Test B1

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Talk ID : halynh
Email :kpassacademy@gmail.com

B1- Pre-Intermediate English Level Test

1. It____When they went out.
a. was raining
b. rained
c. was to rain
d. is raining
2. Did you____TV last night?
a. see
b. listen
c. watch
d. look at

3. That’s the hotel ____We had lunch.

a. that
b. which
c. what
d. where
4. Diana ____. Some wine when she went to France.
a. buyed
b. boot
c. bought
d. did buy

5. I don’t get ____ very well with my brother.

a. by
b. from
c. on
d. to
Phone : (+84) 914538799
Talk ID : halynh
Email :kpassacademy@gmail.com

6. Tom always____golf on Sundays.

a. is plays
b. to play
c. plays
d. play
7. Mary____ A key when she was cleaning her car.
a. finded
b. was finding
c. founded
d. found
8. ____I worked hard, I didn’t pass the test.
a. Because
b. So
c. But
d. Although
9. My parents____ to stay with us next week.
a. are coming
b. coming
c. is coming
d. comes
10.Come on, it’s time____.
a. go
b. we go
c. to go
d. going
11.Can you look ____.my dog this weekend?
a. away
b. up
c. after
d. with
Phone : (+84) 914538799
Talk ID : halynh
Email :kpassacademy@gmail.com

12.Who ____ the answer to this question?

a. knows
b. does know
c. know
d. does knows
13.When I got to work I remembered that ____ my mobile at home.
a. I left
b. I’d leave
c. I’d left
d. I was leaving
14.My father____be a builder.
a. was
b. use to
c. did use to
d. used to
15.I haven’t tidied my office____ .
a. since
b. just
c. already
d. yet
16.I can sing, but not as____as my sister..
a. good
b. better
c. well
d. best
17.That’s my money! Give____!
a. it
b. it back
c. back
d. back it
Phone : (+84) 914538799
Talk ID : halynh
Email :kpassacademy@gmail.com

18.Richard isn’t very good____.

a. at dancing
b. to dance
c. dancing
d. dance
19.I’m sure Canada isn’t as big____ Russia.
a. than
b. as
c. to
d. like
20.It’s important____too much alcohol.
a. not drink
b. not to drink
c. not drinks
d. not to drinking

1.a 2.c 3.d 4.c 5.c 6.c 7.d 8.d 9.a 10.c
11.c 12.a 12.b 14.d 15.d 16.c 17.b 18.a 19.b 20.b

If you score less than 50% correct then this level (B1)  can be a good course
level for you. 

If you score more than 50% correct then try a higher level test such as the B2. 

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