- Because people are materialistic, they don't care about product quality but
only care about profits.
- Due to high shipping costs
- High tax price
3. Contemporary solutions
- The government needs to be more strict in sanctioning cases of illegally
raising the price of low-quality rice
- Rice needs to be checked carefully before import and export
- Tax price should have a reasonable price
- Shipping costs need to be more reasonable
IV. Evaluation
1. Strengths
The demand for rice quality of the market is increasingly changing in the
direction that besides beautiful and delicious designs, it also requires safety
and hygiene. Meanwhile, price and origin are issues that the rice industry still
faces many difficulties. The same rice variety but produced in different
regions will give different quality. Therefore, in order to determine the quality
of rice, the rice industry needs to meet the above criteria, which is very
- Such sanction will make exporters psychologically afraid
- Thorough inspection, there will be no more poor quality goods
- Taxes and shipping costs are reduced, so workers will not increase the
price of products any more
2. weakness
Although there are many strong points, it is still not possible to completely
solve these problems 100% of the time
V. Conclusion
In summary, the above study shows that rice problems such as price and
poor quality affect human health and life. This research has given solutions
to change in quality as well as the price of exported rice. In addition, this
will be the government intervention to solve thoroughly. However, although
the solutions have many strengths, there are still some weaknesses

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