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éx Dean Elkholy @ Productivity is the key to success. But 99% of people haven’t mastered fa Let’s put you in the 1%. 20 strategies and mindsets that’ll help you do more work in less time: r& Dee tas) Pan Mateo Uae Ol If something takes 2 minutes or less, don’t plan it. Do it immediately with no consideration of procrastination. r& Pern a rae) 2. The 1-1-1 System Every year, pick 1 goal that really matters to you. Then, work on it for 1 hour a day for 1 whole year. r& Pee tas) 3. Time Blocking Work deeply in one block, take a break block, then repeat. 25-90 minutes on and 5-30 minutes off is the common range. r& Pee tas) 4. The Pomodoro Technique This is a specific kind of time blocking. It says to work 25 minutes, take a break for 5, and repeat. r SY Dean Elkholy @ 5. The Eisenhower Matrix No need to explain. This chart says it 1B Urgent Less Urgent Q) Q) Do Now Schedule Important © @ Less Delegate Delete =. 5 = Ss S = r& Pee tas) 6. The 80/20 Rule In many cases, 80% of our results come from 20% of our actions. Find those high-leverage actions and focus on them the most. r& Pee tas) 7. Deep Work Deep work helps you be twice as productive with the time you have. Research and experiment with it until you master it. r& Pee tas) 8. Physical Health = Focus Focus isn’t just about tactics, it’s about health. The better you treat your body, the more productive you’ll be. E&Y Dean Elkholy @ 9. Mental Health = Focus The same goes for mental health. The happier and less anxious you are, the better you’ll work. r& Pee tas) 10. Second Brain Turn an app (like Notion) into an extension of your brain. Write down systems, ideas, reminders, to-do lists, and more. E&Y Dean Elkholy @ 11. 3-3-3 To-Do Lists If you don’t know how to construct your to-do list, try this: 3 crucial tasks, 3 moderately- important tasks, and 3 less-important ones. E&Y Dean Elkholy @ seme) eM laret-ln ola | call the combination of physical and mental health your “state.” Track your state, experiment with it, and optimize it until it’s as good as possible. r& Pee tas) 13. The Seinfeld Strategy If a goal is extremely important, never miss a day. Do it every day, even if you spend just 5 minutes on it. r& Pee tas) 14. Parkinson's Law "Work expands to fill the time available for its completion." Try giving yourself bold deadlines and seeing if you work better. r& Pee tas) 15. Single-Tasking Multi-tasking is a bad idea for 99% of people. Instead, work on just one thing at a noe r& Pee tas) 16. Eat The Frog Try doing your most difficult task first thing in the morning. Then you don’t have to think about it and can enjoy the rest of your day. éx Dean Elkholy @ 17. Restful Breaks A lot of people take breaks from work by browsing social media, which is somewhat stressful. Take truly restful breaks instead: exercise, walks outside, meditation, etc. r& Pee tas) 18. Limit Checking Checking your phone and email le) t- melee in Limit how much you check and, if you can, turn notifications off. E&Y Dean Elkholy @ 19. Reflect & Adjust Whatever your productivity system is now, it could probably be better. Once a month or so, reflect on your current systems and improve them if you can. E&Y Dean Elkholy @ 20. Work On The Right Things You can force productivity to a degree, but it’ll be difficult if you hate what you’re doing. Try to work on projects that inspire you (or at least interest you). Ex Denes tas) That’s everything. If you enjoyed this post: 1. Follow me 2. Give it a like 3. Leave a quick reply 4. Repost it to your network Thanks for reading!

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